I received a letter this morning.
It had only two words: YOU WIN.
At first, I didn't know what it meant. After all, there was no return address on the letter. I wondered where it came from.
But it didn't take me long to know where it came from. Who it came from.
The news hit me at first, wondering if it was a joke and will would jump out of the hidden shadows and come at me. But then it slowly dawned on me that he was gone when more people knew, when the news became more popular, and soon everyone knew.
Currently, I am seated in the bedroom, the door on my back, knees pressed to my chest as I stare at the two words.
He is gone. I wanted that. I prayed for that and he finally is.
So why does it feel like I am the worst person in the world? I am no flower vase, I did mean it when I vowed to make sure would disappear from Lim's world. After all, he did cause a lot of problems for him.