
Chapter 18: The Speed of Change.

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From the outside, STAR Labs was already impressive, but seeing it up close was something else entirely. The building's sheer size was staggering, and I could only imagine the manpower required to maintain it. Eobard Thawne had been planning this moment for fifteen years, and I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when it all came crashing down.

"Wow," Wally marveled, trying to take in every detail of the building. "I knew it was going to be big, but I didn't expect this."

Protesters were gathered outside, chanting against the particle accelerator. I rolled my eyes; while they weren't wrong about the potential risks, their fears of a black hole swallowing Central City seemed a bit exaggerated.

"Why are they protesting?" Wally asked, puzzled. He had read books on quantum theory and was fascinated by the accelerator's potential to advance human knowledge.

"They think the accelerator might create a black hole," I explained.

Wally scoffed. "That's ridiculous."

"People are free to believe what they want, even if it's far-fetched," I said, walking toward the crowd where Dr. Wells was about to deliver his speech.

The speech was exactly like it had been in the show—nothing new or surprising. My attention, however, was drawn to Clifford DeVoe, aka The Thinker. I recalled how he had pushed Team Flash to their limits, taking Caitlin's powers, nearly killing Ralph, and stripping Harry of his intelligence. I wondered if he would still create the bus metas or if he would accelerate his plans.

**5 Minutes Until the Particle Accelerator Explosion**

"This is the last farm we need to search," Ralph said, frustration evident in his voice. He and Chyre had scoured the other farms without finding any trace of the Mardon brothers.

"Look, I know you said the kid's a genius, but sometimes it feels like he's chasing flying pigs," Chyre said rudely.

Ralph shot him a dangerous glare. "Listen carefully. I've never liked Chyre, so I'd keep my opinions to myself if I were you. Understood?"

Chyre gulped, recognizing the seriousness in Ralph's tone. "Understood."

Ralph smirked, satisfied with Chyre's response.

**1 Minute Until the Particle Accelerator Explosion**

I checked my timer. Just one minute left until everything would change. Wally had asked if he could stay the night at Joe's house, and Joe had agreed. Iris, on the other hand, was chasing a story, though Joe had warned her to be cautious. I was curious about the story that required her attention in the middle of the night. She wasn't hired by Central City News yet. I made sure Gideon had a list of people who would need help after the explosion.

I pulled out my biometric enhancer from my briefcase and strapped it on. With the V-10 serum ready, I prepared for the moment.

"Biometric enhancer primed and ready. Dark matter wave commencing in 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"

I watched as the dark matter wave approached.

I activated the enhancer and injected the V-10 serum as lightning struck me. The pain was excruciating—more than I had anticipated. I fought through it, but darkness consumed me.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself still in the CSI lab, not in a hospital bed. The lightning coursing through me had turned from orange to pure white, and time around me seemed to stand still. I was moving faster than the speed of light. Unlike the TV show's portrayal, I was not a typical speedster; I was Barry Allen, the fastest man alive.

I shook off the disorientation and focused on the task at hand. People outside needed my help.

I ran to where the Mardon brothers were hiding. The plane they had was frozen mid-air, just a few feet from crashing. I reached Ralph, who was trying to help Chyre. Realizing he wouldn't make it without immediate aid, I used his tie as a tourniquet to slow the bleeding and rushed him to the hospital.

I stumbled a few times but managed to find the hospital. I laid Chyre on a bed and made sure a doctor noticed his injuries.

Next, I found Griffin Grey, who was about to be hit by the dark matter wave. From the show, I knew he was a kid suffering from accelerated aging. I ran him far away from the city, ensuring the dark matter wave wouldn't reach him. Griffin had a bright future ahead, and I wasn't going to let it be stolen.

I located Vince and Dinah in a warehouse where their cover had been blown. I saw Dinah using her sonic cry and Vince in danger. I swatted away a bullet and then quickly transported Vince and Dinah to the hospital for their safety.

I dealt with the criminal who caused vertigo by making his henchmen knock each other out and then publicly embarrassed him, stripping him of everything.

Running to the power line station, I saved Blackout from being struck by lightning, managing to run up the tower and avoid the bolt.

At the football stadium, Jax was about to be hit by the dark matter wave. Despite my legs feeling like they were giving out, I rescued him and got him to safety.

I reached STAR Labs just in time to see Hartley attempting to sabotage the accelerator. He failed, and I found him in pain. I took him to the hospital, where the emergency room was overflowing.

As I returned to the CSI lab, exhaustion set in. I calculated the casualties: Mark and Mardon were classified as dead; Chyre, Dinah, Vince, Blackout, and others were saved, though I couldn't save everyone.

I arrived at the CSI lab just before collapsing from exhaustion, having made it through one of the most critical nights of my life.

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