
Pro Hero Blade


Four years. That's how long it's been since I showed up at UA. Four years since I got here, playing the role of a 15-year-old from the White Room.

Now? I'm a full-fledged Pro Hero called Blade. Not the most creative name, I know, but my first few options were shot down. I wanted something cool like Assassin or Archer, especially after adopting the name Shiro Emiya. Archer would've been perfect. But Midnight gave me one of her usual disapproving stares and said those names were too unoriginal. "Too edgy," she called them. What would she know about someone who once said 'People die when they are killed'.

Anyway, Blade stuck, and I rolled with it.

The White Room? Still a mystery to the public. Nezu and the pros had been investigating for years, but they never find it. Why? Because it doesn't exist. Not in this world, anyway. I let them chase shadows while I settled into my new life.

After graduating from UA, I went straight into working here as a teacher and part-time detective, which, if I'm being honest, was more work than I expected. You'd think being a Pro Hero would be the main job, right? Fight villains, save civilians, and look cool while doing it. But no. Working with Naomasa means I spend more time digging through evidence, interviewing witnesses, and solving cases than I do throwing punches or quantum blades.

Don't get me wrong detective work has its moments, but there are days where the cases are just so dull. The occasional high-profile villain or interesting puzzle keeps me going, though. You'd think with all the quirks running around, things would be more exciting, but no. Sometimes it's just long hours and dead ends.

But today? Today is different. Today is the UA entrance exam.

Class 1-A and Class 1-B—the future generation of heroes. Some of them I knew from the anime: Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki. I missed the recommendation exams because Naomasa needed me to handle a case, but no way was I going to miss this. I'd been looking forward to it for weeks.

After grabbing my coffee from the break room, I made my way to the observation room. The atmosphere was thick with excitement and anticipation. As I walked in, I greeted everyone.

'Aizawa, Mic, All Might, Midnight, Cementoss, Vlad King, Recovery Girl, Nezu, Power Loader, Snipe, Ectoplasm,' I listed them off in my head as I nodded to each in turn.

Present Mic, as usual, was the first to respond, a grin plastered on his face. "Yo! Blade, man, you excited for today? We got a good batch this year, I can feel it!"

I smiled, leaning against the wall, taking a sip of my coffee. "Yeah, looking forward to seeing the new kids in action."

Aizawa, standing next to Mic, gave me a side glance. "You sure you're awake enough for this? Thought detective work was eating up all your time."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, Aizawa. Some of us can handle multiple jobs, you know."

That earned me a rare smirk from him before he turned back to the screens. "Just don't fall asleep halfway through. I'll take it as a personal insult."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I shot back.

The room was buzzing with conversation as everyone settled into place. Nezu stood at the front, already flipping through notes on the incoming students. Midnight, seated a few chairs away, waved at me with a wink. "Good to see you again, Bladie. Try not to criticize my judgment too much today, okay?"

I chuckled. Midnight always had a flair for drama. "No promises, Midnight. I'll let you know if I think you're being too harsh."

She laughed softly. "As if I'd listen."

Just as we were about to begin, All Might—still in his buff form—clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Young Emiya! How has your day been so far?"

"Its been good so far, All Might," I answered, flashing a grin. "Let's see what these kids are made of."

As the exam began, the screens flickered to life, and we watched as the examinees entered the mock city. I recognized a few faces instantly: Bakugo, already glaring at anyone in his way, Izuku nervously standing by himself.

Present Mic, as expected, launched into his usual over-the-top commentary. "ALRIGHT, EVERYONE, LET'S GET STARTED! THIS IS WHERE THE FUTURE HEROES ARE MADE!"

Aizawa sighed, already tired of Mic's loud voice. "You know the mic is off and they can't hear you, right?"

Mic just waved him off. "Doesn't matter, Eraser! It's all about the vibe!"

The tests started, and as expected, Bakugo went all out, blasting through robots like they were nothing. "Kid's got a temper," I muttered, watching the explosions on screen. "But he's got the skills to back it up."

"That's Katsuki Bakugo," Cementoss commented while reading his student profile. "He's aggressive, but effective."

Midoriya, on the other hand, looked hesitant. I could almost feel the gears turning in his head as he strategized, trying to figure out how to get through the test without a quirk that would destroy his body. His muttering was obvious on screen, even if we couldn't hear the specifics.

"He's overthinking," I said, shaking my head. "Kid's smart, but he's going to wear himself out."

Nezu, ever the strategist, smiled knowingly. "Izuku Midoriya a late bloomer. It's just a matter of him controling it."

As the exam continued, a few of the lesser-known kids caught my eye. Itsuka Kendo, for one, seemed to be handling the test pretty well. "She's got good instincts," I noted. "Won't be a top scorer, but she's solid."

Vlad King grunted in agreement. "She'll do well in Class 1-B."

I kept watching, observing how each student handled the pressure. Some were clearly nervous, others overconfident, but that was normal. The true test would come later, when they were faced with actual life-or-death situations.

Then, the Zero-Pointer showed up. A massive, towering robot, crashing through the streets. I knew what was coming, and sure enough, most of the kids panicked and ran.

Except for one.

Izuku Midoriya.

I leaned forward, watching as he sprinted toward the danger, his face set in determination. "Here we go," I muttered.

Sure enough, Midoriya leapt into the air, using all his strength to deliver a punch so powerful it shattered his bones but took down the Zero-Pointer in one hit.

The room erupted into cheers, except for Aizawa, who just sighed. "Great. Another kid with no self-preservation instincts."

"Yeah, but he's got guts," I pointed out, sipping my coffee. "Kid's gonna be a hero one day, mark my words."

All Might, standing next to me, had a proud smile on his face. "Young Midoriya... you truly are something special."

As the exam wrapped up, we started reviewing the scores. Bakugo, as expected, was at the top, with Kirishima not far behind. Midoriya will scrap by with rescue points, but his determination had earned him a spot.

"Well," I said, stretching as the others started filing out of the room. "Looks like we've got a good batch this year. Should be interesting."

Aizawa grunted in agreement as he gathered his things. "Let's just hope they don't destroy the school in their first week."

I laughed. "Can't say much about that. I'll see you guys around."

As I headed back to my office, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. These kids were going to change the future of this world. And I, Blade no waite wrong name, And I Shiro Emiya was going to be there to watch it all unfold.

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