
Chapter 25: Let's Celebrate

[Third Person's PoV] 

A year later…

Nathan flew through a desolate, desert-like area, his hands pressed together as if in deep concentration. As he soared across the barren landscape, the ground beneath him began to transform—dry, cracked earth giving way to lush, green vegetation. From a distance, a fiery streak could be seen circling the lifeless planet, bringing with it the rebirth of life. Nathan, empowered by the Phoenix, was restoring the dying planet, turning it back into a thriving ecosystem.

When his task was complete, Nathan hovered in mid-air, surveying his work. The once barren landscape was now teeming with life. From a nearby cave, a group of aliens dressed in desert-like clothing cautiously emerged. Upon seeing the miracle Nathan had performed, they fell to their knees, bowing their heads in worship and gratitude, pressing their foreheads to the ground as they kowtowed.

Nathan, still floating above them, raised a hand with a reassuring smile, but then suddenly froze. His smile faded as a look of confusion crossed his face. He stared off into the distance, seemingly lost in thought.

"The old man… He's dead…" Nathan muttered in shock. Without hesitation, he blasted off into space, leaving the grateful aliens behind.

*"Well, that's an unexpected surprise,"* Phoebe's voice echoed in his mind.

"Tell me about it," Nathan responded, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Looks like it's time to celebrate."


On Earth's Moon, Luther was walking around his station, tending to plants with a bored expression. The silence was interrupted by the sound of a ringing phone, signaling an incoming call to the station. Confused, Luther put down the watering can and picked up the call.


"Oh, Pogo, what a surprise. What's the matter… What?" Luther's expression quickly changed from mild curiosity to horror as he listened to the news.


On Earth, under the cover of night, three robbers were breaking into a home. They failed to notice a figure in black clothing and a domino mask perched on the edge of a nearby building, watching them. Diego stood up, casually stepping off the ledge and plummeting to the ground. He controlled his descent, landing softly and silently.

Walking towards the broken-in house, Diego drew knives from his belt, flipping them in the air before catching them effortlessly. As he entered the house, he threw one knife, curving it mid-air to strike a man in the side of the head as he stuffed valuables into a bag. Another knife was thrown, this time curving to hit a second robber who was standing behind a family tied to chairs, their mouths gagged.

The third man, standing in front of the family, turned quickly, raising his gun in panic. But Diego disarmed him with ease, knocking him out with the back of the gun he had just taken. He turned to the family, offering a reassuring smile.

"You're all safe now…"

But before he could continue, Diego's attention was caught by the sound of a TV in the background. He froze, the world around him fading as he focused on the broadcast.

"Breaking news: Multi-billionaire found dead…"


Allison walked down a red carpet, wearing a stunning, long wine-red dress that trailed elegantly behind her. Cameras flashed in her direction, capturing her every move as she smiled for them, waving and twirling slightly to show off her dress. Her smile, however, slowly faded as her manager rushed over, whispering something urgent in her ear. Allison's expression grew serious, and she turned to walk away, ignoring the reporters who were now shouting questions at her.

"Tell us, how are you currently feeling about the passing of your father!?"

"Over here! Over here!"

But Allison paid them no mind, her thoughts elsewhere as she hurried away from the flashing lights.



Klaus, seated at a bar table with loud music pumping in the background, inhaled a line of white powder through one nostril. He sighed contentedly, wiping his nose.

"Now that's what I call some good stuff," Klaus muttered, his eyes twitching as they rolled back in his head. He collapsed backward, unresponsive.


When Klaus came to, he found himself in the back of an ambulance, a mask over his mouth. He took deep breaths, shuddering and chuckling in both pain and pleasure, but froze when he saw the image of his father plastered on the small TV in the ambulance.


Ben was sitting at the breakfast table as Jennifer set a plate of food in front of him.

"Come on, eat quickly. We have to open the diner in a few," Jennifer said, kissing his cheek before sitting down beside him.

Ben picked up the remote and turned on the TV, cutting into his pancakes. But before he could take a bite, he froze, shock evident on his face. Sensing his reaction, Jennifer turned to the TV as well, her expression mirroring his.

"Well, that's one way to start your morning," she muttered, recognizing the face of the man who had once imprisoned her.


Vanya walked into an empty auditorium, a violin case slung over her shoulder. She set it down carefully, removing the instrument and positioning it under her chin. The room was quiet as she began to play, the soft notes echoing through the space. She enjoyed practicing in such solitude, where nothing but her music filled the air.

As she played, she lost herself in the melody, only to be startled by the sound of loud clapping and whistling.

"Woohoo! Go Vanya!! Encore! Encore!" Nathan's voice echoed from the back of the auditorium.

Vanya's face turned bright red as she glared at Nathan, who was the sole audience member. "Shut it, Nathan!" she snapped, embarrassed.

Nathan chuckled, floating down to join her. "Sorry, I couldn't help it. It was too good of a moment to pass up."

Vanya sighed, slumping her shoulders as she began packing up her violin. "What are you doing here, Nate?" she asked, exasperated.

"I've come bearing great and fantastic news," Nathan said with a wide grin.

"Is Phoebe finally pregnant?" Vanya teased, raising an eyebrow.

"Not funny," Nathan replied, his expression turning serious for a moment before his grin returned. "Quite the opposite, actually."

Vanya tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"The old man is dead! Isn't that fantastic?" Nathan said, giving her a thumbs up.

"What?" Vanya gasped, her expression turning horrified as the weight of his words sank in.


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