
Chapter 16: Grim Reaper 2

Before the blonde's eyes, a white clad figure with black streaks suddenly appeared, dashing any doubts that Reaper did have a partner.

"I didn't think you're heart could still bleed, Reaper~," Grim purred standing some ways behind Judge and being right in front of the crying Sanji.

"I'd say you're late Grim, but some people love the sound of their voice," Reaper replied calmly, ignoring her teasing tone completely.

"Ain't that the truth! I hope you didn't miss me too much while I was gone... well besides that guy monologuing!" The Oni exclaimed and everyone could just tell she was grinning.

"I trust you heard everything?" he questioned.

"Oh definitely! This tall dude is trying his hardest to get the best Dad award! I'm sure the little blonde would agree with me," Grim's voice seemed to be constantly cheeky as she spoke and it was rather annoying for her enemies, especially when they were about to die!

Reiju was shocked to see another Reaper appear but this one was clad in all white. Unlike the cold, seemingly emotionless black clad figure, the white clad figure seemed to be bursting with emotion! Their actions and mannerisms were completely opposite to their obsidian partner!

Was this Grim? She was a bigger weirdo than Reaper was! They were both weirdos!

"Is this kid the reason you went so off the rails with the plan?" Grim asked in amusement. They didn't seem to be taking the situation remotely serious, despite being face to face with the head of the Vinsmoke family.

"Yes. His situation reminds me of the past," was all the Shinigami said.

"You've got sooo much to tell me when we leave," the Oni replied and her partner nodded.

"Who says you'll be leaving?" Judge asked critically, looking at the two. So Reaper did have a partner. There were rumors that he had one but public sightings of the Angel of Death always showed them by themselves so opinions were split.

Seems it was true.

"We already got what we came here for~," Grim sang. "You only know we're here because we showed ourselves, right?"

Judge was instantly put on guard as he heard that truthful statement. They were right, how long had the two been here?! Just what were they doing on Germa? Surely they weren't just here to free his useless , they had to have had an ulterior motive and Sanji just made their plans derail.

"What are you here for?" He demanded

"C'mon Judge-san," Grim tutted. "Why on Earth would we tell you that? That would ruin the surprise when you find out yourself!"

"It would be counterproductive if we told our enemy what we came here for," Reaper agreed. "Right now, we're simply playing distraction for a boy who has still not begun running."

Sanji snapped out of his shock at seeing two Reaper's.

"Get goin kid!" Grim said, patting him on his head. "You don't deserve this guy as a parent so go achieve your dreams without him! Fuck what he said about you! He's just an angry loser!"

Sanji tried to wipe his tears and nodded determinedly. Without hesitation, he ran off, tears still flowing. Reiju took a different route to meet up with her younger brother, desperate to tell him some parting words.

"Don't look back and keep running! The Grim Reaper is here to deliver judgment on this unworthy soul!" Grim declared confidently and she summoned a "staff".

Reaper simply tensed up and got into position.

Judge, despite his arrogance, knew this wasn't good for him. He was on his way to his room to pick up his raid suit before he intercepted these 2 and without it, his odds of winning were not as secured.

"Oh?" Reaper called. "You look rather nervous," he pointed out kindly.

"Almost like someone doesn't have their super suit to carry them?" Grim hinted, sounding entirely too smug.

They even knew about the Raid Suits. Judge underestimated Grim and Reaper.

"You think I need my suit to beat you both?" Judge rumbled at both the targets he dwarfed.

"That would just make it much easier."

Fighting in a disguise while being a Zoan was pretty difficult. It wouldn't be difficult to identify her abilities and pinpoint it to her when she fought undisguised.

Master was lucky that his Devil Fruit was so versatile, he could afford to disguise himself. Other Devil Fruit users didn't have the luxury depending on what they did. Zoan's especially.

Fortunately, Maro had a very key ability that made this possible, otherwise it would be difficult to journey with her Master.

Illusion magic.

Due to being a Dokkaebi, she could utilize illusions to keep up appearances! For instance, her "staff" was actually Daisy, her club! Her flames were a standard orange as well instead of the distinct blue!

It was really useful in case she didn't kill her opponents because she was pretty sure they were going to have to flee from Vinsmoke Judge.

The man casually deflected a precise swing of a scythe from Reaper and tossed him back with a powerful kick that momentarily flipped him. The Angel immediately righted himself and flew back into the action.

Grim and Reaper charged the weary man in tandem. Reaper exuded a large amount of killing intent, momentarily distracting Judge, and giving Maro a split second to take advantage. She swung Daisy downward at the blindsided man but he somehow moved out of the way and retaliated with a punch of his own that connected square with her stomach.

He had been doing this the entire fight and it was infuriating. The man could somehow predict their attacks and dodge accordingly as a result and it was seriously annoying.

Worse, his hits hurt all of her body. Not just her right side. She was full of bruises from his strange attacks and it reminded her of how Master told her not to be arrogant just because an entire side was immune to damage.

He was right like that. She hated that he was right like that because now she was going to train even harder to build her resistances.

Ugh, this must have been how people felt fighting her and Master. They didn't even know what he was doing!

The two partners leapt back in unison to reassess the situation after another attempt to strike Judge failed in the same way.

"Devil Fruits?" Grim said through their connection.

"Devil Fruits." Reaper confirmed.

"It doesn't matter if he can predict our attacks if he has nowhere to dodge them."

Grim grinned wildly. She loved working in tandem with her Master. Once you started moving to his rhythm, it was like a performance that strung you along.

No escape options eh? Fine by her.

Her gleaming teeth sharpened as she began transforming. The girl was sure to put an illusion over herself so that it looked as if nothing was changing but make no mistake, she definitely was!

Her hidden skin turned a familiar shade of light green and her hidden hair turned a mixture of blue and white. Unlike in her full zoan, her hair did not lengthen nor did she gain a boost in height. Her nose also remained the same and her sclera was left untouched leaving her orange eyes there behind the hoodie.

Maro's hybrid zoan form enhanced her speed to the point where she could consistently keep up with Master and not have him run circles around her. It lacked the sheer power and durability of her full zoan transformation, but she was already really strong and Master had built up her tolerance too!

Unlike what she had seen with other zoans, her hybrid and full transformation each had their own benefits and her half human half animal form wasn't absolutely better!

Reaper didn't visibly do anything but she knew he boosted himself and the shenanigans that were his Devil Fruit were about to begin in earnest.

It was a good thing she had her own shenanigans! The slight lull of battle as they backed off nearly gave Judge an opportunity to attack but that wasn't their style.

The two moved at the same time —

Their style was to utterly overwhelm any opposition that got in their way!

Judge attempted to move away from the oncoming onslaught, but he was surprised to find that he was completely glued to the floor.

What on Earth had caused this to happen-

Grim watched in satisfaction as both her and Master's attack connected clean on the man. Daisy slammed into his side with such force that he was uplifted from his position despite being connected to the floor and Ram sliced a deep cut into his outfit.

She was surprised to see that there was no blood...and that Judge wasn't knocked unconscious from their combined efforts.

What the hell? What was he even doing right now?!

"So he can dodge and negate our attacks to some extent?" Grim complained. That was so not fair.

"It appears to be that way," Reaper commented idly. He was unbothered by the revelation, though it would make the battle much more difficult.



Grim summoned a wall of flames on either side of the man and teleported in front of him. As she did that, the flames began converging on the man who had powered his way through the still glued floor. He jumped back, only to widen his eyes as Reaper appeared in the one spot he was at.

Judge moved his arms to block the coming attack, but all Reaper did was grab him with his gloved hands and then let go. The kick directed towards his chest was blocked by his scythe but he was still sent flying back. Getting attacked was worth it and he quickly righted himself up again.

Unknowingly to him, the Angel of Death had modified his sensitivity. There was only so much damage you could ignore.

The head of the Vinsmoke family only figured out when he chose to ignore what would be a minor blow from Reaper, in favor of dodging Grim's attack.

That was a mistake that would quickly allow things to spiral out of control for him. In his arrogance, the man had chosen to not dodge the attack, that he could have probably dodged, and took it instead.

It felt like he had just gotten stabbed and that left the man reeling. What had happened to him?! What was in Reaper's scythe all of a sudden, for him to feel that? What had he done to suddenly pierce through his Haki?!

The momentary lapse in judgment, was all the predators needed.

It was only a matter of time before they got their opening. Judge was not a great hand to hand combatant. He was most effective with his Raid Suit and his lance and without them, his power was cut by more than half.

Like a pack of wolves, they moved to shatter his concentration and his body.

Grim delivered a heel kick that Judge clumsily moved out of the way of and the man turned around to deliver a chop to Reaper's arm but he let out a surprised grunt as a burst of flames collided with his exposed back. He was able to ignore them completely before with his Haki but now, that was not the case.

Judge needed to go on the offensive. They had left him on the defensive since the match had started and, though he had easily been warding them off, he had been reduced to just countering and that wouldn't do.

He dashed, unearthing the ground beneath him and made his way to a surprised Grim. The man landed a Haki imbued fist into their gut, getting a shocked gasp out of them and sending the Oni careening into a wall.

The weak link between the two was definitely Grim. It wasn't noticeable due to the Shinigami supporting and protecting the Oni so often, but there was a clear gap between the two that any experienced fighter could see.

Reaper took everything he hit them with, with barely a flinch and always retaliated without hesitation.

The white clad figure was less experienced than him and it showed in how they reacted to being attacked. They must have been some type of Logia, clearly they were unused to getting hit too much.

What he did not expect, was the sheer aggression Grim suddenly began to display.

It was like a flip had been switched and the white clad figure surrounded in orange flames turned into a berserker with a furious growl. There was no more finesse in their fighting style and it felt like he was fighting a wild animal now. He could have sworn he saw them flicker but it was gone as soon as it appeared and he didn't have the time to question in.

The flicker that Judge saw was Grim entering her full Zoan state.

This was good for him, he could use that anger to his advantage and find an opportunity to put Grim down.

Reaper saw it and reacted accordingly. When Grim entered her full Zoan, their strategy changed and he, surprisingly, became the main aggressor, despite her being much more aggressive than he. He was much faster than her like this and so he used that to his advantage to distract his foes, giving her opportunities to get a hit in.

It was a good balance that subverted just how wild the Oni was in this form and allowed them to increase the tempo of the match even further.

Just the way he liked it.

The Shinigami gripped his scythe and shot out 4 crescent waves of energy at Judge before flexing his wings and flying above them. Alone, they could be dodged with no issue but with Reaper behind them, he was forced to make a quick decision.

Worse, Grim was charging from behind as well. His best option would be to focus on the berserker in the white cloak then. If he took out the angry bounty hunter in the process, his chances of winning would skyrocket—

A pillar of fire formed under Judge, like a geyser, cutting off all his thought process and launching the shell shocked man high into Reaper's waiting arms.

Come now. How arrogant was Judge to think she was really that angry? Master was really good at what he did and she had gotten her anger issues to a suitable level! Something as silly as getting hit a little too hard, wouldn't make her fly off the rails in rage!

The Angel of Death gripped his scythe and flew around Judge over and over again, delivering cuts all the while to the airborne man.

The eldest Vinsmoke tried to summon his Haki to guard the attacks, but the moment his concentration had been broken, they had yet to let him regain it. The pain was excruciating and he felt himself blacking out from the onslaught of damage.

He was snapped out of his daze, as Reaper flew high and crashed into his body with a spinning drop kick that sent the man plummeting —

—Right into Daisy. The club connected directly on his face and, if not for his last second miracle application of Haki, he had no illusions of whether he'd be alive right now or not. A broken nose and some missing teeth being all that he got, was a blessing.

Right before he was knocked unconscious, a primal fear at the thought of dying made its way through his body. Judge didn't want to die to these monsters. He hadn't even been able to use his full power! T-this wasn't fair at all! If he had his Raid Suit, they would have both lost in one hit!

He still had so much to do! The head of the Vinsmoke still needed to take over the North Blu-

"I feel bad, he probably would have slaughtered us if he had his Raid Suit," Grim remarked at the fallen man. That fight was too hard for someone whose power was cut down so drastically. The Sea had such interesting people!

"He will learn to always be prepared than. Judge seems very arrogant however, so I somehow doubt that," Reaper explained. Even without his suit, he had displayed some interesting things such as being able to predict his attacks and blocking an attack from him and Grim.

Perhaps he was genetically modified too?

Whatever the case, this man didn't deserve to live. Reaper would be killing him right now-

"Stop right there!" A voice called and Reaper flew to the side to dodge an enhanced bullet that nearly blasted a hole into the wall.

"Oh, we're surrounded," Grim remarked. The Oni glanced around and noticed an abnormal amount of Germa Soldiers pointing advanced weaponry at them.

Seems like the army was done with their business. Which meant they were done with theirs.

The Shinigami glanced at the soldiers, then at Judge. If he attempted to kill the man, they would both die. Germa's weaponry was advanced enough to give him pause and the Angel of Death decided that the head of the Vinsmoke was a lucky man today.

Besides, Sanji was a nice kid. He probably didn't want his dad dead.

"Maro, to me. We're leaving," Rosan said softly, as he prepared to use his save point.

"Way ahead of you. We got everything we needed anyways!" She sang before a pillar of flames (still orange) surrounded the two of them. Maro teleported to Rosan and the moment she latched onto him, they vanished from the sights of the soldiers.

When Reiju came back from her teary departure with her favorite sibling, she had not been expecting to hear that her Father was in the infirmary with a severe concussion.

No, the news had left her completely shocked!

Reaper had actually managed to defeat him? Even without his Raid Suit, her father was formidable enough to easily handle his children.

The Angel of Death was the strangest person she had ever met and their partner, from what little she'd seen of the Oni, was up there with them!

She felt a bit of regret that he didn't finish the job but something must have interrupted him. She heard that the Shinigami never left survivors to tell the tale.

Whatever the case, Reaper had piqued her interest and she would be keeping a close eye on information regarding him. They annoyed her but…they also fascinated her in a way she couldn't explain. Every rumor about him seemed to be completely wrong when you actually met the Shinigami and she had to wonder just what was right?

Meeting them had only left her with more questions and only made him appear more mysterious!

Maybe in the future, he'd be able to actually dispose of her father…

For now though, she had to keep up appearances and be a dutiful daughter to Germa.

The 11 year old sighed to herself.

She missed Sanji.

Sanji would never forget what Reaper did for him.

The Shinigami had turned his never ending nightmare, into a dream that he didn't think would ever happen. It hadn't even been long but the boy was happier than he had been in a long time.

He finally got to pursue his dream of becoming a cook and it was all thanks to the mysterious bounty hunter!

Sanji remembered the last words the black clad figure had said to him. He would become an amazing chef and if the Angel of Death ever tried his food, he'd make him say it was incredible!

He had to for one of the few people who believed in him. They wouldn't regret it.

He didn't care what anyone else had to say about Reaper! The Angel had chosen to save him when they had no reason to so he would repay him!

The 8 year old boy's gray-blue eyes shone in determination and he got back to work.

Judge was surprised to find that he was still alive.

His body only being sore was a testament to Germa's technology because he should have been feeling more than just aches right about now.

The memories of his battle came rushing back and the man wearily got back up with a scowl on his features.

Despite not having Haki, Grim and Reaper still found a way to somehow counteract him. If they ever unlocked their haki, they could be an actual threat for even the Grand Line.

The man snorted arrogantly to himself. If he had his Raid Suit, this match would have gone very differently. The two had gotten lucky. That was all.

Judge left after verifying with the Doctor that he was fine and the man grunted a bit at the sunlight. He didn't even get to take a step before he was approached by one of his soldiers.

The clone looked nervous and that wasn't just because he was around the head of the Vinsmoke family.

"What?" The blonde man asked gruffly, still sour from his loss. It was a lucky win but he had still lost and he hated losing.

He hadn't been prepared to fight those 2.

"Um...Sir," the clone saluted. "It's about Grim and Reaper…" he said hesitantly to the head of Germa.

"Get on with it," Judge said, getting annoyed with his clones hesitance.

"Right!" He saluted nervously. "It's just some of our equipment...it's missing," the clone confessed.

Judge didn't like the sound of that one bit. "What do you mean by some?" He asked warily.

The clone took a deep breath. "All of our weapons in the storage, all of our equipment, barring the clones, in the Soldier Stock Depot, the blueprints to the Raid Suit, along with Prince Yonji's own Raid Suit-,"

"WHAT?!" Judge roared in disbelief at that last bit of info. The weapons were one thing. With their prowess, they would be able to replenish them in time. The last two however were concerning. The equipment for cloning would be tedious to get but it would be doable. What was more concerning was that Reaper seemingly was interested in the clones that he had somehow discovered.

Did he want to make an army of his own? For what reason?!

But the blueprints to the Raid Suit AND his own son's canister? The Raid Suit was incredibly powerful and for it to be in the hands of someone who had managed to defeat him without one (no matter how lucky), was cause for concern.

The blonde man calmed down as he gathered his wits. There was no way they could make a Raid Suit on their own. Only a select few people outside of Germa would be able to make it and Yonji's own Raid Suit was biometrically locked to him.

That extended to the cloning as well. They were nothing in the Angel of Death's hand.

It was unfortunate that his green son lost his but he could make another one for him. It was useless in the hands of Grim and Reaper, as well as the blueprints without a capable scientist-

"Sir, with all due respect, I didn't finish," the clone said nervously, snapping Judge out of his musing. He glared at his subordinate for daring to interrupt him before waving for him to continue.

"One of our head scientists, Hiroshi, went missing. We have reason to believe that he was kidnapped by Reaper during their invasion due to there being no signs of his departure."

Judge felt cold as he heard that. One of his head scientists? So...not only did Reaper have the blueprints to his Raid Suit and the information on his cloning, he had the means to achieve results with it.

The head of Germa screamed his anger to the world.

Aiko screamed in shock as a giant green Oni suddenly appeared in her room along with Rosan.

"We do this all the time and you still get surprised?!" Maro rumbled, as those pure orange eyes pierced at her.

"Yeah I'm used to two annoying brats barging in, not a giant fucking monster!" Aiko retorted angrily, looking up at the towering Dokkaebi. Maro's full zoan transformation was seriously scary to look at and having it show up out of nowhere, was not something she needed in her life!

"Akemiiii-chan," Maro whined, deactivating her transformation and charging the younger sister with puppy dog eyes. "Aiko is bullying my transformation! I can't help how I look but she doesn't care!" The 12 year old was hugging the gray haired woman tightly as she spoke.

"Aiko, be a bit more considerate please," Akemi admonished, as she hugged the blue haired girl back soothingly.

"Stop spoiling that girl so much, Akemi! She's got you eating out of her palm and Rosan and I have to deal with it," Aiko complained.

"But she's so adorable! Did you get taller? You're the same height as me now!"

"Yep! Master did too, we're the same height now!" Maro complained. Rosan had begun finally reaping the benefits of puberty and the both of them stood at 5'6.

It wasn't making sense how fast either were growing! Maro was just taller than Rosan the other day and she lamented the fact that she couldn't brag about the difference anymore, despite the redhead not caring in the slightest.

"That's true, you used to be way shorter than me, Rosan," Aiko sighed fondly at the memories of when they first met. To think it had been 4 years since she had met the, now, 13 year old. The boy had grown at least a foot taller!

She felt oddly proud seeing his growth.

"It seems I was right about growing much taller when I hit puberty," Rosan remarked softly. It was only a matter of time until his growth began in earnest.

"You're getting handsome instead of cute now, Rosan…" Mod said with a sense of dread mounting inside of her. If he went out undisguised, the amount of attention he was going to get, would be worrying for the Devil Fruit.

"Awww Auntie Mod is possessive!" Ram cooed understandingly. "I understand how you feel! Imagine if someone gets their claws on Father and he stops paying attention to us! I'd have to get rid of them!"

"You can be so annoying sometimes!" Mod complained to the weapon.

"So, how did it go?" Aiko asked the two in curiosity. Maro looked rather smug and satisfied so it must have gone rather well and that was shocking!

Did they actually manage to invade Germa successfully?

"We come bearing gifts!" Maro cheered and she told the tale of their Germa expedition.

The gray haired sisters listened with wide eyes at hearing what they did. Did they actually manage to defeat the leader of Germa? Even without his suit, that was quite the feat they achieved!

These two were absolutely insane!

"Weren't you complaining about how boring the weapons were?" Rosan remarked idly as she finished telling the two.

"Well yeah but why would I let them have it!" Maro said cheekily. "Besides, I found some pretty interesting weapons that you guys might appreciate!"

Aiko's attention was immediately grabbed at that. Weapons from Germa? For her? She loved these kids because that sounded too good to pass up.

"Speaking of," Rosan suddenly said, glancing at Aiko. "We kidnapped someone and we want you to give them a building where they can work freely," he told the woman.

She stared into his dual eyes in disbelief as she processed what he said. "You...kidnapped someone?"

"Yes, a scientist from Germa."

"...Why?" She croaked.

"We stole some blueprints from Germa that were too advanced. As a result, we took a scientist that would be able to properly make what we wanted," Rosan explained patiently.

"Yeah! I wanna Raid Suit!" Maro cheered.

"I have no words for you two…" Aiko mumbled and she felt an imminent headache forming. It always did when dealing with the shenanigans of Master and Student.

"Do you plan on torturing him?" Akemi asked in concern. She didn't want the 13 year old to do something like that.

"I asked the same thing!" Maro exclaimed. "How do you plan on doing that, Master-kun?"

"I can show you right now," the redhead said, closing his eyes. After a moment, an unconscious man was materialized in front of them.

"You are getting so good with controlling the area of your Save Point," Mod commended with a small smile. His abilities with the space technique were incredible now and he was constantly improving it!

"Thank you," Rosan replied.

The teen approached the unconscious man and placed a palm on his head.

"Modification: Overhaul," the boy said.

Rosan had told Aiko and Akemi about his Devil Fruit a long time ago. After knowing each other for so long, the boy trusted them enough to know that they wouldn't be betraying him so he told them about his fruit.

The 3 watched in confusion as the boy just remained there. He had said a technique name, then gone still and now he just stood there with his eyes closed.

After about 10 minutes, Rosan opened his eyes and took a step back.

Seeing their questioning looks, Rosan explained what Overhaul did to them and the look of terror in their eyes at his explanation, gave him pause.

"You can just…rewire a person's mind?" Aiko asked in disbelief. She knew that Rosan's devil fruit was capable of some crazy things but this had to be the scariest technique he explained to them yet.

"That...is so scary," Akemi whispered in shock.

"You terrify me sometimes, Master-kun," Maro said in awe.

Aiko knew that she had to ignore moral implications when dealing with Rosan, but this was insane.

"I would never use it on you all unless you betrayed me," Rosan said truthfully. "And if you did betray me, having your brain rewired would be the least of your worries."

"Gee Master, that makes me feel so much better," Maro grumbled with a small smile on her face. She would never betray him so she had nothing to worry about!

"You are just a beacon of safeness," Aiko said dryly with Akemi nodding rapidly in agreement. Knowing her little sister, she actually believed it. "Is there anyone you aren't willing to use it on?"

"Innocent children," was his only answer and they all sweatdropped.

"Should have expected as much," Aiko sighed. "Alright, so they need an area to work in? If he's a scientist from Germa we could get him his own personal lab in a building we recently built. He can even have assistants!"

"That would be ideal," Rosan said, before crouching down and shaking the man awake.

They all watched, with bated breaths, as the man began to slowly awaken.

The formerly sleeping scientist made eye contact with Rosan and immediately shot up.

"Rosan-sama!" He saluted before noticing everyone else and bowing deeply. "Maro-sama, Aiko-sama and Akemi-sama too… did I do something wrong?"

"Not at all," Rosan replied conversationally. "We were currently discussing a complete overhaul of your new laboratory, with Germa equipment and everything, and wanted to involve you in the conversation."

"Maro, I don't know his name. Introduce yourself," Rosan said through their link and the bluenette stifled a laugh.

"We haven't properly met yet," Maro said with a friendly smile to the scientist. "I'm Maro! It's so nice to meet you!"

Hiroshi's eyes went wide in surprise at how polite his new bosses were being currently. They were certainly much more pleasant to work with than Judge!

Rosan had rewired his mind so that the man would think he had willingly left Judge for a healthier working place that didn't fill him with fear. It seemed to be working well but he'd have to make sure that it worked completely.

"Nice to meet you Maro-sama! I'm Hiroshi!" He introduced himself with a smile.

"I look forward to seeing your work on the Raid Suit," Maro gushed and her eyes turned dreamy at the thought of having her own suit.

"I won't let you down! Though… I will need some assistants and I'm assuming you have all the necessary equipment as well…" he began musing.

"That's right, I will have everything moved in as soon as possible if Aiko has the room ready?" The redhead questioned.

"You're in luck, we do have a room ready right now!" Aiko said excitedly. She didn't know allying with Rosan would get her a scientist and technology from Germa of all places!

Everyday she found herself thanking this gold mine for falling right into her lap.

"Good, we will begin the move in process immediately," Rosan said softly.

"You'll be helping?" Hiroshi asked in surprise. His leader was playing an active part in the process?

"Naturally. With me, it will be done before the day is over and you can get started immediately," Rosan explained and Hiroshi decided he liked his new boss much more than Judge.

"How do you feel about genetic cloning?" Maro asked Aiko suddenly, orange eyes staring curiously at her.

"I wouldn't have a problem using it on enemies to make an army. Using it on innocents is a no from me though," Aiko told her. "Why?"

Maro smiled.

Aiko felt her head throb.

"Home sweet home!" Maro cheered as she stretched her back.

"Master, Maro!" A voice called and they saw that it was Angel, followed by Demon. The girl rushed them both and scooped them in a hug and dragged her brother with her.

Maro blushed at the proximity and Rosan hugged her back.

"Welcome back you two," she said with a wide grin, before stepping back and looking at them.

"I hope you had fun," Demon said with a small smile.

"Maro, I was tending to the garden and I harvested some of the fruits there," Angel told the 12 year old, who beamed at her with a thumbs up.

"You're Devil Fruit speeding up crop growth is very useful," Demon commented. They didn't have to worry about buying food that you could grow and, while they were rich, it was good to save money.

"Happy to help~," she grinned. It felt good to be appreciated for what she was capable of and it made her all giddy inside.

"Master...did you get taller again?" Angel asked looking at the two. Rosan had been growing rapidly over the past few weeks and he was only a little shorter than her now.

"Ah, it's about that time isn't it?" Rosan asked calmly and his female clone smiled widely.

"About that time…?" The bluenette asked confusedly. What were they talking about? What time was it? Cooking time? Bath time? She hoped it was bath time, she needed to take a bath. Judge had made her work up a sweat!

Maro watched in surprise as Rosan put a hand on Demon and modified the purple haired clone. The shortest one on the ship was changed to match Rosan's height and he appeared to be 13, just like his creator.

"Ah!" Maro said in surprise. "You make them age at the same rate as you?!"

"Yes, they are physically the same age as me and so, I make them as accurate to my current age as possible about once a year," the redhead explained.

The Goblin girl nodded at his explanation. That made sense. They were clones of Rosan and that meant they couldn't age properly. He would have to modify them himself unless they would stay the same way forever.

Wait. Demon was pretty easy to explain. He was essentially just a purple haired version of Rosan.

How did Rosan know how to accurately change Angel -

"Modification: Swap," the Mod Mod no Mi user said and Maro looked at her Master in confusion. Swap? Swap...what exactly?

Her jaw dropped in disbelief at what she saw. "W-w-wha," the normally confident girl stammered in shock.

Rosan was gone and in his place, had to be a supermodel.

Tall (even taller than Mod-chan) with long red spikes that flowed down her back, Maro felt dizzy looking at the female version of Rosan in all their glory.

What the hell was this?!

The Goblin girl looked at Rosan's chest and then looked down at her own much smaller ones.

She was only 1 year younger! This wasn't fair!

"You got so tall…" Angel said in awe at the 5'11 figure, not looking remotely surprised at the figure in front of them.

"Angel...if you're supposed to be as accurate as possible, why are your boobs so much smaller?" Maro asked bluntly, getting the redhead clone to blush in embarrassment.

"There's no way I'm walking around with those!" She complained as if it were obvious. "Are you looking at them? They're way too big."

The 12 year old nodded at her explanation before looking at her Master again. She looked like a true ice queen with that neutral expression on her face and the girl was assessing the changes made to her body.

They made eye contact and Maro flushed again. This felt like when she first met Mod-chan. No fair! She had just gotten over that and now she was forced to look at another one!

"You're too attractive for your own good, Master-kun," the bluenette grumbled and Angel nodded in agreement.

"Thank you," her silky voice came out. Rosan's voice had begun getting deeper as a boy and that seemed to extend to his female form as well. It was in stark contrast to Angel's much higher pitch.

Maro was glad Rosan was a boy. He was good looking but she was more into girls and this was a wow.

"If your looking at me like this..." Rosan began calmly. "Doesn't that mean you are attracted to Angel as well? Barring my chest, my hair, and my right eye she is a carbon copy of this form. I look like her older sister right now."

Angel's mouth opened in shock at his blunt statement and she looked at Maro to gauge her reaction. What she saw, made her mouth open even further.

The bluenette was stammering with a red face as she tried (and failed) to deny her claims. The two made eye contact and Maro's blush deepened.

The Oni really hated Rosan sometimes. He had no subtlety when it came to things like this.

"You're such a pervert," Angel muttered, shoving the girl and failing to move her whatsoever.

A strong pervert.

"Sorry…" Maro mumbled in embarrassment. She hadn't been expecting to get called out and it left her struggling to properly answer her.

"What did I tell you about apologizing for every little thing?" Angel admonished softly. "Honestly, if there's no reason to apologize, then you shouldn't apologize!"

Maro's gaze snapped up and she was about to say something, but she saw a light dust of red on the bronze clone's face.

It was cute. Really cute. Like, seriously one of the cutest things she had ever-

"Oh no," Maro said in horror, as realization dawned on her. It couldn't be...right? M-Master was such a better option! He didn't scare her shitless and threaten to throw her overboard while she slept! Demon was even better than the both of them! He was the most pleasant to be around and actually nice too!

"Oh yes!" Mod cheered. She was always happy to see her little ones come to these realizations.

"Oh. This is the same realization I had with Meiko isn't it," Rosan said, ever blunt. Good for Maro, he always thought the two females of the ship would make a good couple but they never seemed to realize.

The same realization he had with Meiko. The Meiko that was Master's lover.

She had a crush on Angel. The same Angel that scared the hell out of her.

Angel gained a rather confused expression as Maro suddenly put her head in both her palms and moaned sadly. What was wrong with her? Had Master unknowingly insulted her through their connection?

Maro was just glad that Angel hadn't been listening into the conversation.

Misadventures of Robin and Rosan – 10

Robin and Rosan are 8 and 12 respectively.

Rosan finally gets to sate some of his vengeful urges

The Marine's were hot on Robin and Rosan's trail at the moment.

While normally that wasn't a problem (the White Rose was very elusive thanks to Rosan) there was a key issue right now.

They had seen Rosan. Around her and though that wasn't enough to get him a bounty, it would make them rightfully worried about the redhead. Now, the boy and his Devil Fruit were fully intent on getting rid of them.

As much as she wanted to just escape, Rosan getting a bounty because of her, was unacceptable and she begrudgingly agreed that it was best if they got taken out.

It was a good thing they were being pursued by ship on the sea. That would make it much easier to hide the bodies.

Her 8 year old companion was currently eyeing the pursuing ship with hatred and Robin just knew he was going to make this personal. After all, the Marines played a direct hand in the death of Rosan's mother, Portgas D. Rouge.

"Be calm Rosan, don't let them anger you before the fight even starts," Robin soothed. He was the main aggressor in their fights and if he slipped up because of anger, it would be costly.

"I'm actually very calm right now, Robin-nee," Rosan said, side eyeing his companion before focusing on the Marine vessel again.

"Surprisingly, he is," Mod verified and Robin shuddered at the fact that she was agreeing.

This was going to get violent.

"Let's start," Rosan said without warning and his eyes began glowing in tandem with his words. Robin gasped as the ship unveiled a multitude of cannons on its side.

"Were you gonna tell me the ship could do this?" Robin inquired as it bombarded the Marine ship with waves of artillery.

"What cool ship doesn't have cannons, Robin-nee?" Rosan asked in return, looking entirely too smug for his own good. Robin glared and the boy sighed apologetically.

"Sorry for not telling you," the redhead said sheepishly and the older girl simply sighed in return.

"Is there anything else you feel like you should tell me?" Robin asked only to pause in disbelief as harpoons came out and latched onto the enemy ship, pulling them closer and preventing their enemies from escaping.

"We have harpoons," Rosan said cheekily, donning his hoodie and running headfirst into the Marines.

The girl followed after him with a shake of her head.

She was definitely going to strangle him after this.

Rosan had been eagerly waiting the day he got to get some revenge on the Marines. Them seeing how he looked, meant they needed to be taken care of! Especially because they now knew he was with Nico Robin.

After launching a salvo of cannons onto the ship and hooking into it, the boy decided he'd much rather personally deal with them and so, here he was!

"Be careful, Rosan," Robin said through their connection.

"Of course, Robin-nee!" The redhead replied with a smile on his face.

"I'll deal with the ones who have guns," his best friend said. "You haven't done anything stupid in a while so you've earned it. Go crazy," Robin sighed in fond amusement.

"Ah, I really love you, Robin-nee," the masked boy beamed in appreciation getting the 12 year old to blush bashfully.

"J-just go before I change my mind and snap all their necks," she said, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms together to offer him support.

Rosan took her command with glee.

The Marines by now, had gathered themselves from the bombardment of canon's. A plethora of the soldiers had been taken out by the onslaught and their ship was in critical condition at the moment.

Worse, they had been harpooned and now someone was on their ship along with Nico Robin...the Devil Child.

Rosan must have had the luck of Devils because their communication was struck by the cannons as well, leaving them no way to request for backup or report that Nico Robin had a potential ally.

It was just them vs the 2 figures. Good odds for them, right?


Rosan rocketed off and struck the first offender with a knee to the face. He was satisfied to hear a crunch and the man would have been sent flying from the force of the blow, if the falling redhead didn't grab him by his neckerchief on the way down and bodily slam him on the deck. That definitely broke his already broken nose.

Not stopping for even a second, he pivoted to his right and punched a charging marine right in the stomach. The boy tensed and jumped over the crouched over Marine, only to come crashing back down on the man's head, boots first.

The modified curb stomp slammed his head clean through the deck and Rosan walked away after dusting his boots off with the man's body.

The clicking of a gun, brought his attention to a woman aiming at him. She was clearly nervous, if the sweat on her face indicated anything and she hesitated to shoot the small child.

She probably didn't appreciate watching her crewmate get treated like a seed.

Rosan on the other hand, didn't even hesitate and that must have caught her off guard because she took a moment to gather her wits. The redhead snorted to himself and showed no fear as he charged her.

It was soon revealed why as a multitude of arms sprouted on the, now screaming, woman's body. The arms easily disabled her and dropped the gun out of her hand.

Her screeching at being grappled by so much hands was cut short, as the short boy dropkicked her with a cackle, sending her flying into the wall and into dreamworld.

"You are so lucky to have Robin," Mod said in amusement, watching the little whirlwind of destruction. "She enables your recklessness!"

"Recklessness? Nah, it's trust!" Rosan beamed and he punched a poor Marine in his family jewels. The man let out a high pitched squeal as he fell over and the redhead ruthlessly stomped on the same spot until he lost consciousness.

"I'm glad you trust me so much, Rosan," Robin sighed fondly, as she absentmindedly clutched a Marine that was approaching Rosan.

The boy was clearly having the time of his life and Robin had to once again marvel at how strong her partner was.

Rosan laughed in malicious glee, as he casually parried a swipe of a saber from a Marine with his buddy. The boy paid no mind to the saber slashing his human shield and he continued to cackle.

The man couldn't even gasp in horror, as the body of his ally was thrown onto him and they were both silenced as the redhead stomped on them both over and over again.

He was such a sadist… Rosan's fighting style was brutal and free and the boy showed no care for his opponent's well being.

Robin wondered how it would evolve when he was older. Right now, he was utilizing his diminutive height to outmaneuver his opponents and deliver deceptively strong blows while avoiding their larger bodies.

She was reluctant to admit that Rosan was going to grow and if he ended up as tall as he said he was going to be (such confidence!) then he'd have to adjust his style accordingly.

The brunette shuddered at that. His current opponents were lucky that he was a still developing child. Rosan was going to be scary when he got older.

Robin was looking forward to seeing it. For now though, she would continue to tease him about their massive height difference. Robin was the same height as Mod-chan now and Rosan was still a little thing! The boy was completely outraged to see how quickly Robin had been growing and he told her to "Just wait!", to which they both laughed at him.

It was always fun to bully the hyperactive menace.

Despite the brutality, Robin couldn't hold back a smile at how much fun Rosan had when fighting. The boy was quite the junkie and the adrenaline rush from battle, always got him excited! He thrived on the excitement of action and that's why she had no problem letting him be the main aggressor.

"Boys," Mod sighed.

"Boys," Robin agreed with a shake of her head. She idly broke the bones of a Marine that decided that approaching her, was smarter than approaching the monster that was Rosan.

Did they really think she was an easy target? How naive of them!

The two stopped their decimation of the crew, when a presence made themselves known.

Robin knew this was going to happen, that's why she worked so quickly to dispatch the Marine's on the ship. They would make the upcoming fight all the more difficult.

Captain Akio stared at the two of them warily. He would have been out earlier, but he had been trying to request for backup when his comms got cut.

The man wasn't able to inform them that Nico Robin had a redheaded partner (or hostage), due to explaining exactly where he was, but he had let them know that he was trailing her.

Well, it seems like the Devil Child and her partner didn't appreciate that one bit. He didn't expect them to board the ship.

This went against reports on Nico Robin. She rarely ever fought, only escaped which was why he informed them of the location first. He was a bit nervous at having to fight a 79 million beri bounty along with her unknown partner.

The large man sighed and withdrew a hammer.

He didn't get paid enough for this.

"Let's end this fast, Rosan," Robin said urgently. "He was probably calling for reinforcements and I don't think we can handle a platoon just yet."

"Kay!" Rosan agreed. The boy's bloodlust had been temporarily sated after the beat down and the chance to beat a somewhat high ranking Marine pleased him immensely.

The boy wasn't dumb. He couldn't handle a platoon of Marines...yet. In the future though, when he was older and stronger, they wouldn't stand a chance!

For now, he would settle for hindering them and taking this ship out seemed like a good enough idea.

Without any warning, Rosan blasted off to the Captain, whose eyes widened, and delivered a kick that was hastily blocked by the man's hammer.

Akio tried to swing back but found that it was impossible, due to the 2 arms holding his own arms, giving Rosan an opportunity to deliver a punch to the man's gut that he weathered easily.

He powered out of their grasp but the redhead had already leapt away from him.

"Wow, people hardly ever break out of your grasp," Rosan commented and he assessed his opponent with a critical eye.

"It just means I have to use more," Robin shrugged, already preparing to do just that. "We need to get rid of that hammer. I don't want you getting hit by it," the brunette said, with only a hint of worry in her voice.

If the 8 year old got hit by that hammer it would do a lot of damage to him and Robin did not want to have to ever worry about seeing Rosan in a near death state again.

"Get rid of the hammer you say?" Rosan hummed, before cackling in glee. "Alright, let's do it!"

Akio watched in confusion as the black clad figure picked up a discarded staff and began charging him. He blinked as the shorty prepared to swing 10 steps to early, only for his eyes to bug as the weapon expanded to ludicrous sizes.

The attack caught the Marine to off guard for him defend properly and, though he hastily threw up his hammer to defend, a good majority of the attack connected to his ribs.

It was a testament to his strength that he wasn't sent flying but that didn't matter because it created an opportunity.

A multitude of arms sprouted on the man, disarming him and they tried to brute force him down.

The Captain didn't earn his title for nothing though. Akio actually began overpowering the arms and Robin raised a brow in surprise. He was strong and the brunette probably would have had some trouble fighting him alone.

Unfortunately for him, Robin was not alone and she certainly wasn't the main attacker in this battle. Everyone always thought she was because of her high bounty and her partner not having one, but she was fine being the support for Rosan's performance.

The redhead crashed into the back of the Marine right as Robin dispersed her arms. The man lost his breath as he shot out a glob of spit and Rosan jumped up and landed again, this time on Akio's head.

"T-two Devil Fruit users?" Akio thought to himself in disbelief as his head smashed through the Deck like so much of his other crew members.

His last thoughts before falling into the realm of sleep was how unfair the ocean was to put him up against two monsters.

"Is that all of em?" Rosan hummed looking at the mess that they caused. He crouched down and did a quick scan and verified that yes, it was and the child laughed in joy.

"Not even a Captain can handle our onslaught? We're such a good tag team!" Rosan beamed, rushing to hug Robin.

"One Devil Fruit user is difficult to deal with. Two must be hair pulling," Robin said in amusement. They had easily dismantled the Captain and honestly, it felt kind of good winning such a battle decisively.

It's not like a Marine Captain was weak, Rosan and Robin's Devil Fruit combinations were just too much for someone as regular as him.

"You two are a scary combination," Mod said truthfully. "When you two get older and stronger there won't be a lot of people who can handle you two."

"They can't handle me now!" Rosan cackled as he jumped around in excitement.

"You're right, they can't handle you but it's certainly not because of your power," the purple haired woman said, voice teasing.

"I don't know if anyone can handle you, Rosan," Robin sighed fondly. The boy was seriously too much most times and her insane patience had paid dividends over the years.

"You can handle me, Robin-nee," he said accusingly. The boy had begun throwing all the unconscious marines overboard (after Mod jammed them) and Robin was checking to see if they had anything of value.

"We've been traveling for 4, almost 5, years Rosan."

"OH, YOUR BIRTHDAY IS COMING UP SOON!" Rosan cheered, completely moving on from the previous topic. "What do you want? Don't be afraid to say anything because we have alot of money!"

Robin blushed at how excited he sounded for her 13th birthday. He was so random in the most pleasant ways.

"I don't want anything at the moment so let's just have a fancy dinner, okay?" Robin said warmly with a small smile on her face.

"Yea! Just the two of us! I can even find us a nice spot and then I'll modify it and then no one can bother us, except for Mod-chan! Wait…Mod-chan is always here so it'll be the 3 of us! Now I gotta edit my plans a lil bit… but not too much!"

Robin laughed aloud at his musing.

"What about you Rosan? Your birthday is only a month after mine so what do you want?" The 12 year old asked.

"I want us to be together forever!" Rosan said without hesitation and Robin was sure that she was an interesting shade of red right now.

"Y-you're so silly you…" Robin complained and she was glad Rosan was busy throwing people overboard.

"Awww, is my cool and collected Robin actually flushed?" Mod teased with a gleam in her eyes and Robin just blushed harder.

It wasn't her fault that Rosan said these things without any thought whatsoever! They had been with each other for so long but he could still catch her cleanly off guard with his words.

"Robin-nee?" The redhead called in confusion.

"Ask for something else Rosan…" Robin said with a roll of her eyes.

"What?! Why?!"

She smiled to herself at the distraught in his voice. He was honestly way too open with her and wore everything on his sleeve.

"Because that's a given already," she finished and Mod squealed in happiness.

Character Sheet: Grim (In the eyes of other people)

Name: Unknown (Goes by Grim)

Title: The Angel's Demon

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown

Summary: The mysterious partner of Reaper, Grim is even less known than Reaper is. Some people are not even aware that Reaper has recently gained a partner. Those who do know of, or have met Grim are rather put off by their playful personality, especially in comparison to the far more cool headed Reaper. They are normally seen surrounded in flames of sorts, causing people to speculate that they are a Yokai of sorts which has caused them to give the Oni the title "Angel's Demon".

Devil Fruit: Unknown. The flames make people speculate that they have the Mera Mera no Mi or some fruit dealing with fire but it is not guaranteed.

General Appearance: Unknown. Covered head to toe with a long white cloak that has black streaks all over, white gloves with black lining, and white boots. The hoodie hides all their features and no one knows what they look like.

Height: Unknown

Hair: Unknown

Eyes: Unknown

Likes: Reaper

Dislikes: Unknown.

Fun Fact: Maro is constantly using an illusion even with the disguise. For instance, her flames are orange instead of blue and her club is a staff to throw off any suspicion to her human form. She makes sure to maintain this illusion when transforming into her zoan form due to the massive height difference and muscle gain she gets. It was rather draining at first to constantly maintain the guise but she has been steadily improving it and her stamina has increased.

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