
Screw you!

"Damn! It's really huge!" Jamie shouted with satisfaction while she looked the enormous beast below them.

Mitch was taking pictures in profusion. He was over the moon even more than his student. They had found it! They had found the spinosaurus!

The giant animal seemed to have just finished consuming a rather large prey. Normally a dinosaur would have rested after such a meal, but as they approached it abandoned the shore and swam away into the water. Mitch was surprised to see how much stamina he had even on a full stomach.

"It's running away!" the pilot yelled.

"It's the helicopter's fault! The noise scares it" Mitch explained. Even for humans, who couldn't claim to have the best hearing, the noise caused by the helicopter blades was unbearable; but to a predator's sensitive ears the sound was incredibly painful. For the spinosaurus it was like having a giant gong next to its ears, it was natural for it to try to get away. "We have to drug it or we risk losing it!"


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