
Chapter 12: New Paths, Old Shadows

Reiji's POV

The days following the fight were a blur. Reiji had spent the better part of two days pacing his apartment, trying to come to grips with everything that had happened. The Dying Will Flame, the mysterious ring, the fight with the thugs—none of it made sense. He tried again and again to summon the flame, but it never came. The power that had flared up in the alley seemed just out of reach, mocking him with its absence.

Frustration boiled inside him. He couldn't stop thinking about the man who had come to his apartment—the one with the strange offer. Something about it didn't sit right, and yet, it gnawed at him, pulling at his curiosity. He had spent the better part of the day debating whether to seek the man out. Part of him wanted answers, but the other part was wary of the danger he sensed lurking behind the man's calm smile.

By the second night, Reiji's restlessness got the better of him. I have to find out who this guy is. His body was still sore from the fight, but the pain only fueled his resolve. He couldn't sit around doing nothing forever.

As he prepared to leave his apartment, a strange sense of foreboding settled over him. Something was off. He could feel it—a twinge in the air, like static before a storm. But Reiji ignored it, chalking it up to nerves. I can handle this.

Shinya's POV

Shinya Kogami leaned against the railing of a nearby rooftop, his eyes scanning the streets below. His patrol had been routine until he started noticing something strange—a shift in the city's criminal activity. Over the past few days, a pattern had emerged. The same group of thugs who had attacked Reiji were moving again, but their movements were more coordinated, more purposeful.

"They're up to something," Shinya muttered, his hand instinctively brushing over the grip of his gun.

He didn't know why, but he couldn't get Reiji out of his mind. The kid had seemed harmless at first—another victim caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the way he fought, the power he had displayed, wasn't something a normal person could possess. Shinya had seen too many SP users to mistake Reiji's ability for something common.

The word "Vongola" still echoed in his mind, and it gnawed at him, just like Reiji. Shinya had tried to push it aside, but no matter how much he told himself it wasn't his problem, the kid's situation kept tugging at him.

As Shinya's eyes scanned the streets, he noticed a large group of figures lurking in the alley below. There were at least twenty to thirty thugs this time, and about ten of them had an unmistakable aura of SP users. They were closing in on a single figure—Reiji.

"Damn it," Shinya muttered, pulling his gun from its holster. I knew this wasn't over.

Reiji's POV

Reiji's heart raced as he walked through the darkened streets, his footsteps echoing off the empty walls. The unease he had felt earlier was growing stronger, and now he was sure of it—he was being followed. He quickened his pace, glancing over his shoulder, but it wasn't long before the sound of footsteps behind him grew louder.

"Not again," Reiji muttered, clenching his fists. He didn't have time for this.

Before he could react, a large group of figures emerged from the shadows, blocking his path. There were at least ten ordinary thugs in front of him, but Reiji's eyes quickly caught sight of several others—more SP users—lingering at the back, watching like hunters circling their prey.

The leader, a hulking man with a sneer plastered across his face, stepped forward.

"Well, well, look who we've got here," the man said, his voice dripping with malice. "You gave us a lot of trouble last time, kid. But this time, you're not getting away."

Reiji's pulse quickened. He could feel the weight of the ring on his hand, but the flame wouldn't come. I'm not ready for this.

The thugs moved in, their footsteps heavy against the pavement. Reiji's mind raced, trying to think of a way out, but before he could react, the leader lunged at him, a fist aimed directly at his head. Reiji ducked, barely avoiding the blow, but the force of it sent him stumbling back.

I need the flame.

The thought repeated over and over in his mind, but no matter how hard he focused, nothing happened. He was outmatched, outnumbered, and completely unprepared for this.

The leader sneered, pulling a knife from his belt. "You're dead, kid."

Shinya's POV

Shinya dropped down from the rooftop, landing silently in the alley behind the thugs. His gun was already in his hand, and with a swift motion, he fired a shot into the nearest thug's leg. The man collapsed with a scream, clutching his wound as the others turned in shock.

"Back off," Shinya growled, stepping between Reiji and the remaining thugs.

The leader sneered, his eyes narrowing. "Who the hell are you?"

"Doesn't matter," Shinya replied coldly, aiming his gun at the leader's chest. "Leave the kid alone."

The leader let out a low laugh, raising his hands in mock surrender. "You think a couple of bullets are gonna stop us? You've got no idea what you're dealing with."

Shinya's eyes narrowed as the leader's skin began to shimmer with an eerie glow. SP users. He had suspected as much.

Before Shinya could react, the leader lunged forward, his fist glowing with power. Shinya dodged the blow, firing another shot, but the bullet barely grazed the man's arm. These guys weren't just street thugs—they were stronger, more dangerous.

"Reiji!" Shinya barked, glancing back at the boy. "Where's your flame? Use it!"

"I can't!" Reiji shouted, desperation in his voice. "It's not coming!"

Shinya cursed under his breath. He was running out of time. If Reiji couldn't use his powers, they were both screwed.

The Turning Point

Reiji's body was battered, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to keep up with the relentless thugs and SP users. The fight had dragged on for what felt like an eternity. Though he had managed to take down a few of them, their sheer numbers—around twenty ordinary thugs and ten SP users—were too much for him and Shinya to handle. His limbs ached, and his mind raced in desperation.

Shinya moved with the precision of a seasoned fighter, but even he could tell that this situation was spiraling out of control. The SP users' attacks were becoming more coordinated, and Shinya's shots, though precise, were limited. His SP bullets were running low, and the ordinary thugs were still swarming them from every side.

Reiji winced, his body barely able to dodge the next strike. The leader, grinning, stepped forward. "You're done, kid," he growled, charging toward Reiji for the final blow.

But then, something unexpected happened.

A soft, glowing orange light flickered at Reiji's feet. It was faint at first, but it grew brighter with each passing second. Shinya, focused on the fight, caught sight of the glow out of the corner of his eye. "What now?" he muttered, narrowing his gaze.

Before either of them could react, the orange glow intensified, forming a cocoon of light that hovered just above the ground. Reiji and Shinya both froze, watching as the cocoon began to crack open, its glow illuminating the entire alley.

From within the cocoon emerged a transparent case containing several blue pills and a pair of wool mittens. Reiji, despite his fatigue, could feel the familiar pull of the ring on his finger. That orange glow… It's just like when I found the ring.

He reached out instinctively, his hands trembling as he grabbed the case. Inside were about ten blue pills, each one glowing faintly in the moonlight. Reiji had no idea what the pills were for, but his instincts told him they held power.

Next, he picked up the wool mittens. What's the use of these? He hesitated for a moment, but he didn't have time to second-guess himself. Trusting his instincts once again, he slipped the mittens on. They felt warm, almost comforting, but Reiji had no time to dwell on it.

His eyes returned to the blue pills. Without thinking too much, he opened the case, grabbed a pill, and swallowed it. For a moment, nothing happened, but then, a surge of power exploded within him. His vision sharpened, and his heart, which had been pounding erratically moments ago, began to beat with a calm, steady rhythm.

The Dying Will Flame flared to life once again, flickering brightly on his forehead. But this time, something was different. Reiji's mind felt clear, his movements no longer sluggish. The world around him slowed down, and he could see everything—the thugs, their attacks, the sp's movements—all as if they were moving in slow motion.

The wool mittens on his hands began to glow, the ring on his finger shining brightly as it merged with the fabric. Reiji watched in awe as the mittens transformed, the fabric hardening and reshaping into sleek, metallic gloves. The X symbol appeared on the back of the gloves, glowing with the same bright flame as the one on his forehead.

The X Gloves.

Reiji flexed his hands, feeling the surge of power coursing through him. The gloves fit perfectly, as if they had always been part of him. And now, with the Dying Will Flame burning bright, he felt more in control than ever before.

The Battle Resumes

With the X Gloves now in place, Reiji moved like lightning. He dodged the sp's next attack with ease, his body reacting faster than his mind could keep up with. The flame on his forehead blazed brightly, and with a swift punch, he sent the leader crashing into the alley wall.

Shinya, noticing the shift in power, smirked. "About time, kid."

Reiji nodded, his confidence growing with each passing second. "Let's finish this."

Together, they pressed the attack. Shinya fired shot after shot, taking down the remaining thugs with precision while Reiji used his flames to overwhelm the sp's. The thugs, realizing they were outmatched, scrambled to retreat, but Reiji wasn't letting them go that easily.

With a final surge of power, Reiji delivered a powerful punch to the sp's chest, sending him flying across the alley. The man hit the ground hard, the flame flickering out of his eyes as he lost consciousness.

Shogo's Entrance

Just as the alley fell silent, a slow clap echoed from the shadows. Shinya and Reiji turned to see Shogo Makishima stepping into the dim light, a smile on his face.

"Well done," Shogo said, his voice smooth and unhurried. "I must say, I didn't expect this to turn out so entertaining."

Reiji tensed, his fists still clenched as the flame on his forehead flickered. "Who are you?"

Shogo chuckled, stepping closer. "An observer. Nothing more."

Shinya narrowed his eyes. "What's your game, Shogo?"

Shogo's smile didn't falter. "No game, Shinya. I simply gave things a little push. I wanted to see how you two would fare."

Reiji glanced between the two men, confused but on guard. "You sent these thugs after me?"

Shogo shook his head. "No. I merely… provided an opportunity. They acted on their own."

Shinya's jaw tightened. "Enough with the games."

Shogo's attention shifted to Reiji, his smile widening. "You've come a long way, Reiji. But you're still learning. Consider this a gift." He tossed a folder to the ground near Reiji's feet. "Information. About the Vongola."

Reiji hesitated, unsure whether to pick it up. Shinya, however, stepped forward, his expression darkening. "What's in the folder, Shogo?"

"Information," Shogo repeated, his voice light and amused. "But don't worry—I'm not here to interfere. I'm here to make things more interesting."

With that, Shogo turned to leave, offering one last glance over his shoulder. "This isn't over, Shinya. I'll be seeing you both again."

And with that, Shogo disappeared into the night, leaving Reiji and Shinya in the alley, both uncertain of what lay ahead.

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