
Fuck Me

The man raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure about what you just said now little girl" He asked.

"Yes" Sophia replied nodding.

"This, indeed is strange, but ...." He paused, his eyes showing hints of sorrow.

"Is anything the problem master?" Sophia asked with worry as she saw his expression, an expression she rarely sees on his face.

"The Great Magus is dead!"

This single sentence seemed to freeze the air as everywhere fell silent.

Sophia widened her eyes in surprise.

"Ho...h..how is that possible?" Sophia asked stammering.

"The seal got very weak and the great demon from the other side made a personal move to enter our world"

"What?" Sophia asked with shock. "The great demon? Did it succeed?"

"Is the Great Mangus a joke to you? She slammed the seal at the demon's face but it still managed to claw at her"

Silence once again fell in the palace.

"Things are getting unstable Sophia, you need to be careful" The old man said getting up from his throne.

Meanwhile, Liam just broke the news to his parents, the news that his grandmother was dead.

His dad, the direct son to his gandmom almost cried on phone, despite his urge to hold back the tears, his cracking voice gave him away.

Liam didn't have the courage to ask him about the mysterious stuffs going on.

Liam laid on his bed as the scene after he returned continuously played like a cycle in his head. After calming down and making peace with himself that his grandmom was dead, he couldn't help but wonder what the hell was wrong with the whole world.

Within twenty-four hours, he has experienced a lot of things that he hadn't experienced in all his life. It was like he was suddenly tossed inside a horror movie.

He had so many questions that he felt like it was eating him up.

Who was his grandmother?

What was that creature?

How the hell was all these happening all these while and he didn't have any idea about it, and why was his memory not wiping?

It wasn't easy living with this changes as he didn't know what next to do.

Liam slept with this thought in his mind.

Ring Ring!! Ring!!!

The sound of Liam's phone woke him up in the morning, it was his dad.

"Good morning dad" Liam greeted as he picked up the phone.

"What happened when you came back home?"

Liam was surprised by the sudden question, yesterday when his parents asked him how she died he refused to say a thing because it sounded unreal.

Someone died because a monster or a creature swiped it's claws at her heart?

"Ummm...." Liam's mind was blank on what to answer, although he actually felt like his dad might be aware of these strange things, he also felt like he might have been brain wiped like him and telling him will cause more harm than good if that was the case

"Yes?" His dad urged over the phone.

Liam remained silent, he was really thinking about his options and the best thing to say.

His dad told him yesterday that he was going to go see the corpse, so Liam didn't really know the best explanation for a claw mark.

"Ummm.... I saw her lying on the floor when I came back" Liam finally answered, he lied.

He decided to chip it in another day and see if his dad knew anything about this.

As for now?

If he was brain wiped and he told him something strange as that, then he'd be making a mistake that will need a lengthy explanation to solve.

Explanations even he needed at this point.

"I'm sure you ain't lying to me Liam?" For some reason Liam felt like his Dad's voice was deeper than usual.



The call ended.

Liam felt that his heart was beating faster after the phone call.

He didn't know why but he just felt like his Dad's voice towards the ending sounded...strange?

Liam quickly shook his head from the thought.

Maybe he was thinking too much and his dad knew nothing.

Meanwhile, a middle aged man, who had his beards shaved and wore formal suit sat beside a window, whose building looked like a sky scraper.

He had a coffee tea in front of him.

The man's eyes lingered on his phone, a woman's picture on the phone.

Then he mumbled to himself after some seconds.

"I miss you mom, how am I supposed to take care of everyone in your absence, I am just a puny mage"

With that he sipped the remaining coffee in his tea cup.

Then he stood up and left


The day quickly passed with Liam feeling sad all day, the scene of his beloved grandma's death played repeatedly in his mind.

He wondered what he was into, he felt unsafe and he felt like he quicky had to know what was going on.

He felt like he was in the dark and he didn't like the feeling.

He wanted to know what that demon was and take revenge.

The next day quickly came, Lian decided to go back to school today, this lonely house was eating him up.

And he was begining to get scared staying here longer alone.

Liam prepared his stuffs and was ready to get back to school.

He called his roommates informing them about his return.

Liam got to the bus stop and took a bus to the school. Inside the bus he couldn't help but breath deeply several times, he knew that his life will never be the same again with all these stuffs.

The travel was slow, traffic held him and made him late.

He started the journey late to begin with and now he got to the school late. Now this was a problem, the school was open but the dorm's gate was locked.

This was exactly 11:32pm, and the gates closed 11pm, he didn't predict the traffic.

But luckily this wasn't the first time he was late, so he was used to.....jumping over the school fences.

His roommates had called and told him that he should be fast, as the security wasn't near the fences.

They were watching out for him.

He used the east part of the school so he could make it to the males dorm's fence unnoticed.

The area surrounding the east part of the school was filled with trees and looked like a forest.

So it acted as a cover to safely jump over the fence without getting noticed

As Liam drew closer to the dorm area he suddenly heard a growl.

It was low but Liam could hear it.

He froze as his mind went blank.

He slowly turned towards the direction of the growl.

He didn't see a thing as everywhere was dark and the only light was the full moon that hung high above.

Wait!!!!! .....full moon!!?

Liam looked, and yes it was a full moon.

Fear immediately gripped him.

Then he heard the growl again, it was loud and clear.

And then he heard a loud roar


He hastily turned towards the sound and then he saw it.

It was hairy.

It had claws.

It had red eyes.

And it was...as if sensing him it immediately turned towards him and then

Fuck me!!!

Liam immediately turned around and ran for his life.

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