
(3) Never say the W word in front of ruby

Quickly I recovered from the shock,Adam and Eve were confused for a bit,"we have company?" Eve asks which Adam nods before getting up.

"Hold on dad." I say to Adam,who turns to me and raises an eyebrow,"they aren't your children in this world,so we'll say we're new to the area and may need to go into the city,maybe the neighbors can lend us a hand."

Adam looked confused at what I said before understanding what I meant,new world,need to figure out where we are.

"I understand,so let's greet our new neighbors." He says as he walks to the front door,with myself in tow while Eve begins making salad.

(A/N: I'm giving Adam and Eve status systems as well,and I'm giving Eve maxed out cooking and cleaning,so they fit in a bit more.)

When we got to the door we can hear two voices that were a lot younger than the first voice.

"Maybe they aren't home auntie."

"Nonsense ruby,I can hear what sounds like someone chopping vegetables,let's give them a minute."

After I hear the name ruby I realize that god made our new home in the vale forest where ruby and Yang live,but I remember both of them being raised by taiyang,so why was the first voice a woman.

So after a few seconds I open the door and see three people,one I didn't even expect,'wait wasn't raven branwen supposed to abandon Yang when she was young?'

"Umm…hello there,who might you be." I ask shyly,even though I'm older than my age suggests,my mentality was still that of a four year old,just a more mature four year old.

The two little girls behind raven were blushing and whispering to each other.

"Oh my goodness,that boy is so cute." I hear blond say to the smaller girl,who nodded in agreement.

"I know,if he was a weapon I'd use him till he's worn out." I hear the red headed girl say to her sister,which gave me a chuckle remembering that ruby was a weapons nut.

Adam who was observing his son who was watching the little girls talk about him just smiled before inviting them all in.

"I hope you don't mind us giving you three company,my wife's making lunch,I'm Adam emiya,and who might you be?" Adam says holding out his hand for a handshake.

Shitori couldn't believe how well he was adapting to his new life,even now he can see Adam adapting.

"Nice to meet you Adam,I'm raven,raven branwen." Raven said shaking his hand,but stopped for a second as if noticing something.

"You've got a strong grip,were you a huntsman?" She asks him noticing the calluses on Adam's hands.

"I'm a martial artist, the only thing I've ever killed was a giant serpent,which was how I met my wife." He said making raven nod before switching her attention to me.

"And who might this cutie be?" She asks with an almost motherly smile,catching the attention to yang and ruby.

"I'm shirou emiya,and I hope to be a huntsman and protect my parents." I say getting a respectful nod from raven while yang and ruby smiled,"so you want to be a huntsman,that's awesome,yang and ruby hope to become huntresses as well." Raven said as Adam looks at the two little girls.

"And how old might your daughters be?" He respectfully asks,which gets a small chuckle from raven.

"Actually yang is my daughter,ruby is my niece,yang is six years old,and ruby is four." She says pointing to who was who.

"Oh right we live down the hill,just follow the trail of you want to train with us shirou." Raven says as I hear Eve speak in the kitchen.

"Hey honey! Does our guests want to join us for lunch?" She asks as I look and see yang and ruby rapidly nodding their heads to raven,who sighed and agreed,making the two cheer in delight.

"Well it's going to be a bit longer for me to prepare lunch for six people,shirou why don't you take yang a ruby upstairs,I'll call you when lunch is ready!" She says as she begins making stew.

"Okay mom!!" I say as I turn to the two,"so where do you guys want to go? We got my room,a weapons room,a lib-"

"Weapons room!!!" I hear ruby says as she grabs my wrist as she half walks half drags me up the stairs while yang just laughed at what was transpiring.

And as soon as the three of us were upstairs raven just sighs before speaking,"just for future reference,never say the word weapon or anything that has the word weapon in it,she becomes uncontrollable." She explains to Adam and Eve who were a bit perplexed by how a little girl can be that strong.

"So tell me Adam,how did you and Eve meet?" She ask as she places her hands on her chin,anticipating the story that was going to be told.

"Well I was a traveling fighter,I specialized in combat due to my bloodline ability,my eyes can copy any style or technique even if my body never learned how to do it." Adam begins as raven couldn't help but think on what Adam said,a bloodline ability that allows him to copy any style or technique.

"But as I was traveling through minstral,I saw a giant serpent attacking a woman,so I killed it and checked if the woman was hurt,and that was how Eve and I fell in love at first sight,soon enough we married and had shirou a year later,but we figured we should move to somewhere more peaceful,which lead us to vale."

After Adam finishes the fabricated story of how Adam met Eve,raven was smiling,"oh my that's just so romantic!!" She says,making Eve blush as she imagines the story as if it was true.

"You said you had a bloodline ability,do you have a name?" Raven asks,curious on whether it's actually a family semblance or and actual bloodline ability.

"Sorry raven but I feel like I should keep that private." Adam says as he remembers shirou saying that if anyone found out about the eyes of the lord that they both possess,people would try to experiment on them.

(A/N: yeah you heard that right,shirou has inherited the eyes of the lord)

"That's understandable,if everyone found out about that ability,they'd try to use you in a heartbeat." She says as she thinks of a certain white haired headmaster.

"Auntie branwen!!!"

Raven turned to see ruby running with two cestus' in her hands while shirou was running after her asking her to put them back.

"You have to see their weapons room,they have these cestus' which shirou explained what they were,they also got a halberd that weighs a lot,even a pair of black gloves that turned a pencil into a wooden knife!!!" Ruby says to raven,looking like a kid in the candy store.

"Please ruby,put those back!" Shirou says to ruby who was too happy to listen making Adam and Eve smile.

"Here ruby give them to me,I'll show you how to use my cestus'." Adam asks ruby who reluctantly hand them over to Adam.

"Now watch ruby,how many strikes will I throw at my imaginary opponent." He instructed as he gets into a fighting stance.

Soon a rush of fighting spirit filled the room,converging into the shape of a serpent.

The serpent was fifty meters in length,its massive body curled and poised to attack.

Then ruby,yang,and myself watch as Adam throws punches faster than I could react,10,20? 100?.

I couldn't count how many punches he threw in the span of five seconds,but it seemed raven saw as she got intrigued.

"So ruby,yang,shirou? How many punches did I throw in the span of five seconds? I'll start with my son,shirou,how many were thrown?"

Adam who was curious how good me eyes of the lord were compared to his own asked shirou who while nervous tried his best count.

"Uhh…I want to say 150?" Shirou says which Adam just smiles a bit before replying.

"Close,but not right,does anyone else want to try?" Adam asks at which raven gives her answer.

"You threw 155 punches at the imaginary king taijitu,which means your threw 31 punches each second."

Yang and ruby were shocked,they didn't think someone could throw that many punches in the span of five seconds.

Adam nods in confirmation of the answer,maling the three kids shocked,more so shirou because he thought his eyes weren't keeping up,but he was able to see most of them.

"Everyone lunch is ready!" We hear Eve in the kitchen as she places stew and bread,as well as salad on the kitchen table.

"Yay lunch!" I hear yang say as we all gather,as I realize something,this would be the first meal I've ever had with family,and smiles.

And this led to the beginning of the friendship between the emiyas and the rose and xiou long family.


Hope you all enjoy this chapter,and I hope I did the personalities of yang and ruby right.

But next chapter I'll have shirou unlock his first template,and since Adam is his father,I want to find another template for shirou.

So please,comment on which character I should have shirou unlock,and I got some ideas for oc gods and mortals,like sun wukong and Sherlock Holmes,but I want to do the canon characters first.

Put your template here and what actions to do to make them progress(comment here)

But love you all,have a great day or night,peace😁✌️

I like dogs,what animals do you all like?

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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