
The Heir To The Iron Throne

(Third Person POV)

In the training yard, the Master-at-Arms and one of the Kingsguard, Criston Cole stood by as the young princes practiced their sword swings on the straw dummies. 

Ser Criston looked at Aemond, who showed a bit more promise than his older brother, Aegon. He had a bit more finesse and focus on his sword strikes as Aegon looked more careless and sluggish. The Young Daeron was trying his best, but since he was still so young, there was no surprise he was not that impressive. 

Ser Criston had his arms behind his back, "Show more effort, Prince Aegon." He told the second son of King Viserys, "Your younger brother is showing better skill than you." 

Aegon sighed and smacked the straw dummy as he stepped back, "Bah." he said with little to no care, "I'm fine the way I am."

Aemond took a step back as he looked at his brother, "Do not lose interest in training, brother." He said, "We are Dragonriders, we ought to have skill in battle." 

"Prince Aemond is right." Criston said, "At this rate, Prince Daeron will surpass you in skill." 

Daeron was thrusting his wooden sword at the dummy with a smile on his face, so full of jovial innocence.

"Maybe swordplay isn't in me." Aegon smirked

The doors that led to the keep opened and their older brother, Baelon walked out, his white hair tied in a ponytail as the maids stepped out of his way while blushing. 

"Ah!" Baelon said with a smile, "There you lot are! Hey, Aemond, want to go for a flight?" 

"Always with flying, this one." Aemond muttered

Criston Cole bowed slightly, "My Prince." He said

Baelon reached them, "You training my brothers, Ser Criston?" He asked, "Hm, how goes their skill?" 

"Aemond and Daeron show more promise than Aegon." Criston said

Baelon chuckled as he patted Daeron's head and walked over to the weapons table, "Is that so?" He said as he picked up a wooden sword, "How about a bit of sparring, Ser Criston?" 

Criston raised an eyebrow, "My Prince?" 

Baelon tossed him the wooden sword as the Kingsguard caught it, "Been a while since we've exercised, Cole." He said with a smile, "How about it? What say you?" 

"If My Prince commands it, then so be it." Criston said with a slight smile, "I warn you, I am still a Kingsguard." 

Baelon picked up another wooden sword and flipped it in the air, catching it with a smile, "I know." I said, "That won't stop me." 

Baelon suddenly lunged at Cole who blocked his swing. 

"My Prince!" Cole exclaimed as he stepped back, "What's gotten into you?" 

Baelon chuckled as his brothers moved out of the way, "Come on, let's have some fun!" 

Baelon then swung his sword at Cole as the Kingsguard parried it and countered with a thrust, which Baelon dodged. In the span of a few seconds, Baelon and Criston swung at each other multiple times, both of them dodging and parrying each other's strikes. 

Criston was pivoting and stepping back as he thrust his wooden sword at the Prince's face who merely dodged out of the way and countered with his own thrusts and swings. 

"You've gotten quite good, My Prince." He said with a smile

Baelon chuckled, "Is that so?" He said, "I am meant to be this good!" 

Baelon spun around, swinging his sword at Cole's waist, only for the Kingsguard to block it. The moment it was blocked, Baelon pulled away and followed it up with a swing to his head. Cole dodged out of the way and tried to counter but Baelon parried it with easy and went for a riposte, hitting Cole in the shoulder. 

"Ha!" Baelon said, "Got ya!" 

Criston dropped his sword, "Ah, you did, My Prince." He said with a smile, "If it were a real blade, I'd be terribly wounded." 

Baelon took a step back, "Hm." he said, "You've gone easy on me, no? Don't." 

"My Prince, you're also holding back." Criston Cole said, "You're much better than I am." 

Baelon twirled his wooden sword, "Is that what you think?" 

"I know it." Criston said

Baelon nodded, "Ah well..." He said as he looked at his brothers, "We are Dragonriders, we can't rely much on our dragons, no? We need to hone our skills in combat." 

Aemond looked at Aegon, "Told you." 

"Shut up." Aegon scowled

Suddenly, a servant ran up to Baelon and whispered something to him as he hunched over to listen. 

"Oh." Baelon said as the servant hurried away, "Well, something has come up in the Throne Room. I'll see you lot later. Ser Criston, continue on my brothers' training." 

Criston nodded, "My Prince." He said

Baelon turned around and walked away. 


Inside the Throne Room, Otto Hightower stood next to the empty Iron Throne as many Lords stood across the room, murmuring amongst themselves, most of them arguing loudly. 

Whatever situation has arisen, the King was currently not present to hear it out. Otto, the Lord Hand, was merely quiet, scanning the room as he saw each and every lord's face as they constantly argued. 

One of them stepped forth, "Lord Hand, where is His Grace?" He asked, "This matter is important and urgent, we need to hear his opinion on this!" 

"His Grace will be here....soon." Otto said, "And this matter.....well, it doesn't need his opinion." 

"That's preposterous." one of the lords said, "It is of great urgency!" 

"It may be so, but His Grace will say the same thing as I." Otto said, "Be patient, he will soon come and hear all of you out." 

The Lords began to argue amongst themselves, something must've riled them up enough for them to ignore Otto and continue bickering. 

Suddenly, the doors to the room opened and Prince Baelon walked in, his hand resting on the handle of his sword. 

"Prince Baelon Targaryen!" Ser Arryk announced as he walked beside him, "Prince of Dragonstone and Heir to The Iron Throne!" 

Almost immediately, the entire room got silent, only Baelon's footsteps along Ser Arryk's clanging armor were heard. 

Otto looked at this, impressed by the power of Baelon's presence as the Prince merely looked around with a serious look on his face. 

Baelon stopped in the middle of the room, a couple of meters away from the steps that led up to the Throne. 

"What is this?" Baelon asked as he looked around, "Where is His Grace? Why is every Lord here whining like crying babes?" 

Otto looked at him, "My Prince." He said, "Your Father is busy, he will be here shortly." 

"Okay then." Baelon said, "And why is everyone crying?" 

"M-My Prince." A Lord stepped forth, "An issue in the North has arisen, Skagosi are attacking the coasts! If they decide to go further down, they'll threaten the Vale!" 

Baelon frowned, "Skagosi?" He said with surprise, "They don't typically sail that far south..." 

"But they're attacking the coasts! Raiding the towns and villages!" he exclaimed

The Lords began to murmur in agreement, their resonating voices filling the room. 

Baelon raised his hand, suddenly stopping the voices. This impressed Otto yet again. 

"Skagos shouldn't be a problem." Baelon said, "Unless there's another factor in play. Let Lord Stark deal with this. And if he requires help, then so be it. I'll fly up there and deal with this threat myself." 

Otto cleared his throat, "My Prince." He started, "That would not be wi-" 

"The North is part of the Realm." Baelon cut him off, "If any of its people require my Help, then I shall give them help." 

"The Flames of The Black Dread shall vanquish their enemies." 

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