
Chapter 71: A Narrow Escape

Back on the Ark, the crew was in full motion. Prella paced in front of the holo-map, her mind racing. Ethan had been missing for hours now, and the sinking feeling in her gut told her Lilith Nyx was behind it. The crew had gone through their regular scans, combed through system after system, but nothing turned up.

Finally, Tazra slammed her fist on the control panel, a frustrated growl escaping her lips. "We can't sit here doing nothing! He's in one of their prisons, I know it. This is exactly how they operate."

Nova, leaning against the cockpit's doorway, raised an eyebrow. "And you'd know because...?"

Tazra glanced at Nova, her expression dark. "Because I've been in one. And trust me, it's not a place you survive long without help."

Prella stopped pacing, her eyes locking onto Tazra. "You've been in an Imperial prison? How did you escape?"

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