
Crazy Strength Gains!

The next morning, Noah woke up feeling energized and ready to push his limits. After his usual morning routine, he headed straight to his private gym, eager to test the full extent of his new Advanced Solider-King Skill.

Starting conservatively, Noah loaded the barbell with 500 pounds. As he lay back on the bench, the weight felt surprisingly light. He unracked it, smoothly pressing it up and down as if it were nothing.

"Too easy," he muttered, adding another 200 pounds to bring it to 700 pounds. This, too, was manageable, though it required a bit more effort.

He kept adding weight incrementally: 1,000 pounds, 1,500 pounds, and finally reaching 3,300 pounds. By now, the barbell was almost fully bent under the immense load. It had to be known that the barbell that Noah was using was not one that was in any kind of gym, it was custom-made to resist thousands of pounds.

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