

Minato was walking through the city, the sheer scale of the place was fascinating. He had originally started to walk around the city to try and gather ideas, to try and kickstart his brain.

The smell of foreign unknown foods tried to lure him in, and nearly succeeded multiple times.

He sadly had none of the local currency to purchase one of the delicious treats. 

Now though, he was just observing the mechanical marvels that were present throughout the entire village-city. 

He had always been curious, this was just igniting that curiosity setting it ablaze as his eyes caught onto gigantic billboards, mechanical carriages that sped past, the tall gravity defying buildings.

The only issue was the smell and sound they created, they shouldn't be allowed into villages, only used to travel long distances. 

He was absorbing all of this like a sponge, imagining taking these ideas home, those carriages would make transport missions so much quicker. 

The billboards could be used to advertise the ninja academy, blacksmiths, ninja gear. Though they would have to tone down the brightness and limit the amount allowed, they were very distracting. 

His memories were slowly coming back, ever since he had remembered his son it was like he'd put a chip in a dam.

Each drop of water that leaked from the chip gave him different, new memories.

He remembered the academy, spending hours each day practising his kunai swipes and footwork.

He remembered his first mission, he was chasing a rowdy ninja dog through the village with his white haired sensei laughing at his team's failed attempts to catch the ninja dog.

He could remember parts of his Sensei, the perverted white haired man was a great ninja, his strength was outstanding.

He remembered parts of his own time as a sensei as well, his young subdued student Kakashi in particular. A small smile lit his face, he couldn't wait to return.

He still couldn't remember his village's name, its leader, where it was even located.

He needed every memory back before he could return home, no matter how much he wanted to leave now. 

His eyes caught onto a woman wearing a long fur coat, he analysed the odd fashion with interest before something else caught his interest. 

A car sped past at great speed, it was going far faster than any of the other cars, beeping loudly as it skidded back and forth.

It was clearly putting pedestrians in needless danger, Minato sighed as he effortlessly flicked a three prong kunai towards the reckless carriage operator faster than a bullet.

In a yellow flash he appeared just above his flying kunai, he twisted his body and effortlessly grabbed the three pronged weapon. 

With grace he landed, sitting on the bonnet, he dug his foot into the tarmac below. The car's back tyres lifted off the ground from the sudden stop.

The driver, a young pale man, was staring wide eyed at the frowning Minato. That wide eyed confusion turned to anger and fear when the sound of sirens were approaching. 

The young pale man put his foot down, urging the car to move but Minato's hand was firmly placed onto the bonnet, not allowing it to move.

Onlookers watched in mixed emotions, was this another vigilante? 

Some were glad, some were fearful most were at least curious so they stopped to watch. 

Minato frowned at the seething young man, who suddenly got out of the car and tried to start running. 

But suddenly Minato was there, stood in front of him frowning, some onlookers gasped as they saw the man move so fast he just disappeared to their eyes. 

His hand was placed firmly on the young man's shoulder "That was reckless, you could have hurt a civilian" he said seriously. 

The man tried to shove Minato away, only for it to feel as if he just tried to push a wall. "Let go man!" he wriggled around trying to escape the solid grasp.

The sirens were closer than ever, Minato turned his head. A metal carriage with bright red & blue lights approached, a man with brown hair and glasses exited, he wore a blue uniform and eyed the situation curiously.

The young pale man only struggled more at the sight, it was of course futile. 

The man approached and eyed the large footprint in the tarmac with wide eyes, sweat dripped down his brow as he eyed Minato.

His partner not far behind put one of his hands onto his gun, not that Minato knew what that was.

What he did know was that they were on edge.

He smiled, confidence emanating from him "You are police force I assume?" He asked as he eyed their badge.

The man at the front, closest to Minato nodded "We are" the man swallowed "if you could let go of the man that…that would be appreciated" he was nervous clearly.

Minato dropped his grip on the pale man, the man almost instantly tried to flee but the officer grabbed him and dragged him away from the observing Minato before placing metallic cuffs on the man.

The officer dragged the man over to his metal carriage and placed him in the back, the pale man glaring at as he desperately struggled.

"You're not taking him in!" A man shouted, anger present in his voice as he eyed the officer while pointing at the curious Minato. 

The officer furrowed his brow "For what, stopping this guy?" He asked sarcastically as he slammed the door shut.

"No, he threw a damn knife at me!" The man shouted while pointing at Minato "He damn near killed me!" He shouted, the man was absolutely furious.

The officer blinked and eyed Minato's surprised form in surpirse.

"You won't do anything will you!" The older man screamed, victoriously? "Because he's a mutie huh" he said with a vicious grin on his face. 

Minato blinked, this man clearly hated 'Muties' though Minato did not know what they were, the man was purposely igniting these tensions.

How…odd, it rather reminded him of how a ninja would be treated in certain small villages, which were very, anti chakra.

Any use of chakra, even to save someone's life, was incredibly socially unacceptable.

He could understand the point in some ways, after all chakra is used as a weapon of war, a blade that shinobi use to decimate their enemies, but chakra can heal, protect and save people. 

Maybe this world has similar issues. 

The officer was incredibly nervous now, phones were recording this and the department has been in enough controversy especially with the recent Magneto attack.

He swallowed and looked over to Minato's form. "Did..did you throw a knife at that man, sir?" He asked, a quiver in his voice audible to all. 

Minato thought about it for a moment and shrugged "Technically, I did, yes" a few seconds of silence passed all that could be heard was the sudden whispers of the crowd. "Do I need to be taken in?" He asked as he eyed the young man in the back of the car.

The police man's hands were shaking as he eyed the taller blonde man. "Y-Yes" he said "just for questioning of course" he backtracked and gestured to Minato to come over.

Minato did, feeling curious about this world's police force, the police officer opened the back door and gestured to the back seat of his car. 

"Can, can you get in?" He shakily asked, his hands clenched around the open door. 

Minato smiled calmly and nodded, he carefully sat in the back, next to the young pale man who stared at him like he was a tiger. 

The police officer slowly, gently closed the back door before getting into the driving seat, his partner next to him.

Both were frozen stiff as the car started to move.

Minato was more interested in the way the car worked, from what little he could see it seemed there were pedals just below a steering wheel.

For the completely silent ride Minato simply watched the driver as he shifted between gears with practised ease.


They eventually arrived at a large building, the driver's partner took away the young pale man while the driver shakily escorted Minato into the premises.

Minato eyed the building, a large blue sign that read N.Y.P.D was lit up with glowing blue lights. 

He eyed the approaching front doors, the officer got to the door first and kept it open for Minato just behind. 

"Thank you" Minato expressed as his eyes wandered around the inside of the station, it wasn't as interesting as he thought it would be.

It was just dozens of large desks, tons of paperwork and tiny little screens atop the desks. 

"Follow me please" the officer's quivering voice caught Minato's attention who followed the man to a nearby desk, the officer grabbed a neighbour's spinning chair and dragged it next to his desk.

Minato sat down in the offered seat and eyed the nervous man calmly. 

"I've got a few questions, nothing extreme just the basics" he said quickly as his hands fidgeted with a pen and notepad.

Minato nodded as his eyes stayed fixed on the officer. "Of course, ask away" he said calmly. 

He was curious to see what this police force would ask? Would it be similar to the one he barely remembered from his village or completely different?

"What's your name?" 

"Minato Namikaze"

A few seconds later the man asked another question "What's your address?" 

"Oh, I currently don't have one" Minato said with a small smile.

"Uh-" the officer's words were interrupted by the sound of metal shearing and tearing. Minato looked up, the ceiling seemed to be tearing itself apart.

His eyes narrowed, the atmosphere suddenly felt charged, the air seemed to crack as the ceiling slowly lifted. 

This was most certainly an attack of some sort, his hand dived into his kunai pouch grabbing a handful of the three pronged weapons and letting them loose. 

The almost dozen kunai were all thrown in tactical locations, in the time it took him to do that the ceiling had lifted even more, sunlight peeking through gaps in the crumbling building.

Bricks crashed into the floor below with loud bangs, the wooden desks destroyed by the debris with a loud shattering sound. 

The officers and workers had nearly all retreated to the back of the room, the man who was questioning him was standing, frozen to his left. 

The roof by now had completely separated from the rest of the building, the rebar holding the ceiling together visibly being.

Then the roof was just thrown, the crash as tons upon tons of debris was just carelessly dropped onto the road outside of the station was heart-rending.

Car alarms went off by the dozens, car horns went mad screaming, panicked voices erupted, people were most definitely killed or caught under the debris.

The silhouette of a figure floating above the station was revealed, it didn't take much time for the officers to point their odd weapons at the floating threat.

Minato eyed one and was surprised when a small piece of metal came out the end with a bang, rapidly flying towards the floating silhouette. 

The bullet stopped on its own, Minato blinked, some sort of telekinesis? That would explain the roof and this, suddenly every one of those guns lifted on their own into the grasp of this individual.

Telekinesis could be hard to deal with, his eyes narrowed on the silhouette.

His eyes shot back and forth, each and every weapon the officers held suddenly shot out of their hip holsters and into this man's control.

Some of the weapons still had their holsters attached and some clearly fell off, curious. 

That meant he was telekinetically grabbing the actual guns, not the holsters which would be easier with the same result. 

Some officers started to shout for the man to stop, some officers were pleading for mercy underneath their breath and most were frozen in fear.

As the figure slowly dropped down his form was revealed, a flowing dark purple cape ran down his muscular back, a red bodysuit covered his body with a thick metallic helmet covering his face.

Minato recognised him from the battle, he had a burning suspicion this is who Xavier warned him about. 

The figures burning green eyes locked with Minato's calm blue ones.

"You" his voice was like an earthquake, powerful and seemed to shake the very ground. 

"Me" Minato replied calmly, his voice a stark contrast to Magnetos. "Magneto, I assume?" 

Almost a hundred empty cars suddenly lifted into the air, all directly above the station, a death threat to all the officers here. The ground shook with tremors as Magneto's feet touched the ground.

Minato took mental note that each and every one of those mechanical carriages contained metal. 

"Correct" his face looked like it had been carved from stone, his anger burning like a thousand suns. 

Minato eyed the wide eyed officer to his left, then his eyes snapped to the rest of the officers all watching with wide, frightened eyes.

"You can go" Minato said confidently to the officers, the one to his left looked at him shakily, Minato nodded "Go, this isn't your battle" the man shakily walked forward, sticking to the walls trying to stay as far away from Magneto as possible.

One of the police officers' own guns that magneto had taken control of suddenly fired, the bullet leaving the barrel at tremendous speeds aimed directly for the police officer. 

Thoughts on the story so far? I've been enjoying writing it, hope you enjoy reading it :)

Anyway, if you have any future plot ideas just leave a comment, it's always appreciated

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