
Chapter 73; He spoiled them.

He hired one nurse and a doctor to check up on them all the time but also positioned two guards at the entrance door, barring the kids from getting inside! He didn't want his wife to be disturbed while she was recuperating.

Minghao, Fenghao, Tinghao, and Feihao were standing inside the living room, but a huge distance was created between them, and they didn't look at each other.

"Minghao, Fenghao... The two of you will occupy the first-floor bedroom, that's where you have been sleeping and your usual bedroom, while Tinghao and Feihao will occupy the bedrooms on the second floor. Each of you sticks to their floor; I will assign guards to keep watch; I don't want to see you four fighting!" He signaled the guards to come over and take them over to their specific bedrooms.


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