
black on black violence

[Hours later]

Damn woman, why did she gotta be sexy like that

He thought to himself as the image of Eve was stuck in his head, he sprung out of the dumpsters covered in garbage slop and banana peel. The smell was terrible, but what can one do when they're a criminal?

Hopefully, the GDA won't be on my ass anytime soon.

He thought as he walked out the garbage alley way, the time of day was night, after having escaped from Eve he landed in an alley two blocks away and changing location to throw off any would be pursuers.

Walking out the alley, he saw a man wearing a black hoodie.

"hey bro, gimme your hoodie"


"I said fucking give me your hoodie"

He grabbed the man and dragged him into the alley before taking away the hood much to the man's struggle and his cries for help, afterwards he took some bills from his pants and gave it to the man.

"no hard feelings dude"

Was all he said before sprinting away, leaving the poor man flabbergasted.

It didn't take long for Kevin to reach his destination. A rundown apartment complex in the less pleasant parts of chicago.

Every building within sight had either cool or trash graffiti and there was no In-between, there were more homeless people visible, some sleeping others already smoking crack Or whatever drug they fancied.

He kicked the door to the apartment open and walked like he owned the place. As he entered, he merely glanced at the reception desk, which was empty.

Okay, maybe I'm an asshole for kicking doors open, but there's something carthic about doing it, almost addicting.

He thought as he walked up the stairs, passing by some gangster looking dudes with coloured bandanas. They gave him a weird look as he went up.

Probably the smell

After having arrived at the third floor, he kicked open the second door on his left. However, as soon as he entered, a gun was pointed at his face.

"who are you?"

A tall and bald black man wearing a grey hoodie, black trouser and brown colored boots asked,

"the muffin man"

Kevin answered with serious expression on his face, and hearing such an answer the bald man could not help but be puzzled for a moment before speaking again.

"Don't fuck with me kid, who the fuck are you?"

The man's finger rested on the trigger as he prepared to shoot, killing a kid would leave a bad taste in his mouth but he can't let people kick his doors down like that, especially in his line of work.

You know when you have superpowers, a gun to the face is hardly threatening is not mildly amusing.

"doesn't matter, take me to Machine head, I have somethings for him"

Kevin informed and the man looked at the kid before him and sighed.

"how'd you know I work for machine head?"

Titan asked, as he used the gun to tell him to back away, the two exited the apartment and Titan closed the door before tucking the gun under his clothes.

"doesn't really matter, just take me to your boss"

"Yes it does, kid. I can't have people knowing I'm affiliated with that scumbag."

"fine, do you know…"

Kevin paused and looked around before leaning on closer and whispering.

"the muffin man?"

Titan frowned in anger as he hastily grabbed Kevin by the shirt and lifted him up and had his feet dangling in the air.

"don't play with me kid"

He demanded as his frown went deeper and his grip on Kevin's shirt tightening. He didn't appreciate being messed with, especially not by some random kid who kicked open his door, it was a good thing his daughter and girlfriend went to the community center today.

You're the one working for machine head don't be mad at me for that.

"fair but unfortunately, people already do know you're affiliated with Machine head, I mean, you are supposed to kill the people machine head sends you to kill. That's how I know you work for him because you let your victims go."

Kevin explained, and Titan couldn't help but feel like face palming. He knew he'd regret being merciful to literal scumbags. Letting go of the young man's shirt, he backed away way.

"just so you know, I let you do that"

"yeah right"

Titan turned his back and went to lock his door before telling Kevin to follow him.

They exited the apartment and walked the down the street, Titan covered his head with the hood, trying to hide so as to not be recognized by anyone.

"so anyway, must suck alot to work for a bozo like Machine Head"

Titan didn't answer but instead glanced the kid in slight annoyance.

"does he talk like he's a robot or is it more natural, like you're having a conversation with a person?"

Kevin continued, he does remember Machine head having autotune whenever he spoke. He wondered if he could turn that off and decided to leave it on because it's fun to tall like that.

"are you going to answer any of my questions or is stoicism a philosophy you misunderstood but want to practice?"

He again asked and seeing that the man wasn't going to answer Kevin shrugged, and continued to walk however suddenly and out of nowhere Kevin felt a force collide with his face, sending him flying in the air and into the alley they were about to Pass.

He crashed onto the dumpster startling the homeless and causing them to scurry out of the alley as Titan menacingly walked In his body covered in a durable stone like armour

Makes sense I suppose, after all why would he just take me to Machine head.

Kevin thought to himself, feeling the stinging pain on his face.

"if you know what's good for you kid, you'll forget about finding machine head, now tell me who told you where I live"

The man stood over him and demanded. Kevin sighed as if he was tired.

Always the hard way with these Niggas.


A/N: What do you guys think? The Mc is a bit different from my usual style, and I'm trying to add a bit more comedy into my writing to make more enjoyable.

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