
Chapter 21: The Intense Drill (Part 2)

"Scharn! Scharnhorst!"

Peter shouted over the comms, but Scharnhorst had already been considered "sunk" and was forcibly removed from the mirror sea. She could no longer respond to Peter for the time being.

"On the right side of the harbor... The searchlights only spotted Seydlitz, Prinz Eugen, and Augustus, who no longer has any carrier aircraft. The other shadows are just a small number of mass-produced warships!"

At this moment, Adalbert's voice came through the comms, and Peter felt cold sweat trickle down her forehead.

So, the right side was just a feint, while the real main force was hidden within the mass-produced fleet on the left!

You think it's a diversion, but in reality, it's a complete deception!

At the same time, her fighters flying above the mass-produced fleet also spotted the hidden enemies: Ulrich, Hipper, Blücher, and Gneisenau.

"We've engaged Seydlitz."

Tirpitz's voice came through the comms, accompanied by the sound of gunfire.

She, along with Heinrich and Spee, had already started battling Seydlitz and Prinz Eugen. Trying to retreat back to the harbor now would be too late.

With the overall strength of both sides being fairly equal, the sinking of the battlecruiser Scharnhorst suddenly put immense pressure on the defending side.

Now, to face the enemy on the left side, even if Adalbert joined in, there would only be Peter and Odin—just three of them in total.

If the enemy lands on the harbor, it means they've lost!

"Heh... For such a deceptive strategy to work, the command of Team B must be with Ulrich, not Augustus. We've been outplayed..."

Despite knowing how dire the situation was, Peter wasn't one to give up easily.

"Adalbert! Start laying sea mines along the coastline and activate the coastal defense guns... everyone, go support Tirpitz and the others!"

Peter shouted orders through the communication channel.

"Received... Wait, Peter, why are the coastal defense guns supporting Tirpitz? Isn't the pressure on our side much greater right now?"

Adalbert frowned, not understanding the reasoning behind Peter's command.

"Odin is here. Hipper and the others won't break through easily. If we can help Tirpitz take out Seydlitz and Prinz Eugen, they might still have time to come back and assist us."

As Peter explained through the communication channel, she glanced at the short girl standing next to her.

The right eye of Odin, usually hidden by white bangs under her military cap, was now exposed by the strong wind, with a blue flame flickering in it, as if piercing through the night.

She remained silent, letting the storm lash against her as she stood motionless at the dock.

"Do you have that much faith in Odin? Alright, alright, I'll trust you. But if things really get out of hand, I'll come over."

Adalbert ended the communication.

Peter raised her hand and launched the newly replenished carrier-based aircraft into the sky before walking over to Odin's side.

"I've put all my bets on you, my dear 'King of the Gods' Odin."

"No need for more words, Peter. You are the strategist, and I am the warrior. You give the orders, and I will secure the victory."

The short girl slowly drew her long sword from her waist. As she gazed at her reflection in the blade, a deep longing flickered in Odin's eyes.

That man must be watching the battlefield right now, right?

Soon, he will see that the power she now wields is enough to repay the effort he once invested in her!

The scene shifts to the right side of the harbor.

After the first round of artillery exchanges, Heinrich and Spee had already engaged in a fierce battle with Prinz Eugen.

The clash between the ironclad shipborne dragons erupted in intense sparks over the ocean, and it was clear that Prinz Eugen was struggling to fight two opponents at once.

"Eugen! Like your sister, you mainly rely on ship guns and shields for combat, but in close quarters, you can't match me!"

Heinrich's agile figure moved across the sea, as graceful as a dancer. As she spoke, she and her shipborne dragon "Little Iron" kept circling Prinz Eugen, looking for an angle to fire.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The shells exploded just a few meters away from Eugen, blocked by a faint blue energy shield.

"It seems... that you're right, but it would be even better if you read more books."

Just as Eugen finished speaking, she suddenly spun around, raising her shipborne steel shield in defense. A red claw struck the shield with a resounding impact, leaving a trail of afterimages.

Spee's shipborne dragon couldn't penetrate Eugen's energy shield, so she opted for close-range, direct attacks.

"Little Spee, the way you and your partner coordinate will surely make the commander happy."

Eugen still smiled, but the sweat on her forehead betrayed her growing difficulty.

"But, you're underestimating me."

Eugen's shipborne steel dragon swung its tail towards Spee, but she blocked it with her claw.

Using the momentum, Spee's body flew out of Eugen's shield range, landing back on the sea surface alongside her shipborne dragon.

"Spee! Watch out!"

Just as Spee regained her footing on the water, she heard Heinrich's warning.


A large-caliber armor-piercing shell struck Spee's shipborne dragon, the explosion sending the small silver-haired girl flying.

"Pre-loaded, Seydlitz!"

Heinrich vividly remembered that during the first round of battleship main gun exchanges, Seydlitz and Tirpitz fired simultaneously.

But she suddenly recalled that Seydlitz had the skill "Iron Blood Grand Admiral," which allowed her main gun reloading speed to increase when fighting alongside Iron Blood allies, especially when her health was high!

As a result, Seydlitz's second round of main gun reloads was faster than Tirpitz's!

I should've read more books; how could I forget something this important?

Heinrich tossed a set of torpedoes to distract Eugen while rushing to Spee's side, helping her up from the sea.

"Spee, are you okay?"

"I'm... fine! I can still fight!"

Holding Spee in her arms, Heinrich dodged another round of attacks from Seydlitz's main guns.

Spee managed to stand back on the sea surface.

Spee's shipborne dragon caught up, and fortunately, it was only 40% damaged, still able to continue fighting.

Just then, a series of intense cannon blasts echoed from the harbor, like a rolling thunder.

"Eugen, apologies!"

Tirpitz's voice echoed across the battlefield as her second round of main guns finished loading.

As the coastal defense guns fired, her shipborne main guns also unleashed a barrage.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

In an instant, Prinz Eugen was bombarded by a dense wave of shells.

Even though she immediately activated her skill "Unbreakable Shield" to generate a protective barrier, this skill was never meant to withstand battleship-grade, large-caliber main gunfire.

"Eugen's done for, taking a full barrage from both the coastal defense and battleship main guns..."

Heinrich shielded herself from the incoming shockwave as she commented. Spee, however, remained silent, watching the massive water spray from the explosions with a grave expression.

When the explosions finally subsided, most of the equipment on Eugen's shipborne dragon had been shattered to pieces.

She gasped for breath, her body swaying as if she could collapse at any moment.

However, she still stood on the sea.

The usual lazy expression was gone, and in her brown eyes now glowed an unyielding determination, as if this moment revealed her true self, hidden beneath her usual carefree facade.

"She took an entire battleship's main gun salvo and all those coastal defense hits without sinking? That's just cheating!"

Heinrich and Spee stared at the transformed Eugen in shock, momentarily forgetting to attack.

"Heh, heh, it's... it's not over yet, for the commander..."

A gentle light flashed in Eugen's eyes before it was replaced by steely resolve.

Despite her severe injuries, Eugen mustered all her remaining strength to aim her surviving shipborne main gun at Heinrich and fired.

Unfortunately, the shot was blocked by Heinrich's energy shield—she, too, was an Iron Blood armored ship with a shield skill.

"Stop daydreaming and sink Eugen quickly. We need to get back to the harbor."

Tirpitz's voice over the communicator snapped Heinrich and Spee back to reality. They both aimed their main guns and torpedo tubes at Eugen.

In an exercise, giving it your all is the greatest respect for your comrades.

Just as Heinrich and Spee prepared to finish off Eugen, a firm female voice rang out.

"Eugen, you've done your best. Rest now."

A fierce, broad shipborne dragon emerged from beneath the sea, shielding Eugen.

A tall woman in black, with pink hair and a drawn military sword, walked towards them, cutting through the stormy waves with an aura like an unbreakable mountain, standing between Heinrich, Spee, and their target.

"Now, it's my turn to be your opponent. I am Seydlitz, battlecruiser of the Iron Blood High Seas Fleet. Prepare yourselves."

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