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Chapter 658 Oppose The Heavens.

"I may lose. But I will always fight." He said to affirm his will.

So he got into a stance. He bent forward and put one foot in front of him. He cycled his energy and lightning bloomed all over his body. He was like a caterpillar evolving into a butterfly. Lightning is his cocoon. It has forged his body. It has forged his mind. And it has forged his character. He is one with lightning now. He is a lightning wielder.

Two large wings of blue lightning formed behind him. The same lightning went into his blade and amplified it. The wings flickered slightly. Then he shot forward towards Soverick. His environment became a blur as he shot forward toward his target.

'So fast.' he thought to himself. 'I am so fast.'

He has never been this fast before, not even in the real world. Something seemed to click within him at that moment when he decided to defy Soverick. His bloodline awakened with a roar. It is the bloodline of heavenly punishment. It is a bloodline that will oppose even the heavens, take heaven's lightning for itself, and use it to punish its enemies. If he can oppose the very heaven itself, it will never accept defeat to Soverick. 

He promised himself, 'I will fight as long as I can. I will always fight.' 

Ghaster became the embodiment of lightning. Power courses through him. His incomplete body of law allowed lightning to synchronize with him as if he were a titan of law. He brought up his blade and called down lightning from the heavens.

Soverick was still standing with a smirk on his lips and his arms stretched wide. That's what Ghaster saw before Soverick moved. The world has slowed down in his perception. Nothing should escape his sight. And yet, he only saw a blur when Soverick moved. It was a dash. Soverick stepped on the ground with one foot. His position shifted sideways near instantly. The ground where his foot smashed onto is cratered. It kicked up a lot of dust.

Fortunately, he is not blind. He saw what Soverick is trying to do through his eyes and his divine sense. He can also react to his due to the amplification of his mind by lightning. His instincts flared up and he flicked his lightning wings before he knew that he did. That enabled him to abort his current attack and narrowly dodge a punch thrown at him from his right.

He didn't get to rest after that narrow escape. Another punch came at him almost immediately. He dodged that too. Soverick is fast. Almost too fast to react to. The major problem is that his movements are simple. A single step will take him a large distance near instantly. He can also abort his motion and turn around near instantly with another single stomp of his feet.

But he is fast too. His perception is top notch so he can always keep track of Soverick. And his instincts help him not to get fooled by the feints that Soverick throws at him. He managed to keep up with the barrage of attacks. He even managed to counter-attack but he stopped doing it because they are not effective against Soverick.

Soverick wouldn't dodge an attack. He would calmly and easily deflect it aside with his body. Lightning stung him but it could not get a purchase on him. Then he would use the opportunity to counterattack. Those counterattacks are too much dangerous. Ghaster was almost done in by one of them so he decided to defend and distance himself from Soverick. Unfortunately, Soverick stuck to him like the color white on white clouds.

The two of them flashed around like two fireflies having a mating ritual. They flickered about never stopping for long in a single place. Each place they went to gets destroyed. Buildings collapsed and the ground began to crack. The city of stone started to collapse all around them. Soverick did most of the damage. The destruction to the city is because of his missed attacks and his stomps. All Ghaster did was run around.

"Is this what you wanted to do in a fight with me? Do you just want to run around?" Soverick asked with a mocking tone."

Ghaster roared. "Enough" 

Lightning blasted out of him. It exploded into his surroundings. Soverick was caught by the blast. He was thrown across the city before smashing into a building and destroying it. The entire building collapsed onto him. Tonnes of reinforced stone fell and buried him. The city quieted down for a few seconds. 

The fighting stopped and so did the destruction to the city. Ghaster looked around at the city. He noticed that it has become different from what it used to be. It is as if an earthquake hit the city and caused massive collapse to its structures.

The silence became marred by a rhythmic thumping. This thumping is coming from where Soverick was buried. He wants to get out so he is punching his way out. Stone and rocks flew into the air with each punch. The punches also caused booming sounds that felt like thumping.

Soverick came out from where he was buried. He looks no worse. That means he looks pristine and spotless. He doesn't look like someone who was buried a few moments ago. 

He clapped and said, "That's not so bad. Is that all you've got?"

Ghaster replied. "You are a bully. Do you know that?"

Soverick began to laugh. He doubled over and held his stomach as he laughed. His laugh resounded across the devastated city. He laughed until he couldn't laugh anymore.

Then he shook his head and asked, "You think I am a bully? Tell me, have I bullied you?"


"That is so funny. You are such a naive and ignorant boy. It is obvious that you haven't grown over these past few thousand years." 

"I am not naive." Ghaster interrupted him with a shout.

Soverick continued without care. He said with a cold determined voice, "I'll show you bullying."

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