
Chapter 142 – Kaiju Battle? In Murim?!

Qi seeped out from their bodies, slowly gathering around the destroyed altar.

"NO NO NO NO NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" The Cult Leader, whose face melted slowly, screamed in agony and despair. "What have you done?! THE RITUAL HASN'T FINISHED YET!"

Leo couldn't understand why the man was so desperate to complete the ritual. However, he began to doubt whether his decision to destroy the altar was the correct one.

He could feel the Qi around the area was getting absorbed into the spiral created by destroying the altar at a fast rate. If this continued, he was afraid that his Qi would also get sucked.

"L-Leader, help!" Astrid's panicked voice rang in his ears, and he immediately turned his attention to her.

Astrid was kneeling on the ground, her hands and legs bound by a strange rope made of flesh and muscle. The maggot tried to crawl into her eyes, the only possible way in to enter her body as the others were blocked by the bodysuit.

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