

A pink-haired young woman could hear branches snapping underneath her feet as she desperately ran into the misty, gloomy forest. The sky became grayish along with the atmosphere of the area.

She didn't believe it would ever get to this point, yet it's her fault it did.

She didn't know how long she'd been running in the forest. All she knew is she had to get away from the doom awaiting her back where she came from.


Stepping on a few more branches, her eyes roamed around her front view for something specific while proceeding to run.

In the far distance, her eyes brightened with relief once they landed on the object she was searching for.

Without a care, she sprinted towards a bush with spiked flowers and let it rub against her body. Gaining a few more scratches in the process as she ran in between them.

'I have to make them lose track of my scent, no matter what. Or else...'

Thankfully, she purposely ran into many of those spiked flowers before the perfume hiding her scent for the meantime wore out.

The forest was filled with many of them. Perfect for her grand escape to free herself from those crazy brutes.

Both her skin and dress contained scratches because of the sharp branches she purposely continued to run into in the forest.

Small bits of blood trickled down her once-beautiful pink fluffy dress as she sprinted and panted harshly. The forest, it covered the beauty's whole being with dirt and sweat.

The beauty fell a couple times, tripping over rocks and small holes in the ground she didn't see. Her white heels that matched her fluffy dress weren't of much help, either.

She was physically tired and hurting everywhere.

However, it didn't stop her two legs from running. Her survival instincts kicked in and didn't leave any thoughts for stopping.

She was mentally energized for her survival.

Running past infinite amount of trees, she unconsciously started slowing her pace. Her legs were aching. Her entire body was sore from the unfamiliar muscles being used.

'This isn't good. I'm beginning to get tired. I don't think this body can hold on much longer without a break.'

"I knew I should've trained this body harder. I should've followed my gut."

The young woman mumbled, as she stopped running and leaned towards a big tree next to a bunch of the spiked flowers from before.

Luckily, she could stop for a moment and catch her breath. All these flowers were plenty enough to keep her scent hidden for the meantime.

Looking at her surroundings properly this time, she creased her eyebrows in the surrounding view.

'How much further till I make it? Everything in the forest looks too similar. It's hard for me to identify my current location. The faint mist also doesn't help.'

She sighed, closing her eyes in defeat. She knew she could stress out later. Right now, she just wanted to rest and find shelter.

Luckily, she wouldn't have to worry about food and water as she packed some fruit beforehand in her secret pouch, hidden underneath her fluffy dress, wrapped around her hips.

Breathing in and out, the beauty noticed her breathing was stabilizing with each deep breath that she took.

'This is good. Now I just need to find some place to hide in the meantime.'

She began scanning the area once more, making sure she didn't miss a single spot for a hideout she can rest in. It's obvious this body desperately needs it.

Searching around the area, the woman hadn't noticed a figure watching her from a somewhat far distance. Observing her every move.

Nonetheless, it didn't feel threatening. Which is why she hadn't noticed it.

That is, until she smelled a strong sense of pheromones emitting from a distance that caused her body to quiver and tense at the familiarity of it.

'Impossible. There's no way—'

Suddenly, a strong gush of wind blowed behind her, and she instantly turned around, but as she did, she bumped into a chiseled chest.

Big muscular arms immediately wrapped around her torso and forearms. Keeping her secure from any attempts to escape.

Having no choice but to face the man before her, she slowly lifted her head upwards and looked at the gorgeous man who was already gazing her way.

"Angelina, you can't runaway any longer. It is time you must accept your fate."

The ruby eyes stared deeply into her golden irises. His voice was possessive and demanding, but his gaze was soft.

He was the kindest of the six.

He never pushed her for an answer. Nor did he ever force himself on her. Specifically, when choosing between them.

He always gave her personal space and was very considerate. Gaining her respect and a soft side for him. Unlike what she ever imagined.

Alas, that was her biggest mistake.

"Let go of me this instant!"

The beauty, Angelina, shouted in a harsh tone, trying to push the man holding her in a firm embrace.

Not liking her response, he gripped her arms and approached her body even closer. Only having a few centimeters from touching their noses with one another.

Angelina's golden orbs widened, noticing the obsessiveness and abandonment in his crimson ones. Still, they held another emotion she couldn't quite distinguish.


Unaware of how much time had passed, they continued to stare into each other's eyes, not sharing any words. Entirely lost in the unrealistic color of their vibrant eyes.

The gasps and warmth they shared with their bodies were making the pheromones hard to ignore. The place the two stood, mixed with their pheromones and the trees.

Invading the dirt and grass scent.

The bush filled with flowers next to them meant to keep the pheromones hidden, were useless in hiding it at this point.


Flinching at his unexpected groan like panting, she stiffened and worried about the many terrible possibilities that may occur.

She could tell by his shaky hands and furrowed eyebrows it was becoming difficult to keep his composure.

Suddenly, his head moved irrationally beside the side of her face, then paused, barely creating skin contact with her rosy cheek.

His actions automatically caused her to close her eyelids shut from the nerves she was feeling in this very moment.

Their breaths fastening every passing second.

He then leaned his face further down until he stopped at the most sensitive spot on her body. Her exposed neckline.

Making the worst choice to wear a dress that gave easy access to, touch or smell the pheromones emitting from that exact spot.

The place where lovers mark each other, signifying they belong to one another. A bond between mates. A sacred moment shared by both partners.

She immediately opened her eyes again, knowing the fact he could force an unwanted mated bond between them.

'I have to get away, immediately!'

Feeling his hot breath and nose near her exposed neck, he got a better whiff of her scent. Specifically, the pheromones that caused a good deal of chaos to unleash.

"I love your rose petal scent. It drives me crazy to think the others have smelt it like I have, Angelina."

Angelina tensed at his possessive words. He must have noticed because his grip on her slightly loosened, but remained firm.

This is exactly why she ran away.

Trying hard to get far from their obsessive grasps. Avoiding them anywhere they were at or going to. She knew how things would turn out for her if she didn't.

She would end up doomed, just like him.

These bastards showed no mercy to anyone. Not even their own families and followers.

Angelina did everything in her power to avoid the same possible outcome. Unluckily, failing miserably in the end. However...

'I can't give up now.'

Gaining courage, she forcefully pulled away from his grasp and created some distance between their bodies. When she did, she glared at him to show she wouldn't back down and be owned by any of them.

She has to show him she won't give in easily.

When her eyes landed on his glowing ruby eyes, she instantly began regretting ever doing so. His expression was haunting.

Not just him, but all six of their gazes and aura was always terrifying for anyone who encounters their domineering eyes.

Red flags.

Everything about them literally screamed it. Their faces were propaganda of what people consider red flags and would normally want to avoid.

Even this sweet-looking man right now.

Not long after, the wind twirled around in a circular motion in the area they stood. The leafs dancing along with the blowing wind.

A wicked laugh then echoed, making it difficult to distinguish where exactly the laughter came from in the forest.

The beauty knew what was to come.

Suddenly, the mystical scene happening stopped in an instant. Silence surrounded the surrounding environment.

"Aww, man~! The Duke beat us in finding our Angelina first. Such a shame, but good for you, Angie."

A creepy yet medallic voice came from the top of a tree. Her eyes widened and her head snapped immediately towards the direction of the voice.

A lean figure of a man stood on the tree's thick branch at a distance from them with his hand clutched onto the tree's bark. Posing with a smirk for only a moment.

The chiseled arms around Angelina's torso lowered their hands to her waist and gripped at it in a possessive manner.

However, it didn't stop her from peering towards the man facing their direction. Watching them like prey. Observing every movement of theirs.

His cat eyes glowed in the shadows of the branches filled with leaves as he glared at the hands gripping her waist with a stone-cold expression. Not liking the intimate interaction a single bit.

She recognized that voice very well. The voice of the craziest bastard of them all.

'I'm screwed.'

Droplets of rain began descending from the grayish sky as they stood there in silence. The tension was obviously there.

Nobody said a word, even as a few more figures appeared in a half-circular row, including the same man still glaring, but far from one another on different trees.

It was clear they came separately, trying to find her. They dislike each other far too much to work together. It was a good asset for her plans to run away.

Everything was going perfect until now.

"I thought I got rid of you, runts. I suppose I shouldn't have held back on the hunting grounds. That is my mistake."

The tone of voice from the man shielding her was heard as a hostile one. There was an obvious feeling of hatred toward the men behind him.

"Nice to see you too, Duke."

This time, a sarcastic and unfriendly voice returned the 'greeting' back to the man in front of her, annoyed.

The others remained silent and eyed the both of them with wariness as the atmosphere became more tense than before.

'Tsk. The prince is here...'

Angelina knew very thoroughly she couldn't avoid them much longer. Her wishful thinking days of a different ending were over.

However, she was desperate to do anything for her survival. Even if it meant doing something that'll make her deeply regret her decision for the future.

Pushing the man still holding onto her, she took a few steps away from him and looked up towards all the alphas present.


She ordered with a glare for their ears to hear and eyes to see as their attention fell upon her demanding tone.

Angelina couldn't help but slightly shiver at the heavy invisible aura they gave off as alphas. The dominance they gave to one another when trying to intimidate and control someone beneath themselves.

Surprisingly, they weren't growling at one another like other times. The Alpha instinct they have when claiming what's theirs.

Gaining her courage again, Angelina gazed at each of them with determination and confidence while 'proposing' something she knew they'd be startled by.

"I have a proposition..."

She paused for a moment to catch her breath and composure. Mainly to examine their reactions to her next words.

Or should she say her sarcastic proposal.

"... what if, I were to consider taking all of you as my partner and mate? Isn't that what you seven alphas want?"

The beauty grinned as she eyed the seven ferocious and dominant alphas, who were startled by her proposal.

'Screw it. I'll do whatever it takes if it means for me to survive these lunatics.'

The agitated beauty swore, not knowing that her words would ignite something unusual within the seven handsome and powerful noblemen of the empire.


(>ᴗ•) <33

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