
Chapter 9 Starting from Salt

Looking at the bandages on Zhao Guang's body and smelling the medicinal odor, the landlady could hardly bear it.

"Xiao Zhao, seeing how hard it's been for you, I'll cut you a break on the rent, let's reduce it by five hundred," she said.

"Thank you so much," Zhao Guang hastily bowed in gratitude. Those five hundred might not seem like much, but for Zhao Guang at the moment, it was no small sum. After paying the rent, he would be left with just over three thousand yuan.

If he didn't figure out a solution soon, he feared he would be eating dirt.

At this moment, even the wrinkles on the landlady's face seemed pleasing to Zhao Guang; she truly was a beautiful woman with a kind heart.

After a great many compliments, Zhao Guang limped his way out. Those mismatched legs somehow moved with joyous rhythm—hard to imitate even if one tried.

Zhao Guang, not going home, headed straight for the grain and oil store.

He had already decided yesterday what he was going to buy. There was a shortage of food over there, but it was, after all, a military camp.

Food wasn't something that could be skimped on; too little meant nothing, and too much was more than he could afford. With just over three thousand yuan, what could he do? After much thought, Zhao Guang finally remembered that the food he ate yesterday seemed to lack flavor.

If it lacked flavor, that meant the army must be short on salt.

Salt was incredibly cheap on his side—supermarkets sell it for one yuan per pack at retail price.

If he bought in bulk, it should be cheaper, right? Upon arriving at the grain and oil store, Zhao Guang looked around while chatting with the boss. Finally, the conversation turned to salt.

"I'll buy more if you can give me a discount. I'm getting five sacks this time, but I'll definitely need more later."

"Are you stocking up for a restaurant or a canteen?"

"Something like that. If the price is right, I'll keep buying from you, and I might even need other items."

"Well, that's good to hear, but I can't lower the price anymore. I can only offer you a little discount. Salt is different from other products; the price is regulated by the state, so we can't just change it willy-nilly."

"Not even a little bit?" Zhao Guang stared at the elder man in front of him.

"Well, not exactly impossible, but you know how it is."

Oh, I see, a kickback, huh? So, this grain and oil store isn't even yours. "I understand, I understand. How much are you thinking?"

"It's not about how much I want, but how much you buy. If you buy enough, we'll calculate it at a three percent rebate. I'll give you a receipt showing the normal price. If it's less, let's just make friends this time."

"Alright, I appreciate the help."

Though the receipt meant nothing to him, it truly did bring the price down.

If he made bulk purchases in the future, that little bit could save him quite a lot. He probably wouldn't always buy here, but who could tell? Both men completed the transaction with a smile on their faces.

However, looking at those sacks, Zhao Guang felt a bit troubled—they were simply too unwieldy to carry home.

"Got any recommendations? I can't really carry this all the way back."

"Why not have someone deliver it for you?"

"That won't do. I can't keep troubling you, and besides, I've got other uses for it."

"Then get a three-wheeler. Those things are handy. Equip it with a battery, and it runs fast without much effort. If you want to buy one, head over to the second-hand market and mention you were referred by Lao Liu from the grain and oil shop."

Zhao Guang gestured with his hands: "How big are these three-wheelers anyway?"

"The small ones are 1.2 meters. Commonly, they're 1.5 meters, and there are those that are 2 meters long. It depends on your needs."

Zhao Guang's fingers pinched in, "Do you have any that are one meter?"

Before coming here, Zhao Guang had measured the bathroom wall, roughly marking out the dimensions of the door frame. After measuring, the door frame was only one meter wide and 1.5 meters high. He had no idea how he had managed to fall through it.

Besides, the door wasn't perfectly square. It had a slightly rounded edge, resembling an oval but squarer. But no matter what, it seemed that the three-wheeler wouldn't fit through.

"One meter? Who has a door that size?"

"People from over there have some special standards. They make their doors smaller to seem taller."

"I get it, Rizi Country folks, right? They're always coming up with stuff like that. Be careful when dealing with them—they have quite a few oddballs. I heard that a pervert showed up around here just yesterday; I'm not sure if they're one of their own."

Zhao Guang exclaimed loudly, "That's gotta be them, who else could it be?" His exaggerated expression made the elder laugh.

"Alright, if a three-wheeler's too wide, you'll just have to use a handcart. Go ask about it yourself."

"Okay, I'll leave the stuff here and come back for it later."

After a courteous farewell, Zhao Guang hobbled towards the second-hand market.

"Ah, these days, nothing's easy, dealing with those weirdos. Don't let them turn you into one," Lao Liu said, shaking his head with a pitying look as Zhao Guang left. But Liu wasn't concerned for himself due to his age.

Upon reaching the second-hand market, Lao Liu's recommendation proved to be of little use.

The price was what it was, and any further discount at the second-hand market would mean no price at all.

"You're looking for a handcart? There aren't many of those around. Who uses them nowadays? Plus, you want one less than a meter wide? You don't have any particular style in mind, do you?"

"No, as long as it can haul stuff and must be sturdy."

"No problem then. Check this out—supposedly made of high-carbon steel, but no one wants it. I picked it up for fifty yuan, so I'll sell it to you for eighty."

Zhao Guang took one look and saw its charming pink exterior—it was a children's toy cart.

"Is it really that sturdy? Made of high-carbon steel? Don't try to fool me," he said.

"Would I lie to you? If this thing wasn't so hard to sell, I wouldn't be pricing it this low. These days, kids won't play with used toys, they all want new ones—and the new ones don't last long."

"That's true, don't go raising the price on me. I'm clearing some space for you, fifty yuan and it's mine."

"It's me selling at cost. I won't even make a buck for the trouble."

Zhao Guang pursed his lips, "Don't give me that. I've got friends in the business, and the cost is at most twenty yuan."

"Fine, fine, my loss. It's yours for fifty," the seller conceded.

"Thanks," Zhao Guang quickly snatched up the handcart, wearing an enigmatic smile as he left. Pushing the pink toy cart down the street, Zhao Guang once again became a picturesque part of the urban landscape.

The vendor muttered under his breath, "What a piece of work. If you keep talking, am I supposed to just stop doing business? Took a big loss there."

Looking around at the others, their expressions shifted instantly when they heard Zhao Guang speaking. It was best to get rid of him quickly, or he wouldn't know how much he'd lose for the day. What a headache.

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