
Chapter 45 ( Volume 1: System Emergence END )

The day passed as hours went by and so did the night.

Jack was on edge the whole time through, awaiting the Cullens to come knocking on his door at any moment.

Awaiting a fight that never came.

Cold ones, didn't need any sleep, they never got tired at least physically.

Jack's mind was starting to wear out, he himself had thought of it to be impossible after all he was no longer human and even had a maxed-out intelligence stat.

But that intelligence had only been his downfall. Because of how high it was, it only served as a way to increase the number of calculations beyond what even the mind of a cold one could endure.

Jack had already inferred something from his stats and the stats of the people around him.

'10 is a number that shouldn't be achievable, it's something that is beyond the ability of any being. And thus it's both a boon but also something that can wear my body and mind down.' Jack thought to himself as he rubbed his temples.

Getting up from the bed, Jack walked to his window and looked at the morning dew all around him on the outside.

'I guess it's time that I went to school huh? It's the best place where I can meet the Cullens once more and see what their reaction is. They are too preoccupied with hiding themselves from humans and thus I could use those very humans as hostages against them.' Jack thought as he turned around and got dressed quickly, taking the clothes out of his backpack. And leaving only the books.

Slinging the backpack over one shoulder, Jack went outside and locked the door behind him.

Heading down a flight of emergency stairs, Jack quickly arrived at the street and started heading toward Forks's High School.

'It's been a while since I have walked to school.' Jack thought as he thought back to his time at the Cullens.

'It would have been so great if we were just friends if you guys didn't do that. Though I can never forgive them for what they have done. I will forever remember you as one of my best friends, Emmet' Jack thought as he walked down the road.

The sky clouded and looked ready to unleash a downpour on the small town.

The morning cries of the small birds were heard clearly in Jack's ears as he walked down the street.

Soon, students from all around started to get out of their houses as they walked towards their school or took their cars to drive over.

The walk took Jack half an hour before he was standing before the parking lot of the school.


'Yesterday was a confirmation that at my current state, the Cullens have no chance of beating me, let alone catching me.' Jack thought as he walked toward his destination.

He wasn't planning on wasting any time.

Looking in front of him at where he was going, Jack saw two cars with a group of people around them.

All of them were looking at Jack as he came closer and closer to them.

All of their faces were strangely stoic, Jack had expected more of a reaction out of the group.

They were the Cullens, the very people he had beat down yesterday afternoon.

Jack himself, didn't give them a wave as he always did, didn't even deign them with a smile.

His lips stretched out in a thin line, and his brows slightly furrowed. Jack stopped right in front of the group.

Merely a few feet apart.

"Hey Jack" Alice was the first one to give him a greeting though it felt off place in this kind of situation.

Turning his head toward the woman slightly, Jack gave her a stare before turning his face back. Looking directly at one man.

"With this, I've stopped my revenge, this doesn't satisfy me in any way, shape, or form. I would have preferred to kill you and burn you alive Edward" Jack said, his tone not shifting even minutely as he stared at what he felt like was the person whom he hated and would hate the most for the rest of his life.

"Why didn't you" Edward asked straightforwardly as he looked at Jack.

His face was still that poker face of his.

Jack didn't move his eyes either and stared back at him as well.

For a few moments, nothing was said.

"Because of two reasons. You're Emmet's brother." Jack said, his words causing the man in question to raise his eyebrows as he looked at Jack.

"What do you mean by that Jack, you did it for me but you still beat the hell out of me?" Emmet who had remained silent said as he took a step forward.

Jack didn't even turn, however, still staring at Edward.

"And you always called yourself a monster right? That it was better to die than to become one. Well, I couldn't give you the peace and freedom of being dead. Stay alive forever Edward, like a never aging monster that leeches off of everyone around him." Jack said and finally, his lips curled up into a smile.

Into a cruel smile that seemed to want nothing else but to rip the man in front of him apart.

Turning around, Jack started walking toward the school, leaving only a few words behind.

"If you try to come to me again, I'll kill every single human in this town. Don't try me, Cullens" Jack said with his back turned towards them as he stressed the name 'Cullens' out as if it was a curse word, something filthy.

The Cullens were left there standing, Edward had a frown on his face while Alice and Jasper had looks of sadness.

Rosalie had that same displeased look on her face as she always did.

As for Emmet, he was left there confused.

He didn't know what to think, how to react, or what to do anymore as he looked at Jack who was getting farther and farther away.


Here's the daily chapter for Twilight Gamer.

This is the end of the 1st Volume.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, it was pretty hard to write and I had to think for a few hours to come up with a good way to end this first volume.

From now on, the story will start to go on a different path completely from the Twilight original plot. The first few chapters of the second volume aren't hype however it starts to pick up pace fast.

I also got the book which is from Edward's point of view so that I can learn more about the Cullens and how they act/think/react which I thought would help later on if I have scenes that they are involved in.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead and help support me check out my Patreon at:


Lots of Love


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