

Aiden's now three years old, These three years were hectic for both Eren and Mikasa, since both of them are only twenty-one years old. The constant crying from Aiden and the responsibilities of being a father seem to have aged Eren a lot. Eren's once bright eyes now carry a weariness that couldn't be found before.

Late at night, when Aiden finally sleeps, Eren and Mikasa sit together in the silence of night, taking comfort in each others presence. Their small home, once neat, now shows signs of wear—a toy left on the floor, dishes piling up in the sink. Mikasa occasionally glances at Eren, noticing the deepening lines on his face. "You look tired," she says softly, reaching out to touch his hand.

Eren sighs, a small, tired smile forming. "I am, but I wouldn't change it for anything." He looks over at Aiden, who's sleeping peacefully in his little crib. Despite the exhaustion ever-present in Earen's and Mikasa's eyes there's a glimmer of love and hope for their future in their eyes.

They've had their moments of both joy and sadness —Aiden's first steps, Aiden's first fall after his first steps, his first words, Sometimes, when Aiden cries in the middle of the night, Eren feels the weight of it all crushing down on him. Mikasa is always there, offering silent support, her own strength keeping them both afloat.

Early mornings often find Eren cradling Aiden, whispering stories of a world outside their small cottage. Aiden listens intently, his tiny fingers gripping Eren's shirt as if seeking comfort in his father's presence. These moments are precious to Eren, where the weight of the world seems to lift, even if only a little.

One evening, Eren and Aiden can be seen next to the river where eren fishes, As the sunsets in the back, it paint's the world in a beautiful orange hue. Full of energy Aiden splashes around in the shallow water, laughing as Eren watch's over him with a small smile on his face. The sound of Aiden's laughter is a refreshing change and for a moment all the accumulated stress fade's away. Eren joins in lifting Aiden high into the air, eliciting more joyful giggles. "You're getting heavy, little guy," Eren said with a chuckle, his heart swelling with love.

At night, when ever Aiden has trouble sleeping, Eren is the one who stays by his side, telling him stories until his eyelids grow heavy. The bond between them has grown strong; Aiden looks up to his father with admiration, and Eren, despite the weariness, finds his strength renewed in Aiden's innocent smile.

Mikasa often watches them from a distance, a soft smile on her lips. She sees how Eren's love for their son has changed him, despite the burdens they carry, Eren's heart has expanded with every passing day. Their small home is filled with the echoes of Aiden's laughter, the quiet moments of Eren's storytelling, and the warmth of a love that has only grown deeper with time.

The relationship between Eren an Mikasa has deepened, strengthened by the trials they've faced together. They may be young, but they are learning—learning to be parents, to support each other, and to find small moments of happiness in the chaos. And for Eren, those moments are often found in the simple joy of being with Aiden, watching his son grow, and feeling the unconditional love that only a parent can know.

In a dimly lit room, Eren and Mikasa sat together, the gravity of their situation palpable. Eren's eyes, heavy with unspoken sorrow, met Mikasa's as he took her hand, his grip trembling slightly.

"Mikasa," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "I know you've been hoping that I could change the curse, that I could find a way for us to be together without this looming over us. But… I won't do it yet"

Mikasa's eyes widened with confusion and fear. "But Eren, you have the Founding Titan's power. You can remove the curse now. Why not extend your life and stay with us, stay with Aiden?"

Eren's gaze faltered, a pained resolve settling over his features. "I will change it, Mikasa. I will extend the lifespan of Titan shifters, remove the curse… But i will keep mine the same as i have seen what i would do in the future, if I do that now, I'd be making that decision for my self."

He took a deep, shuddering breath. "I've seen what happens. The power to defy death, to live beyond the curse… it's too tempting. It could make us reckless, believing we have all the time in the world to fix everything. But time is what gives our choices meaning. If I remove the curse now, it might seem like a solution, but it's really just a way to escape the consequences of our actions."

Mikasa's heart ached as she listened, her tears mingling with his. Eren continued, his voice cracking with emotion. "I'm doing this for Aiden… for you, for everyone. I will change the curse for the other shifter's and for Aiden, "

He tightened his grip on her hands. "I want him to live a life where he can shape his own destiny, not one where the weight of my decisions dictates his future. If I extend my life now, I'd be clinging to the past, denying him the chance to forge his own path."

Mikasa embraced him tightly, understanding the depth of Eren's sacrifice. "You're choosing to let go… to give him the freedom to live his life on his own terms," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Eren nodded, his voice a broken whisper. "I love you, Mikasa. I love Aiden more than anything. But I have to let go, to trust that he will find his own way. "

As they held each other, the weight of their shared grief and the profoundness of Eren's sacrifice settled between them. In those moments, Eren found solace in the simple joy of being with Aiden, watching his son grow, and feeling the unconditional love that only a parent can know. Their small family, filled with laughter and love, became a bittersweet reminder of what Eren was choosing to protect.

The next morning, as the sun began to rise, Eren knew he couldn't delay his journey any longer. He had to return to the walls, face his friends, and prepare for the inevitable. He had made his peace with the choices he needed to make, and now it was time to see them through.

Standing by the door of their cottage, Eren took one last look at Mikasa and Aiden, who were still asleep. Mikasa stirred, sensing his presence, and sat up with a mix of concern and understanding.

"You're really going, aren't you?" she asked softly.

Eren nodded, his heart heavy. "I have to. But I promise, I'll come back. I won't leave you and Aiden alone."

Mikasa rose from the bed and joined him, her eyes filled with quiet strength. "Just… come back to us, Eren. That's all I ask."

Eren pulled her into a final embrace, holding her close as if trying to savor every last moment. "I will, Mikasa. I promise."

He bent down to kiss Aiden softly on the forehead, his heart aching at the thought of leaving his son. "Take care of your mom while I'm gone, okay?"

With a final, lingering look at his family, Eren stepped out the door. The path ahead was uncertain and filled with pain, but he knew it was the right one. His journey was a testament to his love and sacrifice.

As Eren walked away, the first rays of dawn touched the horizon, and he carried with him the love of his family and the resolve to face what was to come. His final act was to give Aiden the gift of choice, a chance to shape his own future, and to make sure that even in his absence, his family would find strength and hope.

It's hard to write ppl.

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