
The Red Sisters (2)

I listened to 'On the nature of daylight by Max Richter' while writing this chapter.


Silence descended between them at Zina's last words. But with that was a sense of confusion that she gleaned from Seraph's side. Laced to it was probably the maid servant's unasked question.

The question would be along the lines of why was Zina telling her about the Red Sister's in a discussion prompted by talking about the WolfKnight's… her supposed family.

Seraph would find out soon enough.

"No one says a thing about these girls that are taken away?" Seraph asked, not because the cruelty was strange to her, but because the girl had all but grown in the Arctic North, a place where cruelty wss masked under the disguise of well-placed laws.

No, cruelty in the north was not lawless. Slaves such as Seraph herself were acquired under the backings of stringent and ancient laws that stood staunch in time and space.

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