

(Aerion's POV)

As I held Visenya, I walked through the door to the King's Chambers, Ser Harold had opened it and announced my arrival. 

"Lord Aerion, Your Grace." He called, "And his daughter, the Princess Visenya." 

As I walked in, I saw that Uncle Viserys was sitting on a chair, Otto standing next to him as the Queen, sat in a chair next to him. 

I stopped as I felt Visenya waking up, looking at them, "You called for me?" I asked

The King had a frown, "Where is Rhaenyra?" he asked

"I told her to stay in her chambers." I said as Alicent looked at me

"Father, do you need me to stay?" I heard Helaena say

Viserys looked at her, "Helaena?" He said, "What are you doing with Aerion?" 

"I was looking after the babe." Helaena said awkwardly as she stood next to me, "I wanted to spend time with her....." 

Alicent gave her a slight smile, "Oh sweet girl..." She said softly

Viserys looked at Ser Harold, "Please escort my daughter back to her room." He said as he stood up, "This is well.....a somewhat private matter." 

"Your Grace." Ser Harold said as he bowed slightly and walked to Helaena

I gave Haleana a smile, "Thank you." I said with a nod

She smiled slightly, "Okay..." she said as she walked out of the room and Ser Harold closed the doors behind him

I looked over to King Viserys and his wife. They were all giving me serious looks. 

"I wanted Rhaenyra to be here as well." He said as he walked over to me, "Hm....Look at her, so peaceful....." 

"Can I ask what we were needed for?" I asked him

Queen Alicent stood up and walked over to me, "May I?" she asked as she offered her hands with a smile

I looked at her, "Huh?" I said, "What for?" 

"Do not fret, my boy." Viserys said, "Let the Queen hold her...."

I reluctantly gave Visenya to Alicent as she held her with a smile in her face, "The closer I look at her, the clearer I see how beautiful she is." She said with a smile as she patted her cheek, "Sweet little thing, reminds me of Helaena when she was born." 

I looked at Uncle, completely confused at what was going on. Why had Otto demanded to see us? I don't understand. 

"My boy." Viserys said as I didn't take my eyes of Alicent holding Visenya, "You must understand that while I do know you don't want this, it must be done." 

I looked at him, "What must be done?" I asked as my heart began to beat faster, "What are you talking about?" 

He looked down, "To avoid any conflict with him..." He said as he looked back at me, "I'm sorry...." 

"Sorry?" I said as I looked over at Alicent as she walked past us, "W-What..." 

"Hm." I heard a voice say 

I turned to see that in the corner of the room, hiding in the shadows, Father leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. 

I froze, seeing his slight smirk as his gaze went from me to Alicent holding Visenya. 

I clenched my fists, "Y-You...." 

Otto cleared his throat, "Calm yourself." He warned, "No violence shall be tolerated here, in front of the King and Queen." 

"Yes, I understand that." Daemon said as he took a step forth, "Let me see her....." 

My entire body began to slightly tremble, anxiety and anger filling it, "What is the meaning of this?" 

Alicent reached him and handed Visenya to Daemon, "Here you go..." She said as he took her

"Ah..." Daemon held her with a smile, "Look at you....." 

I took a step forward, "You...." 

"Aerion." Viserys said as he stopped me with his cane, "You have to understand, he is Family." 

I scowled, "Family?" I asked seriously, "You jest.....You must think this is a sick joke....You of all people understand why the fuck I don't want him around her!!" 

Viserys composed himself, "You forget yourself, boy." He said, "I am not just your King, I am your Uncle...and he is my brother, your Father." 

"A sorry excuse of one..." I spat right back, "He doesn't deserve to-" 

"Well here I am, Aerion..." Daemon cut me off, "I told you, didn't I? I was going to meet her whether you like it or not...." 

I glared at him, "Give her back..." I growled, "Now." 

He gave me a smirk, "No." 

"To avoid Daemon partaking in his.....well, actions..." Otto spoke up, "We decided it was best to give him what he wants.....and he just wanted to see her and hold her just once....." 

I couldn't believe this. I was feeling a seething rage inside of me. I didn't want this man to touch her, my daughter...

I didn't mind if he wanted to spend time with my sisters, that's fine, I love them to death....they're his daughters and all. But Visenya is mine....not his...She's my daughter....

"You saw her....and you held her...." I said as I steadied my breathing, "Now...give her back...." 

"I think I should sit down a while, enjoy the sight of her peaceful and innocent face." Daemon said as he walked over to a chair, "Ah, it does remind me of how Father acted when your daughter was born, Viserys....." 

"It does, doesn't it?" Viserys chuckled

Daemon sat down in a chair and he patted Visenya's head as he smiled. It unsettled me, this was not a forced smile or a mocking smirk, this was a genuine one. I didn't know what to make of this, I had no idea what to feel. But right now, I didn't want his hands touching my girl....

I took a step forward, "Daemon..." 

"Ah." He raised his finger, "It's Father, Aerion. You would do well to remember that." 

"You need to calm down, Aerion." Alicent told me, "He won't do anything...For now, humor him." 

"No." I said, "I-" 

"Where's Visenya?" I heard Rhaenyra's voice as the doors opened, "Father?" 

I turned to see Rhaenyra walking in with a concerned face, "Rhaenyra..." 

"Ah, my girl." Viserys said, "Come-" 

"What is he doing?!" Rhaenyra said as she rushed past me and towards Daemon, "Get your hands off her, Daemon!" 

I watched as Daemon handed Visenya over to Rhaenyra as she hurriedly backed off and towards my side. 

"Hm." Daemon said as he rolled his eyes, "Well, it was nice while it lasted." 

"What is the meaning of this?" Rhaenyra asked as she held Visenya who began to pout in her sleep, "Father, why is he here?" 

"Rhaenyra..." Viserys said, "Daemon is the girl's grandfather, I think he deserves to meet her." 

"And what? You lured my husband here with her and have him abuse your authority to keep him from taking her from his filthy hands??" Rhaenyra said with annoyance

"My hands are quite clean." Daemon said

"Silence!" Rhaenyra said, "You're a sly fox, Daemon. You know very well that Aerion holds nothing but animosity towards you and are well aware he will hold himself back in my Father's presence." 

Daemon smirked, "I figured since he beat me to a pulp, he had gotten it all out of his system." He said, "My body still aches all over." 

I scowled, "I can make it worse if you want." I said

"No, calm yourself, love." Rhaenyra said softly

"Rhaenyra." Alicent started, "I think its best if we try to get along. Daemon has promised us that he won't do anything drastic should we allow him to see Visenya." 

"And you believe him???" Rhaenyra asked, "Your Grace, that is a foolish thing to do!" 

Alicent looked down and cleared her throat, "It is worth taking the risk." She said as she looked back at us, "The King ordered it, so it had to be done." 

"Yes." Viserys said, "I had told you all back in Driftmark...didn't I? That we are Family....and we should get along! That includes Daemon and Aerion. Now, the two of you....you will make goodwill to each other, right here, right now. I can't have my brother and his son at each other's throats." 

"No." I said

Viserys looked at me, "I beg your pardon?" 

"No." I repeated

Viserys walked towards me, "He is your Father, Aerion." He said, "And he's here now. This is the only chance the two of you will get....." 

I gave him a serious look, "I think it is a bit too late, Your Grace." I said, "I don't want to see him. If he wants to see his daughters, my sisters, fine....so be it. But me? My daughter? No. I will not. I ask for leave to be dismissed so I can take my wife and children back to Dragonstone." 

"Aerion..." Rhaenyra said

Viserys stepped back, "Leave?" He asked, "You want leave? For what? To....to run away? From him? Now that he's here in front of you, you want to do the one thing he did to you all your life? How does that make the two of you any different, Aerion? How?!" 

"I don't care." I said, "I don't want to see him." 

"What will it take, then?" Viserys asked, "No, I want to know this now. What would it take for the two of you to be in a room without any sort of argument, dispute, fighting....or whatever?" 

I gave Daemon a serious look as he returned a sly smirk, "You know what, Your Grace." I said seriously

"What?" Viserys said as he looked at me, "You....you can't be serious.....That?" 

Daemon raised his eyebrow, "What?" 

I slowly walked over to him as Alicent slowly got out of the way, "Nephew..." She started as he walked past me

I took Lady Rhea out of it's strap and placed it on the table right next to him as he gave me a confused look.

"What is this?" He asked 

"Your face." I said seriously as I gave him a glare, "Take this sword.....and give yourself a scar...." 

"A-Aerion..." Rhaenyra called out

"That is the only way I'll be satisfied...and I'll consider forgiving you....." I told Daemon, "Neglecting me for all my life is one thing, maybe I would have overlooked it due to your Brother's request....but the one thing I cannot overlook is that the only memory of my mother that I have is the scars on her face.....So I want you to take this blade...." 

"And give yourself a matching scar, Daemon." 

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