
66 Beauty Hunting Ball, Catwoman: I Didn't Expect You to Be Such a Person

A hot topic ignited debates and conversations among fans and casual observers, thrusting the discussion to the forefront of the sports competition section overnight.

**[Dana, is that Daxia fighter really going to challenge Connor? What makes him think he has the chops to go up against him? Just because Connor has faced setbacks doesn't mean he can lose to just anyone.]**

**[Back off, buddy. Ye Chen just trounced Justin Gaethje and claimed the third spot in the lightweight rankings. Who even cares about Connor's standing? Oh right, he's been knocked out of the ranks entirely.]**

**[Just remember, that Daxia dude could take Connor down without breaking a sweat.]**

**[Do you genuinely believe Connor is finished? I watched his latest training video, and let me tell you, his wrestling skills have skyrocketed. I'm just hoping he comes back to demolish Ye Chen.]**

**[Is Connor still a fan favorite? He gave Ye Chen a good beating? I think you're lost in fantasy land!]**

**[Let's not forget—one kid is Dana's progeny, and the other is a rising star. Whoever loses will have a rough road ahead.]**

**[Word is, an internal decision has been made: these two are definitely destined to clash...**

Ye Chen awoke to a flood of notifications, with countless notifications pinging his phone. Friends and strangers alike were tagging him and flooding his inbox with questions about an impending fight against Connor. While many rabid fans targeted him with harsh critiques, questioning his qualifications and threatening him regarding Connor, Ye Chen was utterly bewildered.

Logging on to the UFC official website yielded nothing. What was all the fuss about? When did a fight with Connor get scheduled on his calendar without him knowing?

Just as he pondered the chaos, the hotel phone rang. The front desk informed him that he had received a package. The realization struck him—the mask he'd been anticipating had finally arrived.

A delivery within the same city made sense, and he instructed the front desk to send it up. As he hung up, he swung his legs over the side of the bed. After a few days of rest and professional therapy, he discovered his legs were much better. They had regained enough strength for him to walk normally, though he was reluctant to return to intense training just yet. After all, forcing his body could lead to long-term damage.

Professional athletes have strong bodies but must tread carefully; even minor injuries could threaten a career. So Ye Chen, at 29, wasn't about to take unnecessary risks. Thankfully, he had his simulation space for intense training. In the real world, taking some time to relax seemed perfectly acceptable.

Before he knew it, the clock was ticking toward his meeting with Catwoman. She had sent him an electronic invitation card and the event's address earlier that morning, and right now, he was on his way via Uber.

"Hey, aren't you that Daxia boxer who's been stealing the spotlight lately? It's hard to ignore you, especially after you cost me a bunch of money!" His driver, who had been glancing at him through the rearview mirror since he got in, couldn't hold back.

Ye Chen chuckled, "You can't bet against me if you don't have the right intel. Looks like your gamble was misplaced."

The driver shook his head, astonished. "I never expected a Daxia fighter to rise to fame so quickly. No one thought you could take out our country's quintessential fighter, Justin…"

In the driver's mind, beyond Daxia, he couldn't fathom any exceptional fighters from all of Asia. Perhaps Shafqat could count for two, but that was about it.

"You're famous now! I bet you've raked in some serious cash, right? I heard you're facing Connor—true? He's a cash cow. If you fight him, I'm betting everything on you to win!" The enthusiasm in the driver's voice was palpable. "And where exactly are we headed? This area is for the wealthy elite, right?"

A sense of caution crept into Ye Chen's mind. Picking up on the driver's zealous interest in every detail about him left him feeling wary. These urban cowboy types can be unpredictable. After all, the peculiar nature of American curiosity can lead to unwanted attention.

After about an hour, the car pulled up to a sprawling estate, more accurately described as a manor. Eight security personnel stood guard outside, towering and impeccably dressed in tailored suits. A fleet of luxury vehicles surrounded the estate, including a few jaw-dropping sports cars.

"Wow, these folks are loaded! Are we headed to a masquerade or what? I bet there'll be a parade of stunning women inside. Just look at that one's figure! Imagine the possibilities if I could only gain access…" The driver's excitement was clear.

Ye Chen was taken aback. Who were his netizens? This level of grandeur wasn't just open to anyone. It dawned on him: This luxurious manor catered to an elite few. After handing the driver a generous tip—just part of the prevalent tipping culture in this part of the world—Ye Chen stepped out of the car. He instinctively donned his mask, noticing that other guests were already masked up.

The security guard scanned his electronic invitation. "Sir, please come inside."

"Thank you."

Ye Chen casually strolled after a pair of masked beauties who were happily chatting away, taking in the lavish surroundings.

Inside, amidst a lavishly decorated room, four masked women lounged together.

"Okay, Annie, spill! What mask is Dan Stevens wearing? Also, who's the second invitee—you've gotta tell us!"

One of the girls chimed in, and all three eyes turned toward Annie, who wore a Hera mask. Their expressions shimmered with curiosity.

"I really have no idea what mask Dan has on. If you're eager to find him, maybe it's time you hunted for him yourselves. As for the second invitation, well, let's keep that a secret for now," Annie replied, dodging inquiries deftly.

"It's a secret? What, you don't have a boyfriend you're willing to share about? Could it be a woman?"

"Seriously? You can't be that out of the loop! There has to be someone here with the same mask tonight. We have to find out how we can do this!"

The room erupted into playful banter, with everyone feeling spirited.

Since the theme of the event was divinity, all the masks represented Western gods. Duplicates were expected. Yet Catwoman had been meticulous when requesting her mask and ensured it featured distinct markings. Ye Chen remained blissfully unaware of this important detail. If Catwoman hadn't specifically said her mask was Zeus, he might've thought she was channeling some anime character.

Annie, overwhelmed by questions, attempted to shift gears. "Let's head downstairs! Nearly all the guests have arrived, and we can't let our host, Lisa, miss out!" She was secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of Ye Chen, as her earlier message to him had gone unanswered. If she didn't keep watch, Ye Chen might end up swept away in the company of one of the sultry sirens in attendance.

Meanwhile, Ye Chen found himself in the garden in front of the villa, marveling at the exquisitely designed lighting that illuminated the dim surroundings, transforming the space into something both enchanting and slightly obscure.

Clusters of guests mingled, some chatting amicably, others flirtatiously engaging in hushed conversations.

Suddenly, a waiter wearing an angel mask approached, balancing a tray. Ye Chen took a glass, finding himself aimlessly admiring the vibrant flora until the comforting scent of floral perfume wafted through the air.

"Hey there, Zeus! Why are you sipping alone?" A glamorous blonde, adorned in a striking silver evening gown with bold red lips, approached him, her mask obscuring her identity.

With a swish of her long blond hair, she raised her glass toward Ye Chen, a gesture of camaraderie.

Ye Chen found himself smiling and clinked glasses with her, taking a hesitant sip. To be honest, he struggled to tell if he was consuming a fine wine or a soft drink; his palate wasn't particularly refined when it came to drinks.

Yet, he recognized this woman, one of the two who had entered earlier.

"You have an impressive figure. Honestly, it's rare to see a man with that physique." The blonde stepped closer, her fingertips gliding lightly from Ye Chen's fingers to his wrist, then trailing down to the back of his hand, creating a buzz of unexpected electricity.

He regarded her with mild intrigue and replied, "You're definitely giving me a run for my money in the looks department. Now it's making me curious about the beauty concealed beneath that mask."

As he studied her, it was evident she relished his compliment, her laughter ringing like a bell. "Shall we find somewhere a bit quieter to chat?"

Ye Chen followed her gaze, where a secluded corner of the garden with a fountain appeared inviting—perfect for a more intimate discussion.

"Absolutely," he replied.

At that moment, Annie and Lisa emerged from the house, their entrance turning heads, immediately pulling attention from the men nearby who couldn't help but be drawn to the new arrivals, including four stunning ladies.

Annie's gaze repeatedly flitted toward one of the Zeuses amidst the crowd, deep in thought. "No way…that can't be…"

Suddenly, her eyes landed on a figure drifting through the crowd. The memory of Ye Chen in a suit danced in her mind, his silhouette was distinctly familiar. Judging by the way he carried himself, it resonated with her recollection of his demeanor.

Yet this time, he was accompanied by a captivating blonde, sharing an apparent connection with her.

"Did he hook up this quick?" Catwoman's heart raced; a mix of envy and determination coursed through her veins. Rejecting the advances of a couple of suitors, she quickly stepped aside to pull out her phone, desperate to reconnect.

"Are you there yet?"

Watching as Ye Chen checked his phone, she noticed he locked the screen without replying, still immersed in conversation with the alluring woman beside him.

Her thoughts buzzed with ideas of how to intervene and halt this budding connection. *Why do I care so much? What does it matter to me?*

On the other hand, Ye Chen and the blonde had not moved far. Just then, another woman called out to her friend from a distance.

"Helen! Helen!"

Ye Chen was still piecing it all together when the blonde looked back over her shoulder, eyes widening.

"Wait! I forgot—a friend needs me—I'll catch you later!" With that, she bid goodbye, leaving Ye Chen standing alone once more.

"I guess even at a party like this, a ride in an Uber is a tad unrefined," he thought with nonchalance, amused by how absurdly out of place it felt amidst this elite crowd.

Yet, he really couldn't care less; connections were great, but he was safe in his own lane. As for women? He enjoyed their company, but they weren't the be-all-end-all.

From a distance, Catwoman observed the unfolding drama. Satisfaction washed over her as she sported a sly grin. "Looks like you got left behind. A chance wasted, huh?"

Ye Chen pulled out his phone again, responding to Catwoman, "We're here. Are you coming? Who's the second guest?"

Catwoman's heart fluttered. *He's texting me?!*

She couldn't keep a smug smile from crossing her face, but her annoyance lingered. "I arrived earlier. What about you? Have you broken the ice with anyone? If not, I could introduce you to some real talent."

Ye Chen replied, "Sure! Where? Nearly had a chance with someone, but she knew I came in an Uber, so..."

Catwoman couldn't help but chuckle at his honesty and plainness. It was comical how someone could be so transparent in a setting that thrived on innate deception.

Shaking her head, she thought, *What kind of guy takes an Uber to a high-society masquerade?*

She mulled over her own advice to him. There were too many people wearing Zeus masks for anyone to easily identify one another. "Better stay in a crowd; it'll increase your odds. Do not let anyone know you arrived in an Uber. You'll just scare the opportunities away."

He responded, "Understood."

Then she watched as Ye Chen tucked away his phone, adjusted his suit, and gracefully weaved into the crowd, mask firmly in place.

Feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness for their imminent first meeting, she too grabbed a glass from a nearby waiter. She sought to blend in, hoping to encounter him organically amidst the festivities.

The birthday party was still warming up; guests were eager to mingle, searching for someone they could connect with.

"Hey, it seems you haven't found your prey yet?" A soft voice pulled Ye Chen's attention from behind him.

He turned to see a woman in a beige evening dress, her skin luminously fair, half her face concealed by a stylishly crafted mask that did little to hide her gracefulness.

Caught off guard, he was momentarily dazed by her beauty. "Not yet, but perhaps fortune is waiting for me now," he replied, flashing a charming smile.

As the woman took in his presence, an amused smile played on her lips. Yet, as sparks of recognition flickered unbidden in Ye Chen's mind, he felt something was amiss—those eyes seemed familiar, as if they held stories of encounters past.

Then the realization dawned. *Did this Netizen accidentally bump into me? Or is she pretending not to know while trying to make a connection?*

With a glint of playful determination in his stride, Ye Chen decided to play along and feign ignorance. After all, the allure of this soirée was not just in the dazzle of the attendees but in the mysteries wrapped therein…

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