
Delivery Girl: Platinum Order #6

I don't own DC

Orders buried her face in her hands, sitting quietly at her counter before she slowly rubbed her hands down her face before sighing audibly, "...Why... for the love of Odin. Do you harpies, KEEP BRINGING KIDS HERE?"

"Oh pipe down boss." Silver Banshee declared, finishing putting on her face after dropping off her niece little Fiona 'Fi' O'Hagan. "She's not going to be here long. The sitter had an emergency and Stan can't come and get her for an hour. Stan O'Hagan being Silver Banshee's brother and Fiona's father. "And look, she's out like a light." And sure enough, Little Fi was fast asleep clutching her Rainbow Run pony doll and dozing quietly under her blanket. "You won't hear a peep out of her."

"I'm feeling a STRONG sense of Déjà vu." Orders growled crankily, as Platinum stood beside her.

"Mother you are clairvoyant, déjà vu is constant." She noted accurately. Orders tried very hard not to shout at Platinum, as it would more than likely wake Little Fi. And with her Aunt's face painted up like a clown, and Fi is in Orders' opinion, justifiably afraid of clowns. She didn't want to deal with the screaming.

"Hush." She ordered bluntly as Platinum then blinked at Fi, then Orders again.

"Also Mother, if we are not allowed to bring children here am I not allowed to work here?" she asked curiously as Orders glared at her. Big Barda, in her official position leaning that muscular body of hers against the bouncer corner, snorted with laughter with Silver Banshee.

"She's got you there boss." Big Barda grinned as Orders glared at her.

"...Look. My head is already going to hurt later, so I don't need this shi-"

"Not in front of Fi." Silver Banshee declared abruptly and coolly, arms crossed and glaring at Orders who drummed her fingers on the counter.

"...STUFF." Orders censored herself unhappily, "You're far to uppity today. WORK." She ordered finally, gesturing to the floor with her head as Silver Banshee rested her hands on her hips and walked onto the floor.

"Yeah, Yeah. Keep an eye on her for me Becca." Snapped Silver Banshee.

"Mmn Hmmn." Big Barda replied. How Silver Banshee managed to restrain her usual foul mouth in front of even a sleeping Fi was unnerving. She didn't call Big Barda 'Big Bitch', if they didn't know better it would be disturbing. "...Can't you look in the future anyway and see whether or not Fi would be trouble?"

"Oh of course I can, I just wonder what's possessing you girls to bring kids here."

"Logically speaking, Mother, wherever you are is the safest place in the city." Platinum replied frankly. "Perhaps Silver Banshee is merely using you as a free caregiver."

"No don't say that word-!" Big Barda tried to stop her as Orders trembled as if she suddenly felt a vicious chill in the air blasting at her skin. "Boss, don't listen to her." Orders' purple eyes narrowed suspiciously, looking furious.

"I do not work for free." She said coldly as Big Barda sighed.

"Boss she didn't mean it. Come on. It's just Fi. Stan will be over soon to pick her up."

Orders glowered at her, but said nothing drumming the table again before turning her glare onto Platinum. "Why are you still here and not on the floor?"

"I was waiting to see if you have anything else to say Mother." Orders rolled her eyes, before shaking her head.

"Never mind." Then she started reaching for the phone.

Time: 7:44 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we Deliver."

"Hey, I'd like to order that Robot looking chick, so one Platinum Pizza."

"...One Platinum pepperoni pizza. Anything else?"

"Hell, I don't know. Chick and Pizza pretty much covered it."

"...Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed, you will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please..."


Orders ripped off the receipt, holding it to Platinum who took it from her fingers to read it over. "Hey. Go. Stop being such a smart ass."

"Look Mother, I do take after you." Platinum replied straight-faced as Orders stared at her and Big Barda clutched her slender stomach and fantastic abs, biting her bottom lip, before covering her mouth and bursting out with laughter and waking up Little Fi. Orders to her credit, said nothing, She glared at her gynoid 'daughter', who was unaffected by her steely gaze. The Pizza soon slid across the counter with a sexy Wonder Woman stamped on the lid, Platinum casually picked it up, and walked out the back door to the company car.

Slipping into the driver's seat, before rolling into traffic and off to the suburbs.

The car slid to a stop outside a standard two-story suburban home. Platinum's long glittery silver-ish leg stepped out of the car and shutting it she walked in her sparkly stripper heels up the concrete pathway towards the front door. The house didn't have a porch just a short step, and the pathway went up to it, then around to the left side. Perhaps to the back door, even though the house was surrounded by a private wooden fence. She took one step onto the welcome mat, before raising her fist an rapping her knuckles on the front door. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:11 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Two-story house)

"Special delivery service." She finished, after a minute, the door unclicked and opened, revealing a hispanic looking gentleman in striped boxes, tank top, and sandals. He was impressively bald with mutton chops facial hair, and swarthy light brown skin. "Hello."

"Hey." He said with a strong Gotham accent, he then snatched the pizza from her hand and tossed it accurately onto a table in his house... before abruptly walking outside. He then walked into her, but she was a sexy gynoid, and not easily moved. "The hell?!" he bounced back, looking at her surprised. "...You're sturdier than you look." He noted, his eyes narrowing. "...Excuse me." He said almost sarcastically, but it was also possibly the accent. She took a step back off the welcome mat and onto the pathway as he followed, shutting the door behind him. "Come with me." He ordered, waving at her to follow him as he wobbled on the pathway around the side of the house.

She followed him, as he led her to a small set of stairs that led down to a door that was clearly the basement of the house. He wobbled down the steps, "Come here." He said, waving up at her as she walked down the steps on her sexy sparkly heels as she joined him at the bottom of the steps, he briefly eyed her curvy body. Her prominent bust bulging in her bikini top and her thick bubble butt in her tight short shorts... and she was just so sparkly, it was distracting. "Alright. Go in there and make my son a man."

...It took Platinum a moment to register what he said. "...Make your son a man?"

"Yeah! He's in there all day playing his vidya games and watching his animation and reading his comics! Somebody sexy needs to go in there and get his rocks off! Get him out into the world and socialize!"

"...I see. You want me to, 'Grace' him?"

"What?" he replied confused as Platinum wrote it off.

"We have specialists for this situation. I am not one of them, I shall strive to please." Declared Platinum, abruptly before grabbing the doorknob, and twisting, "I shall return to your door in approximately 58 minutes, and 45 seconds." She said, entering what could only be a mini-apartment. Or more accurately a basement converted into an apartment. She was immediately greeted with a tiny bathroom and shower, which wasn't much. A raised tile barrier covered by a shower curtain right by a toilet. To her immediate right was a bedroom, that smelled distinctly of body odor. And to her left was a large converted Living room and kitchen which was apparently where much of the space went...

Considering she helped design her Mother's 'flipped house' she would've done it better. She walked into the living room to find a young man, late teens, or early twenties, with long dark hair tied back in a ponytail. Sitting at a computer playing some sort of Warmech game... At least he had taste...

He also had two entire shelves dedicated to anime and anime accessories... such as figurines of anime characters, many of whom have body shapes similar to other Superbabes. As well as anime itself, mostly robots, and variations of bigger robots.

Ah... she understands why she was picked now. She was a Gynoid. It made sense. Her heels clicked stealthily across the floor towards him, standing behind his 'gamer chair' as she once heard (T) Vixen call it. She didn't say anything until he achieved victory by 'death from above'. Landing his much bigger Warmech on the much smaller one... then the game entered a loading screen which turned the entire screen black and reflective.

"AAAGH!!" he screamed suddenly as he noticed her behind him, rolling away on his chair and nervously gazing at her. "Wh-who are you?!"

"I am Platinum. I am here to have sex with you." The gangly young man, in a DC/AC T-shirt and boxers, who apparently needed to get some sun stared at her in awe. First at her glittery body then her big breasts and beautiful face.

"...Did I pass out watching Bubblegum Disaster again? Because you scream sexy robot anime wet dream."

"...Will this expedite us having sex?" Platinum asked casually as he blinked at her.

"Yeah... I'm definitely having a wet dream." He mumbled, "A lucid wet dream." He added as Platinum stared at him, reaching up and squeezing at her large breasts as he watched in awe. "...I mean... I apparently have good taste. But there's no way there's a real silver woman in my apartment."

"Indeed. Shall I begin by giving you amazing oral sex?" She will convince him of reality later, and might as well appeal to his fantasy nature.


"Amazing Oral Sex." She repeated, glancing down at his twitching boxers. "Commonly referred to as a 'blowjob'. I will extract your phallus from your boxers and place it between my lips." She pointed to her cock sucking lips. "Then I will proceed to stimulate, salivate, and fellatiate your erection until you ejaculate or until you feel properly aroused to perform intercourse with my various orifices." She then slowly opened her moistened, welcoming mouth, and extended her encouraging wet tongue from her lips to curl invitingly at him inside her oral cavity.

It was designed for blowjobs after all.

He stared at her nervously but seemed to come to the conclusion that he was, in fact, dreaming... "Okay. Nobody talks like that this is totally a dream." He said as she blinked at him, her tongue sliding back between her lips.

"Shall I fellatiate you then?" she asked as he blushed, but his erection was obvious and distracting, so he grabbed his boxers and pushed them down, letting his average erection wobble free towards her.

"...I guess so, having a sexbot is just so hot."

"Indeed." Platinum replied, dropping to her knees immediately, "My Mother agreed, it is why she made me." She grabbed his length and he shuddered as she tentatively stroked it.

"Your mother made you to be a sexbot?"

"Yes. To her credit however, she merely repurposed my endoskeleton, which was originally designed for companionship."

"...I have really weird wet dreams." He mumbled as Platinum calmly stroked his cock, already getting pre-cum to ooze from his tip as he moaned... then she pulled him forward from the wall and pushed him back into his gamer chair. Brushing her silvery hair from her face and opening her mouth, "activating Blowjob.EXE..."

...Okay she didn't ACTUALLY have a blowjob.EXE... She's pretty sure she doesn't... but she might as well go full robot. It is what Grace would do, and she was here to 'Grace' him... wrapping her mechanical lips around his erection, bobbing steadily up and down on his shaft, feeling the pre-cum oozing onto her tongue as she twisted her head and applied maximum suck.

"Oooh... best wet dream ever!" he groaned as Platinum inhaled the entirety of his shaft, pressing her lips to the base of his erect, her tongue sliding out of her mouth to flick against his balls.

"MMmn..." her oral functions activating, vibrating and warming on his genitals as he groaned again, bucking his hips into her face, as she remained planted between his legs, holding him down easily as he thrashed and squirmed, grinding against her vibrating face. Her sparkling eyes glanced up and watched him for the telltale signs of eminent orgasm-


...She still needs work at judging ejaculation.

Feeling his hot load shooting and spraying directly into her throat, she gazed up at him, slowly blinking as she moaned, slurping on his shaft until the last drop oozed into her mouth. She slowly slid up his shaft, lips pursed together as she gazed up at him. "...Oral service complete. Proceeding to epidermis removal."

"Epidermis removal?!" he blinked tiredly as she stood up, and began removing her top. "...Oh you're taking your clothes off. That's far less nightmare inducing-" and then her large sparkly mammaries bulged free of her bikini top as she tossed it casually on his face. She skillfully twirled on her heels as he removed the bikini top just in time to see her perfectly sculpted bubble booty freed from her shorts. Her cheeks wobbled as she stood back up and put Tasha's teachings to work.

And she didn't even need the engine installed in her hips to do it. Clapping her ass cheeks as they rippled like mercury, before she dropped her ass like a meteor onto his lap. His cock slid between her ass cheeks as she squeezed them around his length, silky smooth and with the consistency of liquid mercury... only not nearly as poisonous. Resting her hands on the arms of the gamer chair she rolled her hips up and down on his lap, lightly slapping onto his thighs as her cheeks squeezed around his member. She stroked him with her ass cheeks as she glanced over her smooth shoulders and beautiful back.

"Initiating twerk protocols."


Her ass cheeks furiously jumping up and down on his lap, squeezing around him tightly and suddenly going very still as she formed a perfect mold around his cock and felt his load spurting from the top of her ass cheeks across her back. "Oh God..." he gasped and moaned as he continued unloading from her ass cheeks jerking him off, before alternatingly lifting up one and the other, rolling on his lap before lifting her hips so he slipped down between her bubble ass cheeks, before suddenly taking him into her vaginal orifice.

"You are officially no longer a virgin. I shall continue extracting your semen." She said, before bouncing up and down on his lap as he moaned agreeably. "I have deduced that you enjoy this greatly." She said, slamming her gynoid body hard onto his lap as he grabbed onto her waist. "Please continue." She ordered as he began bucking up into her body. "Engaging Dirty talk." She declared, "Oh yes. Oh yes. It feels good baby."

All in a robotic monotone as he groaned, reaching up to grab her large breasts. "Squeeze my tits. I like it Daddy..." she noted with a straight face. "Fuck me hard, sexy... stuff my love pocket with your meatbag pole." His fingers sunk into her chest as she moaned encouragingly, just as planned, feeling his member twitching inside her moist vagina, her internal flood slicking his shaft as she continued to lubricate and fornicate with him.

"UUgh! NNGH!!" she dropped her body down on his lap, feeling him unload inside her as he shuddered exhaustedly. She grinded on top of his lap for a second, feeling him finish before getting off his lap. Slowly, letting his average for his size and age phallus out of her pussy... letting his seed ooze down her inner thigh as he groaned contentedly.

"...Ah man I'm going to have to hose down my chair again." he moaned tiredly as Platinum walked away, wiggling with each step as he slumped in his chair. Sticky, sweaty, and content. Platinum then casually walked away, deeming the draining of the Virgin 'Complete'. Heading immediately to his very tiny shower. So tiny that her breasts and her buttocks rubbed against opposite walls with the wrong movements.

She couldn't even do the Superbabes shower thing. But she finished cleaning her body, before stepping out on her heels and walking back into the living room to retrieve her garments-

"AAAGH!!" the former virgin had recovered and had resigned himself to believing that he had a wet dream only to realize that Platinum was indeed very real. He tumbled half-naked over the back of the couch and hit the floor. "You're real!"

"I am obviously very real. I am also functioning and recently cleaned of your ejaculate. Are you not satisfied with our fornication?"

"What?" he blinked, very confused.

"I have already explained to you that I am here to have sex with you." Platinum replied, "Did you hit your head when you fell over?"

"You... are... very sparkly!" he blinked at her, "Hang on, did you just walk out of my shower? How are you still covered in body paint?"

"Hmmn... It seems I will need to apply further 'Grace' skills to you." Platinum replied, ignoring the question that consistently came up. Before approaching him.

"Wait, hold on. Why are you here to have sex with me?"

"Don't worry Sweetie, don't ask silly questions." She said before easily lifting him from the floor and tossing him lengthways on the couch before sitting on his lap again. She crossed her arms across her chest as he groaned, feeling her shapely ass on his lap as she gyrated and swiveled on his lap. "Do you like that Sweetie? It feels like you do."

"TH-That's beside the point." He moaned as she felt his erection rubbing against her crotch again. She lifted herself up just enough feeling him against her pussy again. Before dropping onto his cock once more, stretching her arms across the back of the couch as she pushed her buoyant chest out. Her 'silicon' tits bouncing wildly up and down as his hips began to thrust up into her body as he groaned holding onto her waist, or whatever of her waist he could. Rubbing her flat stomach and fat Platinum ass, she leaned forward, rolling her hips on his lap as he groaned happily on the couch.

"How's that sweetie?" Platinum asked, working her ass cheeks again as he groaned, shaking beneath her as she tossed her platinum hair. Bending over to furiously bounce her ass up and down on his lap, her ass cheeks rippling wildly as he clapped his hand on her ass cheeks. Squeezing her pliable rear as he bucked up into her hips and pumped her full of his cum once more. "OOoh... that's good sweetie."

"...Why do you keep calling me that?" he groaned tiredly as she stood up.

"Because you are a virgin."

He stared at her as she blinked down at him curiously. "No, I'm not." He replied as she tilted her head.

"Your father says you are a virgin."

"Did that fat bastard order me a hooker?!"

"I am a delivery girl." Replied Platinum bluntly, with his cum dripping down her inner thigh as he blinked and sat up.

"But... why do you keep calling me sweetie?"

"That is what our yop professional calls young men like you: Virgins."

"I'm not a virgin!" he replied, "I swear to go- that old jackass-I'm not a virgin! My girlfriend lives in Canada!"

"You are indeed not a virgin we just had sex." She declared frankly as he groaned.

"Again, I'm not a virgin! He just doesn't believe me when I tell him my girlfriend lives in Canada..." Platinum tilted her head again.

"...That seems counterproductive to having sex." She replied, "Is she still your girlfriend if she lives in Canada?"

"She's going to college, IN Canada! I never introduced her to him, because he is an ASSHOLE." He replied as Platinum stared at him.

"...That seems to make sense. However, as my mother would say. She doesn't care where the money comes from as long as it comes."

"Your Mother sounds insane." He replied frankly as Platinum's eyes narrowed.

"...You do not get to speak ill of my Mother." Platinum warned as he seemed to register that she wasn't exactly... normal. And not normal in Gotham is something to be hesitant about. "Now. Do you want more sex?"

"...I think I'm good." He replied hesitantly.

"Very well. I will use your shower again." She approached him, stopped, then turned around, jiggling and bouncing as grabbed her clothes and returned to the shower. He watched her go with a confused look on his face as he washed herself once more in the tiny shower.

"W-wait why are you still painted?" He asked as she walked out of his bathroom, dressed and ready to go.

"Because it is my costume." She replied as he stared at her. "You are welcome." She said, before heading out his door as he replied with a very confused.

"Thank you?" she left him in his apartment, easily strutting and jiggling up the steps, and around the path as she returned to the front door and knocked again. Soon enough the door opened revealing the man from earlier. Who was apparently a bastard.

"You done? Good. Here." He handed her significantly less money than she was supposed to be pay. Then shut the door, Platinum briefly glanced down at the money, before she... steamed. Raised her foot, and kicked the door... "HOLY FUCK!!!?" the man squealed as Platinum stepped into the room.

"This is not enough." She declared coolly, as he stared at his door planted on the middle of the floor with the foot-shaped hole in it.

"What the fuck?!" he yelped, before quickly pulling out his wallet. "Here! Here take it!" tossing as much money as he had before she collected it.

"Thank you." She replied, grabbing the door through the hole and lifting it from the floor, "You should acquire a professional to replace this." She said, easily carrying it back to the front and jamming it in place back in it's former position... somewhat askew and slightly more drafty. Casually counting the bills she had acquired before getting back into the car and heading off back to Superbabes.

Time: 9:10 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Thanks for carrying her for me Rebecca." Said the rather jovial-looking man with a naturally deep and rich baritone voice. The guy was completely bald on the top of his head though he still had plenty of hair, especially on his chin. No mustache though... though if you stood him side by side with Ashley 'Silver Banshee' O'Hagan, you never would be able to tell that the balding strawberry blonde man he was her brother... Mostly it was the face paint, the shocking white hair, and the unblinking jovial politeness he seemed to have whereas Ashley was a foul-mouthed bitch at the best of times...

"No problem, Stan." Rebecca declared, easily carrying the cooing little Fi in her massive arms, heading out to Stan's Band Van as she slept on with her Rainbow Run doll and her blanket.

"Sorry about my sister Ma'am." Stan said politely as he addressed Orders who was looking at him like he was just the weirdest thing she's seen today. The contrast was mind-melting. "She means well."

"I don't believe you." Orders snapped in response as Stan just smiled, and chuckled good-naturedly.

"That's fair."

"Anyway boss, I told you." Ashley rested her hand on Stan's bald top and wobbled his head around like she was shaking an 8-ball. "Stan came and got her."

"MMn-hmmn." Orders noted, as Stan nodded again gratefully at her.

"Thank you again, I'll get going now. I'll take her home. Thanks for watching her Ashley." He replied already heading out the back door as Becca, and Platinum entered. "Pardon me miss." He said politely, shuffling past Platinum and heading to the van.

"He gone?" smiled Ashley as Stan drove carefully into traffic. "FECK Me! I thought I'd never be able to fecking get to WORK properly. Alright big bitch how about we walk the floor a bit."

"...I wonder if it's to late to get Fi to come back?" Becca said lazily before shoving the foul mouthed Silver Banshee onto the floor.

"Here Mother, your profits." Platinum said, "The client tried to... stiff us." She added.

"Hmmn-hmmn." Orders replied dismissively. "So what did you do?" Orders replied, knowing full well what she did.

"I kicked the door down and retrieved what we were due."

"That's my girl." Orders replied casually, "Good work Darcy."

"Thank you, mother." Darcy replied.

"All right ya bastards! 50 bucks to arm wrestle me and you can do shots out of Big Bitch's tits if you win!" Orders sighed, rubbing her eyes.


"Yes Mother?"

"Massage my temples." She groaned, feeling a headache coming on. A profitable one, but an annoying one.

"Yes, Mother." Darcy replied obediently before massaging Orders' temples, with vibrating fingers.

You can't say she wasn't a good daughter.


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