
Delivery Girl: Zatanna Order #6

I don't own DC

"Alright girls let's all line up." Declared off-duty Ciara O'Hullahan in front of the collection of Superbabes' before her. Supergirl (I), Killer Frost, The Mighty Endowed, Circe, and Zatanna. She stood before them in a form-fitting and sexy body stocking, giving her all the range of motion that one would get being naked, and yet not being naked. "We got a few hours before some of you have to go on shift."

The other girls weren't dressed in body stockings, but various other workout clothes… there wasn't a body stocking that could contain The Mighty Endowed's glorious chest without being destroyed… at least in Gotham. "Oh come on Ciara." Killer Frost grumbled, hands on her hips. "Why are we even here?"

"Just be thankful we have a dance studio to use. In fact. Thank Mr. Kelly for letting us borrow it while I instruct you." She declared as all the girls then turned to the charmingly smiling but former Hollywood Star standing in the corner of his studio dressed in a neat sweater vest and slacks.

The girls collectively turned to the silver fox former movie star and professional dancer and replied sweetly. "Thank you, Mr. Kelly." They cooed playfully as Luke Kelly just grinned at them cheerfully.

"My Pleasure Ladies." He replied, "Ciara…" he then gestured to the girls as Ciara clapped her hands, going into full dance instructor mode.

"Anyway in answer to Leslie's question." Ciara noted, "Orders wants me to start tutoring you in dancing to… improve yourself." She said casually, gesturing to Mr. Kelly was still right over there in the corner. "And Mr. Kelly wants to see how I'd do when instructing others… so, you know. This is all Orders' fault." The girls mumbled and nodded in understanding. "So, she wants me to give the girls with little dance skills some helpful improvement."

"Please. We don't have to know how to dance well as long as we look good. Look at Bessie." Replied Leslie jerking her thumb into the colossal breasts of Bessie, standing right beside her. Bessie frowned at her, "As long as Bessie shakes them thangs nobody's going to care about her two-step." The other girls giggled at the implication, even Mr. Kelly.

Bessie smiled resignedly, most people were in fact more interested in her bouncing than her dancing. Still though no sense in letting Leslie dictate the conversation or get out of this 'dance instruction' "You're just jealous." She replied sassily.

"Who wouldn't be jealous of these things?!" Leslie replied indignantly giving Bessie's girls a firm squeeze, though she didn't have big enough hands for it. The girls laughed but Ciara clapped her hands loudly to get their attention again."

"Alright! That's enough teasing Bessie." She said bluntly. "Let's just try to do some warm-ups alright?"

"I don't know Ciara." Noted Bessie, "It's hard to be graceful with these." She noted, but Ciara sighed exasperatedly.

"We're not trying to be graceful, we're trying to be sexy."

"Again that was my point." Noted Leslie but then Luke cautiously tossed in his two cents.

"Ah… might I try? Real quick my dear?" he grinned charmingly at Ciara, who gestured to the girls. "I find that matching the type of dance to the type of body helps greatly with poise and confidence." He said as Zatanna chuckled.

"Bessie doesn't need confidence she's got plenty of it." the girls chuckled again as Luke charmingly smiled at her.

"I can see that." he then stood beside Bessie, "Try this with me." He said, then… he began to do the twist. The girls giggled and hooted as Bessie hesitated at first before copying Luke Kelly's movements and… watch those puppies bounce shaking from side to side with her twisting top and swaying hips. The girls cheered and hooted as Bessie laughed, dancing with Mr. Kelly as Ciara grinned. "There we go!" he cheered, stopping his dance with Bessie, long before her breasts stopped jiggling as he winked subtly at Ciara.

"Right. Okay. We'll just work on movements for now alright?"

The girls groaned but complied with Ciara's instructions. "Could be worse." Noted Supergirl, "At least we're not in costume."

"I know right?" Zatanna replied cheerfully as they began stretching, "I mean you don't have it so bad…"

"You're not in a short skirt." Supergirl replied.

"No. But I am dressed up as a magic showgirl in a corset." Replied Zatanna, subtly pushing up her large breasts to emphasize what that does. "AND a top hat." She said smugly as if the hat somehow made things worse.

"That reminds me." Ciara replied, making them jump as they realized she was listening in. "Mr. Kelly?" she asked as Luke just smiled, and opened a nearby closet with apparently contained a LOT of old movie props, before producing a top hat from it, flinging it accurately towards Ciara, who caught it and handed it to Zatanna "Here you go."

"Seriously?" Zatanna mumbled spinning the top hat in her hands.

"You're the only one who has to dance with a hat. You got to keep it on after all." Ciara replied crisply as Zatanna turned to Mr. Kelly who was still smiling at her.

"You just have this?" she asked suspiciously as Mr. Kelly, winked at her and produced a thin cane before tap dancing to his chair with it and sitting down. "…That didn't explain anything." She noted but put the hat jauntily onto her head.

"I don't know I can see him wearing it…" noted Circe, bouncing in place as she got her blood "I think I watched a movie with him in it once wearing a whole ensemble."

"Maybe he just has a fetish for girls in top hats." Zatanna replied, but with the hat on her head, she joined the other girls in dancing away the day.

Later that night shift.

"Good lord." Killer Frost grumbled walking in with Zatanna and Supergirl (I), both increasingly sore from the long workout with Ciara earlier. "Give that woman a whip and she'll be the world's worst slave master." Daphne: the resident professional sub. Was getting off her shift and looked at her suspiciously before heading home for the day with thoughts of sexy, flexible redheads and whips. Speaking of Sexy redheads.

Batgirl finished the last slurps of her current vanilla shake as she watched the girls groan into the locker rooms. "It wasn't that bad was it?" Batgirl who could twerk that pawg booty with the best of them, didn't need to take Ciara lessons, so she didn't understand the taskmaster Ciara became under the watchful gaze of her benefactor and role model Mr. Luke Kelly.

And for those curious she left a good impression of her instructor capabilities. Zatanna on the other hand glared at Batgirl. "Tell that to the aches in my feet. I never thought I'd have to learn to tap dance!"

"Dancing is good for you." Orders noted casually from her counter doing crosswords. "It builds cohesion, balance, and builds your sex appeal." She said as the trio blinked at her.

"Yeah but it's not like we're strippers or anything…" Supergirl noted as Orders, without looking at them waved toward the locker as the girls went to change. "All we did today was make ourselves sore." Orders just sighed, then immediately picked up the phone…

Timeoh… not yet?-

Orders then dialed a number while the three girls changed. "…Hector? Come in." she said simply and after a moment. "No rush." She added and glanced at her clock, "…No, an hour is perfectly acceptable, we'll see you then." She then hung up the phone as the girls soon walked out, in costume and Zatanna finished dressing up by putting on her hat, lightly, and adorably, tapping the top to make sure it was secure on her dark hair. "There. Better?" The girls looked at her funny. "Hector is coming, so at the very least you'll get a massage." She noted, going back to her crosswords.

Killer Frost and Supergirl seemed to think that was perfectly acceptable and chose not to comment, heading out onto the floor as Zatanna smiled at her purple-eyed boss with a heart of gold... that she probably stole. "You know Orders, you don't HAVE to be so grouchy all the time we know you're a decent lady."

And Zatanna used to know a LOT of grouchy, bitches girls.

"It's like you're asking for it. Why are you asking for it?" Orders replied a little sarcastically as Zatanna laughed, watching Orders' hand shoot to the phone.

"What? I can't be that bad."

Time: 7:44 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes we deliver."

"Yo. We want Zatanna."

"Of course you do, but what do you want to Order?"

"Oh yeah. Uh. The Zatanna meals, with Zatanna."

"That's one Zesty Ziti Lasagna with a side of Zucchini noodles, anything else?"

"With Zatanna."

"Yes. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"You got one." Orders declared, ripping off the receipt and handing it to Zatanna.

"I thought you couldn't summon orders out of thin air?"

"I didn't that was always coming." Orders replied casually, "One of the reasons why I said it would be okay for Hector to show up later."

"…what's the other reason?" Zatanna asked curiously as Orders' purple eyes leveled on her.

"It's pledge week."

"Oh…" Zatanna mumbled, then sighed. "Shit." She added as the food slid across the counter. "…Uh… Hey Jackie?"

"AHEM." Orders noted sternly and Zatanna quickly corrected."

"Hey, Batgirl. Want to cover for me?" Batgirl who was standing beside her and patiently waiting for a refill on her vanilla shake." But Orders quickly answered for her.

"As appropriate as her replacement of you would be, I'm going to have another job for her… and it involves a very rich man who enjoys redheads with a mighty pawg ass."

"…It sounds weird when you say it." Batgirl noted as a shake slid across the counter into her hand.

"Shut up Batgirl.." Orders replied bluntly, hand raised briefly over the phone ready for a quick draw answering. "So off you go."

Zatanna sighed she never went to college long-term but it felt like she was dealing with fraternities far more then the average college girl. Or Circe… Or Supergirl… Not as often as Starfire obviously who seemed to go there weekly, or Green Lantern (I) who had a regular 'thing' with one of the frat houses…

…Come to think of it she didn't have to deal with frat boys nearly as much as the other Superbabes, didn't make pledge week any less weird sometimes. She walked to the company car, slipped right in and checked the receipt and frowned. That wasn't frat house street…. She sighed with an eye roll. "Okay. That's not weird." She then pulled slowly into traffic and off into Gotham.

Normally anything frat boy related happened around Gotham University where all the frat houses and sorority houses were. 'Frat house street' as it were. So to wind up around Gotham Harbor was… well it was weird… like she was going to end up filming a porno for Orders weird. She's done that before, sure, but normally she had to sign a waiver or something.

She drove to the correct address, double-checked the address then got out of the car. She frowned at the warehouse she arrived at and shrugged, heading toward the side door before knocking. "Superbabes."

Time: 7:59 PM. Place: Gotham Harbor District (Shady Warehouse)

"Special Delivery Service." Her words echoed outside as her knock echoed inside. She frowned hesitantly but then the door cracked open revealing 'dude-bro' #1, a tall surfer blonde who winked at her.

"Sweet. Come on in."

"O…kay…" Zatanna then followed him in to be greeted by cheers, hoots, hollers and just about EVERYONE was naked. "…Oh fuck OH!" Surfer Dude-bro fratboy swatted her shapely backside as the crowd clapped and cheered, leading her to a stretched-out tarp laid out on the floor.

"Welcome to the CLUBHOUSE." Grinned Surfer dude-bro, quite possibly the only guy in the warehouse NOT naked.

"Okay. What the fuck am I getting into? Real quick?" she asked nervously as she saw the blue tarp… tarps and Gotham tend to cause some justifiable uncertainties. Tarp, naked guys, frat boys. This screamed horror movie sacrifice.

"It's pledge week." He took the food from her hand and tossed it to a muscular and very naked black-dude bro with a big swinging Raven Approved leg as he put it aside. "We're here to filter out the pledges."

"…And this requires me?" Zatanna asked hesitantly.

"MMn-hmmn…" he said, suddenly squeezing her tits as a majority of the crowd began fidgeting and twitching. "Definitely." Surfer dude-bro slid his hands from her big tits and around to her ass before gripping it tightly and lifting her off the floor.

"Ah!" carrying her easily to the middle of the tarp and setting her down. Standing awkwardly before the crowd as two of the bigger, and she means BIGGER dude-bros, one was the previously mentioned black dude-bro that caught the food and the other was a stocky dude-bro with a beer belly that Raven would also approve of.

Surfer dude-bro stood behind her, cupping his hands under her tits and squeezing them for the crowd as her she released tentative, sultry moans, giving raising their erections to maximum… except for one. "FAIL!" shouted surfer dude-bro, suddenly pointing at the guy who jumped. "FAIIIIIIL!!!" he repeated with a body-snatcher cry as two hooded dude-bros grabbed him and dragged him away. He swatted Zatanna's ass again as she gasped. "Shake it for them babe!" he cheered.

"Oh come on." Sighed Zatanna, before swinging her hips slowly, and smiling prettily as she began twisting… bouncing… and shimmying in place, her big bouncy breasts jumping side to side as she wiggled in place on the tarp. Throwing her hips side to side as she danced like an amateur belly dancer but most of the crowd was staring at her tits with the exception of the dude-bro behind her… and the hooded dude-bros.

Zatanna continued to dance and worm her body before squatting down on her heels, spreading her legs and rubbing her inner thighs, and moaning whorishly before shooting back up, hands over her head and thrusting her hips forward sensually…

…Sore mentally and physically from dancing earlier as her body was, Ciara was STILL a great teacher.

"UGH!!" as she continued to dance one of the naked pledges without any prompting suddenly came, shooting ropes of cum toward the tarp but not quite making it. Briefly, it caused Zatanna to stop as Dude-bro, now completely naked, pointed and shouted out.

"FAIL!!" once again the hooded dude-bros grabbed him and dragged him away from the crowd. He swatted Zatanna's rear again. "Keep it going gorgeous…" he declared as Zatanna paused, but then continued to dance. "Music!" he shouted as she frowned but the ass-shaking beat suddenly echoed through the warehouse and she kept going, bouncing and shaking, turning around to gaze at the three dude-bros behind her, stoically but appreciatively watching her dance as she licked her lips seductively, the Stocky Dude-bro smiling as he seemed to appreciate what he saw… his cock rising up as he viewed her seductive dance.

And Zatanna continued to dance, two more 'FAILS' were dragged to their unknown doom as she resigned herself to dancing for the full hour only for the music to end. "Alright… how many left?" he said, the black dude-bro casually replying.

"19…" he checked his watch, the only thing he was wearing. "The aphrodisiac should be working now." He declared casually as Surfer dude-bro grinned at the crowd and slowed Zatanna's dance with his hands. "Alright worms you can grab em." He said as the crowd of pledges all grabbed their erections, it was then that Zatanna realized that they hadn't been touching themselves at all through her sensual gyrations.

"Ngh…" she squirmed as Surfer dude-bro reached up and grabbed her tits before yanking down her top and exposing her big breasts to the crowd to no immediate response, but Zatanna cooed seductively at the sudden exposure of her tits and 'FAILED' two more participants. Suddenly she was manhandled by the other two dude-bros behind her, stripped down completely, her clothes tossed aside away from the tarp, leaving her in her black heels and her top hat-nope, there it goes.

Stocky dude-bro flicked it from her head and it fell to the floor, spinning to a stop at the edge of the tarp with the open end up… Funny, normally deliveries want her to keep the hat on. "Present the vessel!" declared Stocky dude-bro with a voice like a bullhorn.

A distinctly not dude-bro, clearly a woman with large round breasts, and a curvy waist entered, wearing a hood and nothing else, holding a golden chalice… but it was clearly some fake trinket bought at a yard sale or something, Zatanna knew her chalices. The woman then knelt on the edge of the tarp, holding the chalice out almost reverently, then place it on the tarp… then stood up, and walked away out of sight but not before giving her ass a smack.

"FAIL!" shouted dude-bro pulling his hands away from Zatanna to point as the loser was once again dragged away. "Ha-ha…" he chuckled, standing to the side of Zatanna as she was suddenly 'forced' to her knees before him, taking his own Raven-approved girth he lightly smacked both her cheeks as black dude-bro held her hands behind her back as she sat on her knees and stocky dude-bro pulled her head back.

Surfer dude-bro pressed his tip to her lips as she opened her mouth and he slide right into her mouth, remaining still as he steadily bucked his hips back and forth, back and forth… "match my strokes worms!" he ordered as the crowd obeyed in unison as Zatanna chose not to focus on the sex cult and just suck dick like a good girl. Gazing up at him as he stroked himself with her lips, steadily sliding back and forth into her mouth. "Ugh… Ahh…" he sighed, steadily using her mouth as the pledges matched his thrusts. "Oooh this one's good…" he praised her oral skills, sliding fully into her mouth, breathing heavily through his nose as he sped up and slowed down, surprising the pledges as he continued to steadily pump his hips.

Zatanna kept her hands behind her back as she submissively slurped his shaft, her breasts subtly bouncing up and down with his movements as he stopped alternating between fast and slow… and started to go faster, and faster. His head rolled back on his neck as he steadily pumped into her mouth, her eyes watering as she deepthroated him. "Mmn! Mmgh! Mnn!" she moaned out as Surfer dude-bro shuddered between her lips… she braced herself for his cum… but he suddenly ripped from her mouth. "MMhg-oo?" she blinked as he pulled away, waddled over to the chalice, and accurately shot his load into the (Fake) golden cup.

"UGH…" he sighed, as the crowd stopped stroking. "Mmn…" he shot a final rope that splattered against the rim before in inhaled deeply. "Whoo… not bad worms." He said, "But how will you do… with the OIL!"

"The what? AAH!" Zatanna shrieked as a bucket of sweet-smelling baby oil spilled down over her back, splattering over her shoulders and down her breasts "Oh my god! AH!" their hands suddenly rubbing it into her skin ESPECIALLY her breasts until her glorious body had an almost metallic glistening shine to it. "You could have WARMED it first!" she said indignantly, the two behind her sheepishly shrugged, but then went back to rubbing her down, Black Dude-bro lifting her hands up above her head as stocky dude-bro continued to enjoy rubbing down her tits, bouncing them up and down to the sound of-

"FAIL!" declared surfer dude-bro pointing to the one who shot his load before the hooded dude-bro's dragged him away. "Alright worms…" grinned surfer dude-bro heading back to Zatanna and lifting her upright off the now slickened tarp before stocky dude-bro grabbed her waist from behind and slicked underneath her as they dropped her onto his waist. "Oh!" she squeaked before feeling his girth slap against her oily body. They let her arms go, but his meaty paws grabbed at her waist before lifting her up.

Then in full view of the pledges he dropped her onto his throbbing cock, he easily slid up into her body as she howled. "Haah! AH! Ahhh! AH!" her big tits bouncing up and down, displaying her body. The wet oily slaps of her body onto the stocky dude-bro, bumping up into her body as she bucked wildly on his lap. "Hah! AH! AAAH!!" she howled erotically as the other two dude-bro's grabbed her arms, pulling them backward, pushing her bouncing glistening breasts forward. "HA! Ah!" her eyes rolled up into her head as she was stretched by Stocky's big dick.

Pumping up into her, harder and faster he let go of her waist before smacking his hands onto her ass, squeezing her ass cheeks as she grunted and wheezed, leaning forward as the other two dude-bros released her arms and she fell forward.

"Almost there worms! Hold on a little more!" cheered surfer dude-bro, as Zatanna slammed her hands onto the tarp, her huge tits bouncing and jiggling as stocky dude-bro kept thrusting… and black dude-bro loomed behind her for his turn.

"Oh. Fuck. OH FUCK!!" Zatanna howled as she was double penetrated, black dude-bro's thick girth ramming up her ass as she was wildly pounded away into, her ass cheeks clapped against his powerful thrusts as he grabbed her hair and tilted her head back to look at the lustful moaning groans of pledges, desperately trying not to cum but forcefully continuing to stroke themselves as Zatanna was roughly pounded. "HAah! Aah! Ah! FU-UUUCK!!" she moaned erotically, letting her voice echo around the warehouse as she howled her building orgasm. Stocky dude-bro slamming up into her almost mindlessly, lifting her off the tarp only for Black dude-bro to pound her back down… her big titties bouncing and swinging with their rough pounding…

Though they didn't bounce nearly as much as when she was dancing. "HAah! Aaahhhhoooooh!" her back arched and she trembled in orgasm, falling forward onto her face, oiling herself up further as her eyes rolled but black-dude bro kept pounding her into the pool of baby oil. Stocky dude-bro quickly yanked out of her and waddled awkwardly to the chalice before releasing a HUGE load into the cup over her erotic moans.

"GNGH!" the last dude-bro slammed into her ass, over and over and over, "UGH! GUU! UGH!" roughly fucking away at her body as her toes curled and she trembled. He was ramming her so hard her raised ass was lifted off the tarp… but even he soon buried his cock into her, and ripped his girth out of her trembling rear before he waddled over to the chalice and filled it up as well.

"Haah… haaaah." Zatanna gasped, shaking erotically before her legs slipped and she lay flat on the tarp in the baby oil. "Haaah…" moaning softly as Surfer Dude-bro declared with some pride.

"PASS!" he declared, then like a swarm of bees the pledges waddled forward comically jerking themselves off as they struggled to surround the chalice and dramatically declare their release. Spilling rope after rope into the chalice until it was almost full, however. "I saw that!" he shouted as the last one came, missing the chalice entirely and shooting his load across the discarded top hat. "Fuuuuuu-AAAAAAIL!!" he declared dramatically as he was dragged away by hooded dude-bros.

"Oh come on guys…" Zatanna pouted irately, pawing herself upright and noticing the cum on the hat. "I have to WEAR that…" she said pouting at them but they all stared at her as she fidgeted, kneeling naked in the middle of the tarp and looking at them all nervously. "…What?"

Surfer dude-bro grabbed the chalice, and the hat, approaching her with a grin on his slightly handsome face before holding it out to her. "Drink."

"What-ugh…" Zatanna recoiled at the concoction before her. "…Of course…" she mumbled.

"You aren't going to disappoint the guys for lasting so long, are you? This is all they get." Zatanna blew air from her lips, vibrating them as she sighed before taking the chalice from his hand and recoiling again. But she put it to her lips and tilted her head back taking a big mouthful.

"Mmgh!" she recoiled, pulling it quickly away. "Ugh… that's… you guys need to consider a change of diets." She declared, "You know who you are." She added, before taking the chalice again, the pungent smell of cum hitting her hard she was about to take another go at it before Stocky suddenly took the chalice and the hat… then "Oh come on!" she declared before he DUMPED IT IN. "Dude!" she replied indignantly. "I have to wear-"

SPLAT! She froze as he dropped the hat on her head, cum oozing out of it and down her dark hair as it gooed all over her face, and splattering onto her breasts. She sighed, closing one eye as she felt the mess oozing down her face to the CHEERS of the crowd.

"Alright! Pizza and beer in the other room you animals get your pants on! And welcome to DELTA. OMEGA. RHO. KAPPA!" every chanting the greek letters as they walked away leaving her alone with Surfer dude-bro… and the naked hooded woman who took the chalice. "Alright. Thanks for that… Bambi mind taking her to the shower?"

"Shure." Replied Bambi in a high-pitched valley girl voice. "Come on sweetie let's get you cleaned up." She said as she walked with a rather suggestive step as opposed to the straight-back cult servant she was originally going for. Zatanna wobbled upright, trying not to slip while covered in baby oil and following Bambi to… showers? In a warehouse?

"What is this place?" she mumbled.

"Oh, it's there little clubhouse…" Bambi replied dismissively as Zatanna sighed, "There so STIFF about it. Usually, they just hold raves and stuff." She said, grabbing a cell phone off a nearby shelf and starting to text. "But you know… pledge week." Zatanna sighed as she turned on the water and hosed herself down.

"…What's your story?" Zatanna asked, taking off the quite possibly ruined hat to try and clean it up, rinsing off her face.

"I lost the lot draw at the sorority house." She replied as if that explained every, before taking off the hood revealing just what she expected a painted-up blonde. "But it could've been worse. I could've been you." She replied loosely. Zatanna frowned at her but she went back to her phone. "Would have been too, but good thing I told them about Superbabes right?"

"…Uh huh." Zatanna mumbled as the girl, who admittedly DID have a nice body and a pretty face, probably couldn't take what Zatanna just went throw with that same air of confidence.

"Heeey don't feel bad!" she replied completely missing the look Zatanna was shooting her. "I didn't want to drink a bunch of DORK's cum and you get paid! It works out, right?" she noted dismissively as Zatanna tried and failed to clean the hat. "And now I don't have to do anything for my sorority! I am SO in… everybody wins." She said calmly, before producing a fat STACK of cash and leaving it on the shelf "So take your money and see yourself on out, Kay?" she added with a friendly, bitchy smile and casually texted on her appropriately pink phone. Zatanna frowned.

"…No longer the geek girl but still doing their fucking homework." She mumbled sourly, then went right back to cleaning… but the smell was still there. "…SHIT." She mumbled.

Time: 8:49 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Zatanna parked the car, sighed, then got out… not wearing the hat as she went into the back, dropping the money on the counter. "…I think they ruined the hat boss." She said apologetically as Orders, looked up at her, her nose wrinkling slightly as she sniffed.

"…Seems that way, yes." She replied, "Good thing I've already asked Coco to make me another one: stain resistant." Zatanna blinked at her boss curiously.

"And you were right it would've been more appropriate to send Jackie."

"True Isabella, Jackie would've enjoyed herself more…" Orders noted as Izzy frowned at her. "…But all those DORKs weren't going to pay me NEARLY the same amount of money for Jackie." She replied casually.

"Hola Senoritas!" cheered Hector the Masseuse as he suddenly entered in from the back. "Sorry, I am late." He said politely, before putting his things aside. "Who would like to be first?"

"Me!" declared Leslie rushing in from the floor and rotating her right shoulder, "I got this knot-"

"Isabella goes first." Orders noted firmly, "…It'll give me time to call Coco and get a new hat." She casually discarded the cum-stained one accurately into a trashcan.

"…I am already covered in baby oil." Noted Izzy accurately, "That smell is just not coming off."

"Oh and it's a CHEAP brand to." noted Hector apologetically, smelling the baby oil still on her. "Don't worry Izzy I'll get you the good stuff, chica." He said, getting to his bag as Izzy crawled onto the massage table. Before deftly applying his hands to Izzy's troubles and just squeezing them away…

…Hector was WAY better than a bunch of DORKs…


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