
Delivery Girl: Green Lantern II Order #4

I don't own DC






"Aaah!!!" she squirmed in her black leather, her big plump chocolate-colored ass on clear display as the portly man behind her in his tighty whities and a rock hard erection swatted at her rear as hard as he could with the riding crop. "Ahh-aaaah!" she wore an identity-protecting leather mask but she also wore an open mouth gag, her tongue lolling out and drooling heavily as he smacked away at her ass again. "Ahhhhh…" she sighed, shaking in orgasm as she spontaneously twerked her ass cheeks for more.

"God you're beautiful!..." he hissed slimily, reaching around to squeeze her big breasts through the later. "MMGh!" running his tongue against her masked face before smacking her ass again with the crop. "You sexy!" WHAP!





"Haaaaaaah…ah…" she gasped, knees buckling as she struggled to stay standing, luckily he grabbed the restaining chain and yanked her back up.

"Who gave you permission to cum?!" he scolded, "BEG! Like a proper woman!"

"OOoooore…" she moaned longingly with saliva dripping out of her mouth as he licked his lips, rubbing at his crotch.

"I need you…" he breathed, "I just need you in my LIFE!" he wantonly groped her stinging ass cheeks, "Oooh… so soft and squishy!" he giggled, continuing to fondle her as she wiggled her ass for more spankings. He dropped to his knees and buried his face between her stinging cheeks. "MMgh!"

"MMGh!?" she struggled angrily, trying to shake him off as she felt his tongue on places he wasn't allowed to put his tongue.

"I know I know." he teased getting up as he rubbed his cock against her thigh. "MMGh!... let's get a new toy to play with… oooh. How about this?" he reached for a particularly brutal-looking barbed whip on the wall, he cracked it abruptly with a SNAP! "Ha-ha-ha!" he grinned like a child with a new toy.

But she was an expert and knew just from the sound and speed of that whip crack that he had NO idea what he was doing with it… and that was DANGEROUS!

"OOHN!! OON-EEE!!" she shouted suddenly as he approached.

"YEAH I'm turned on too! Here it comes!" he reeled back the whip, however, a tiny muscular cannonball hurled himself through the door as it was kicked open.

"WHOA! WHOA! HEY!" he wielded a baseball bat like a war club. "Experts only pal!" he declared pointing at him with the ominously solid piece of wood. "Drop it!"

"I can handle it!"

"The FUCK you can! Drop it!" John 'Little John' Little looked like he stared in a Lord of the Bracelets prequal as a warlike dwarf, only he was missing a luxurious beard. "Times up anyway! Out!"

"No it's not…" whined the man, as John grabbed his clothes, piled up on a chair, and tossed them to him.

"It is now. Out!" he pointed with the bat to the door as the man shimmed back into his clothes.

"When is she next available?" he asked eagerly as John took a dangerous warning swing at his knees. "EEep!" scampering out of the room as John grunted angrily, walking off to the suspension chain and letting 'Mysti' drop to the padded floor on her knees as she groaned exhaustedly… he then loosened the open mouth gag on the back of her head as it clattered to the floor.

"Can you not turn my clients into SIMPS?" John asked angrily as he released her from the shackles attached to the suspension chain. "…You're going to get yourself hurt. There are a lot of fucking weirdos in this business Daph."

"You cater to them, Johnny…" she moaned breathlessly, still struggling to control herself as John blushed and smirked at her charmingly.

"Yeah, but I can also break kneecaps like walnuts." He added, "Seriously, half the people I let whip you keep asking me when you're available, the other girls are going to get pissed at me." He eyed her concernedly. "…You alright?" he finally asked, she only ever called for him when she was actually worried about her partner. Ignored safeword, or 'swinging above their weight' with certain tools, like just now….

"Yeah I'm fine… maybe next time don't leave that whip where just anyone can grab it."

"OH. That's Courtney's…" he replied dismissively as she gave him a weird look. "…Mistress Tiger?"

"Ah…" she replied at the realization, one of the Dominatrixes in John's employ.

"Yeah, she must have forgotten it." John replied casually, "Or she never took it home. I keep getting stuff delivered here that the girls order online... but I've never known you to shy away from a whipping Daph." He replied with a smile as she shook her head.

"He didn't know how to use it, and I have work tomorrow." She replied, rubbing her stinging backside and almost trembling in orgasm. "I can't be bleeding all over my costume."

"Huh…" he shrugged, having never seen her in 'uniform' himself. "Well you got me there… but then again, if you weren't turning them all into SIMPS." He smiled as she shook her head, laughing lightly.

"What does that have anything to do with-"

"Daphne?" a voice she didn't expect to hear echoed into the room as the tall and imposing Ronnie-Bell entered ducking in the doorway.

John 'Little John' Little stared up at her, mouth agape at the SIZE of the giant woman whose knees he could barely see past. "…Please tell me you're here to get whipped…" he sighed breathlessly, eyes wide in lovestruck awe as Ronnie-Bell glanced down at him and smiled prettily. Little hearts seemed to be popping around his head.

"…'Fraid not sugar." She purred with a wink as he practically melted at her feet. "…Daphne." She replied, turning her attention back to 'Mysti' aka Green Lantern (II) "Orders needs you to work tonight."

"Tonight? But…"

"She NEEDS you to work tonight." Ronnie-Bell repeated, "…She says it's time?" she let the statement linger, she didn't quite understand Orders' cryptic message herself, but Green Lantern stared up at her thoughtfully, still on her knees as she slowly nodded in some sort of quiet understanding.

"Okay… can you… pick me up?" she asked sheepishly, "…And carry me down the hall?"

Ronnie-Bell chuckled and gently pushed John aside with a finger on his forehead, "Excuse me, Sugar." She cooed as he just stared, she bent over and easily hauled Green Lantern over her powerful shoulder. The beautiful leather wrapped Superbabe hanging over the back of her like a sack of potatoes "Down the hall?" she asked John

"Yeah… can… can I go next?" John breathed breathlessly up at her as Ronnie-Bell winked back at him.

"…Sorry Sugar. Ride's full up." She turned and walked out with a sexy strut that Superbabes seemed to perform instinctively. But not before Green Lantern gave him a teasing look.

"SIMP." She said simply in farewell as John laughed, but shrugged shaking his head in a 'what can I do?' sort of gesture.

Later that night

"Are you sure it's tonight?" asked Green Lantern thoughtfully as Orders sighed, Zatanna fidgeted at the poker table with Yellow Lantern as they played a few quick hands of blackjack.

"Well FREYA spilled the beans to Terry last week after our gaming session about Superbabe 'deliveries'..." She glared adorably angry at Yellow Lantern, "I figure it's only a matter of time before one or all of them call." She glared at Yellow Lantern as she uncomfortably cleared her throat."

"...Well, when I was told it's an open secret, I didn't know it was an actual secret to THEM. I thought they knew!" she replied indignantly.

"Well, we've had a contingency plan in place just in case. Although we needed Green Lantern here to enact it." replied Orders.

"What's the plan?" Yellow Lantern asked.

"We send Green Lantern instead." Orders replied simply.

Yellow Lantern busted with 26 as she stared at Orders. "…That's… not so much a plan as a segway. I mean any girl could go instead of Izzy."

"Zatanna." The other three women currently in the lounge said as Yellow Lantern groaned.

"Zatanna." She corrected.

"Not Harley Quinn, or Killer Frost, or White Rabbit, or YOU for example…" Orders noted as Yellow Lantern cringed. "…Zatanna is lucky I'm jumping through hoops to do this in the first place, I don't see the problem with your Dungeon and Dragons friends ordering you for a little hardcore roleplaying." She said, although she didn't look like she meant it.

"…Orders, I shouldn't have to tell you the horror stories DnD female players have had with bad groups." Zatanna said seriously as Orders sighed, "It's VERY hard to find decent people when you look like us!" she gestured to herself an a rather uninterested Freya.

"Alright, already… I get it." Orders grumbled before turning her attention back to Green Lantern. "In answering your question, yes." Her purple eyes flashed, "it'll be tonight." Before reaching for the phone.

"How do you do that?" Green Lantern asked suspiciously awed.

Time: 9:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Hi. Hey. Yeah. Um… uh… that Zatanna meal… with Zatanna?"

"Zatanna is currently out tonight."

"But… what? Wait… I thought-"

"Nope. She's out. We'll send a suitable substitute."

"Wait A substitute?"

"Yes a substitute. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


Orders quickly hung up the phone so fast it looked like she threw it onto the receiver. "Alright it's only one of them, you're safe for now."

Green Lantern approached the counter, taking the receipt as the food soon slid out across the counter from the kitchen. "He's going to want to roleplay… humor him." she eyed Green Lantern, as she picked up the bag.


"He has a costume for you… well, he has a costume for Isabella…" she noted, as Green Lantern smiled.

"I'm already in a costume."

"…Like I said, humor him." Orders replied. "…Forcefully. If he plays out his little fantasy he'll probably forget who he wanted to do it with." Then eyeing Green lantern with flashing eyes she whispered cryptically, "…Top shelf behind the comic books."

"Sorry about this Daphne." Zatanna noted as Green Lantern shrugged about to give a retort as she walked out the back, Orders however answered for her.

"Don't apologize she's going to love it." she said casually as Green Lantern blushed and made her way to the car, putting the food carefully down on the passenger's seat and driving off into Gotham.

She arrived at a modest little apartment building in a lower part of east Gotham. She slipped out of the car after parking in a nearby lot, strutting confidently across the sidewalk and up the steps regardless of the attentive stares she was getting as she entered in through the front door. She moved up two flights of steps to the third floor, checking the receipt again as she went to the fourth of the four rooms on this level.

She slipped the receipt into her bag and raised her hand to knock loudly on the door. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:22 PM. Place: Lower East Gotham (Izzy's friend's apartment 204)

"Special Delivery Service." She waited, and waited, and knocked again.

"Hi! Yeah! Sorry! Uh…" a voice behind the door said, "…Could you uh… just leave the food? Sorry, I uh… changed my mind. Sorry." She blinked at the door, and smiled… pressing her thick body against it, whispering through the door.

"…You got my hopes up for nothing?" she whispered softly, "…You have to open the door anyway, you need to pay for the delivery…" her voice was soft and seductive, the kind of voice you wanted to hear from any woman with a thick smackable ass, soft luscious skin, and large round breasts. "You might as well give me a real. Good. Look…" she moaned, her hips lightly pressing against the door.

After another moment, the door opened. Revealing a slightly heavyset pasty young man about Zatanna's age with long, thick brown hair tied back in a ponytail and smelling like a combination of cheap deodorant and body odor. He wasn't particularly ugly, or handsome… your standard, average geek in your standard average geek chiq, apartment. Kitchen, messy living room, a couple of bedrooms… and just laden with comic books, fantasy paraphasia, and of course video game consoles…

"Hi." She said and before he could stop her, she walked right in.

"I. Uh…" his brain wasn't reacting, his eyes however followed her thick shapely ass cheeks and his hand found a sudden urge to smack it. Her ass had that effect on people. "Wait. I changed my mind." He finally said as she put his food on his kitchen table.

"Oh… that's just nerves…" she said softly, glancing around the room until she spotted a bookshelf filled with Dnd Manuals, fantasy novels, comic books, manga… the top shelf seemed to be bulging on the left side. SOMETHING was hiding behind it. "…I promise you. Once you get going… you won't be nervous." She said enticingly, "…Nice shelf." She said casually reaching up as he fidgeted and removed a few books. "Oh? What's this?"

A small box was hidden behind the books as she pulled it out.

"Wait that's… it's ah…" she mumbled, eyeing her up as she pulled the box from the shelf. "….It's a costume." He finished lamely. She eyed the inside of the box and smiled.

"…Do you wear this?" she teased, he just groaned.

"…I was hoping to one day get Izzy... I mean uh-Zatanna to wear it." he replied, "…I always thought she'd look good…" he slowed down as she carried to box with her towards an obvious bathroom. "…In it." he said as she winked at him, and shut the door. "…Huh…" he mumbled, eyes widening as he realized what she was doing in there. He stared at the door, "…How'd she know where it was?" he breathed to himself.

Orders instilled a 'quick change' skill set into the girls, so Green Lantern easily got out of her tight green suit, folding it neatly up and leaving it on a metal stand filled with magazines and a hardback book with a bookmark halfway through. She kept her green sunglasses on, they were very distinct for her role. She opened the box and grabbed the somewhat iconic metal bikini outfit.

She held the metal cup top before her and shook her head with a smile. ALL the geek boys wanted a girl in this thing… she shouldn't be surprised. She stuffed her plump breasts into it, luckily she and Zatanna were a good match when it came to big breasts, she then reached in for the long curtain like bottoms, strapping it around her thick hips as it 'modestly' covered her lower body… then she grabbed the leather collar.

She trembled slightly Seeing the long, thick silvery chain attached to it. Longer than any sort of leash needed to be but, perhaps he was going for accuracy. It needed to be long enough to choke a giant space-slug gangster after all. She stretched her neck, the perfect length for a collar before tightening it around her. Shaking excitedly as it rubbed against her skin… then she made it TIGHTER. She buckled it, grabbed the chain, and YANKED.

Terry, because of course it was Terry, sat on the couch nervously as he heard a moan. Like a ghost… but hotter. He blinked around, curiously, wondering where it could've possibly have come from… then the door to the bathroom opened as his jaw dropped.

An ebony space princess, enslaved by some cruel galactic gangster, exited the bathroom… Her body clad in the tradition enslaved princess garb, the long blood red curtain of cloth rubbing against her thick thighs as it brushed the floor with each sensual step she took… The thin silvery chain attached to her collar hung between her breasts as she carried the rest of it looped in her right hand as she walked around his couch, and stood before him…

…He no longer cared that it wasn't 'Zatanna' dressed up in the costume.

"…Still want me to leave?" she whispered softly. His eyes wide andhis mouth hanging open in awe, he slowly shook his head… She held out to him the looped silvery chain. "…Take it…" she added like the sensual seductress she was, her supple body tense, but more than ready…

She was half-naked, dressed in an iconic slave girl costume, and wearing a collar in front of a horny young man with a growing erection… if she wasn't so submissive, she would've jumped him on her own. His hand gripped the chain and yanked.

She fell onto her knees mouth opening in an enticing gasp as she gazed at him behind her green sunglasses. "What are you going to do to me?" she whimpered, as his bulged hardened in his shorts. He stared back at her, his mouth opening and closing as if talking but no words came… until one.

"Everything." He said as her pussy drooled in excitement.

"Please." She whispered, "Do WHATEVER you want." She encouraged him, gazing into his wide eyes as he took her head in his other hand and pulled it onto his bulging crotch. He moaned as she rubbed her face against the smooth material of his shorts, feeling his average length throbbing against her face as she moaned. "Oh god… yes… ooh…" she licked his shaft through his pants, ignoring the taste before she reached for the waistband, and pulled it down, freeing his uncut dick to the room before brushing her lips upon it. "Mmgh! Mmn!" frimly rubbing them beneath his shaft, her tongue licking his balls as he gasped in pleasure, but continued to gaze at her unblinkingly as she worshipped his cock like a proper slave…

…She's had PLENTY of experience: Eye contact, submission, slow tentative licks and long hungry moans. The way she subtly wiggled her big smackable ass, her breasts pressing against the couch, the soft brushes of her plump dick sucking lips against his shaft. It wouldn't be hard to understand her ability to give her partner complete and utter control of her without even a hint of verbal suggestion.

He didn't move with the exception of his twitching member as she worshiped it, he hardly breathed, he just stared at the beautiful woman as she worshiped his cock, the chain clinking between licks… he thought she was humoring him… but one yank on the chain leash and she would've orgasmed then and there… she was for HIS pleasure, she was that devoted to her role as a sexual slave.

…To be perfectly honest it wasn't her first time in the costume she currently wore, not this one specifically but copies of it… Once for Halloween.

He rested his hand on her soft afro, and wordlessly pulled her to his tip. The chain clinked in his hand as he pushed his cock towards her open mouth as she slid her tongue along it. Her lips wrapped slowly around him as she bobbed her head up and down. "Haah…"

She did not stop; she did not pause. The only thought in her beautiful 'masked' head was to devoted suck her new master's cock until he wanted her to stop and he certainly did not… nor did she. "Mmgh… mmmn… mmn…" she was slow and methodical, making sure her tongue slid over every inch and cranny of his cock at least once. Her hands rested on her thick thighs as her lips slurped on the base of his shaft…

A proper slave like her didn't need to use her hands. EVER, not unless her master wanted her too.

"I'm gonna cum…" he breathed, squirming against her face as he writhed on the couch. She glanced up at him from behind her green glasses, then remained firmly in place. Still sucking, still licking… feeling him pulsate between her lips as he tried to push her away. "Ahh… Ugh! It's cumming!" She moaned, feeling his precum as he tried to push her head off but his instincts overwhelmed him, grabbing her head, "UGHh!!" he planted her face back into his crotch as she hummed in her chest, feeling his semen splatter against the back of her throat.

He bucked eagerly against her face, groaning as he tried to inseminate her stomach, she moaned, and gulped… a plentiful torrent of his load filled her mouth quickly as he balls quivered against her chin, desperate to empty.

"…Oh my god…" he sighed, going limp on the couch as she kept her face firmly planted. Swallowing, gulping, licking… she didn't stop, gazing up at him and waiting for her instructions as he clenched his teeth. "… Let's go to my room." He tried to sit up, but she kept her face firm…

…He wasn't playing the game right… it was inwardly a little selfish of her for what she was about to do, but he had her dress up as an enslaved space princess, he should PLAY with her as such. "H-hey let me up." He laughed as he pushed against her forehead.

"MMngh…" she replied negatively, then decided to give him a hint, raising her hand and resting the chain around her neck between her fingers, sliding it down slowly, to emphasize it.

Tug the chain. She wordlessly said.

He panted, his cock twitched, his brow sweating heavily as he stood up. Her face was still between his legs as he yanked the chain. "HAah!" she gasped abruptly, immediately pulling her face free, "Hah…" gasping for breath as she felt the familiar yank around her neck that sent a shiver down her spine and a stain on the cloth of her borrowed costume… She smiled up at him, as his length twitched against her glasses.

"Get up let's go to my room."

"Yes sir." She purred, getting to her feet, "Where is it?"

"Right over… there…" he pointed to the left room behind the couch as she began leading… why? So he could be distracted by her big, soft ass twitching and wobbling with each step. Barely covered by the rear cloth of the costume.

She entered the room, the bed was unmade, it smelled distinct of 'young man' and stale soda and far too many Star Battle posters on the walls for her liking, but she didn't need to like it… she slapped her hands on her ass, moaning softly as she molded it between her hands for his viewing pleasure… but he didn't want to just 'view' anymore… she was mid-twerk as his hand clapped onto her right cheek and squeezed it.

"Oh yes! Aah…" she gasped as he yanked on the chain, "NGGHh!!" he pussy drooling excitedly as he stripped. Squeezing her with his other hand as he pushed her towards the bed, falling on top of her, grinding his cock between her ass cheeks but through the rear cloth, pushing it between her thick backside, sinking into a velvet crevasse…

He rubbed her hands on her arm, the chain sliding across her skin as she trembled, wiggling her ass cheeks around his girth. "I'm going to put it in." he declared as she turned her head, looking at him over her shoulder.

"Do WHATEVER you want…" she cooed breathlessly. He tugged the cloth from her cheeks, gripping her ass cheeks and spreading her as the chain sunk into her fleshy rear. "Just push it in." she half moaned, half instructed, "Slaves are meant to be USED." She growled suggestively. "Oh…!" she gasped, trembling as he slammed DEEP into her, one good thrust as she wiggled her lower body against his hips slapping against them.

Her ass molded against his waist, as he gritted his teeth, pulling back, and Whap. Whap. Whap... the chain rattled with his movements as against her skin. By a stroke of luck, or sheer annoyance he yanked on it. "Aaah!" she gasped erotically as she tightened around him, his cock trembling as he tightened the chain and pulled her head back, "Yes! Yes! AH… ahh more! Slap my ass!"

He hesitated, but she just repeated herself, pleadingly. "Slap my ass! AH!" just to try it out, after delivering another deep thrust he cracked his hand on it. "Ah! Yes! OOOOH…" she became a vice around him, shaking erotically as she spasmed… her toes curling off the bed as he gasped for breath himself and buried his entire length into her warm insides.

"AH! Ahh… dang, it…" he grunted, twitching as she felt him cum.

"Mmmgn…" she jiggled her ass cheeks against him as he gasped, bucking against her rear as she cooed softly. "…Sorry… too tight?" the way she said it sounded like a tease, but she really was apologetic… she was here for his pleasure after all.

"Ha… ha ha…" he gasped sheepishly, "W-way too tight…" he praised, resting on her back as she put a hand on his waist and pushed him off. "I'm not used to it…"

"…I'll fix it…" she said breathlessly. She caressed his limp cock as she pushed herself off the bed, feeling it against her ass cheek as she pushed him gently towards the bed, the leash clinking between her breasts, "Lie down… watch me…" she breathed, already feeling his cock twitch against her thigh as he fell flat onto the bed, stiff as a board… mostly.

She turned around, the leash hanging over her shoulder as she raised her hand dramatically high in the air, letting it twist and turn like a snake rising to the sun. She learned this trick from Tasha.


She smacked her ass and let it shake, twerking erotically in place as the cloth curtain barely covering her ass cheeks clapped-clapped-clapped. She glanced over her shoulder at him, watching as he kept his gaze firmly on his private show. She bent over, hands on her knees as her cheeks continued to move… then she raised her hand again.


"OOooh…" that one was just for her. "Let me know when you NEED me…" she breathed, standing upright once more and rolling her hips in circles, gyrating her waist as she slid her hands up and down her curvy body. "Mmmgnh…" squeezing her breasts through the stiff metal top.

If an exotic beauty like her, sensually dancing in an iconic slave costume didn't get him hard in the next… we'll say THREE minutes. There was no hope for him…

One minute later he was erect and ready, heavily twitching as she continued to dance… slowly. 'Blind' and 'deaf' to the world until he yanked on the leash. She smiled longingly and crawled onto the bed with the leash dangling from her neck.

The front cloth slid across his length, he felt the dampness upon it, long made by her increasingly dripping pussy as she sat on his lap, yanking the cloth across his chest like a cheap funeral shall as he died and went to heaven.

"Haaah!" she gasped blissfully as she felt him vibrate into her… "MGh!..." she cupped her breasts as they popped out of the top of the top, the string stretching awkwardly as she simply took it off and tossed it away, letting her tits free as she squeezed them around the chain, sticking out her tongue as she rolled on his lap. Her hips whirled about as her thick ass cheeks rubbed on his thighs, "Ooh! Ugh! Ooh…." She bounced on his lap as he began bucking his hips, planting his feet on the mattress and furiously thrusting into her body as her insides shuddered greedily.

"Aaah! Ahh!!" she cried out, shrieking her pleasure as she shuddered, slapping his chest and twisting her fingers in the cloth as her big dark breasts wobbled on her chest as he yanked the chain once again. That spine-tingling sensation ripped through her once again as she climaxed, her insides tightening as he shot up, hooking his hands on her ass cheeks and furiously lifting her up and down on his cock, grunting and groaning desperately.

"More give me more!" he mumbled into her cleavage as she gasped

"Take all you want." She moaned, feeling him bulge inside her. "Take all you want! I love this part!" she gasped, deeply heaving for breath. She smiled, her eyes whirling as she came HARD, feeling him thrust against her as he released, pushing forward and both flopping onto the mattress, bucking against her as he went limp.

"Haah… hah…" he quivered against her, before rolling slowly off her body. They lied side by side as she squirmed, toes curling and legs trembling as she rode out her orgasm… "…That was the greatest moment of my life." Terry declared as she smiled, letting her hands roam her soft, supple body as his hand feebly pawed at her stomach, chest, then gripped the chain.

"MMN!" she smiled happily as she was yanked up and over his lap, her mouth instinctively opening as she rolled onto her hands and knees, he curled his fingers into her hair as she licked and kissed, his cock twitching upright as she opened her mouth and put it into her mouth.

"You're… amazing…." He moaned, twitching slightly into her mouth, thrusting her hips as she chuckled.

"Hmmn-hmmn… mmmn…" she took her breasts, slipping off his dick only for a moment to squeeze them around him for a very brief titfuck. Bouncing her breasts around him before she opened her mouth and took him back in.

She would've quite happily been servicing him until Orders called the cops… in all honesty, when she wore a collar she didn't think of ANYTHING but pleasing any and every dick that was shoved into her face. She wasn't Jackie: she didn't love the taste of semen. She wasn't Veronica or Lucy, eager to fuck anything and everything in sight, she honestly didn't even care if she had sex or not…

She loved to be used. And she loved to please… That was her joy in life. And honestly, fuck anyone that tried to take that joy from her.

"UGhh… UGH!..." he thrust deep between her lips, grunting, groaning, and writhing. He was going to cum in her mouth, and she was going to enjoy it. "Oh. OH!" he pushed against her face so hard she was almost knocked on her ass. "Ugh! I always! Wanted to do this!"

He pushed her quickly away, then got to his feet, bending his knees as she smiled up at him and cupped her breasts, pushing them together. "Ooh YES!!" she gasped, mouth wide as ropes sprayed across her glasses…

…There was something beautiful to her about the thick viscous fluid spraying across her glasses. Her hair, her face, her lips… she even felt it on her breasts. She sighed happily, shaking as she came… leaking on his bed as her thick thighs wobbled as she lost feeling in them. She might not savor the taste of semen like some Superbabes but she LOVED the feel of it on her skin after a good hard service…

It was like getting a free air freshener after a carwash with the works.

Hand still in her hair, he continued to stroke his limp cock to no response as she let the orgasm finish… she kissed his tip, gently pried his hand from her hair… and took off the collar. Her movements were determined but unsteady, she bent over to grab the metal top she dismissively tossed away… she found it beneath a slight, recently made, 'ding' in the wall… her legs trembling erotically as she swayed towards the bathroom as he flopped exhaustedly onto the bed.

She removed her glasses, sighing softly as she gazed into the mirror… her face looked weird, half of it was covered in cum and the other half wasn't… she pouted at the sight… she should've just taken the glasses off…

But she carried them into the shower, scrubbing, rinsing, washing, her beautiful smooth skin glistening as she rubbed soap all over it… for a woman that spent so much time getting whipped, spanked, and nipple clamped… she didn't have a mark on her. The sculpted body of a well-trained submissive apparently.

She put the costume back into the box, then she dressed back up in the tight Green Lantern suit. She carried the box on her arm and walked back into the room. Terry was still on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling as he clearly didn't believe what he had just done.

"…Terry?" she spoke melodiously as he jumped.

"How do you know my name?" he asked surprised as she smiled patiently.

"You give your name and address to my boss." She replied patiently as he blinked blankly back at her. Also the 'Green Lantern Distraction' has been in the works for months just in case... "I need to go, come on…" she cooed patiently, drumming the box with her fingers as he got up and quickly moved to his dresser. He retrieved his obvious secret stash… or perhaps his figurine money, before he approached her and she took it. "You want to do this again you call for me…" she said seductively.

"Well actually I was hoping Zatanna…" she gently pushed the box against his naked chest and she turned it ON. Like she flipped a switch and oozed pheromones.

Leaning against him, her voice a deep, husky, PLEADING whisper… "…You call for ME…" she moaned. "I'll treat you so GOOD." She whispered, then slipping the money into her suit and maintaining eye contact, she slowly swayed her thick backside away and out the front door… Leaving Terry holding the box with the sex space princess costume and a raging erection.

Time: 10:33 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Green Lantern walked back into the lounge as Orders glanced up, Izzy and Freya both coming in from the floor stuffed with tips as the collection of cash was flopped in front of Orders who sighed like she was having an orgasm of her own.

"…It's moments like this that REALLY make me love this job." She declared as Izzy laughed, and she expertly sorted everything.

"So. How was Terry, Daphne?" Izzy asked as Daphne just sighed with a playful smile.

"If you're curious you should've gone yourself." She said as Izzy shook her head.

"NOPE. Code of the group. No sex with other players."

"…Joy's sleeping with Mike." Freya noted.

"Game Master makes the rules I just follow them." Izzy replied frankly.

"He was fine for me." Daphne declared, "…Though I don't see the point in making me go and wear that slave girl costume…"

"Well like my friend Mike once said, 'Some like them green and swinging an ax'. Guys want what they want…"

"Until I trick them into wanting something else." Orders said confidently before her purple eyes flashed and she frowned. "…Speaking of 'something else'…"

Knock knock.

"Superbabes." the girls in the lounge instantly replied on reflex as John 'Little John' Little entered from the back door holding a package.

"Delivery for a Daphne Davis." He declared as he raised an eyebrow at the girls in the room. "…Damn." He mumbled, clearing his throat. "…I Need to come here more often." He added, as the girls who didn't know him collectively waved. "Hey Daph…" he eyed her up and down, "…You look good."

"It's the form-fitting suit." She replied jovially, "Hey Johnny…" she said as she eyed the box he held. "What did you bring me?"

"Delivery guy dropped this off at my place by accident... I assume. So I thought I'd bring it down… for you…" he stretched his neck, looking around subtly… but oddly not taking a glance into the locker rooms.

"…Looking for something little fella?" asked Freya suspiciously with a cold smile, she didn't like the way he was trying to sneak a peek around the room… but he just eyed her back smugly.

"Judging by the rest of the girls, I was wondering where you were keeping your tits." He replied snappily with a smirk.

"You look like a Lord of the Bracelet's extra." Freya quipped.

"Thank you." He retorted.

"None of that…" Orders interrupted sharply before eyeing John Little sternly, "…Ronnie-BELL." she ordered casually.

Ronnie-Bell was enjoying a little tip earning herself before she filled the doorway between the lounge and the floor, resting her powerful arms on the frames as she pushed her shapely rear end back onto the floor for anyone to admire on that side of the building "Yeah Orders?" she then spotted John and smirked. "…Hello again Hon." Her pretty smile made him fidget as he winked back.

"HELL-O gorgeous!" he gazed up at her, a wide awed grin on his handsome face. "What are you doing later?"

"Throwing you out." Orders snapped confidently.

"What?" John blinked not listening as Ronnie-Bell winked at him.

"Sorry Sugar." She shrugged then easily grabbed him by the back of his neck, and hefted him effortlessly from the floor.

"WHOA?! HEY!" he shouted as Daphne tried to help.

"Orders. He's a friend…" she claimed pleadingly as Orders sighed.

"…Be gentle when you throw him." Orders added dismissively as Ronnie-Bell smirked at a slightly embarrassed but still apparently enjoying himself John Little.

"Here that Sugar?" Ronnie-Bell teased, carrying him through the floor, "I get to open the door first."

"Orders." Daphne scolded as Orders rolled her purple-eyes.

"She'll just drop him outside. Maybe this time he'll come in from the front." Orders added as she went back to her crosswords.

"SO what did you get?" Izzy asked curiously as Freya eyed the box.

"Toys." Replied Daphne casually. The girls looked at her oddly as she easily opened the box and pulled out a very furry collar. "…My toys." She added with a wink. "…There was a sale."


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