
Delivery Girl: Star Sapphire Order #4

I don't own DC

"Are you doing anything this weekend?" Asked Stargirl curiously as she undressed from her street clothes in the locker room. She had recently arrived with Star Sapphire but Bumblebee was here hours earlier and recently came back from a delivery.

Her shapely, dark ebony body glistened under the shower water as she applied sweet-smelling liquid soap to her hands and mumbled softly as only droplets came out of the body. "Damn it." she glanced over her shoulder as Star Sapphire finished dressing herself. "Hey, can you grab me some soap?" asked Bumblebee as Star Sapphire blinked at her.

"Isn't there more in the shower?" she asked innocently as Bumblebee wiggled the empty bottle in her hand.

"No. This one's out." She said as Star Sapphire went to the nearby storage closet. "And No. I'm not doing anything this weekend. I might have a shift though, why?"

Stargirl slowly pulled her tight blue pants over her bubble ex-stripper booty, wiggling it teasingly inside as Bumblebee got an eyeful. Bumblebee licked her lips. Boys were fun but girls were tasty too… and Stargirl had a body that would drive anyone wild, sliding her soapy hand to her crotch, stifling her moans as Stargirl continued to dress herself.

"Oh I don't know. I was thinking of maybe going shopping and wanted some company… I could use new clothes."

"Sure. I could go for that…" Bumblebee crooned as she gazed at Stargirl's ass, only to be blocked by an equally sexy but far more natural bimbo as Star Sapphire bounced into view, holding a fresh bottle of scented soap. Vanilla.

"I have more soap!" she cheered excitedly, before dancing into the showers just out of range of the spray. "Here you go!"

"Thanks." Smiled Bumblebee, quickly pulling her hand away from her crotch, subtly, so Star Sapphire wouldn't catch her masturbating again. Not that the emptied-headed Superbabe ever noticed.

"I'll go shopping with you Brielle!" cheered Star Sapphire happily as the beautiful blonde pulled the mask down over her face. Smiling at her friend. "I love shopping."

Because of course she did.

"Oh, bonne." Stargirl replied cheerfully as they walked out together, Bumblebee 'finishing up' in the showers.

"Knock it off." Orders declared loudly as the two 'bimbo-y-est' Superbabes came out of the locker rooms, both jumping in surprise and freezing in shock.

"Knock what off?" Stargirl asked surprise as Orders rolled her purple-eyes.

"Not you. BUMBLEBEE!" Orders added first calmly, then loudly to get her message through the hissing showerheads.

"Fuck! Fine!" replied the Slut in Training as Orders returned her attention to the startled pair.

"She should save it for a delivery. You two can continue." Orders replied as Stargirl grabbed a bemused-looking Star Sapphire and dragged her bouncy body towards the floor. Just missing a quickly moving Catwoman (II) as she ran towards the counter holding her cell phone as Orders eyes flashed

"Orders I got to go it's an emergency!" she said nervously as Orders rubbed her temples. "My parents are in town!"

"NGh!" her purple eyes flashed again, and she blinked as the pain quickly subsided. "How is that a-ugn… NNGH!" she rubbed her head, as she focused back on Catwoman. "N-No you can't leave you're going to get a delivery."

"Orders. I HAVE to go! They need me to pick them up, and I can't tell them I'm working here and not do it." She said sternly. "You KNOW what they would say to that." she added knowingly

Orders clutched to her head, resting her elbows on the counter as she restrained another vision. Stupid clairvoyancy. "Ugh! Yes, the Burmans won't approve… But now it's Two deliverys… shit…" she mumbled as multiple visions crashed into her brain.

Catwoman however rushed into the lockers to change as Bumblebee walked out, watching that beautiful backside wiggle out of costume. "Sorry Orders, I'll work double shifts after they leave."

Orders ground her teeth together, but in the end she couldn't really deny Divya's request. If her parents found out what she did Orders would be permanently down a Catwoman by the end of the week, as Divya's stern and stubborn father would make her quit and take her back to India.

"…Bumblebee I'll have an order for you." She grumbled finally, turning off Divya for the night on the website as the shapely thick Superbabe rushed out the back in her street clothes to her car. "And… who should…" her eyes flicked from one Superbabe to another in the room… and settled on Star Sapphire who smiled cheerfully ignorant and waved at her.

"…It's a good thing you're pretty." She sighed, as the phone rang and she reached for it.

"Why does everyone say that?" Star Sapphire asked legitimately curious to a nervously shrugging Stargirl, who just didn't have the heart to tell her.

Time: 8:10 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Yeah, the Catwoman meal. Please."

"That's extra crispy chicken legs, an extra crispy flank of fried fish, and a basket of seasoned fries. Anything else?"

"Yeah, Catwoman."

"I'm afraid she just left for the night. Might I recommend Star Sapphire?"

"Star Sapphire? Hang on...…..whoa… Definitely."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the Police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Hold on why is she going first?" mumbled Bumblebee stubbornly as Orders held out the receipt for Star Sapphire.

"Because you're going to have more to deal with." Orders replied casually, "Five or six more."

"…Oh. Good call." Bumblebee purred as Stargirl waved to Star Sapphire, wiggling onto the floor as the food soon slid out across the counter.

"Go take care of this and come right back." Orders ordered, as Star Sapphire nodded her empty head and lifted the bag off the counter, reading the receipt as the phone rang again. "Superbabes, We deliver." Orders declared into the phone.

Star Sapphire hummed cheerily to herself as she walked to the company car, taking a moment to wave to Divya as she sped off towards the Gotham Airport on the west side of Gotham. She slid her shapely bubble backside into the driver's seat, secured the food in the passengers, and drove carefully off into Gotham in the other direction towards Upper-east.

Somewhere between Upper East Gotham and Midtown was a brick-and-mortar neighborhood, the kind of place you'd find happy urban families and a drug dealer on several street corners. None right now however the cops were out.

She parked right next to a basketball court between a collection of buildings were two teams of sweaty men and one-woman playing ball late at night. A pretty serious-looking one not that she noticed. For someone dressed as an infamous super-villainess, her situation awareness was… well she didn't fucking have any.

She grabbed the food and got out of the car and if you were nearby, you could hear the 'boom-chicka-boom-chicka-boom' That echoed out of each of her steps as she checked the receipt and headed right to the nearby apartment building as the basketball players stopped.

One of them, did a double take as the sexy bimbo strutted by towards the stoop steps. "…Holy-FUCK!" the sound echoed out into the night as the basketball hit him HARD in the face and sent him to the blacktop. "Ooooh…" he groaned like he got a toothache, clutching his face as she looked up, around and completely oblivious didn't even notice the players as they stared at her.

"…Hmmn?" she shrugged dismissively, jiggling up the steps as the basketball players kept their eyes on her 'dribbling orbs'. She then pushed the front door open and their melted minds returned.

"Anyone got any asprin?" moaned the player on the ground.

Star Sapphire did several twirls, letting her eyes wander the building for the right apartment number. "Ah!" she gasped excitedly before quickly skipping up the steps to the second and right to #204. "Hmm-hmm-Hmm…" she hummed, checking the receipt and stuffing it into the bag. Raising her fist and. Knock knock knock.


Time: 8:34 PM. Place: Brick-and-Mortar apartments (Room #204)

"Special delivery Service." She hummed quickly to herself, seemingly swaying slowly in place to music that only she seemed to hear. The door soon popped open. A husky man with a black ponytail, wearing glasses and a big shirt grinned at her, holding a can of beer and smelling somewhat like a skunk.

"Wow look at you." He declared, tilting his head inside. "Come on in."

"Okay!" she replied cheerily walking inside. The place looked like an average apartment, couch, tv kitchen and dining room. However, it was PACKED with boxes of paper. Pens. Ink. Paints. And the walls were littered with pictures of scantily clad men and women posing dramatically… she recognized a few of them.

Or at least she knew they were famous. They were comic book people, some of her old classmates used to read them between classes… at least the ones not paying attention to her body.

The guy shut the door and eyed her up and down, quickly finishing his beer and putting the can on a stack of boxes. "I brought your food." She declared as he perked up immediately.

"Sweet! I got the munchies." He took the bag, then his gaze flicked between the food and Star Sapphire. "Oh right. So… listen. I need you to do your thing to my friend… he's under a pretty bad crunch and needs to relax."

"He's being eaten!?" she asked horrified as he blinked at her. "Who's crunching him?!"

He stared at her rather bemused with slightly red eyes. "…His editor." He replied frankly, "…Is it the weed talking?" he mumbled to himself as she just smiled cheerfully.

"Weeds don't talk!" she declared as he nodded slowly.

"…Depends on the grower." He put the bag down, "Anyway… just come with me into his studio and get him to relax. Just do your thing."

"Oh… well my thing is sex." She replied honestly. "…Well it's not really my thing, but I'm good at it. Oh! But my friend Ola, she LOVES it."

"…It's definitely the weed." He nodded to himself as he guided her to a room with a crudely painted sign on it that said 'do not disturb when drawing.'

"Is he drawing?" she asked as the guy reached for the door handle.

"Yeah probably, but he's got something like writer's block." He whispered to her under his breath, "He's the creator of those erotic comics Costume Cuties?" seeing the blank look on her face he decided to elaborate, completely unaware that's her neutral look. "I originally wanted to order that hottie Catwoman on your site cause she looked like one of his favorite adult actresses, Bonnie Brownie, the 'inspiration' for Mocha Thunder." He pointed to a picture on the wall of a VERY shapely woman in a skin-tight outfight decked in lightning bolts and posing heroically.

"Hey, she looks like my friend Divya." Declared Star Sapphire curiously. But then she turned back to him. "But if he's drawing I don't think we should disturb him, it says so on the sign." She pointed to said sign as he nodded slowly. Eyeing her sexy all-natural bimbo body up and down in the process.

"…Yeah I don't think he'll mind. Just go make him feel better." Reaching for the door handle.

"Well okay, but I'm not sure I can do that without disturbing him…" she pouted, "…I'll just get naked that usually cheers everyone up."

He hesitated, staring blankly at the door before coming to a clear decision. "I'm never buying from that dealer again." He opened the door, shoving back a pile of crumpled papers. "Oh Charlie?" he declared to the man hunched over an easel desk. "…Chuck?"

He was lanky, kinda short, with grungy dark hair. He scrubbled furiously before crumpling the paper on before him and hurling it into the pile. "What is it Harry, I got to think up a new Costume Cutie by tomorrow and I am drawing a BLANK!"

"No your not you're drawing sexy ladies." Star Sapphire replied sweetly, examining the many pictures of attractive costumed ladies.

"That is the dumbest-whoa." He looked at them, staring at her like a deer in headlights as she walked in. Her feet kicking aside balls of crumpled pictures as she looked around. The room was pretty compact with stacks of paper boxes by the easel desk, and a cramped bed opposite it covered with so much crumpled paper it could probably function as a mattress. "Ah… Harry?" he asked nervously.

"Dude… meet. INSPIRATION!" he declared, gesturing to Star Sapphire.

"That's not my name, it's Star Sapphire… well that's not my name either, but Orders says it is when I'm in costume." She giggled with a shrug.

Harry and Charlie stared at her blankly. "…Okay she's not exactly a muse but LOOK at that body! Have fun!" he declared shutting the door.

"Wha-what?! Harry!" Charlie got off the barstool he was using as a seat before stumbling to the door through the plethora of failed characters on the floor. "What am I supposed to do with her?!"

"Have sex…" she replied simply as Charlie blinked at her.

"Are you as high as Harry?"

"Well… he's taller than me so no. But we are on the same floor."

"Oh my god." He mumbled exasperatedly as she just giggled.

"Oh. No, you're supposed to say that after I do this…" she said as she took off her costume.

"Oh my god." He repeated although this time for an ENTIRELY different reason and his sudden and throbbing erection in his shorts showed how much he approved.

"There you go!" she declared, skipping in place as she took off the suit, leaving on the mask and boots as her big breasts jiggled distractingly on her chest, she let the suit drop to the floor. "That's so much better…" she cooed unintentionally sensual while running her hands over her big bubble butt, up her waspy waist and squeezing her round soft breasts.


Charlie grunted uncomfortably as his bulge trembled towards her like her body was a magnet for dicks. Which wasn't far from the truth. She eyed his raging hardon through his shorts before approaching him, jiggling and wiggling as she reached for it cock through his pants.

"Oh! My-nngh!" her hand fondled him gently as she shimmied her hips.

"He told me I need to help you relax." She said, "Want to squeeze me until you feel better?" she cooed, "Everyone feels better after they touch me." His hands were already finding their way to her body, sliding up her hips and cupping her big breasts. "Oooh…" she moaned enticingly as he squeezed, "Haa…" she shimmied her lower body in response.

"You… wha-… wow." He squeezed, caressed, and prodded her body, turning her around as his hands rand down over her big bubble butt.

"Ooh!" she giggled, wiggling in his hands as he squeezed and turned her around again.

"Your body is amazing. It's like you walked right out of one of my comic books!"

"I walked in through the door." She declared simply as he turned her back around, squeezing her breasts again as she fiddled with his shorts. "Remember?"

He had two fistfuls of soft natural bimbo breasts in his hands. No, he did not… in fact, he was so mentally exhausted and was pretty tipsy on Harry's lingering 'inspiration' that he was almost fairly certain he was imagining her… so now he was getting bold.

"MMGh!" he shoved his tongue into her mouth, firmly squeezing her body "MMgn! Mmn…" her plump natural dick-sucking lips slurping in his tongue as his pants hit the floor and her fingers wrapped firmly around his raw cock. "Mmgh!" his roving hands now squeezing her ass cheeks, sliding towards her crotch. "Mmnn…" she whimpered into her mouth, gyrating her hips forward towards his worming fingers as her hand twisted up and down his cock, seemingly moving on its own.

"Mmn-mmn! MWaaah…" she moaned as he finally pulled his lips away as she panted. "…Want me to put this in my mouth yet?" she moaned, wiggling excitedly as he groaned.

"YES. Oooh…!" Star Sapphire dropped down quickly, squatting on her heels as she immediately opened her mouth and took him between her vacuum tight dick sucking lips. "Haah! Aah…" his hands rested on her shoulders, his mouth opening in a 'O' as he shuddered in pleasure.

"Mmgh. Mmngh… mmngh. Guck mmgnh…" Star Sapphire's tight lips sealed around his member as she bobbed her empty head rapidly back and forth. "Mmgn. Mmn!" Going the full length of his cock from tip to base with little to no effort but plenty of skill: Like the rest of her she was all natural. It was like she was designed by Nature itself to be the perfect fuckable being…

Sloppily drooling around his cock as he thrust his hips towards her face, "Mgh! Mmngh…" his cock slid into her throat as her tongue slithered around his meat. "Mgnh! Mgh! MMgn! Mwah!" she gasped as his cock slipped from her tight lips, thrusting forward over her face, throbbing on her skin as she gazed dreamily up at him. Slurping loudly as she licked his cock like a popsicle.

He ground his dripping member on her face as it twitched happily on her tongue, "NNGh." He groaned impatiently, gripping his cock at the base and sliding his girth back towards her mouth as he wrapped his hand around the back of her masked head. Pushing his tip back into her soft lips. "OOoh…

"MMMMGNH!" she crooned lovingly seconds before. "MGh?!"

"Haa! Haaa!" his cock pulsated between her lips before a thick torrent of viscous fluid flooded her mouth and overwhelmed her tongue as she quickly and mindlessly gulped his load before he pulled his limp cock out from her lips with a wet pop.

"Haa…" she moaned arousingly, her hot breath wafting against his limp cock as she drooled erotically. Saying nothing as her tongue instinctively slid across her plump lips, licking up and seed that might have originally escaped her gullet.

"Haa… haa…" he gasped for breath. "WOW… that's blowjob…"

"…Why do they call it that? I'm not doing any blowing." She mumbled, before gripping his cock in her hand and "Foooooo." Blowing loudly on it as it wiggled in her grip before she licked his urethra. "Ahh… laaaah." Running her tongue against it absently as it got harder and harder.

"Oh my… oh my god." He breathed, groaning as her warm, wet talented organ brought him back to life. "NGh!" his cock throbbed so painfully that it was practically vibrating at her oral skill. "Haa…" he pulled his cock free from her grip as it flopped awkwardly between his legs. "Come. Come here…" he breathed, taking her arm and pulling her to her feet.

"Ooh…" she wobbled on her heels as he quickly guided her towards his bar stool at the easel desk. He sat her down. "Ah…" she leaned forward onto the easel, pushing her big bubbly ass behind her as instinctively wiggled.

Her warm pussy and her tight asshole were on full display the way she sat on the stool, he placed his hand on her upper back, leaning her as far forward as her big bulging breasts would allow, his fingers running against her moistened pussy as she cooed. "Ooh… Mmngh!" shivering excitedly as her pussy drooled her natural arousal.

"You're really wet… I haven't even touched you yet…" he breathed fascinatedly, running his wet fingers up between her cheeks to her tight puckered hole as she cooed loudly, feeling him spread her open with his fingers as her tight ass tried to keep it shut. "Wow…" he breathed, carefully playing with her body like she was a collector's item.

"Haa… AH… AH!" she whined as his fingers churned deep into her, his knuckles bouncing off her ass cheeks as she clenched her teeth. "Nngh…" her pussy oozing arousal onto the leather of his stool as he continued to fascinatedly play with her tight rear. Stroking his hardon eagerly with his free hand as he continued to probe her. "Haaaah!"

He yanked his fingers from her hole in surprise as she spasmed suddenly, her head thrown back and her tongue lolling from her mouth, "Haaaaah!" she gasped until she wheezed, lying on the easel as she panted for breath.

"That was… AWESOME." He declared, "Who knew women were so sensitive I always thought that was just Hentai!"

"…Who's Hentai?" she moaned as his cock oozed pre-cum. He wasn't really listening, just gazing deep into her 'gasping' back door as her body twitched. Opening and closing as if breathing… inviting him inside.

He gripped his cock tightly as he steadied his nerves, waddling behind her as he lined up his cock against her hole. "Mngh!" she whimpered, her hands feebly clawing at her bubble cheeks, spreading herself apart, "Haa-aah! AAH!" she cried out erotically as he buried his cock to the hilt up her tight little ass. It squeezed tightly around him as she lied on the easel, his hands gripping tightly to her slender waist as he sighed contentedly.

"Oh my god… HOoo…" he pawed at her slightly, before planting his feet and pulling back. "YES…" hissing as he extracted his pulsating member from her air-tight ass. "MGH!"

"Haaah! Ahh! AAAH! AAAH!!" she squealed enticingly as he began to pound away at her ass. Her cheeks rippled pleasantly as his hips bounced off her.


His smacking hips against her clapping cheeks echoed around the room as he buried himself into her again and again. His gaze locked on her jiggling ass flesh as he began to speed up.


"Haa! AH! AH! AH! It's! OOoh! SO! DEEP!" SMACK! "OW!" she yelled as he spanked her. "Ow! That hurts!" she declared, he did hit her a little hard… but he's never riding such a big ass beauty before. Her body was naturally designed for sex. "AAAAH!!" her sudden spanking was all but forgotten as he rammed deep into her. "OOooooh!" trembling on his cock as he bent his knees, planted his feet and slid his hands under her breasts before rapidly bucking away again, "Ahh-AAH-AAH! HAah!!"

"I'm gonna cum! I'm cumming! Oh! God! YES!! uUGH!!" he buried his bulging member in her ass, "OOoh!!" he fell against her. Pencils and stencils clattered off the easel as they banged against it. "Haa…haaa…"

Bucking his hips as she whimpered in pleasure, pumping more and more of his load into her body as he took a deep breath, sighing contentedly. "…Ever since I wrote Mocha Thunder's character I always wanted to try anal… she's is definitely a fan after that." he slowly pulled his cock from her limp trembling body. Watching fascinatedly as her gaping ass quickly sealed as his thick warm juices inside her…

"Mmngh…MN!" she moaned as his hand clapped onto her ass cheek gently, and squeezed, playing with her body as she wiggled under his groping fingers until he slid them to her hand.

"Come over here." He pulled her from the chair so quickly it clattered onto the floor as she stumbled with him towards the bed when he suddenly stopped and her body crashed into his. He wobbled slightly but managed to stay standing, grabbing her breasts and squeezing them before slurping on her hardening nipple.

"Oooh… OH!" grabbing his cock and stroking it again as his tongue swirled one nipple and the other until she felt his cock throb excitedly against her stomach, pre-cum oozing from his tip as he moaned around her tits.

"Haa…" he pulled away, then sat on the bed. Lifting his legs he lied on his back even amongst the crumpled paper. "Climb on." He said as she crawled over the bed, then swung a leg over him. "I want to try cowgirl. Calamity Cowgirl's favorite position!" he replied cheerily, rubbing her waist as his cock twitched against her crotch.

She had no idea who Calamity Cowgirl was, but sure. She didn't mind being on top even if she was usually on bottom. She raised herself up on her knees, guiding his twitching dick towards her warm, wet pussy, and deep inside it went… "Haah…" she gyrated down onto his lap, swiveling her hips until she was grinding on top of him.

"Ooooh!" he pawed at her waist, "NNGh! It's better than you ass!" he lifted her up, with a little help from her, then down she went. "Ugh! AH! AH! Faster! Ooh!"

"Ah! AH! AH! AH!" Star Sapphire cried out unimpeded, moaning erotically as she let her arms go limp and her big breasts bounce up and down on her chest.


"Ah Ooho! OOH!" thrusting up into her, as her body shuddered, "Haa! More! Faster!"

"AH! AH! AH!" she squealed, slamming her hips down onto him as she rode him harder and harder. "Haaahaaah!!" she slapped her hands abruptly on his chest, shaking in orgasm as her tongue lolled from her mouth, her masked head rolling on her neck as he clenched his teeth, sinking his fingers into her waist as she leaned forward trying to keep herself upright. "Haa-aha-aah-aah-haaa!!"

"Oh my god oh my god.!" He clenched his teeth, "UUGH!!" he stopped abruptly, feeling her insides cling to his cock as she clamped down. He abruptly sat up, pressing her tits to his chest as he wrapped one arm around her waist, bucking up awkwardly into her body.

"Aah! Aaah!" she writhed on his lap before going limp, falling backward as he fell forward onto the bed. Crumple paper bouncing around her head as she shuddered, "Ooooh!"

"You are the perfect model!" thrusting hard into her body on top of her, his feet squirming behind him for purchase, "And these tits!" he declared happily, burying his face back into them and slobbering over her as she squealed in pleasure. He sucked hard on her nipples pulling his head back until her elastic tits popped from his mouth back into place on her chest. "MMNgh!" going back down for more as she pushed them together without thinking…

…No. To easy…

Biting her lower lip as he continued to thrust into her. "MMgh-mmn! Aaah!!" she shuddered in pleasure as he sucked on one nipple and made her suck on the other. "MMGh!"

"Mmn! Hmn!" he moaned happily. "Mngh!? AH!" he trembled, "UGGH!!" he squirmed over her, planted his feet, and "Haaa!"

"AH! Aah!! Aahah! AAH!!" he jackhammered into her body, hard, deep, and determined as her big breasts bounced up and down. "OOoooh!"

"I'm cumming! Oh YES!" he bucked his hips against her, once… twice. Then yanked from her body before crawling over her "UUUGH!!"

She was an instinctual sort of lover, most of what she did was reactionary… So she squeezed her breasts together and opened her mouth as the rain of semen shot over her tits… then dripped onto her tongue as he wildly jerked himself over her.

"Haa… haaa… haaaaaaaa…." He groaned, shaking in unimaginable bliss, his whole body tense but his mental state relaxed.

Cum bubbled from her lips, as she slowly sat up, her masked covered face resting against his limp cock as he panted happily, leaning on the wall as her tongue licked against his dick. Cum dribbling from her lips onto her breasts where it continued to pitter-patter onto the crumpled paper between her soft legs.

"Do you feel better now?" she asked sincerely as he sighed.

"Who yeah… way better… I don't even remember why I was so stressed."

"Oh." She said casually, "Your friend Harry said you needed to make a new character?"

Charlie's face fell immediately, and if his cock could droop any further than it already was it somehow managed to even on a face as pretty and seductive as hers. "Oh why did you remind me?!" he sighed, falling backward onto the bed as it bounced beneath her. Paper leaping off the bed too their doom on the floor.

"I thought you wanted to know." she replied simply, getting off the bed as her body jiggled tantalizingly, ignoring or simply not understanding his groans of dismay. Reaching down to grab the suit, bending over so her bubble backside was in full view not that he was in any mood to enjoy it more.

"I'm screwed. I'm boned! I'm fucked!"

"Well yes. We just did that silly!" she replied, "…I'm covered with you stuff!" she added, wiping some on her finger off her tits to show him. "See?"

"Yes I can see that." he mumbled before adding under his breath grumpily. "You ditzy dame…" suddenly he went completely and utterly frozen. And repeated louder. "…ditzy dame?"

"Hmmn?" Star Sapphire blinked at him, wiping the cum on her finger off on a piece of paper. "What?"

"…Ditzy Dame. Ditzy… Dame?" he shot up quickly, staring at the wall. "…Oh my god it's so simple!" he declared breathlessly, and completely giddy as he leaped naked from the bed and grabbed his stool from the floor, slamming it down in front of his easel as sat on it. Ignoring the sticky sensation he felt on his balls as he grabbed a fresh piece of paper, a sharp pen, and furiously began to draw.

Star Sapphire, stared at him as he seemingly forgot she was even in the room. She's never been on that side of the thought process before. But it didn't seem to bother her, walking out of the room as he began to chuckle almost madly. "Perfect! She's PERFECT!"

She wandered around outside his room, looking left and right until she spotted Harry, happily sitting on the couch and smoking as she wiggled into view. "Excuse me? Harry?" he turned his head and stared at her. The weird looking cigarette dropping from his hand as he was hit with a full view of the sexy Superbabe, naked and cum-covered.

Her natural habitat.

"You need to pay for the delivery and I need to wash up." She said, "It's really hard to get this suit back on when my boobies are covered in semen. And I can't walk outside naked again, my boss will get made." She said casually as he coughed out smoke and quickly grabbed the 'cigarette' from the floor putting it out in an ashtray on the table.

"Uh yeah. Yeah. There's a bathroom right in there." He said, pointing towards the door. "I'll have your money when you get out." She smiled prettily then half-skipped/half-walked to the bathroom. "…DEFINETLEY never buying from that dealer again." he confirmed. "Nobody is that dumb."

Star Sapphire stripped completely down, got in the shower and majestically washed off. Instinctively doing 'the shower thing' all Superbabes seemed to do when they take baths in other people's baths. Humming to herself like a Dosney princess as she quickly became fresh and clean.

Getting out and dressed she bounced out of the bathroom to Harry holding a wad of slightly crumpled bills. Like the rest of the paper in the house, it seemed. "Here you go!" he cheered, smelling like a skunk.

"Thank you, Order again-" she began but with a loud BANG Charlie shot through the door.

"Harry! Ink this!" he slammed the paper into Harry's face as he clutched to it. "Our new villain!"

"Sweet." Harry mumbled, "Now get on the introduction scenario." He said as Charlie dashed back into the room, looking pretty happy so. Job well done as far as Star Sapphire was concerned.

"Okay! Bye!" she said as Harry eyed the picture. Then her swaying backside… then the picture again as she went out the front door.

"…Huh… don't know if that's cheating." He mumbled.

Star Sapphire bounced down the stairs, and out the front door of the apartment building. She walked to the car as the basketball players continued to play ball, THIS time trying very hard not to get distracted. "Oh." She replied, eyeing the money before bending over slightly and slipping it into her boot…

Giving the court a full view of her ass seconds before.

"AGH! FUCK BeeBee!"

"Pay fucking attention!" replied the lone female as the basketball bounced away from the unlucky idiots reddened face as Star Sapphire blissfully ignored everybody else, and got in the car. Driving back to Superbabes… unaware of her 'lingering effects'.

Time: 9:51 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"OOoh… Ow ow ow…" grunted Ola as she walked stiffly towards the bathroom, her teeth tightly together. "Fuuuuuck." She hissed as Star Sapphire walked in just behind her, putting her money on the table next to Ola's. "You could have told me they were ALL anal ALL the time!" she mumbled, rubbing her tight athletic ass.

"I could have but why ruin the surprise?" Orders replied. "Get some ice, lie down."

"After a shower. Son of a bitch." Mumbled Ola, heading into the lockers as the hiss of the showerheads soon echoed out.

"…I don't think she had a lot of fun." Mumbled Star Sapphire as Orders shrugged casually, sorting both piles into threes: Her's, Ola's, and Lindsey's.

"She's just whining, she loved every minute." Orders replied softly, sniffed, and grimaced. "…Go take a bath."

"I did before I left." Lindsey replied.

"Yes. But you still smell of something that shouldn't be smelled in here. Go use the strong scented soap."

Lindsey pouted, but obeyed, jiggling into the locker rooms, stripping down, and heading into the shower with Ola who purred at Lindsey's sensually enticing body. "…Here Honey let me help you with that…" she said as Lindsey turned on the shower and was about to pour soap on her hands.

"Oh! Thank you." She smiled sweetly as Ola lubed up her hands… her tits… then Lindsey's tits before pressing her body to her back and grinding against her like a soapland attendant.

"MMngh! That a girl… soft and silky smooth." Moaned Ola as she squeezed, rubbed, and gyrated her body against the Ditzy Dame, suds foaming up between them as her hands went lower… and lower.

"I'm giving you 5 minutes before I send in Ronnie-Bell!" Orders barked abruptly as Ola scowled at being interrupted.

Orders rolled her purple eyes, "…Thank god they're pretty…" she added dismissively before going back to her sudoku.


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