
Delivery Girl: Circe Order #2

I don't own DC

"I feel stupid in this…" mumbled Rebecca dressed in a nice business suit. White buttoned shirt, black tie, black jacket and pressed pants. She looked like a MIB agent…

"I don't know you look pretty cool in it." Noted Circe as Rebecca grumbled, Orders casually dropping her purse on the counter.

"Kinda like a movie star!" added a smiling Ice happily as Fire, nearby as always, rolled her pretty green eyes.

"…It is a snug fit…" smirked Rebecca, checking herself out in one of the nearby mirrors.

"…Mine's a little tight…" noted Bessie, also in a suit… however. "Ugh…" the white buttoned-up shirt bulged dangerously from the obvious after effects of Bessie having the biggest breasts in the restaurant. The black jacket could barely cover them. "…Why am I going again?" she asked hesitantly, flinching slightly as she mumbled. "…It's hard to breathe is this... are you sure it's the right size?"

Orders however only really answered the first question. "Rebecca's my muscle, you're my arm candy." Orders noted practically. "As I'm about to face my greatest enemy. I'll need the both of you for moral and emotional support…" she noted sternly as the two blinked at her surprised before Giganta, on duty and leaning against the counter in her usual spot, noted with some less than interested air. Giving a name to Orders' greatest enemy.

"The bank."

"...Ah…" the other girls present noted as Orders grumbled irately.

"Ugh…" Bessie mumbled softly, straining as she stood upright, "I'm… not sure that this fits me…" she continued hesitantly.

"…Just take a deep breath Elizabeth." Orders noted as Bessie, after a second, complied. A button suddenly burst from her shirt and flew towards the wall, pinging off of it to the ground as she gasped in surprise.


"…I did not think that was possible." Noted Fire with some amazement, gazing at the button as it wobbled on the floor. Bessie blinked down at her popped shirt, now exposing a bit more of her magnificent cleavage… and she was now unsurprisingly more comfortable.

"…I mean… if that's all it took, she could've just unbuttoned it." said Circe humorusly, raising a well-groomed eyebrow.

Orders stared at Bessie's breasts for a moment before noting with an amused scoff. "…I actually didn't believe my own vision when I saw it happen."

"I feel used..." Bessie mumbled with an exasperated chuckle as Orders patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, I'll ideally be back in an hour, so try not to do anything crazy."

"What about deliveries?" asked Giganta as Orders reached over the counter, taking the mouse and adjusting the site.

"We'll just turn them off, again it shouldn't take me-" her eyes flickered. "…Ugh!" she groaned, as the phone rang. and she grabbed it.

Time: 6:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"I'd like to order the… uh… Shit, are you still delivering tonight?"

"Delivery Service will be shut down for an hour, you are going to be the last order until then."

"Ah… alright then uh… the… um…"

"…I'm going to change my mind if you don't hurry up."

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry… oooh… The uh, Circe Meal please… she-uh it looks good."

"One greek gyro with garlic fries. Anything else?"

"Um delivered by… Circe… Oh yeah, Please."

"Very well we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be called, payment on completion of delivery. Name and address please."


Orders hung up, scrawled out the receipt quickly and handed it to an approaching Circe. "Here. You got one. Go have sex." She said quickly, as Circe looked the receipt over and shrugged.

"…Pretty straightforward today…" she noted, it was almost funny to watch.

"She's always like this when she has to go to the bank." Giganta noted casually

"Yeah well, they ARE vultures, and I'm going to be late as it is. Elizabeth's breasts can only solve so many problems." Bessie sighed as her gigantic breasts wobbled in her sexy loosened shirt before Orders took both Rebecca and Bessie by their arms and dragged them out towards the backdoor. "Ideally I'll be back before you. Girls, let's go." She said as Rebecca and Bessie soon followed her on their own, moving towards a purple sports car.

"When did you get this?" asked Bessie surprised.

"Don't ask silly questions." Orders noted, "…I probably won't keep it for long it, gets terrible gas milage…" she said as Circe soon walked out to go to her moped.

"Not to mention it's a 'steal me' beacon here in Gotham." She said, hopping on her moped, making sure the food was secure as Bessie got into the front seat and Rebecca in the back. "See you guys later." She said, puttering off into Gotham as Orders' 'mysteriously' acquired sports car roared dramatically and she sped off in the other direction.

Circe's purple hair waved behind her as she arrived at the address, a suburban house that seemed to have seen better days. There were a few cars parked outside, that had also seen better days… and oddly enough she couldn't HELP but think about Orders new sports car… it matched her eyes.

Her moped hopped the curb and she skipped off, sliding it onto the grass inside the 'needs to be painted' white picket fence. She retrieved the food and slowly approached the front door, brushing down her green dress as her golden earrings tinkled playfully. She heard some laughter coming from inside the house, and noted at least more then one guy… She was briefly concerned that she'd have to 'entertain' more than one, but Orders probably would've given her a heads up.

She nonetheless raised her fist and rapped her knuckles on the door. "Superbabes!"

Time: 7:02 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Shabby House)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished and waited as the laughter quieted down. After a second the door opened showing a middle-aged man. He was a big man, but out of shape, like a retired ball player. He smiled at her charmingly enough as she smiled back.

"Come on in you're a little early."

"…The Clock has already started." She noted stepping inside to find more middle-aged men, and one silver fox gathered in the living room. She noticed immediately apart from the open cooler and empty beer bottles that much of the house was… missing.

Portraits and pictures were recently removed, leaving behind dust and discolored paint on the walls. Furniture prints in the carpet, open cupboards in the kitchen revealing them to be mostly empty… she wasn't a detective, but she saw things. She had a bit of an appraiser's eye…

"The clock might have started but the guy we ordered you for hasn't gotten back yet." He dropped onto the couch next to a pudgy man with glasses. A silver fox across from them and a low table covered in empty beer bottles with the cooler next to it. "Want a beer?" he asked, reaching into the cooler and producing one.

"We're not allowed to drink on the job." She said practically as the pudgy man scoffed, nursing his beer and from the look of him had had more than a few tonight. "Where's the guy I'm supposed to 'deliver' to?" she asked with a patient and sexy smile.

"Finalizing his divorce." The first guy replied as they all raised a beer to toast and took a drink. "Ding-Dong! The bitch is dead!"

"The bitch is gone. Slight difference." Said the silver fox as he eyed her up, she dropped the bag on the table hands on her slender waist. "And she took half his shit." He added gesturing to the house.

"But he still has the house and his dignity." Replied the last guy, he was fit for his age. Like a ball player who STILL played ball.

"Anyway, we decided to get him a good time since the last year for him has been a bit of a court affair." Said the first guy, "Have someone screw him other than his wife."

But Circe raised a hand, "…Guys I'm not trying to kill your mood, but that doesn't really matter." She said apologetically as they gazed at her. "The clock started once I knocked." She gestured to the door, "I'm only here for an hour total."

The quietly glanced at each other, the silver fox and the fit guy quickly realizing that they might have tried to time this better. But it was the pudgy one, blinking drunkenly behind his glasses, "…Well then maybe she can give us a little show until he gets here?"

Circe glanced at him, smiled then stepped onto the low table between them. Her heels clicked as the kicked over the bottles, they clattered onto the floor as she ran her hands over her thighs, wiggling her hips slowly gyrating as the first guy fumbled with a remote, and CLICK!

Jazzy music played from an armoire, and she moved to the beat.

She wasn't exactly an expert dancer like Stargirl or (B) Vixen. But a bunch of drunken middle-aged men wouldn't need an expert to be entertained. A pretty smile, and a few shimmies she wiggled on the table, her high-heels click-clacking on the wood as the men cheered and whistles sharply. Silver fox even tossed a few bills at her like a stripper as she bent her knees, and swayed her hips, her dress riding up over her rear giving Pudgy and First a good show behind her. Pudgy leaning forward and grinning as he followed her ass with his head, she popped it up and down as his head began to nod.

"Oooh!" they cheered as she did a little twirl, spinning on one foot as she kicked, tossing her swishing hair as she raised her hands up and down her body, raising the dress high and high, showing off her tight underwear, squeezing her supple and toned body as she gyrated and wiggled. Swirling her hips in wide circles, turning in place as the dress went higher, and higher, pushing her ass out to the watching men until she promptly hurled it over her head.

"OOOH!!!" they cheered as they all started throwing singles at her, laughing and having a good time as she danced topless on the table. Her high-heel boots shuffling and shifting on the lower table until Silver Fox grabbed her ankle, she hesitated as he grabbed at her underwear, however he grinned and just slipped in a twenty before letting it snap back in place. She smiled then put her boot on his chest and kicked him back into the armchair as the rest laughed, then leapt onto him.

"OOOF!" he grunted as she began to 'ride' him like a cowgirl, pumping her fist in the air as she bounced up and down on his lap, her breasts jumping up with his eyes as he started to chuckle, resting a hand on her mid-back as she hooted tossing her purple hair and grinning prettily.

…If the front door didn't open, she probably would've ended up in a gangbang…

"…What the hell are you guys doing?" the man in the cheap suit and tie at the front door was middle aged, balding, and a little pudgy. He was generally a combination of all the other men in the room. He adjusted his glasses as Circe, slid off silver fox and began to approach him. He backed away towards the wall, staring at her tits as his friends chuckled and hooted.

"Hiiiii." She breathed erotically, grabbing at his tie and tugging gently, "I'm Circe… I'm here to make you feel better…" she purred, then began tugging him towards a hallway that she assumed eventually lead to a bedroom. Pulling him by his tie over her shoulder, she lead him away as he responded with-


"Have fun Ollie!" cheered the first guy as they whistled and hooted clinking their beer bottles together as she found the master bedroom.

"Miss I-" he began as she shoved him towards the bed. "Whoa!" his glasses flopped askew on his face as he sat on the double bed, notedly with only one pillow.

"You're late…" she whined erotically, letting her modest bust sway beneath her as she leaned over him, gazing into his eyes. "And I had to start without you! So, we don't have a lot of time left…" she pouted like the adorable whore persona she wanted to give off...

"Wha-Oh!" he found himself shoved on his back as she squatted down, firming up her ass as she sat on her heels and unzipped him. "W-wait this is-ooooooooh…" he sighed as she promptly extracted cock from his zipper, then undid his pants. Slowly pulling them down as she wrapped her talented red lips around his cock and immediately began sucking.


Satisfaction guaranteed or Orders would be furious with her.

"Uh! Oooh my… oooh!" his cock trembled between her stroking lips as she twisted her head wildly up and down his cock, slurping like a madwoman as his pants crumpled around his ankles… "Haa-aah-aah…"

"Mwah! MMngh!" she wrapped her mouth around his hairy balls, stroking his average cock wildly as it pulsed in her hand. Her other sliding into her underwear to thoroughly warm herself up. "MMghn-mmngh-aaahh… it tastes so good…" she whined, licking his balls as his body went stiff. "MMn!" she ran her tongue up his shaft before switching her hand with her mouth, sucking his cock and fondling his sack.

"MMgh-mmgn-mnng-mmgn…" she bobbed her head rapidly, her hands sliding down to her waist, hooking her thumbs into her underwear before she suddenly jump to her feet, and pushed down her underwear in one smooth movement… "Mwaah." She bounced in place, jiggling erotically for him before crawling over him.

He crawled back as she straddled his lap, "Oof…" he grunted feeling her firm ass cheeks kiss his throbbing wet erection. She pressed her hands onto his chest as she tossed her head, smiling prettily at him.

"I'm going to give you. What you NEED." She declared sensually as he stared up at her in awe, his cock throbbing between her cheeks and telling her without words that he greatly liked this idea. She slid slowly up his cock, her cheeks clinging to him until it wiggled towards her pussy. Then down she went in one quick drop, engulfing his length in her tight warmth as she licked her lips, "Ah… yeah… your so big in me…" she gyrated slowly on his lap, her hands caressing his chest as she rolled her head. "Uh… ugh… mmmn…"

She went slow, like a lover, her insides caressing and massaging his throbbing cock as his trembling hands caressed her shapely smooth thighs, then rose higher to her tits as she pushed them firmly against his groping fingers. "MMgnh!"

If he wanted her to go faster, harder, all he had to do was say so. But the dreamy smile on his delirious face told her that whatever he wanted he was still enjoying himself. "Haa-aahh…" she breathed erotically, mouth open and panting as he began to buck slowly up against her dropping hips. "Yes… move those hips…" she encouraged, wiggling her waist up and down his cock as he slid his hands down her sides, her hand resting on the back of her head, letting her breasts bounce up and down freely. "Haa-haa-haa…" she chanted, rolling her head back and pushing her tits out. "Haa-aah!"

"haaaa…" he moaned out, his hands tightening around her waist, holding her firmly as he slammed her down.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! That's! IT!" she encouraged, "Haa-aah! Ah!" he held her tightly, clenching his teeth and grunting wildly as he spastically pumped up into her. "Come on! Come on! Come on!" she cooed, clenching her teeth and gazing down at him as her hips bounced faster and faster, her ass jumping up and down rapidly as she slammed her hands on his chest. "Ooo-oh!" she shuddered, and felt his thick backed-up load rush up into her. "Haa!" she smiled down at him, wiggling her planted hips left and right as she felt his cum spray all over her inner walls. "Yeah…"

She sat on his lap as he twitched and throbbed inside her, lying splayed out on the mattress as he groaned. "…What just happened?" she whimpered in amazement.

"…You fucked me real good…" she purred, rubbing his chest, she giggled. "Want to do it some more? You still have time…" she tossed her head slowly, "MMn… I can do it for you…" she purred softly, "…Or maybe you want to do it? Fuck a REAL woman for once?" she purred, feeling him pulsate back to life inside her squirming body. "You do… don't you?" she whispered, "You want a REAL woman…" she grinned, feeling him bulge to capacity inside her. "Ah…" she gasped lazily, giggling as he rolled her over, then stood off the bed…

"I'm going to fuck YOU." He said, trying to sound confident but his recent metaphorical emasculation was somewhat diminishing. "I'm going to have sex with a real pretty woman, not my ugly bitch hag of an ex!"

"That a boooooy." She teased, "MMGH! Fuck the pretty… girl!" she grunted as he hooked her legs on his shoulders, holding her thighs as he thrusted into her, "Ah-AH-Ahh…. I'm a pretty girl!" she teased happily as he fell more and more forward towards her body, thrusting deep and eager as he panted, his glasses bouncing on his sweaty face. "I'm a pretty girl that likes a good fuck…" she encouraged moaning as he pounded faster and faster. "That's so good…" she moaned, pulling his swaying tie, "Keep going. Keep going…" she whimpered, "MMGh! Make me take your big dick!"

"T-Take my big dick!" he groaned, as she squealed delightedly.


"Take it!"

"Oh give it to me! I want it!" she rubbed herself as his cock continued to plunge wildly inside her, "I want it. I want it. I want it." she chanted eagerly, her body shaking as she came, tiny little jolts though her body as her toes curled in her boot. "MMGh! I want it…"

"Ugh!!" he fell onto her, her legs folding up as he railed away, she squealed and gasped in his ear as he wrapped his arms around her and pounded faster and faster. "ha-ha-ha!!" he gasped

"OOoh don't stop! Don't!" she squealed "Ooh your so amazing!" he ground his heavy body on top of her as her hands clawed his back, "Uugh! Ugh!! UUGUH!!"

He went stiff and still, lying on top of her and groaning as she gasped, feeling his cock pulsate as he pumped her full. "Haaa…" she sighed as he buried his face into her hair. "MMmn…" she smiled, rubbing the back of his head as he bucked against her instinctively. "Haa… ha-ha-ha…" awkwardly pinned by an unmoving man who buried his cock balls deep into her body. She blinked, tapping him. "…Hey?" she whispered, but he didn't move. "…Hey!?" she said a little louder as he cuddled up against her. "Ha-ha… hey come on…"

"Mmmgh…" he groaned as she poked him again.

"Hey. I got to go soon." She said, rolling him off her body as he lied on his back. "I'm going to borrow your shower…" she said as he lied on his back, staring at the ceiling. She grabbed her underwear and wandered into the empty bathroom, at least there was a bar of soap. She washed herself, wetting down her hair and body before using the bar of soap…

She got out, dried off, and pulled her boots and underwear back on before walking back into the bedroom. He was still there, still staring at the ceiling… "What should I do now?" he mumbled a little emptily as she blinked at him, smiled and pat his stomach.

"…Move on. Order again." she winked at him, "…And try to be here for the full experience next time." He stared at her, and closed his eyes as she turned and walked out.

The four friends cheered as she returned, smiling and retrieving the tips they had tossed for her gogo dancing, then the dress: wiggling back into the glamourous green garb as they eyed, pinched and squeezed playfully at her body. "Alright boys, alright…" she teasingly slapped away hands and held out her own. "Who's paying?" she asked as they collectively began to slap bills in her palm.

She counted and smile, "…Alright." She winked at them, "Until next time… and uh." She reached the front door, gesturing to the bedroom. "…Someone go talk to that guy? Get him a beer. I think I tuckered him out…" she smiled sweetly, heading out and shutting the door behind her. "…Woo…" she rolled her pretty teal eyes then stretched. "…Okay!..." then walked to her moped, pulling it back onto the street, and puttering off back towards Superbabes.

Time: 8:19 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Phoebe walked into Superbabes as the purple sports car roared into the parking lot. She put her money on the counter as Rebecca and Bessie entered in first followed by Orders. Who looked particularly worn out, silently walking around to her seat behind the counter and sat down.

"Was it that bad?" asked Phoebe as Orders began separating her cut.

"It really wasn't." Rebecca noted, grinning as she took of the sunglasses. "…Also can I keep the suit?"

"Yes." Noted Orders flatly.

"How about the car?"

"No. I need to give that back to Luke."

"Who's Luke?" Rebecca replied indignantly but Orders ignored her.

"I hate dealing with the bank. They ask questions… and often I need to give them money, take out loans, check in with them." She shuddered, "Ugh…Normally I'd have my accountant handle it, but she might turn the bank into an ORGY if I'm not paying attention, so I have to deal with it myself…"

…Veronica does tend to do that.

Phoebe chuckled, "…I always figured you for a stuffed mattress kind of woman…" she noted.

"Why? If I lose money because of the bank, I can sue them." Orders replied casually, "If someone broke into my house and stole my mattress who can I blame?" Phoebe chose not to comment.

"Okay but why did you need Rebecca and Bessie to go?" asked a bored Maria.

"Rebecca's my muscle and Elizabeth's my distraction… they don't ask too many complicated questions when they are gazing at Elizabeth and undressing her with their eyes... most don't." Bessie rolled her own eyes and went to go change. "And Rebecca because I feel safer around money with her around…"

Phoebe laughed, taking her cut. "You're kinda crazy boss…" she said, putting her money into her locker and heading towards the floor. "…But you do make sense sometimes." Making a note to put her own mattress money into Orders preferred bank… she'll ask her later.

Orders however blinked blankly at the air as Ronnie-Bell stared at her. "…You're thinking about sleeping on a mattress of money, aren't you?"

"…No." Orders replied, "…At least not until I have my own mansion…" she added eyeing Rebecca as she posed in her suit. "…Will you just head home already?"

"Hang on, almost done… I really do look great in a suit." She said admiringly as Orders sighed.

"…I'd have taken you…" she mumbled to a grinning Ronnie-Bell, "…But I didn't want to pay for a custom seven-foot suit…" Ronnie-Bell just rolled her eyes, and watched as Phoebe shimmied her talented but still kind of amateur dancing hips for tips… she'll get plenty of practice over time.


Be honest, you'd figured Orders would be a 'money under the mattress' kind of girl as well... anyway a little comedy, a little teasing, a post-divorce plowing..

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