
Delivery Girl: Silver Banshee Order #3

I don't own DC

Orders glanced up as "Hwah!" echoed from the TV before turning it down as Catwoman (I) mumbled indignantly. "Like you're paying attention to the dialogue." Orders noted, knowing what Catwoman said.

"Got me there." Catwoman replied as Fire and Ice, both entered, glancing at the TV usually used for news reports or sports. Mostly for the benefit of the girls, but sometimes Orders would let movies play, nothing particularly raunchy though. This time she let Catwoman find a movie… and she picked something colorful and violent. A classic kung fu movie.

"What are we watching?" asked Fire as she sat down beside catwoman.

"Kung fu movie." Catwoman replied in fascination.

"Neat… what's going on?" Fire asked as Ice sat down next to her.

'No idea… but let me sum it up for you." Catwoman noted. "Main character gets beaten up, meets a master, other masters get introduced, then beaten up. Main character spends 'years' learning martial arts, gets revenge on the guy who beat him up in the first place… and sometimes there are guys you're supposed to know but don't because you don't read wuxia. And then the movie ends abruptly with no actual closure because kung fu movies aren't about story they're about fighting... I have now explained to you just about every kung fu movie from the 60's to the 90's."

"…Okay. So why are we watching it then?" Fire asked as a fight started up and they started flying everywhere. Plus lots of flipping and sword swinging and quick cuts…

"Because they're still pretty cool to watch." Catwoman smiled happily as the girls continued to stare at the screen.

Silver Banshee entered in from the back, checked what the girls on the couch were looking at, then snorted. "This one was boring…" she noted, "Try Five Deadly Poisons. Much better movie…" she walked into the locker rooms to 'change' even though she generally dressed in her uniform. Black jacket, punk pants, all she really needed was the face paint and the stomach revealing and tank top.

"It's on cable… wait we have cable?" Catwoman replied glancing at Orders who casually shrugged as if she herself didn't even know. But just then the movie cut away to a commercial which Orders immediately put on mute showing a concert and the phrase. 'One Night Only' appearing on screen. A man in tight leather, long hair, and probably on drugs screamed into a mic while thousands screamed back in the crowd.

"Who the heck is that?" asked Catwoman disinterestedly.

"Some British rock star…" Fire shrugged, "…A couple of people on the floor mentioned him. Ted Jaeger?"

"…Isn't Jaeger a german word?"

"Yep." Orders mumbled dismissively as Silver Banshee walked out, her face painted up.

"My brother listens to his shite." Silver Banshee mumbled, "I always thought he was kinda screechy."

"Don't you listen to death metal?" asked Fire lazily as Silver Banshee flipped her off.

"Nah! Fecking Irish folk, skank!" she strutted to the floor, "Stereotyping because of the way I dress, fecking shame on you." She added with a smirk as Fire took it in good humor, after all Silver Banshee's foul mouth was nothing new.,

"Yeah, alright you got me there…" she noted plainly, "Vagabunda…" she added with a smirk under her breath as an informercial appeared on screen now.

"That was very rude of you…" Ice noted, smiling serenely.

"Oh, watch the TV querida." Fire replied lazily as Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 9:06 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring click

"Superbabes. We deliver."

"Hey… uh… look I know you got this whole thing but-CRASH!!-… Can you recommend… something to eat? BANG!! …Please?"

"…I got just the thing…"

"Oh. Great uh… how much?"

"Give me a name and an address, and she'll let you know how much upon completion of 'delivery'."

"Great-BANG!-What the fuck do I pay you shits for!? Get me a fucking bird right now!- Please hurry."

"…Alright then…"

Ahem… meanwhile.

"Silver Banshee…" Orders noted, "I have one for you…"

"What the feck? I just got in…" she grumbled indignantly but returning quickly to the counter as Orders handed her the receipt, the Silver Banshee colcannon meal sliding out. "Alright where the feck am I going?" she raised an eyebrow at the address and stuffed the receipt into her pocket.

"Silver Banshee." Orders noted as she picked up the food.


"Knock him the fuck out…"

"Wait what?" asked Silver Banshee laughing, as Orders shrugged.

"Or don't… I don't know who you feel like doing it to tonight." Orders replied as Silver Banshee laughed to herself, picking up the bag and carrying towards the door.

"Uh… Orders?" began Catwoman.

"It'll either be very funny or very lucrative, I don't care which…" she said casually, turning her attention to the TV as Silver Banshee made her way to the car, and inevitably to Hotel Street.

The way was significantly more crowded, and there were a few Gotham patrol cars running about, clearly stepping up patrols, but she made her way easily enough towards one of the bigger Hotels on the street. The real fancy one that all the rich dickheads go to when they come to Gotham.

She parked down the block, popping in a about an hour's worth of coins into the meter before she strode into the hotel casually enough. She got a few odd looks, but nowadays most notice the 'superbabes' bag in hand and tend to leave the delivery girls alone. However…

"Nooo! We were so close!!" screamed a teenage girl being dragged out by security along with another girl and young man. "Come on guys! One autograph!" they all wailed together and screamed as Silver Banshee casually pushed the elevator button and waited for it to show up… stepping inside as she checked the receipt again and laughed. Pushing the top suite.

She casually rode up the elevator, getting the feeling of literally rising up in the word as it dinged once more, opening up to reveal a lone security guard standing in front of the door. He whispered something into his collar as she approached.

"Sup." She held up the bag. "Superbabes?"

He blinked at her, "Superbabes." He said into the collar, as a crash echoed back

"Send her in already!" someone shouted on the com as he moved aside.

"Hold it." she said, knocking on the door. "Superbabes…"

Time: 9:29 PM. Place: Hotel Street Hotel (Top Floor.)

"Special Delivery Service." She added, "Alright now open it." the second he had done so however he was blown over by a flying vase, crashing against him right in the chest. "…Ow." She noted watching him fall over before making her way inside.

It was like walking into a very rich and very trashed house, broken vases, an upturned chair, a few smashed portrait frames and it looked like someone yanked the tv out of the wall, and gave up trying to toss it out the window…

"Sweet." She noted smirking as she finally noticed the poor disheveled guys dressed in black. A tall one, a bulky one, and an average plain looking one… they looked like they were on the wrong end of a party. However, she then noticed the white letters spelling 'Road Crew' placed on Average's back as he rubbed his head, a fresh bruise there… "What the feck happened to you guys?"

"Oh, thank god…" moaned the bulky Roadie, as he held an ice pack to his head. "You sure this is going to work Iggy?"

Average nodded, "I'm telling you… she'll definitely give him what he needs." He said smirking, "Best girls in Gotham work at Superbabes."

"Well, he's got that right…" Silver Banshee declared, tossing the colcannon onto the Bulky Roadie's stomach as he grunted. "So who the feck am I fucking?" she smirked as a door kicked open. "…Oh come the feck on…" she mumbled indignantly as Ted Jaeger, in a silk wine stained open bathrobe, and nothing else… wobbled out, his cock dangling between his legs as he swigged a wine bottle before hurling it at Iggy… Iggy ducked as it crashed and shattered against the wall behind him, splattering glass and wine every.

"Where's my fucking bird?!" he barked in his English Rockstar accent

"Here Boss! Here!" pointed Iggy at her as she smirked at him.

"What's up fecker?" she smirked at Ted Jaeger as he scowled.

"…Is she fucking irish? You got me an Irish slut?! What are you paying her in potatoes?"

…Silver Banshee's smile didn't reach her eyes, but it didn't lesson.

"Ah begorrah…" she said in a purposefully terrible and clearly embellished Irish accent and approached him, wrapping a gloved hand gently around his cock, "…You're so TENSE… why don't I help you take care of it?"

He gazed dazedly at her, "Well I guess your fine for a hole…" she walked solely into his room, "That ass looks good enough at least…" and shut the door.

The Roadies sighed. The tall Roadie rubbing his eyes. "…Why did we ever leave Metal Skull?"

"He offered more money and we thought one rocker was better than a whole band." Added Iggy. "FUCK were we wrong… he's WORSE."

THUMP… THUMP! Thump! They sighed again… "Sounds like he's having fun…" mumbled Bulk.

"Told you man…" Iggy sighed, "The best girls in Gotham work at Superbabes… there was this one girl, Starfire-"


The door burst open as Ted Jaeger came hurtling out his cock was dripping cum, but his face was puffy and bruised. He landed flat on the floor and didn't move. Groaning and whimpering as Silver Banshee came back out, one glove removed from her hand and covered in cum as she wiped the goo off on Ted Jaeger's ass before kicking him hard in the side.

"Nnngh…" he grunted as she smiled at the awed Roadies.

"Pretty sure he's too fecking drunk to give a shite." She smacked his sticky ass then took a breath.

"…Did you knock him out?" mumbled the Tall Roadie in horror.

"Yeah… fecker went down easy too…" then seeing their looks of horror increase she redirected, "Oh, uh… no. He passed out…" she replied shrugging, obviously lying as she removed her black jacket. Exposing her modest breasts, smooth shoulders, and strong arms. "Now then… you fells look like you could use a break…" she said, as they stared at her. "…I don't need backstage passes or anything, but I do got about 50 something minutes to kill…"

"…Is she offering what I think she's offering?" Bulky Roadie said hesitantly as Iggy stared at her. She then stuck out her tongue, wiggling it enticingly.

"…Shit I'm game." Tall Roadie said as she power slid across the carpet to his crotch, "Whoa!"

"Let's see what I'm working with…" she smirked, hands rubbing his jeans as she found his zipper. Pulling it down as he pulled out his average sized length, gripping it with her gloved hand and stroked him harder and harder. "Try to last longer than him, huh fecker?" she smirked up at him before opening her mouth, letting her tongue flick against his shaft, swirling slowly around his tip as her hand pumped up and down.

"Oh shit…" Tall gasped, shaking slightly as she moaned open mouthed.

"Ahaa-aahh…laaaah…" slathering her tongue along him as Iggy approached, and Bulk groaned to his feet. Her eyes flicked back and forth as they unzipped, pulling their cocks from their pants as she smirked, wrapping Tall's cock with her lips before reaching out to both with her hands. Bulk and Iggy sighed contentedly as she stroked them both, jamming her face back and forth on Tall as he panted happily.

"Oooh shit… she sucks way better than a groupie!" he hissed, grabbing her tuft of white hair and gliding her head up and down his shaft as he slowly thrust into her mouth.

"Mmn-hmmn…" she agreed, wildly stroking Iggy and Bulk as Tall tugged her hair, "Mmghp…mmgnh… ahh!!" she pulled off, flicking her tongue on his tip before taking him back into her mouth and easily getting to the base.

"Ooh shit!" gasped Tall, "Oooh fuck she went balls deep!" he laughed, holding tightly to her hair as she jerked her head left and right, letting his cock slap around in her throat before sliding back up to his tip, and repeating. Diving back down rapidly, up and down, up and down…

His hand tightened in her hair, jerking her face back and forth. "NMmn… mmngh… MMngh…" she gazed up at him, slurping noisily as her black lips smeared lipstick over his cock. "Mgh!" he pulled her head abruptly down to his base.

"Haa-aaah…" And pumped her mouth full of jizz. "Suck it all out… oooh…" his cock quivered between her lips as he sprayed the back of her throat. She gulped it down quickly, half to avoid the taste and simply practicality's sake. She had too other dicks to suck and she wanted to get to it… Tall's dick fell limp from her lips as she slurped up a string of cum into her mouth, gulping quick before tugging Bulk towards her, turning her head and wrapping them around the tip and giving him the same treatment.

"MMn…mmn-hmnn." Her head bobbed rapidly back and forth on Bulk as he moaned, hand resting on her head now as Tall slipped himself back into his pants. She ignored him for the moment, "MMngh… Slurp…" she popped off Bulk, smirking up at him. "Hows that?" she grinned.

"Freaking great…" he sighed as she flicked her ungloved hand up and down his shaft, rubbing her thumb on his tip.

"Fecking right it is-Ahh…" she opened right back up, engulfing his length into her mouth as she bobbed rapidly up and down. "MMmgnh! Mmngh-hmn…" She reached his base, massaging his shaft with her lips as Iggy's cock pulsated in her gloved hand. "Mmmgh…-MGh!?" she held still, glancing up as Bulk's cock pulsated and pumped cum into her mouth. "MMmmgnh…" she slurped his shaft, flicking her tongue on it before sliding up. "Mmn…" she pulled Iggy to her mouth and immediately slid down it. "MMgh! MMngh!!"

Iggy was already close, and her warm lips and tongue finished him quickly. He groaned, shaking and leaning on a nearly broken dresser as she pumped into her mouth as she moaned. His cum mixing with Bulk's as she pulled from his tip, she rolled her head on her neck and opened wide. Their thick cum on her tongue as she swirled it around in her mouth. Closed it, and gulped.

"Bwaah…" she sighed, opening wide and breathing hard. "Haa…" she licked her smeared back lips. She glanced at Tall as he said down exhaustedly, and raised an eyebrow as she got to her feet. "Alright… feckers." She smiled, before undoing her belt and pushing her pants down… she exposed her firm ass as she stepped out of her boots and pants, walking bottomless to the couch. "Are you boys done or should we get to the good stuff?"

"The good stuff?" Bulk asked as Silver Banshee sat on the couch, spreading her legs as she rubbed herself.

"The good stuff…" she replied, spreading her pussy as Iggy and Bulk stared, "…Or fuck I could put my pants back on and head back…" she shoved her fingers inside, "No fecking difference to me… Mmngh…" her legs spread wider until she was almost doing the splits, her free hand hooked on the back of the couch as she wiggled up and down on it.

"…Oh fuck that…" moaned Iggy impatiently, his cock bouncing as he scrambled towards her.

"That a boy!" she laughed as he loomed over her, pushing his cock towards her as she pulled out her fingers, letting him slip right in. "Aggh… come on fecker! Harder!" he grabbed her waist, pulling her onto his thrusts as she gasped. "Agh-agh-agh-agghh yeah!"

"Best girls in Gotham…" he grunted, pounding his hips into her as she moaned, clenching her teeth as he slapped his hips against her, "Ugh man! Ugh! Ugh-whoa!" Silver Banshee grunted, booting him out of her as he crashed onto a broken coffee table. "Wha-hey…" he mumbled indignantly as she grunted.

"Yeah… you're not doing it for me…" she grinned scathingly. Before getting off the couch, "Come here fecker…"

"Wha?" gasped Bulk as she grabbed his shirt and easily threw him onto the couch. "Whoa!" he blinked up at her, "You're tough…"

"I've thrown around bigger bitches than you." She added before turning around and dropping onto his lap. "Alright…" she rubbed his cock between her cheeks before sliding up, and slipping him up her ass.

"Aggh damn…" he shuddered, gripping her waist as she wiggled to the base of his cock.

"Fuuuck-ing ARSE hole!" she sneered, then grinned as she took his cock into her. She rolled back, spreading her legs as his cock pulsated in her anal rim. "Alright shite-head… stuff me now." Iggy crawled out of the rubble of the table, clawing back over her as he slid back into her wet pussy. "That's better!" she clenched her teeth, grinning maniacally as she jerked between them. "Fuck… me… aargh! Shit!"

Bulk and Iggy, Double penetrated the foul mouth punk dressed Silver Banshee, she jerked back and forth between them, writhing as Bulk pumped up into her ass and Iggy plowed her tight hole. "NNGh!!!" Bulk pumped hard up not her ass as she sneered, "Stuff those fucking holes! Harder FECKERS!" she gasped as they rapidly smacked into her. "Stuff my fucking holes!" she hooked her legs around Iggy's pulling him into her as she moaned out, "Fille me the fuck up!" she clawed the couch, shaking as they pumped harder, faster…

Tall loomed over her, his cock back out and stroking himself as she reached out for him. Her fingers brushed his tip on one swing, but caught him the second time around, gasping and laughing as Bulk and Iggy pumped harder, deeper. Grinding against each other inside her, sliding against her inner walls as she pulled Tall back to her lips. "Fuck me." She breathed sensually before wrapping her lips around Tall and letting Iggy and Bulk work at their own pace.

"Mmgnh!! MMNgh!! MMawaaaah…" she moaned, stroking tall and flicking her tongue on his tip as Iggy and Bulk pushed deep into her body. "Nngh!! Aaah Ah-Shit!" she gasped, "I fucking like THAT!!" she began shaking as she felt them burst inside her, "Aagh… ahh…" she gasped wrapping her lips around Tall just as he let it out, spraying her lips and the inside of her cheek as she wrapped her lips around him… and swallowed the rest.

The Roadies collapsed exhaustedly on her, well Tall collapsed onto the couch, shaking as his oozed pre-cum from his tip. Silver Banshee laughed, gasping for breath and feeling Bulk and Iggy pulsate inside her. "…That it?" she mumbled patiently, before heaving Iggy off her again to crash onto the broken table.

"…Ow…" he whimpered as she fell forward, planting her feet on the floor and popping off Bulk as he slipped out of her ass. Cum leaking from her holes as she strutted bottomless again around the room.

"Ah man up." She smirked, they breathed heavily as she rolled her eyes. "…Lightweights." She added before glancing around. "He shite-heads where's the bathroom?"

They all collectively pointed towards the main bedroom, the room she threw Ted out of as she walked into the fancy, and wrecked bedroom, ignoring the mess as she reached the bathroom. "What the fuck." She mumbled quietly in some awe at the luxurious bathroom, somewhat thankful that it was untouched by the rocker tantrum before getting into the combination shower and bathtub. Taking off her top she quickly rinsed off, getting off the cum on her face and her dripping holes as white and black paint poured down the tub drain…

She dried off, tossed her top back on, before promptly making herself at home in the room and quickly finding Ted Jaeger's bags. "Tight pants, torn tight pants, shite, shite…" she tossed them casually about the room. "…Dildo?" she stared at the microphone that looked suspiciously like a dildo and tossed it aside. "Hello there…" she grinned evilly.

She walked out of the room flicking her fingers through a bill of cash, but clearly European cash… "Hey you feckers wouldn't happen to know the exchange rate would you?"

The blinked feebly at her, tired, exhausted… at least they managed to get their dicks back into their pants. They then STARED at her pretty face unmarred by her makeup… "…Do you feckers know or not?" she replied as they jolted back to reality.

"W-wait did you take that from the Boss?" Iggy suddenly asked.

"…Yeah, are you fuckers paying?" she replied dismissively, before retrieving her pants, slipping them on, then stuffing the money into her pockets as they did nothing to stop her. She sat on the arm of the couch, shoving Tall over as she pulled on her boots. "Geeze. You're all a bunch of pussys… barely lasted the hour…"

"…We had a pretty tough day…" mumbled Iggy as the other two groaned affirmatively.

"No excuses you shites… I'm just one girl, and you dickheads should've made me tap out…" she walked around the room, stepping on a groaning Ted Jaeger. "Seriously… I always knew he was shite…"

"…Oh fuck the boss." Iggy mumbled, "…What do we do about him?" Silver Banshee rolled her eyes.

She bent down, grabbed his leg and dragged him back into the room, after a moment she dumped another wine bottle on him, and dropped it to clatter near his hand. She dusted her hands off and walked back out, closing the door. "…I think he's pretty fecking satisfied." She replied with a shrug. "Don't you?" she added a bit more ominously

"…Yep…" replied Bulk catching on.

"Oh yeah. He was singing your praises…" Iggy noted.

"MMn-hmmn." Nodded Tall as she smirked.

"Thought so…" she waved as she made her way to the front door. "Welp… I'm gonna head out." She strutted to the door, "If you guys can't even make me tap out, Starfire would kill you." She added as the other two looked at Iggy, the one who knew the stories of Superbabes, he flinched, but nodded a in agreement.

Silver Banshee stepped over the door guard as he rubbed his head on the floor, "Get some ice for that Shite head." She noted as he stared at her face in awe…

Time: 10:12 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Orders stared at the stack of bills as Ashe dropped them on the counter, she scowled checking the European currency as she rolled her purple eyes. "Oi where's my cut?" Ashe asked as Orders slipped it under the counter.

"I need to go exchange this." She said as the kung fu movie wrapped up on the TV. "Unless you want to."

"…Nah I'll wait…" mumbled Ashe as Orders waved her towards the locker room.

"Good, go put on your face."

Maria, Zoey, and Yaya were still on the couch as Ashe scoffed marched. "Well damn you were right word for word…" Maria noted, watching the hero face the even kung fu master.

"…And he just walks off into the sunset." Zoey smiled, giggling as the credits and commercials rolled. "…Huh… No closure whatsoever…"

The commercial for Ted Jaeger's concert appeared again as Ashe stepped out repainted. She smirked, "…He's not going to be looking that good tomorrow…" she noted as Orders sighed. The other girls eyeing Ashe. "…A couple black eyes, might be walking a little funny…"

"…Did you have sex with a Rockstar?" Maria asked as the girls got off the couch.

"…Does it sound like I fecking had sex with a rockstar?" asked Ashe skeptically.

"Hard to tell with you Vagabunda." Maria noted as she and Zoey giggled and walked back onto the floor, Orders let them watch until the end of the movie as Yaya stretched.

"She's got you there." She added as Ashe shrugged.

"…Guy's a screechy dickhead… who fecking calls themselves 'Ted Jaeger' anyway?" she added. "Give me the Belfast Boys anyday…" she noted, humming one of their tunes to herself as she went to work the floor.


Silver Banshee's give some poor slubs having a rough day a good time and a tongue lashing... sounds about right. Not even a rockstar throwing a classic hotel thrashing tantrum can stand up to Hot Ash Ashley.

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