
Superbabes Shorts: Zatanna

I don't own DC

"Alright. James, you Get 2000 exp. Terry. Mike II. 2200…" said Mike I the game master. "And as Always Izzy who games better than the rest of you…" Zatanna blushed, brushing her silky black hair out of her pretty face, she was dressed in a casual top and tight shorts, both exposing her magnificent cleavage and her wonderful showgirl legs. "3000… see you guys next week."

When James, Terry, and Mike II got up from their seats, subtly passing glances at Zatanna she too grabbed her things and her character sheet. She had been playing with these guys for YEARS, Mike I since middle school. And now Mike I owned a comics and game store where they could play in the basement. It was great.

"…Izzy can I talk to you? Really quick." Mike said seriously

Oh god were they dropping her like James I? Who was a dick but then they found James II who became James I once they dropped him?! As soon as the former James II shut the door behind them, Mike the Game master ran his hands nervously through his neat hair.

Mike was a big gamer, a husky guy. Wore the big 'cool' shirts and shorts with sandals and knew every comic in his store back to front. And as said before she's been friends with Mike since middle school. "Oh God are you kicking me out of the group?!" she said surprised and almost tearful as Mike jumped.

"What?! No! Would you…" he breathed, "Look don't make this hard." Now she was confused, he took a breath. "Izzy… you can't come around looking like god's gift to geeks alright?" she blinked. And stared at him before chuckling, snorting with a giggle and covering her mouth with a-


Mike smiled at her, thankful that the ice had been thoroughly shattered, "Look. Izzy when you worked here you were uh…" he waved his hands, "I run a business so humor my possible sex offense. The geeky girl with the big tits." She smiled, no harm was done. Especially in HER line of work now. "The guys could take that. Now though." He stared into her beautiful face… and what he was getting at seemed to click in her intelligent mind behind the looks. "We're NEVER going to finish a campaign in descent time. "

He gestured to the chair James sat at, "James stared at you for 10 whole minutes before I reminded him to roll his dice. TWICE." He said, waving to Terry's seat. "Terry's mind melted when you bent over to get your dropped 20 sided dice…" she blushed. "Ah! and DO NOT get me started on Mike II, he's in lala land at the beginning of every shift after a game with you… I imagine HE's imagining you as a sexy orc…"

"Haaa… ha-ha-ha…" she laughed nervously. "Don't you mean a sexy elf?"

"Don't stereotype Izzy, some guys like em green and swinging an ax." He said, with a half-smile on his 'serious face'. "Look. Izzy… I say this with love. Stop being so hot when you come here…" he said simply as Zatanna burst out laughing. He smiled at the absurdity of his statement. "At least cover the cleavage? Wear a loose shirt? Toss your hair? And longer, less tight pants? Don't take a bath for a day, mix it up."

Zatanna smiled at him and nodded her pretty head. "I'll try."

"If it gets hot for you, I will turn down the AC I swear." He said smiling, "We'll play in the snow as long as you're not a distraction…" he leaned against the table.

She laughed, "I thought you were going to kick me out of the group." She said a little sadly as he shook his head with a scowl.

"What? Never. I'd kick those other guys out first. The only reason Mike II hasn't tried to ask you out yet is because you're a part of the group and he's afraid of what I'd do to him. He'll only break one of those rules." The rules being. Don't Date Group Members. And. Don't Piss off Mike I by hitting on Izzy. "Don't want him to have the options."

She smiled, "…Want to come over? Hang out and play some Gamestation? Order Pizza just like old times?"

HE groaned disappointedly, "Sounds great but I got to do inventory."

"I can help." She replied casually as he eyed her with a half-smile.

"Won't say no to that… then yeah, when we're done…" she began to gather her things, when he spoke again. "Say… Izzy, don't get me wrong. I LIKE what you've… I'm gonna say 'transformed' into?... but are you okay?" he asked hesitantly. "You're not like… doing anything against your will or anything?"

She swung her backpack happily over her shoulders. "No. Perfectly fine. I can quit anytime and sit at your front desk distracting Mike II and Kyle 8 all day if I wanted to…" she smirked jokingly as he shrugged with an eye roll. There weren't actually 7 other Kyles they knew, Mike just calls everyone he dislikes Kyle until they earn their real name back or he fires them. The first 'Kyle' pulled Izzy's hair, Mike SLUGGED him.

"Can't say my sales won't soar." He replied as she punched his shoulder playfully. "Hard to believe 'Icky Izzy' turned into… you… sometimes you know?"

"I had some specialists work on me…" she rolled her eyes at the collective Superbabes who gave her a makeover. "It was almost as scary as facing down that Red dragon with First James." He shuddered.

"That bad huh?" he mumbled.

"But look at the results!" she cheered, winking at him as he blushed and rolled his eyes. "Much better than that magic sword." She stretched, "MMMn… plus the 'quests' I have to do constantly are very 'rewarding'…"

"…Are we talking about Sex again?" asked Mike as she smiled, "Because if the other guys figure out what you do now, we really WILL have to find a new group." He whispered nervously as she giggled sweetly.

"I have contingency plans for that." she replied sagely.


"If we get rid of the group, a couple of the girls at work my friends Mel and Leslie have shown interest in trying DnD…" she replied knowingly. "I've also invited them for when we do a quick game to see if they like it." he nodded slowly.

"Dress code please."

"I'll tell them." Zatanna said thoughtfully.

"And you said 'plans' as in plural?"

"Well. I figured we'd try to save the group before we dropped the rocks." She replied, "So if they ever find out, and/or order me." She added as she leaned in close to Mike and whispered, "I got this girl named Daphne who would be HAPPY to be their enslaved space princess."

Mike shook his head, a little disturbed but mostly impressed. "You got freaky Izzy." He laughed nervously as they went up the steps to the main shop.

"…Or maybe I've always been freaky and now I have the opportunity to express it?" Isabella replied lazily as he shrugged.

"You be you Izzy that's all I'm saying… just cover up when we game." They laughed together.


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