
Delivery Girl: Starfire Order #3

I don't own DC

"…You did what now?" Orders asked, glancing up at Green Lantern (I) as she smiled politely back at the purple-eyed woman.

"I may or may not have recommended Starfire to an acquaintance… they want to book a… reservation?" she said, curious if she was using the right word. "They're going to call at around Nine."

"…Are you insane? You don't recommend Starfire, you hope the guys ordering her know what they're getting into."

"Hey she's the one that wanted me to get her into contact with my friends at Pi Omicron Rho Nu." Green Lantern replied indignantly, getting a rather odd look from Orders. "She's going to go ANYWAY, I figured you wouldn't mind getting an order for it."

Orders opened her mouth, then her purple eyes widened. "…You do have a point…" she said rather vaguely, "…Besides she goes through frat houses like candy anyway, might as well rake it in."

"That's the spirit!" Green lantern smiled, "…Saves me the trouble." she added, already making her way onto the floor, her big bubbly booty wrapped tightly in her suit, "It would make SUCH a mess in this suit."

"…Well that doesn't bold well…" Orders noted as the girl in question entered with her best friend Raven, both greeting Orders casually before heading into the back to change. "Starfire I'm going to have a job for you later."

Wearing only her bottoms and missing her top Starfire jiggled happily out of the locker rooms. "Is it today?!" she giggled, clapping her hands as Orders' purple eyes flashed. "Oooh! I hoped it was!"

"Stop running out of the lockers half-dressed!" Orders noted indignantly as Raven walked out, grabbed Starfire by the red hair and dragged her back into the locker rooms, it didn't seem to deter her suddenly happy mood at all. "…Ooooh today is going to be one of those days…"

A little bit of the day later.

Time: 9:00 PM. Place. Gotham, (Superbabes)

*Ring! Ring!* click.

"Hello, Superbabes. We Deliver."

"…I'd like to order a Starfire stir-fry for delivery, please."

"…Just the one?"


"…That's one stir-fry, rice, tofu and vegetables anything else?."

"Delivered by Starfire… uh… Please?"

"…Okay… just so you understand. I'm only giving you an hour. It doesn't matter HOW many of you there are sharing one 'meal' if she's not back here in a reasonable timeline AFTER that hour I will be calling the police, do you understand me?"

"Um… yes?"

"Alright then, we expect her back around 60 minutes or the police will be informed. You will be charged on completion of delivery. Name, and address Please?"

Meanwhile, moments later.

"Starfire-" said redhead beauty was already reaching across the counter for the receipt as Orders held it from her grip and pushed her back by the face. "No! No!..." she said firmly as Giganta grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her back.

"Come Ooooooooon…" cooed Starfire, yowling like a cat in heat…

"This is a delivery, and you will treat it as such. If you're not back here after an hour so help me, you're not working for a WEEK."

"Fine…" Starfire pouted as the food slid out, Giganta let her go, and Orders slapped the receipt on the table.

"…Now, go have fun…" Orders sighed reluctantly as Starfire practically flew out of Superbabes to the company car and was already petering out into the Gotham night. "…Gods help them."

The Gotham Diamond District, not far from Gotham University, was the streets of Frats and Sorority houses. Starfire spun the car into a perfect parallel park, which was honestly more of an accident than intentional, she got out of the car as the sounds of drunken frat boy revelry erupted from the house of Pi Omicron Rho Nu. She skipped up the porch steps eagerly, barely even waiting before her hand shot forward knocking loudly.


Time: 9:10 PM. Place Diamond District (Pi Omicron Rho Nu House)

"Special Delivery Service!"

The door popped open as a typically jock looking frat boy opened it and grinned at her. "Sweet…. How you doing sexy?" he quickly put an arm around her slender waist and dragged her out of sight as she casually tossed her delivery onto a table full of empty beer bottles.

She was quickly secreted into a storage room full of mops and cleaning supplies and even some sports equipment only to find what was DISTINCTLY a wooden crate. It looked big enough to fit her comfortably… or at least comfortably to her…

Her guide grinned cheerily before going to the crate, it was placed on a wooden tray with wheels that rolled easily towards her and after some shifting in the doorframe, he got it into the wide hallway. Now in the light, she noticed that the wooden crate had perfectly round holes smoothly carved on each side. The lid had latches on all four sides, and in the middle of the lid was another latch like a port hole but not see-through. He unhooked the latches of the lid and with a slight groan lifted it off…

The outside was distinctly different from the inside… the inside looked and smelled like a dark alleyway, graffiti written in marker or lipstick rounded around the holes on the inside, things like 'Suck cock here' or 'for a good time call-' and 'Lucy was here'… it also smelled faintly like dried semen and cheap soap.

"Okay…" he grinned. "Lucy says you know what you got to do?" he asked as Starfire grinned eagerly, nodding her head rapidly.

"Suck, jerk and fuck anything that comes through the holes?" she said, which may or may not have been what Green Lantern told her to do… honestly right now about 95% of her brain was focused on cock and the rest of it was breathing and other less important details…

"…Yeah, pretty much…" he admitted, blinking curiously as Starfire got into the crate at record speed. "…Wow you really want to do this…" he grinned cheerfully. "…Maybe I'll want to have a turn…"

"You're welcome to it!" she smiled happily as he put the lid onto the crate, trapping her inside as he began to set the latches.

"Wow it's REALLY spacious in here!" she said cheerfully, the crate shifting slightly as she roved around like a roving dog in a kennel.

"Yeah some British guy gave it to the frat in the 1960's. Now, get comfy."

Starfire glanced around the dark crate, the only light provided by the four holes on each of the box walls. The cheering and partying started to get louder and louder as the crate rattled down the hall, she smiled adjusting herself properly in the crate, shifting her clothes somewhat for better access as the cheering erupted.

"Alright plebs! Time for the final pledge week challenge!" the crate handler declared as the butterflies in Starfire's stomach fluttered… and they were HUNGRY from cock. He patted the crate fondly. "What we have here-" the crowd cheered over his words. "Oi! Shut up! What we have here is the crate... of JUDGEMENT…

"OOOOOOOOOOH!!!" the crowd declared as Starfire giggled.

"In this box we got the sexiest little thing this side of Gotham." He said with the air of a salesman. "Those who want to join Pi Omicron Rho Nu-"

"Pi! Omicron! Rho! Nu! WOO! WOO! WOO!!" chanted the other fratboys as he laughed.

"Need to stick their junk-" his finger hooked through one of the holes, coincidently the one she was facing. "And let the crate decide your worthiness to join-" she pressed her face right to the hole, her mouth just visible through it as her tongue salivated over his finger. "Wooo! Looks like it's hungry!"

With some dexterous positioning… Starfire's bare shaven pussy was pressed to the hole behind her.

"Whoa she's REAL hungry!" declared another fratboy. Her hands hooking through the other holes on her left and right, her fingers curling invitingly.

"Come on come on! Pick a hole plebs!" declared the crate handler laughing. There was some shifting as his voice became ominous… or at least as ominous as a drunken fratboy could be. "You get to decide pledges… You better hold it as LOOOOONG as you can…" he said, "After a week of paddling, streaking… panty raiding! If you pop first… you're out." She heard a hand on the lid of the crate, and the top hole unlatched. "And just so you know…"

She stuck her pretty head through the crate and blinked around at the sudden bright lights as the crowd cheered. "Hi! OOop!" they all laughed as she was cheerfully pushed back down, back into the dark crate.

"She's SEXY… so… you want to risk it for a good time?" he said warningly as suddenly the crowd erupted in cheers… and a nice flaccid cock was shoved through the hole in front of her. "We have a-"

She wasn't listening anymore. Her mouth was drooling as it opened, her tongue licked the tip of the presented meat as it quivered, it wasn't big or hard but give her a moment. Her tongue sliding slowly over his glanes and down his shaft, brushing against his untrimmed pubic hairs that protruded through the hole before her lips brushed gently on his skin. She sucked in air through her puckered lips, slurping lovingly on his shaft before she slid to his tip, and let her lips stretch over it.

The box rocked as the owner of the dick slapped the side bracing himself as she moaned down his shaft. "MMMN… MMMN!! MMn-hmmmn…" she buried her face into his cock, taking the entirety of his length into her mouth as his tip slid gently down the back of her throat. Her moans of pleasure vibrating around his shaft as she inhaled his scent…

"Come on! Get in there! The you wait too long and you're disqualified! Start the count!"

"10! 9! 8!-"

"MMMMNG!!" she moaned happily as another dick was shoved into the hole behind her as she rolled her hips up and down against it, both cocks were hard in moments as she adjusted herself to let the one behind her slip RIGHT inside. "MMMMN!!" they began to pump their hips now, slowly at first and simultaneously.

But she was briefly distracted by the feel of warm pulsating phalluses on her hands, she moved on instinct now. Hands wrapping around them and stroking as the crate rocked back and forth as they began to thrust into the crate, her face diving forward and her ass shooting backwards.

"Whoa! Hold the crate down boys!" laughed someone as she moaned around the cock in her mouth. Several hands obviously slapped onto the rocking crate as she dove forward and back, diving down onto the cock before her and behind her as her hands expertly moved on their own…

It should be said that handjobs weren't exactly her specialty and she preferred getting them dicks IN her, as did most people… didn't mean she wasn't any GOOD at them. Her fingers expertly danced up and down the varying sized pair of dicks sticking into the crate. They pulsed and throbbed eagerly in her hands, their tips drooling pre-cum as her thumbs slid over them, rubbing them expertly as the dick in her mouth began to thrust faster and faster.

"MMMngh! MMMN!! MMMN!!" she began to meet his thrusts, diving down against his thrusting hips as the crate rocked wildly as his hips banged against the wood.

"Oooh… OOOH!!!" the crowd laughed as she slammed herself back and forth.

"He's going to blow!!" declared the crate handler.

"MMMNGH!-MMMN-MMMN!! MMMNGH!! MMMMN!!!" her eyes rolled happily as she noisily slurped around the pulsating length…

However even she was surprised when a shot of hot cum burst into her pussy. "MMPhg?!" she moaned somewhat surprised, she had forgotten that she was being fucked, only for a moment… her pussy quivered around his twitching, spurting cock as he slid almost immediately out of her. "MMMn…" she moaned reluctantly as the crowd roared.

"And we have a loser! Try again next year!" there was a brief scuffle before somebody behind her shouted.

"WORTH IT!!" the crowd laughed, then the cock in her right hand trembled wildly.

"UGH!!" with the 'contest' over… they weren't going to hold back anymore. Ropes of cum spurted over her arm and hand as she kept stroking, she focused on getting out every drop for a moment before liquid hot salty seed spurted into her mouth.

"Shit! Shit! OOOOOOH!!" groaned the one before her as she slurped noisily but with the suddenness of it all and her lack of visual tells, she couldn't help but let a bit of his load ooze from her lips onto the floor of the box.

"MMMNgh! MMMMn…" she suckled loudly, lips sliding back and forth on his increasingly spent dick before the final cock in her left hand released.

"UUUGH!!!" she cooed softly as more cum sprayed onto her body, some of it getting on the roof of the crate. "OOoh yeah…" he sighed as she kept stroking, his tip oozing the last drops down her hand as the dicks in her right hand and her mouth… pulled right out…

"We have a winner!" cheered the crate handler, suddenly the crate was drummed on as the crowd cheered… only for Starfire to shift herself in the crate, open her mouth… and wrap them around the remaining cock's tip.

"OOoh!! Damn! She's-! OOOh…"

"MMMN! MMMNGH!! MMMN!" she moaned happily, slurping noisily as the crowd began to murmur, she pulled off his dick with a loud pop as she giggled, sliding her tongue along the shaft as it hardened slowly against her tongue. "MMMN!" she cooed excitedly before sucking on it again.

"…Huh… well…" the crate handler said slowly. "…We… DO have her for the rest of the hour…" he noted as the one in her mouth moaned loudly.

Then, the silence was broken with the sudden declaration of- "PARTY!!"

"MMPH!" she moaned greedily as the holes were suddenly filled with dick. "MMM-HHM!!" her hands went up as her hips shifted, and once again she was fully engaged. "MMMN-MMGH!!!"

"UUUGH!!" the one in her mouth had already popped. Not nearly as much as his first load, but she was okay with that.

"Ahhhhh!!" she sighed erotically as he pulled away. or was pulled away considering how quick a new dick was shoved into her gaping mouth. "MMMMn!"

Thrusting, pumping, stroking and fucking… all with the flair of anonymity and a touch of gloryhole. "MMMN… MMMGH!?" she moaned around the cock in her mouth, greedily, as the one plowing her from behind suddenly let it out. "MMMn…" she sighed softly, pressing her ass cheeks to the side of the box and wiggling as she felt him pulsate inside her. However she couldn't focus on that for long as SPURT! Went the cock in her left hand, and SPURT! When the cock in her mouth.

"MMNgh-AHH-ha-ha!" she giggled happily before pulling herself into the box as the flaccid dicks were quickly replaced be new cocks however she immediately turned her attention to the remaining cock of the second batch.

Her ass slammed against the hole now behind her, feeling around for the two beside her as she wrapped her lips around the remaining dick. "MMMn! MMMN! MMMn-AHH!" she gasped, gave his twitching, spurting cock a lick, cum splattering on the lid of the box and her face before she wrapped her lips around the tip again and suckled loudly. "MMMh! MMMN-MMMMNGH!" she shuddered as the cock behind her missed her pussy completely and proded against her ass.

"OOOh!!" groaned her anal occupant as she stroked the cocks in her hands wildly.

"AH-AH-AH!!" she squealed erotically as the cock in her mouth was removed and the cock in her ass stretched her out. "Ahh-AHHHH!!" she moaned loudly, her tongue lolling through the hole as another cock soon filled it up again. "MMMMN!!!"

"Dude I think you're in her ass…" came someone.

"I don't think she cares." Came another… as he came, semen exploding in her right hand over her hand and arms as she sucked her new dick. She moaned audibly as the cock in her ass began to speed up, slamming against the box as it rocked dangerously only to feel hands slap down on it to steady it.

"WHOA!!" some shouted nervously as she began to SLAM herself about in the crate, back and forth, back and forth, sucking, stroking, fucking…

Her toes curled on the sticky floor of the crate, fresh and old cum reeking into her nose. She shuddered as she climaxed, her ass tightening with her grips as more cum was released uncaringly into the box, on her face, her skin, her hands…

She wasn't addicted to the taste of cum like Batgirl, but the SMELL of sex, sex in general, she was addicted to THAT… And in this tight little box with a seemingly never ceasing supply of fresh dick was overwhelming her slutty senses…

"MMNGh-MMNH!! AHH!!" she gasped as her climax overwhelmed her and she curled into a ball, rolling in the somewhat still warm fluids of her earlier work as her eyes rolled and she shuddered excitedly.

"Hey… you still got more!" knocked somebody on the lid as she grinned, rolling onto her back as a fresh round of dick was shoved through the holes.

Her hands and feet went to work, stroking and caressing as the soles of her feet wrapped tightly around a cock, her lips barely slipping around the hardened length over her face as she sucked carefully on it. "MMMn…mmmn-hmmmn…ah…" she sighed as the ones in her hands burst over her body, lying on her back it got on her stomach and chest, staining her Starfire bikini as more soon replaced them…

In and out, quickly replacing each other she quickly realized that she was getting second rounders. She recognized their cocks. She reeked of semen now, her clothes and face stained with dripping man-love as she drained another round. A final cock was stuffed through the hole, and since it wasn't joined by other she gave it her full attention, sucking his tip, stroking his shaft with her hands she bobbed her head wildly back and forth upon it… and with Starfire so focused on a single shaft… it didn't take him long.

"Ahhhh…" she sighed, smiling as he released it on her face. her mouth open over his tip as it sprayed across her already cum covered cheek, her crusted red hair stuck together with the loads of who knows how many guys…

He pulled from the hole with hardly a thank you as she smiled, lying in her 'work' as the smell was…

Honestly any other woman might have passed out from the smell.

She absently licked her sticky fingers, tasting at LEAST three different men still linger before she knocked on the box. "Heee-y…" she cooed sweetly. "…Gonna let me out? Or give me more?" she declared.

"Son of a bitch…" sighed somebody as the crate began to move. After a minute, and the sounds of the latches unhooking, the lid popped off.

"Oh! God!" the crate handler from earlier covered his nose as the putrid reek of at least 20 guys exploded in his face. "URp!" he covered his mouth, restraining his gag reflex as she popped out like a cum covered jack-in-the-box. "Never get used to that…" he mumbled as she inhaled DEEPLY… accidentally snorted some cum under her nose, coughed, and cheerily smiled at him.

"I need a shower. And for you to pay up!" she smiled happily. "MMMN… and your number. I want to do that again…"

"…Next year." He said notedly as she pouted. "…Besides Lucy's got dibs on next time."

She pouted rather childishly… it was comical considering her current state. "…Then just get another crate." She said practically as he coughed and gestured off down the hall.

"There's a shower right down there… I'll get your money." He said as she skipped and dripped all the way down the hall. "Alright plebs. Get this crate outside and hose it off!... wear a mask." He added, pinching his nose.

Starfire didn't even bother to take off her clothes and was already hosing herself off, smiling sweetly as she rubbed cum in and off her skin before finally deciding that was the best she was going to get. She turned off the water, ran her fingers through her red hair, flinched as she ripped through a few 'cum knots' and finally dried off as best she could, hearing the sounds of a hose outside she walked back into the main area.

The crate handler was holding a football helmet as many of his exhausted brothers began to drop various bills into it. he kicked one guy lying on the floor in the side. "I know you're holding out, Mike." He added as Mike grumbled by fidgeted with his pants pocket depositing a few bills as he approached her, holding out the helmet as if expecting her to contribute.

"Here you go." He said as she glanced into the helmet and quickly collected the bills until they were in a neat stack in her hands. He smiled as she patted it neatly, then flipped through them quickly, barely a couple of seconds.

"…You're short 16 dollars." She noted almost professionally he blinked at her surprised.

"…How do you know?"

"I counted." She smiled sweetly and simply. "Also." She added, fidgeting through the stack to find a coupon about the size of a dollar bill. "This is a coupon for smoothies…" then noted rather cutely. "Which while it says 3 dollars off I can't take that."

He glanced around. "Any of you guys got 16 bucks?" There was a collected grumble and hesitation as he sighed, reaching into his own pocket pulling out his wallet. "…Uh I got a twenty."

"Oh… have a few ones!" she replied cheerfully, pulling out 4 ones from multiple locations in the stack as if she already memorized what she had… and she did,for the record. "Okay!" she smiled, waving sweetly and easily to the tired out fratboys. "Call again!" she blew them a kiss and swayed her tight ass out the door.

Pi Omicron Rho Nu was pretty quiet for the rest of that night. For the first time in a LONG time.

Time: 10:34 PM. Place Gotham (Superbabes)

"I'm BACK!" Veronica cheered happily, skipping into Superbabes as Orders pinched her nose.

"I noticed… I could SMELL you." She added as Veronica just smiled and put the money on the counter.

"I did what I could." She added playfully as Orders waved her hand to the locker rooms.

"We have a LAUNDRY now. Take care of it." she said sourly as Veronica went to do just that, Orders separating her cut. "Lucia." She noted as the beautiful Green Lantern walked into the lounge to drop off some tips.

"Yes?" she said smilingly.

"Don't recommend Veronica for things…" she noted as Lucy just shrugged, her big bountiful booty swaying as she walked back towards the front.

"Okay Orders." She replied politely, and a little sarcastically as Veronica strutted out naked from the locker rooms. Orders groaned as she stood there proudly and unashamedly.

"Orders where did you put the spare costumes?"

"In the empty lockers." Orders noted, retrieving the Veronica paddle. "And I know most of our regulars have probably seen you naked, but-STOP WALKING OUT OF THE LOCKERS LIKE THAT!!" she shouted as Veronica skipped back into the lockers, giggling happily as Orders sighed, spinning the paddle between her fingers skillfully. Coming to a decision. "Ronnie-Bell." She said lazily as the big girl poked her head through the doorway. Orders silently held the paddle too her, she took it, and strutted into the locker rooms…

And after an inevitable moment.



Orders sighed, then went back to work with a soft smile on her normally stoic face.


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