
2 for 1 Combo: Fire and Ice Order #2

I don't own DC

"No… no don't hang up! Wait-FUCK!" Fire slammed the phone onto the receiver. "Fuck! FUCK! FUCK!!" she repeated, slamming it again and again and letting it rest on the hook. She stared at the phone as if expecting it to ring before ripping it off and slamming it again for good measure.

"Feel better?" Ice asked from 'their' couch, her usual smiling face not nearly as broad.

"No!" Fire replied angrily as she stepped away from the landline running her hands frustratingly through her green hair as her big breasts bounced in her tube top from the movement. "…Porra…" she sighed. Dropping abruptly next to Ice on the couch as they watched a re-run of Ask Dr. Quinn. She rubbed her forehead in frustration… "…I'm never going to get out of here…"

"Don't say that…" Ice said encouragingly, "You'll find a place soon."

Fire gazed skeptically at the cheery Ice, "…It is IMPOSSIBLE for a girl with my history to get a decent apartment around here, and I'm not going to fuck my way into a place again." she grumbled something about her asshole ex-boyfriend in rapid, furious Portuguese followed up with a rather loud. "Mother! FUCKER!"

"Enough…" they jumped as Orders walked up the steps, her hand resting on the side rail of the steps as she stared at them. "And don't wreck my shit." She added, glancing curiously at the rather abused phone before walking towards them.

Fire sighed, her hot-blooded temper had gotten the better of her. "…Sorry Orders. I just don't want to live in this storage closet." She added as Orders sighed.

"…About that. I'm probably going to need you two to vacate for a bit…"

"What?" Fire asked surprised

"Surprise Health Inspectors." Orders noted, "We have to get everything down and you two out."

"What, now?!" Ice and Fire added in surprise as Orders shook her head.

"No. Tomorrow."

"How do you-" Fire began only to sigh. "…Right." Orders shrugged. "…Don't suppose you could put us up for hotel rooms again?" Orders frowned sternly.

"…Normally I'd say yes if not for the absurd amount of room service you ordered." She crossed her arms as Fire diverted her eyes to a particularly empty corner of the room. "…And unfortunately for me due to some investments, my out of pocket purchases are a little tight right now… I'm sure you can crash on the couches of the other girls for a while…" her eyes flicked, "…Or… something might work itself out…" she rubbed her forehead. "…Come on. You can cover for Catwoman and Supergirl, they're going to be out tonight."

Fire sighed, rubbing her eyes. "…I'll be right down." She said as Ice turned off the TV and went to go put her things into her 'room'… she returned and pulled a somewhat reluctant Fire from the couch as they went to the stairs.

"it'll all work out." Ice replied, her big bubble booty jiggling up and down as she bounced down the stairs. Fire just sighed as they went to the locker rooms to change. Passing by Order's counter as Orders fiddled with the computer and the Superbabes website. Checking off Catwoman and Supergirl and checking on Fire and Ice. Generally, the website is how people find out who's working, it usually determined who goes out for 'deliveries'…

No point in calling if they aren't working.

However mere moments after she checked them on and refreshed the page. She reached for the phone.

Time: 8:12 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we Deliver."


"What? I-I can't hear you!"

"BOOM BOOM BOOM-How about now?!"

"Stop shouting. I can hear you now… what did you ask for?"

"Yeah sorry about that we're having a party, um… Can I Order the Fire and Ice 2 for 1 special?"

"One baked Alaska, anything else?"

"Yes. Delivered by Fire and Ice, if you don't mind."

"Very well. Your delivery will arrive within the hour, we expect them back within a reasonable timeframe or you will be charged extra for every hour you occupy our delivery girls' time to a maximum of five. Do you understand?"


"…Name and address please…"


Orders hung up the phone. "Idiot… Fire. Ice. You have one…"

"That was fast." Fire noted, already strutting back in as Ice dropped a quickly made tip on Orders' counter to deposit into her locker. "And I already caught the attention of a couple of frat boys…" she said sarcastically, her large brown sugar breasts seemed to jut out a little further as if expecting said frat boys to charge in and stuff money into her cleavage. A favorite pastime of most Superbabes clientele.

"Well… don't worry about it." Orders noted as the order slid out and a pleasantly smiling Ice took the Wayne Thermos. "Plenty of them where you're going."

Fire rolled her pretty green eyes and sassily strutted out the back with Ice waving pleasantly to Orders, who actually smiled back and waved casually before reaching preemptively for the phone again with the same hand. "Superbabes, we deliver."

Fire and Ice got to the car as Ice checked the Receipt. "Ooh! It's not too far from here… want to walk?" Fire eyed the pretty smiling Ice.

"In these outfits? I'd rather take the car." Ice shrugged and got into the driver's seat as Fire got into the passengers, feeling the thermos pushed against her big breasts as Ice handed it to her. Before starting it up and putting it into gear.

It was in fact not far from Superbabes, barely 10 minutes and that was mostly because they had to twist, turn, and then find parking as the streets were packed with cars outside an apartment building. Lights, flickering on the rooftop as dubstep played loudly out into the Gotham night. They finally found a parking spot as they slipped out of the car approaching the loud building.

"Knock on the front?" Fire asked as Ice shrugged, the door popped open as a younger man hooted loudly as he ran outside with a couple of cute girls and another guy.

"WOOO!" he then eyed them for a moment and said appreciatively. "Cool costumes!" he said as they walked by them. Ice just shrugged with a smile as they walked right into dancing and cheering Ice occasionally bouncing to the music and dancing with others as Fire just strutted through, her mouth was smiling playfully but her eyes were darting left and right, looking for some semblance of what they were supposed to do.

"Ooh hey!" A fit, well-built young man pushed his way through a couple of very frisky sorority girls as he approached them. He had long dirty blonde hair and a slight tan, giving off the appearance of a surfer bum. "You Fire and Ice?" Fire raised an elegant eyebrow at him, standing at an angle with her hand on her hip as if to bodily say 'seriously?' Ice however just smiled, he waved it off. "Great come on." He elbowed his way gently to the second floor, past party-goers and dancers… generally, it looked like everyone was having a good time.

But he led them to a quieter place of the apartment, the sound was still loud but there weren't any other dancers. He took a breath and turned to them. "Okay look… the guy in there?" he jerked his thumb to the door. "He's my bro." he said sternly as if it was the most serious thing in the world.

Fire just sighed and rolled her eyes. "Okay?"

"And he's been having a few bad months you know? Girlfriend dumped him, didn't get into his college, our dog died."

Ice's face, for the first time since Fire met her, finally broke her usual smile. "Awww… poor doggy."

"So you know what he needs? He needs a couple of girls to give him a really good time." He said with all the sagely wisdom of a drunken surfer bum.

"Good time we can do. Amigo." Fire cooed. As Ice's smile returned and she nodded playfully.

"So yeah. Don't worry about the money I'll cover it. Just make sure he has a smile on his face by the end of tonight alright?" he then handed them an unopen beer bottle that he had apparently been holding. "Here in case, he needs to be lubricated. You know?"

Fire smiled and wiggled the bottle as she passed him to the door. "Ay, we go it…" she purred walking by him as her prominent breasts bounced, he barely even looked at her before downing his open beer bottle and heading back to the party.

"Whooo!" he cheered as Ice just smiled after him, standing in front of the door with Fire.

"What a nice brother!" she noted sweetly as Fire sighed.

"Normal people Querida, don't hire prostitutes for their brothers." Fire noted, eyeing the bottle before uncapping it easily and tilting it back, she drained it in moments.

"Delivery girls." Ice corrected as Fire just rolled her eyes and put the empty bottle on a nearby stand with a plastic plant on it. She wasn't really in the mood to argue so in unison they raised their hands and knocked.


Time: 8:44 PM. Place: A few blocks from Superbabes (Sad Guy's apartment/room thing.)

"Special Delivery Service." They said together, and waited, Fire standing with her hands on her shapely hips as Ice swayed her backside to the music. Fire scowled as Ice let her attention wander.

KNOCK KNOCK "Ei! Superbabes!"

"…Go away…" came a dreary and forlorn reply as Ice tilted her head, still smiling, but ver confused.

"…I don't think any of the other girls heard that before." She said chuckling as Fire stared indignantly at the wooden door as if it insulted her avó(Grandmother).

And she loved her fucking avó.

"Ei! You open this door right now or I'm breaking it down!" Ice put a restraining hand on Fire's shoulder as she brushed it off gently.

"…It's not locked…" he eventually, and sadly replied as Ice reached for the doorknob and opened it.

She walked in first to the tiny apartment, it looked pretty bare bones without any personal effects.

"…Looks like a rental." Fire mumbled, in fact, everything looked fresh and new. Like it was recently unpacked and untouched. The glanced around for a moment, finding a kitchen and bathroom, but then found the bedroom. Just a bed in the middle of the room and a young man. Hands interlocked on his stomach and his glasses covered eyes staring at the ceiling.

He did look like a younger, less fit version of the 'Surfer Sage' that called them here, His hair was shorter and dirty blonde like his brother, but he was significantly less fit and more on the nerdy side of things. He didn't even look at them. "Who are you again?"

Fire was about to answer but Ice put a finger to her green lips and silenced her before skipping around the bed. And standing beside him before leaning over, smiling right over his face. "Hi! We're Superbabes."

He actually jumped, staring at her in awe before sitting up as she leaned away, he then turned his attention to Fire… and his gaze expectedly lowered to her large breasts, she smirked knowingly as she crossed her arms beneath them and pushed them up proudly.

"What are… who are-?"

"I'm sorry about your dog." Ice said sadly, but still with a very kind smile.

"How'd you know about Krypto?"

*Don't be alarmed. Krypto is a popular dog name ever since the original popped up. Right up there with Ace... The Bathound

"Surfer Sage told us"

"Surfer sage?" he blinked behind his glasses. "…Geoff?"

"Sure." Fire shrugged.

"Ugh what did he do now?" he sighed as Ice put down the thermos and pushed him back down on the bed as she smiled at him. "Hey-what…" she put her finger on his lips (the same one she put on Fire's lips, as a matter of fact, so now he had a bit of green on them. He stared wide-eyed at her beautiful, nearly angelic smiling face.

"He said you needed a good time…" smiled Ice, gazing almost hypnotically into his eyes as Fire strutted and jiggled around the other side of the bed, sitting down on it with her back to him so he could have a good view of her Brazilian booty… it wasn't a match for Ice's sure, but still a nice sight.

"I don't need a good time…" he mumbled woefully.

"Yeah, you definitely do." Fire noted leaning over him now so her big soft breasts waved hello beneath her. "And it's on your brother's dime."

"But I don't-" he began, but Fire eager to get everything started, or done with. Reached for the center of her suit, and pulled. Her big soft breasts bounced free as his eyes wobbled with them before she fell forward, burying his face between them as his whole body went as stiff as they wanted him to be.

"…Funny, he doesn't seem to be arguing anymore, Ice…" Fire said smugly as he gazed wide-eyed up at her from her cleavage.

"Nope!" Smiled Ice happily, standing up, her big bubble ass cheeks wobbling as she promptly removed her dress, leaving her only in an icy blue thong. Which really did nothing to contain her big ass cheeks as she bounced it on her fingers, smiling over her shoulder as he gazed at it… Ice's hips swayed as she danced to the dubstep, her ass cheeks bouncing pleasantly as she turned around, running her hands over her bare breasts. Not a match for Fire's obviously, but still pleasantly big.

"I heard you got dumped." Fire said, her seductive gaze staring into his somewhat furious one… but he couldn't really pull it off, partially because he didn't have the look for it, but mostly because he was deep in Fire's brown sugary cleavage. "Don't worry…" she whispered. "We're better than any girlfriend… want to know why?" she purred as wiggled her breasts on his face. "…Because WE will let YOU do ANYTHING you want…" Ice giggled sweetly and nodded rapidly as she leaned over him.

"Let's get you more comfortable." Fire said pulling away as he gasped for air.

"Look I don't-" Ice helped Fire loosen her suit and away it fell. She stood up off the bed, pushing her suit to the floor and displaying her majestic Brazilian body to him as Ice reached for his pants and surprisingly pulled them off in one quick pull.

"Oooh!" she cheered as he squeaked in surprise. "…Somebody went commando!" she teased happily.

"Despite his complaining, it looks like he likes it." Fire noted, turning around with her hands on her hips, her big breasts shaking from the movement as his 'half-chub' twitched with them.

"He's got a nice one too." Ice said sweetly. Fire didn't agree, but Ice was like that. "Don't worry…" she smiled her mouth opening as he stared at her four-inch tongue as it curled around her lips and slipped back into her smiling mouth. "I'll make you feel really good…"

"But-oooh man…" his eyes rolled behind his glasses as Ice's tongue swirled around his half-chub turning it into full-chub, it throbbed against her lengthy muscles as she cupped it against his shaft, sliding it slowly back and forth, coiling and twisting around, and around. "Ah… ahh… that's… amazing…" she giggled, wrapping her lips around him as her tongue danced against it. Sliding her head up and down slowly as she moaned.

"Mmmn! Mmmmn…" she winked at him with a twinkling blue eye, her tongue flicking and rubbing as her head steadily moved on his throbbing shaft. "MMmn!" her eyes rolled as she inhaled through her nose.

"Tasty?" purred Fire, sitting beside him again and rubbing Ice's hair. "Is it a tasty dick?"

"MMMn-HMMN!" cooed Ice happily as he began to pump his hips reflexively into her mouth as she went down, "MMmn!"

"You hear that? She likes it…" smiled Fire smugly, lying over him so Ice rubbed her smooth cheek against her tits. "She thinks its tasty…" she licked Ice's cheek as Ice giggled, still eagerly sucking on his dick. "Let me have a taste…" she cooed.

"Mwaahh…" Ice crooned erotically, her tongue flicking from his cock as she pulled away, sliding it seductively around her soft lips, but before it could slip inside her mouth Fire leaned sensually forward catching Ice's tongue with her own lips and slid down it.

"MMmn-hmmmn…" together they violently made out before his eyes, Fire sucking on Ice's tongue like it was his length before opened mouthed their tongues coiled around each other. "Haaa…mmnwah…"

Fire pulled away as Ice's tongue wagged her goodbye. "MMMn…tasty…" his cock bulged eagerly as the two beautiful women gazed at him. "…want to play with us yet?" Fire purred, her green lips brushing on Ice's cheek as Ice returned her long, wonderful tongue to his dick.

"MMMn-mmn?" she cooed pleadingly around it as she went up and down.

"Y-yeess…" he whimpered as Ice popped off his cock, and Fire dove onto it.

"MMngh! MMMn!!" she moaned sucking loudly upon his length. "MMmn-hmmn…SLUUURP!" POP "Ahh…" she pulled away as Ice giggled, diving back down as his hips began to pump faster with their diving heads. Their hands soon pressing down his hips and holding him in place as together their tongues curled and swirled on his shaft, they lips brushing and rubbing on his skin as their heads slipped up and down.

"Ahh… ahh…" he moaned, shivering like a leaf in the wind as Fire's lips wrapped back around his tip and Ice's tongue traced down his shaft to flick against his quivering sack, slathering all over it before pulling them into his mouth.

"MMn!" she moaned happily


"MMPGH!" Fire's green eyes widened as his cock bulged from base to tip before diminishing, a hot load of cum rushed into her mouth as she kept her lips firmly wrapped around the tip. "MMMn…" Ice gazed up at her, his cock pulsating slower and slower as his first load of the session rushing between Fire's sensual green lips. I small drop escaped, sliding down his shaft erotically as Ice's tongue slid slowly up, and flicked it into her mouth as she smiled at him.

Fire pulled off his cock as it went somewhat limp. Ice's tongue stretched out and cupped beneath Fire, who opened her mouth and let his cum ooze from her lips onto Ice's tongue. Ice rose up, catching the stream of cum before they both made out again, moaning erotically as his cock responded appropriately for a young man viewing to amazingly beautiful cosplays making out.

One of Ice's and Fire's hands gripped and stroked his hard shaft. He wasn't massive, so both of their hands wrapped around him didn't allow for a lot of movement… but I don't think he cares right now.

"Wasn't that fun?" cooed Ice, lying beside him. Her breasts rubbing his arm as her tongue coiled near his ear and cheek as he groaned. "See? We're really nice…"

"She's really nice." Fire purred. "I just like to fuck…" she whispered. Honestly, she was just saying that to get the guy going as a professional, she's rather indifferent in the 'fucking' sense.

"She's nice too." Ice smiled playfully, "She just likes to be mean." Ice lied halfway on top of him, nuzzling him as he moaned relaxedly, his cock hard in their grip.

"Yeah yeah. I'm the spice to your sugar…" Fire replied confidently, pushing her left tit into his mouth.

"MMmn…mmmn…" after lying stiffly in place, he finally moved his hands and cupped her big breast, suckling on it as she moaned.

"Ah… we got him moving…" Fire chuckled as Ice giggled.

"Yay… now we can get to the really fun stuff." She smiled at Fire. "Me first or you?"

Fire shrugged, making her tit in his mouth wobble. "Eh… I can go both ways." Then in one fluid movement, they moved away from him. And he suddenly felt rather empty… and uncomfortable… his dick was painfully hard.

They grabbed a shoulder and lifted him up, he blinked between them as they stripped his shirt off and tossed it away. "Who do you want first?" Ice grinned as he blinked between them for a moment, hard, confused, still a little sad and frustrated… "Just say the first girl that comes to your mind!" she smiled prettily as Fire leaned sultrily, running her hand over her breasts, lifting one up and letting it drop down with a smug smile.

"…My girlfriend…" he sighed reluctantly as Fire's hand lightly backhanded him. "Ow!"

"She dumped you…" she then scowled indignantly. "And I didn't even hit you that hard."


"Try again." she noted ignoring Ice as he frowned and Ice sighed thoughtfully.

"You know we could be his girlfriends. Just for a little while…" she said, a twinkle in her eye.

Fire sighed. "…FINE one GFE coming up." Her hands cupped his surprised face and with a very loving smile pulled him to her lips. "Mmmn…" she pushed him back to the bed as his eyes went wide… then closed softly, enjoying her kiss as Ice cooed.

"Hey I want to kiss him too…" she said, slipping into the role quickly as she leaned closer, and once Fire pulled away he hardly had a breath before Ice's lengthy tongue slipped into his mouth and it swirled around every surface of the inside of his mouth… "Ah…" she pulled away smile, resting her forehead on his and gazing hypnotically into his eyes again as his tongue flicked against his lips. "…You're actually a good kisser." She whispered as Fire rolled her eyes.

"He's okay… he could be better." She added honestly, as he stared into Ice's blue eyes before-

"Ooh!" he put her on her back, resting his head on her chest and hugging her as she laughed happily, rubbing his head as his cock throbbed against her thigh. "Hee-hee!" she giggled as he pressed his lips back on hers, she cooed playfully as he lied on top of her, their hands roving over each other as she sensually slipped her tongue into his mouth again, swirling around his tongue. "MMMn… mmmn."

"You're being very greedy…" Fire whispered in his ear as he gasped, briefly forgetting about the other beautiful woman in the room. She took one of his roving hands as he pulled away from Ice's lips then brought his hand to Ice's crotch as the pretty albino haired beauty cooed softly. "Feel that? Nice and wet." She whispered in his ear as she pressed his fingers against her soft wet mound, "She needs YOU… right now." Fire cooed, her tongue slipping into his ear as Ice smiled sweetly at him, feeling Fire brush her underwear aside, her heavy breasts on his back.

"I do want it…" Ice cooed, brushing his cheeks as she pushed her pussy to the tip of his cock, she gasped erotically as his cock trembled, her warm silky insides ready to take him deep. "Please give it to me, please…" she begged pleadingly. He stared at her smiling face in awe, and he pushed. "Ah…" then he was all the way in, lying on top of her. "Ooh yes I love it…" she moaned eagerly as he began to move back and forth, "You feel so good…" she cooed, her legs pressing to the sides of his thrusting hips as he pressed his forehead to the bed beside her head, thrusting and grinding messily on top of her. "Keep going…" she encouraged, her tongue sliding on his cheek. "Keep going don't stop…" she moaned softly, smiling as her blue eyes closed. "Don't stop."

Fire rubbed his back as he kept pumping into Ice.

"Oh… oh yes… mmmn…" she brushed her lips on his cheek, her tongue flicking on his skin.

"Uh… UH!" his hips slapped faster and faster against her as she panted, her eyes opening as wide as her mouth, tongue lolling.

"Ah. AH. Ahh. Yes… Ahh…" his cock twitching inside her, ready to burst. "AH! Are you gonna cum? Are you gonna cum?" she cooed desperately as he nodded his head, groaning as he tried to pull out only for her legs to wrap around him. "No! Give it to me…" she breathed pulling him into a kiss as he went stiff. "MMMmn…" his seed rushed into her body, her legs rubbing his back as she swirled her tongue in his mouth until he was good and empty. "Hee-hee…" she smiled as he pulled from her lips.

"Oh… wow…" he breathed as she rubbed his head fondly. "…Oh no!" he glanced down and pulled abruptly out of her, falling back only to feel Fire's tits on his head as he stared at Ice, rubbing her sticky pussy as she smiled at him. "Oh man, I came inside I-…"

"You can do it again if you want…" cooed Ice, her hips pumping up slightly as she giggled.

"You can do it to me if you want." Fire replied smugly, rubbing her breasts on his head. "You should do it to me…" she said, pulling away as he fell abruptly back.

"Whoa-oof.." he grunted as Ice sat up on the bed, closing her legs as Fire crawled towards the head of the bed, glancing over her shoulder as his eyes locked onto her Brazilian booty, she dropped her upper body to the bed, her ass wagging in the air. As Ice laid her head on her ass, her chin resting between Fire's swaying cheeks as he got up, walking on his knees behind Fire and putting his hands on those brown sugar ass cheeks.

"Put it in Sexy my pussy is on FIRE…" cooed… Fire as Ice's tongue lolled, curling back as if inviting him in. Ice rubbed Fire's ass cheeks gently as he grabbed her hips and slipped his cock into her. "Oh YEAH bebe…" her eyes rolled elaborately as she wiggled her ass on his hips as he whimpered excitedly. "

Eu vou te montar como um garanhão!"

"You're so beautiful…" he praised before she began to push back against him, his hips pumping forward to meet her as she moaned.

"I think he likes you now…" Ice cooed licking Fire's Brazilian backside.

"Good for him!" Moaned Fire. "Foda-me mais forte, bebe, me faça trabalhar para isso! Ah. Ughuh…" her ass slapping against him as he moaned. "Você gosta disso? Você gosta dessa bucetinha de puta?"

"AH. Ah... this is... uhhh!!" he pushed against her as she wiggled her skillful hips "Amazing!" he praised as her body shuddered Ice cooed as she squeezed Fire's ass cheeks as he cupped Ice's face. She smiled, as always, as he pulled her up. "I've never felt so alive!" he kissed her as she sat on Fire's ass, he bucked his hips into the moaning green beauty as Ice cooed against him.

"Ei, foco! Foco! Eu quero sentir essa porra!" she moaned, eyes rolling as she slapped her ass back against him, Ice rolling her hips and big white ass on hers. "Faça-me gozar. me faça gozar nesse pau! Ah! AH! Ay!!!" she slid a hand between her legs from below and furiously fingered her clit as he moaned into Ice's mouth, gripped her majestic ass cheeks and pushed balls deep into Fire. "NNNNGH!!" Fire grinned smugly. "MMMN!…Essa é a merda, quente e profunda ... é assim que você fode uma puta…" her ass wiggled against him as she laughed.

"MMMN…mmmwah…" cooed Ice as he blushed furiously, groping her ass consistently as she stood up. His face level with her navel as she pushed him away slightly, having him pull out of Fire with a sloppy squelch.

"Hows it look? Gooey I hope…" Fire cooed, resting on her hand as she swayed her ass again, a dollop of semen dripping from her pussy.

"It's a real mess…" Smile Ice, lowering herself down as she brought her beautiful face to Fire's beautiful ass, "I'll get it."

"You better…" Fire smiled, "MMMN… love that tongue."

Ice gazed at him, her tongue sliding into Fire's sticky pussy like a serpent looking for warmth. "MMMN-MMNGH!" her tongue pulsed and coiled flexibly, semen oozing down the creases she made with it right into her mouth. He stared in amazement as Ice drained Fire's pussy of his seed, gulping it noisily with an open mouth as her tongue spiraled and thrust in and out…

Fire put her hand on Ice's head and the white-haired beauty was buried between Fire's ass cheeks. "

Deus! você pode trabalhar essa língua, querida!"

Ice's giggled vibrated inside Fire as she pulled away with a slovenly lick. "Hee-hee!" she smiled at him. "She called me sweetie-hey…" she noted, reaching for his hand, stroking his erection. "That's what we're for…" she said scoldingly but kindly as she pulled him to the side of the bed. Making him sit on the edge. She turned… then clapped her hands faintly on her big beautiful white girl ass as she bounced it slowly for his eyes. "THAT is what THIS is for…" she said… then sat on his lap, wiggling her huge white ass on him as she giggled sweetly, taking his hands and cupping them on her breasts as his hard cock rubbed firmly against her body.

"It's still so hard… don't worry I'll take good care of it." she stood up, lifting her ass to the tip of his cock as she spread her jello ass cheeks and pressed her asshole to his tip before sliding all the way down. "Ahh-ahh… it's stretching me so much…" she wiggled her hips, rubbing her round ass against him as he moaned gratefully. "…Touch me…" she cooed as his hands groped to her body. "Yes… I like it when you touch me… Yes… YES…" she whined, smiling happily as she gyrated and writhed on him, "Ahh… ahh… nnngh…"

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pumping his hips as her ass cheeks jiggled enticingly, her moans echoing around the room as her eyes shut in bliss. "Ah… ahh it feels so good in my butt!" she wrapped an arm around his head as it rested on her shoulder, "Ah…ah… do you like it?"

"I-It's so tight! And warm! And! Ooh… GOD…YES please!!"

"Ahhh!" she gasped and shuddered as a hot warm load rushed into her ass, her jello cheeks jiggled as her eyes rolled and her smile stretched into a rather silly grin. She wormed slowly on his lap as he held her tightly, his cock pulsating to a stop as his thick warmth splattered her insides. "MMMmn…" she cooed lovingly, kissing his cheek before promptly standing up. Her ass cheeks jiggling tightly together as she clenched it, keeping his hot load deep inside her as she rubbed her stomach, strutting in place and bouncing to the faint music as Fire stood in front of him and without another word sat on his lap.

Her arms wrapped around his head and pulled him between her tits as she smirked, shaking her chest as she bounced them on his face. he put his hands on her breasts, pushing them together around him as he inhaled her sweet but sweaty scent.

"I'm still a horny girl…" she cooed, feeling his cock against her. "Give me more bebe… Mmmn… touch my ass…" his hands slipped to her ass as she lifted it, feeling his cock against her pussy as Ice knelt behind her, guiding his length gently against her slit before Fire dropped down on it. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! MMMN!!" she rode him like a stallion, hips bucking wildly up and down as she sat on his lap, tossing her long green hair, squeezing his face between her tits as his hands squeezed her ass.

I might have clearly preferred Ice's big bubbly ass at this point but he still had two Brazilian handfuls of ass in his hands.

"That's it. That's it… make me cum bebe…" she grinned confidently, her pussy tightening around him as her ass bounced on his lap. "Make me cum and I'll give you a big wet kiss…" she purred playfully, chuckling as she felt Ice's hands on her ass, "Oooh whats-MIERDA!" she cooed as Ice's tongue curled in her ass hole, "OOoh FUCK! FUCK!!!"

"MMMN-mmmn! HMMMN!!" cooed Ice inside her as her wonderous tongue spiraled in an amazing rimjob.

"Fuck! Fuck!!" Whined Fire, her green eyes rolling as he panted into her chest, "Oh Fuck! UUGH!!!" with an uncontrolled burst of strength she shoved him to the bed, threw her head back, and climaxed hard. "AHHHHHGHGH!!!" her body tightened around his cock as he exploded inside her, her whole body quaking uncontrollably as her hips swiveled and gyrated on his lap before falling forward with an exhausted gasp… Ice pulling her tongue away with a pop, she had practically frenched kissed it…

He squeezed Fire tightly as she laughed, her heavy breasts on his chest as Ice crawled neck to him, cuddling sweetly as the music echoed around them…

Fire's eyes refocused, and she blinked… pushing herself up she lightly poked Ice who sat up and stretched widely… scratching her naked body before she glanced down at the young man, leaned over and kissed his cheek as she moaned softly, rolling over and hugging her hip as he dozed.

"I think we did the job, don't you?" Fire noted proudly, strutting around as her body jiggled like a lazy erotic dancer strutting across a stage for tips.

"Yep…" Ice smiled at her, playing with his hair as she gently removed him from her waist. "Shower?"

"Shower…" Fire agreed as they headed to the bathroom together. "…And brush your teeth. Do you have any idea where my ass has been?"

"Do you have any idea where my tongue has been?" she replied playfully, with a mischievous smile that made Fire REALLY need to think about it… then chose not to.

They couldn't really share a shower it was tiny, so one at a time they hoped in and out, they even had to share a towel… by the time Fire was polishing her ass by sliding the towel over it side to side he walked by the bathroom naked and stared, adjusting his glasses.

"I-it wasn't a dream?!" he said breathlessly as he stared at the beauties in awe.

"Nope." Fire noted, tossing him the towel that smelled like cheap soap and sexy Brazilian, with just a hint of cheerful albino. "Hope you had fun bebe…" she said professionally.

"I… yes I did I…" he glanced between them as they went to retrieve their clothes. "H-Hey so… are you two… either of you two doing anything? Later?"

"Going back to work." Fire noted firmly, poking him in the forehead as he blushed. "…You're cute kid, but we're professionals… we're paid to be here." He frowned slightly as Ice kissed his cheek.

"You can always call again, or ask your brother to call again…"

"Assuming we can keep our jobs…" Fire noted, "We're going to be on the street soon remember?"

Ice shrugged rather acceptingly, "Orders said it'll all work out…"

"Y-You need a place to stay?" he said suddenly exited as they glanced at him. "I-I have a place to stay!" he said excitedly as Fire raised an elegant eyebrow.

"That's… cute kid? But we can't exactly bunk in your parent's house."

"Y-yeah you can!" he said excitedly. "Right here! This party is for new tenants. We still have open apartments, even ones bigger than this!" he said as they stared at him in awe. "My brother and I are supposed to super the building so we… can… work something out?"

Fire crossed her arms under her green wrapped tits. "…I'm not sleeping with you for an apartment…"

"No! of course not… a legit, fair deal… and… maybe… dinner? That… I don't have to pay you to come for?" he said, glancing between the two girls hopefully as Ice gave Fire puppy eyes and a cheery smile.

"…We'll talk about it later." She said thinking about it as he struggled to contain his excitement.

"Great!" he coughed, "Ahem… so… do you two want to live together? Or…" Fire eyed Ice's whose smiling face was impossible to read… something told the green-haired beauty that Ice would accept whatever she did. And while she could be a hot-blooded, prickly 'bitch' from time to time… for lack of better words… she would miss movie nights with Ice…

"…Two bedrooms…" Fire said, heading towards the door. "And we'll come around when we're off later to talk…"

"I-I'll be waiting!" he said, clearing his throat. "And don't worry I won't let you down!"

They shut the door to the roaring party as Ice smiled at Fire. "I like him."

"You like everyone Querida." Fire noted with a smile as they strutted sexually through the crowd, drawing eyes as they tried to find their recent delivery's brother. Ice just shrugged, and when they finally found 'Surfer Sage' and slapped him awake, he grinned at them both, more than happy to accept their report, before reaching into his... pants…? And pulling out a roll of bills that Fire easily took… they waved him off and were about to head to the car when Ice paused, eyes wide.

"Oh poop! We forgot the Thermos!" before she went charging back to the room with a roll of Fire's green eyes.

Time: 11:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

The roll of bills rolled towards Orders as Maria stretched, her heavy breasts bouncing notedly as Zoey smiled at their purpled eyed boss excitedly. "We found a place!"

"Good." Orders noted, inwardly happy for them, "See? Everything worked out…"

"Yeah, but you were still going to kick us out." Maria said, hands on her hips.

"You could've bunked with some of the other girls… but this is more permanent… I can't have you all living in that loft…" she jerked her thumb upwards towards the makeshift place of living, "-no matter how convenient it is..."

Maria just scoffed as Zoey smiled sweetly as usual, swaying in place as Orders gave them their cut. "Don't you want to ask where we're going to be living?" Orders eyed her. "…Or do you already know?"

"She totally knows." Zoey grinned at her former and future roommate as Orders shrugged lazily, going back to her computer.

"I do in fact, totally know, we've had this conversation in my head at least three times…" Maria shrugged.

"You must be a riot at parties…"

"You girls are ones to talk…" noted Orders knowingly as Maria clapped a hand on her Brazilian booty heading to the floor.

"Damn right Patroa! Vamos!" she said as she went to work, Zoey grinning at Orders and winking.

"We'll be out of the loft as soon as we can…" Orders, unable to remain snarky with the always chipper Zoey gave her a soft smile.

"There's no rush… but I do need you two at least out of the room tomorrow…" she went to her computer, "Gotham Health inspectors are surprisingly dutiful about their damn work… who knew?"


Now for attempted Portuguese translations! Or at the very least what Maria/Fire's is supposed to be saying.

Eu vou te montar como um garanhão - I'm going to ride you like a stallion.

Foda-me mais forte, bebe, me faça trabalhar para isso! - Fuck me harder Baby make me work for it.

Você gosta disso? Você gosta dessa bucetinha de puta? – You like that? You like that whore pussy?

Ei, foco! Foco! Eu quero sentir essa porra! - Hey focus! Focus! I want to feel that cum!

Faça-me gozar. me faça gozar nesse pau! - Make me cum. make me cum on that dick!

Essa é a merda, quente e profunda ... é assim que você fode uma puta - That's the fucking stuff, hot and deep... that's how you fuck a whore...

Deus! você pode trabalhar essa língua, querida! - God you can work that tongue, Sweetie

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