
Delivery Girl: Batwoman Order #2

I don't own DC

"How about here?"





"Paranoid Dickhead."

"Are you just fecking with me now?" Batwoman glared at Orders as Orders sighed, relaxing calmly in her chair as Batwoman sat across from her with the Gotham Gazette opened to the classified ads showing off apartments.

"If I was 'fecking' with you..." she replied in a perfectly imitated Irish accent, "...you'd know it…" Orders replied sourly, eyes closed and for once enjoying the sounds of a slow day. "…To be fair the first Paranoid landlord was paranoid about aliens: all things considered, that's reasonable. The second one is paranoid about the government and how 'them liberals are coming to take his teeth!'."

"…Are you pulling my leg?" Orders stared seriously at her as Batwoman gave a reluctant sigh and groaned out a soft. "…Gotham…" before moving down her list. "This one?"

"I thought you wanted to stay away from men like your step-father?" Orders staring sternly at the ceiling with flickering eyes said the statement coldly, Taking the hint, Batwoman violently crossed off the apartment ad. "Why are you looking for a place anyway? Did Ronnie-Bell kick you out?"

"No." Ronnie-Bell noted firmly, a little offended. "I said she and Sean can stay for as long as they'd like. I like having the little guy around."

"I can't just Leech off of Ronnie-Bell forever, I need to find our own place." Batwoman replied sourly, concentrating on the addresses. Not too far from Sean's school or the Restaurant. She didn't want to have to commute across the city…

"You're not going to find a solo apartment for you and your brother in those ads." Orders noted firmly, "…Not without blowing several of your landlords." Batwoman fumed, glaring at her as Orders waved a hand, "He can't hear me, he's doing his math homework with Veronica."

Sure enough, Batwoman's little brother was sitting at the Poker table, currently being used for homework. Veronica on one side smiling sweetly and kindly helping him with the patience that belied her… personality. To be fair however Alice and Laura were watching her like mama hawks to make sure she didn't slip into her true nature and soil the young boy's innocence earlier than necessary… Laura armed with the 'Veronica Paddle' as a deterrent.

"…You know, no matter how many times you tell me she's a math savant with a handful of degrees, I STILL don't believe it…" Batwoman replied breathlessly before returning to the paper. Only for Orders to reach for the phone.

Time: 8:30 PM. Place Gotham (Superbabes)

Hello, Superbabes. We Deliver."

"Hello. I'd like to 3 order the Batwoman meals."

"3 orders of two extra crispy, spicy chicken wings, and a cup of tomato soup."

"Yeah. Please."

"Anything Else?"

"Delivered by Batwoman of course. Please"

"Large orders do not change the fact that we expect her back in 60 minutes or the police will be informed, please give you name and address."

Meanwhile. Moments later.

"You got one… well three." Orders noted, snatching the paper away and glancing over the ads. Batwoman sighed, getting to her high-heel-boot feet as the food slid out. "Get your mind off things."

She sighed again as she made her way to the door, catching her brother's eye they waved to each other before she made it outside to get into the company car. It didn't take her long to reach the suburbs, or to reach her destination in record time. A quaint little one story, it was surrounded by a chain-link fence with large bushes overgrowing around or against it. She wouldn't even had noticed it was there if not for the sturdy chain link side gate on the side, and she could barely see it in the dark night.

She took a breath, steadying herself for the hour of laborious gangbanging ahead. Before grabbing the food and getting out of the car. Her heels tapped onto the street, and she walked around the car heading towards the front door. She reached the front door to the sounds of cheerful laughter and raised a black-gloved hand to knock loudly on it. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:44 PM. Place. Gotham Suburbs (House with an overgrown chain link fence)

"Special Delivery-"

"Heelllo!" the door popped open and a young, fit, college aged man leaned against it a mist of alcohol popped from his mouth, she flinched.

"Service." She finished, shaking away the sudden rush of beer breath as he wrapped an arm around her shapely waist, guiding her inside the house. The first thing she noticed was the mess, clothes, pizza boxes, empty soda and beer cans all over the living room.

"…Oh no it's a frat house." she mumbled as he laughed.

"Frat house?! Nooooo." He laughed, taking the food from her hand and tossing it onto the table. Before his hand returned to her big shapely ass and gave it a firm, but playful squeeze. "Damn this body is TIGHT." He praised, taking a swig from the bottle. "Anyway… NOooooo. We're having a housewarming party!" he declared as he led her outside into the somewhat messy and grassy backyard.

She was right in assuming that a chain-link fence surrounded her with tall overgrown bushes, but at the center was a picnic table covered with empty beer bottles, with a pair of young men sitting on either side lit by a singular floodlight from the house that left the surrounding back yard dark like a moat of shadows. One was tall and lanky with glasses, but cute in a boyish way. The other was stocky, distinctly round. round face, round belly, but he had surprisingly muscular arms.

"The Party has arrived boys!" the one groping her big pawg ass cheered. Their attention was immediate as she kept walking forward, leaning on the table and jutting her ass out to the fitter of the three. Her dark lips, contrasting her porcelain white skin, stretched into a playful smile as she eyed the both of them.

"Hey boys." She cooed in a seductive hiss as the Fit one came up behind her and patted her tightly wrapped ass.

"You guys have got to FEEL this…" he said, squeezing her ass as she cooed softly, her masked head rolling back as she pushed out her breasts. Round and Lanky scrambled eagerly from the table.

"Oooh!" she gasped softly, tossing her bright red hair and glancing over her shoulder as five hands (Fit still had one around the beer bottle) groped, molded, and squeezed her big pawg booty.

"You could stop traffic with this ass!" grinned Round happily, his face red and clearly he was drunk as well.

"I bet she has…" hissed Lanky, staring memorized at his own hand groping her left ass cheek. Apparently not used to getting a handful of beautiful ass.

"Now now boys! This is a party and we should have some dancing…" cheered Fit as he downed the beer and tossed it over his shoulder into the grass. He then put his empty hands to good use cupping her breasts from behind as she moaned, standing upright as Lanky and Round continued to squeeze her wonderful shapely ass. "Let's get you comfy…"

"Ahh…" she sighed as her tight shirt was slowly lifted up, her arms slipped into the air as it slipped free of her pale skinned body, practically glowing in the light as her modestly big breasts dropped from her shirt, bouncing on her chest. "Ooh!" Round wasted no time wrapping his lips around her right nipple, suckling like a babe as Fit tossed the shirt away, Lanky already squeezing her left tits as her arms dropping down onto Round and Lanky's shoulders.

"Boys. Booooys." Fit grinned, "I know her boobs are nice but…" he slipped his fingers into her waistband as Lanky and Round gazed down at her big ass. Before both moved away from her, her tits jiggling at their sudden removal as they knelt behind her. She leaned forward as fit slowly pulled her pants down.

"OoooooooOOHHHHHOOOOO!!!!" they praised as her big, round pawg ASS was displayed slowly like a big theatrical reveal. Her thong riding high up her smooth pale ass cheeks as she wiggled her hips, bouncing her ass cheeks as her pants cupped beneath them. "OOoh look at that!!" praised Fit as Round and Lanky giggled like schoolgirls watching it bounce.

"God DAAAAAAMN." Hissed Lanky, biting his fist as Fit pulled her pants down over her thicc thighs. "I want to eat that piece of CAKE."

Round wrapped his arms around her, pushing her ass cheeks together in soft patting motions, grinning at his roommates as she slowly stepped out of her pants. Standing there in her thong and boots, her ass cheeks patting together. "OOoooooh man…" he groaned, a bulge in his pants throbbing as he bit his bottom lip.

"Okay okay." Fit grinned pulling Round away as he gave her rear a pat. "Come on girl shake that thang for us."

She licked her black lips, she was a trained dancer but 'twerking and ass-clapping' wasn't on her original curriculum. Luckily with a few lessons from Batgirl and (B)Vixen every girl at Superbabes could be extra's in a rap video.

She stood up straight, smiled sultrily over her shoulder at them, kneeling on the ground behind her, eye level with her ass as she began to shake her legs, her ass cheeks faintly clapping together around her thong as she wiggled and twerked.

"OOoooh!!!" she could feel their eyes on her jiggling cheeks, their hot drunken breath brushing against her evening cold skin.

Her ass slowly began to sway side to side, her legs twitching as she bounced her ass cheeks gently together. Pat-pat-pat…


"Ah!" she gasped suddenly at the firm clap onto her rear, she hesitated for a moment as Fit said simple, still staring at her ass.


Bending over, gripping the sides of the picnic table she began to twerk her ass again, Patpatpatpatpatpatpat. Her ass cheeks clapping together into the Gotham night as she bounced up and down on her heels.


"MMN!!" she moaned erotically, one struck her ass again on her other cheek, her hips swiveled briefly from the blow as Lanky's hand sunk into her thick pawg flesh.

"Daaamn. Faster…" he hissed as she took a breath and reached level-3 of ass shaking. Hands-on the back of her head, and with a combination of skills. Her hips swiveled, her waist swayed, and her heels bounced her in place.



The rapid slapping of her ass cheeks together echoed into the night as they grinned at the view from behind as her front bounced and jiggled. They laughed at her rapid movements as they watched her pawg ass jiggly-dance for them… devouring her thigh between her crack as the licked their lips greedily.

Clap! Clap-clap! Clap!"

"Ahh!!" she stilled as her hips jerked side to side from their sporadic blows, they didn't hurt, but the sound echoed.

"Alright boys." Grinned Fit, grabbing her thong and practically ripping it away. it spent a few moments on the grassy ground before he took it. and promptly stretched it over Round's face like a mask. All three laughed drunkenly as she giggled at the silly sight, unable to hold back a smile only to feel their hands grope her ass again.

"MMm-mmmmn…" she fidgeted, leaning over the table and holding herself up with her hands as they toyed with her.

"Alright boys." Fit began again repeating himself, briefly distracted by a fist full of thick pawg booty. "She got us warmed up now it's our turn…" she was pulled away from the table.

"Ah!" she yelped surprised, only to find herself 'sitting' on something… apparently Lanky's face, who had buried himself between her ass cheeks as she leaned back, resting her hands on his shoulders as she spread her legs apart.

"OOoh!" Round crawled in front of her, licking his lips as he gazed at her slightly damped pussy.

"NNgh!" her brown eyes widened behind her mask as they supported her position, keeping her standing upright as her body wobbled. "O-oooooh!" she moaned loudly, gazing up at the starry sky filled with blimps as she gasped. A pair of tongues slipped into both of her tight holes, she undulated a pleasurable mating call from her throat as Fit took a fistful of tit and ass, standing beside her and watching as his roommates ate our her ass and pussy.

"MMMn!!! MMMN!" Lanky moaned drunkenly up her ass as his tongue squirmed inside her like a thrashing snake. Squeezing her ass cheeks around his face as she buried his nose between them. "AH!" he pulled away, spreading her ass cheeks, and spitting into her wet hole before burying his surprisingly long tongue back in.

"Ahh-Ahhhh…" her hips wiggled side to side as she gasped, rocking her hips back and forth on her tongue. "AHHH…"

"MMMMN!!" moaned Round in her pussy, his tongue scrapping her inner walls as his thick fingers joined him.

"Ah! OOOh!!-NNGH!!" she quivered and writhed on the both of them. Her thicc thighs twitching in pleasure as she sucked in the cold night air, her nipples hardening in arousal as Fit continued to grope her body. Her pussy drooling arousal into the grass, dripping down Round's tongue and finger as he buried his face into her fire crotch.

"Ah-ah-ha-AH-AHHHH!!!" she was cumming, her hips rocking wildly back and forth as their plunging tongues and probing fingers drove her to the edge, her body clenching, her ass and pussy tightening. "AHHHHH! GOD!!" faster than their drunken state would imply they were on their feet, keeping her on hers as her legs gave out to collapse beneath her. Fit covering her mouth as her scream briefly echoed into the night. "MMMMPGH-mmnn!"

"Oooh hoooo that was HOOOOT!" Fit grinned happily as she twitched between them. "Let it out sexy, let it all out…"

"MMMMMMNGH…" her eyes swirled behind her mask as she twitched, before finally sucking in air through her nose as she steadied herself.

There were no words as they pulled away and she collected herself, her pussy still leaking in pleasure as she stumbled, gazing as three pairs of pants dropped to the grass, and three hard cocks appeared. She bit her lower lip as she gazed at their varying sizes. They were all average, no Alice Approved sizes. But Round's was slightly bigger…

Fit however, grabbed her upper arms… and began walking. There was a brief moment of confusion than straight-up terror as she was guided to the fence gate. "W-wait what are you?! Ah!" the cold fence meshed into her skin. She tried to push away but was pushed back. The gate was padlocked and they were surrounded by towering growth giving it a bit of a nook like feeling. But her tits and pussy were exposed to the street and half a dozen houses in the immediate area alone…

It WAS dark. But one passing car would light her pale ass up like a glow in the dark nightlight for all to see.

"Stop!" she hissed only for his hand to clap on her protruding ass.

"Make it clap." He said grinning.

"Stop! People will see!"

"So?" he replied as she froze. "…It's our party, let them watch." He grinned, a bit of cruelty in his kindness as she clenched her teeth furiously and began to clap her ass rapidly and loudly. "Yeaaah…"

Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap her ass echoed onto the street as her body clenched in fear only for the clapping to suddenly stop as she felt his hands grip into her flesh, pulled her ass cheeks apart and went BALLS DEEP in one thrust. "NNNGH!!" she hissed, forced firmly against the fence as her fingers curled int the mesh. "NNgh! Ngh! MMN!!" the gate rattled on its hinges as he moaned, thrusting slowly inside her.

"MMn!!.... OOOh…. NNNGH!!" hold her waist he SLAMMED. HIS. HIPS. Deep and slow, over, and over. She gazed out terrified at the dark empty street. The house across from theirs still had their lights on. She could see a happy family around the table, she bit her lips.

"OOOOHO…" he groaned, burying his cock deep into her body as her pussy tightened around him. "OOooh…. Feels like you like this."

"Hurry. UP…" she hissed furiously, her body betraying her. "NNgh! UGH. AH." She gasped as she was pulled away, then FLAT to the fence gate. Exposing. EVERYTHING. Her thick thighs bounced against the gate, the rattling hinges began to squeak and echo as the padlock jiggled in the lock.

His fingers locked in the holes of the chain links. Pulling himself firmly against her body, slamming against her as her big beautiful ass cheeks jiggled against his rapidly rebounding hips. "Ah-Ha-Ha-HA-HA…" she gasped, her nipples sticking through the gapes, the cold metal biting into her soft skin.


Her eyes widened in horror as an attractive blonde woman with large breast, wide hips, and dressed in a sports bra and pant began to bounce and jog by. Her headphones on her ears, she couldn't hear a thing.

"Wait-WAIT!" she hissed desperately as the woman came closer, begging to jog by. But her body betrayed her again.

"NNNGH!!" she tightened around his cock, he wrapped a hand over her mouth, and her waist and continued on, faster, deeper, louder. As she screamed in terror, the woman and her big bouncing tits moving in slow motion as her brain short-circuited, torn between not being exposed and getting FUCKED.

"AAAH!! AAHH!! MMMMM!!!" he PINNED her to the fence, burying his face into her collarbone, screaming into her skin as she screamed into his hand. Her body shivering wildly, clinging desperately to the gate, trying to push away from it and failing miserably as his hot load rushed inside her. Her ass clenching with her pussy as it twitched against his skin.

"…Fuck look at those bounce." He whispered as the woman sprung by with hardly a glance as Batwoman shuddered in horror. "…I'd love to tap that but she's married."

"Asshole!" she shuddered, still climaxing as he pulled away from her. Her pussy oozing cum.

"Hey Becker. You want next? She gets TIGHT when someone could be watching."

"Not here!" she hissed as the Lanky one approached. "Not here…" she begged, gazing out into the empty street. Lanky/Becker however just pushed her to the fence again. "Nooooo." She whimpered nervously, bracing herself as his cock found her oozy pussy. His hands grabbed the top of the fence. "NNgh! NNgh! NNGH!!" he didn't even hesitate, pounding into her ass as he gazed at her jiggling cheeks with each thrust.

"Damn that's beautiful we should be recording this ASS!" he said, his words slightly slurred, "Hey give me a refuel real quick!" Fit uncapped a beer bottle, pressing it to Becker's lips and tilting it back as Batwoman moaned on his unceasing thrusting hips. He gulped half the beer as Fit grinned, then yanked the bottle away before turning it over and pouring it over her ass cheeks.

"Ahh!" she glared at him as his hand wetly clapped over her glistening rear. "Ah! AH! AH! AH!" she grunted as he pounded his hips hard. "NNNGh! AH!" she gazed ahead as a car came down the street. Her eyes widened in horror. "No-NNGH! NO… wait!"

He grabbed her hips and fucked her harder. "Nngh! NGH!! NAHAAAH-HAA…" she squealed, pinned to the fence as the car sped by.

"AAAAAH…" he sighed, balls deep inside her and spraying her with hot cum as she clenched tightly. "Wooow you're right she's so TIGHT…" she reached around, her arm shaking in orgasm as she slapped his lanky chest, trying to push him away. "Ooh looks like she wants some more…" he began bucking his hips, grinning as she slipped slowly down the fence, her legs giving out as she whimpered.

"NNgh-nngh… ahh…"

A wet pop echoed into the night as Becker was pulled away by Fit, "Hey now it is Carl's turn. Come on Carl have a turn…"

"Please. Not right here, not here…" she quivered and begged, her eyes on the house across the street as it's owners turned off its lights, leaving the room with the glow of a late-night movie screening.

"Well that's not fair…" Carl mumbled childishly; his face still red as his hands squeezed her breasts from behind as she whimpered against the fence. "I want to fuck a pretty lady like you where people can see… otherwise whose's going to believe I had sex with you?"

Carl was apparently far more drunk than the other two, but thankfully, he pulled her away from the fence. Her tight muscles immediately relaxed in relief as she was led back to the picnic table. Carl waved his hands across the bottles, clearing a space as he turned her around and lied her on her back. Lifting her legs up and apart as he stood on the attached seat. His slightly bigger cock rubbing against the tiny bush of her red pubes as he grumbled and moaned at their silkiness, ignoring her double cum stuffed pussy as it dribbled onto the grass. He held his ankles as he wobbled dangerously on the seat. But slipped his cock inside her slowly.

"Ooooh she's so wet." Becker and Fit chuckled drunkenly, choosing to ignore the fact that she was wet because of sloppy seconds. "You better tell everyone I got to fuck you…" he said, wobbling slightly as he wagged a finger at her before grabbing the ankle of her spread legs again and began to pump.

"MMn! MMn! MMN!!" she moaned as she jumped back and forth on the table with Carl's deep, messy thrusts. Her body was crisscrossed with lines from her hard fucking against a chain-link fence her hands clawed the table as she moaned erotically for a drunken Carl, his hard cock twitching inside her as his hips slapped noisily against her hips. "MMMn…ngh…" her hands ran across her jiggling, shapely body as he pounded her head over the other side where it hung upside down… only to find a pair of cocks twitching before her eyes. "MMmmgh…" she moaned, opening wide as Becker took the opportunity. "MMMmph…"

Carl steadily kept the pace as Becker grinned, sliding his cock inside between her lips as she moaned and slobbered around it only for Becker to pull out with a wet pop, only to have his cock replaced with Fit's as he slipped right between her lips. "MMMPGh…"

Her hands went from her bouncing tits to their cocks, stroking Becker as she sucked on Fit, soon switching to Becker as they both took a gentle fistful of her red hair. "Ahh… MMmngh-mmmngh. AH… MMMNGH…MMMn…" switching back and forth between them as easily as breathing as Carl's echoing thrusts began to speed up.

"NNGH! NNGH!!" he loomed over her, bending her flexible legs over her head as Becker and Fit grabbed her ankles, holding them in place as she moaned around their cocks as Carl's hips clapped loudly onto her, bouncing off her body as he moaned loudly.

"Amy! Amy! AMY!! NNNGH!!!" Becker and Fit sighed as Carl went balls deep and filled 'Amy' up good.

"MMMPGH!!" Balls deep on Becker's cock she moaned loudly as the thick and plentiful load churned up inside her with the previous loads.

"Ooh… Oooh…" Carl sighed, bouncing slowly on her as his cock shriveled inside her, spraying her pussy with cum before he planted deep into her then rolled off. Her pussy oozing cum onto the table. "That was amazing…" he sighed drunkenly, closing his eyes and snoring as his cock dribbled onto the grass.

"MMMn-mmmn-AH…" she gasped as Becker pulled out of her mouth and walked to her other end, probing her ass with his fingers as she trembled, "NNgh-mmmn!" she gazed at him briefly before Fit pulled her head back over the edge of the table.

Then as if trying to meet in the middle. A cock went up her asshole, and another into her throat.

"MMMPGH!!" her whole body writhed as Fit planted his cock into her mouth, his balls on her forehead as he sighed, holding her legs open as she slapped his muscled thigh. Becker rubbed her legs as he enjoyed the sensation of her tight spasming rear… then simultaneously they pumped back and forth.

"MMMPGH! MMMNGH!! mMMN!-hmmn-mmhnn!!" she slapped everything and everyone she could, her ass twitching on Becker's cock as he moaned, robbing her thighs and clapping his hands onto her ass before he slipped his fingers into her pussy. "MMNGH!!-hMM-hMMN!!" she bounced as he pierced her front and back and Fit slowly slipped is cock in and out of her mouth, slobbering and slurping when she remembered to.

"OOH man I could happily stay in this mouth forever!!" he praised, sliding back and forth, rubbing her neck as he felt his cock slid deep into her throat like a tight pussy.

"Best ass ever! Best! EVER…" praised Becker… pushing deep into her spasming hole and sighing. Then groaning. "OOoooh not yet. Not yet…" he popped loudly out of her ass as his cock twitched. "Let's finish her right!" he declared as Fit popped from her mouth

"Wh-wahh…" she whimpered her brain spinning in pleasure as she was pulled to her feet.

"We know what she likes." Grinned Becker, leading her to the gate.

"No. NO!" she whimpered, terrified at being exposed… and the fact that her body felt so GOOD when that fear was present. She planted her feet but they easily dragged her, then carried her when she left divots in the grass standing her sideways to the fence. "No. No. NO…" she whimpered shaking her head pleadingly as they spread her legs, she was perfectly parallel with the gate nook but Fit and Becker wasn't nearly as exposed. "NoooooOOOH…" she moaned head rolling back as they quickly returned to her holes. "OOOOOH!!" she moaned, undulating loudly as she gazed horrifically at the sky.

Becker pinned her arms to her waist, Fit gripped her tits firmly, and their cock rushed in and out of her holes, front and back, standing on her tiptoes as her legs went bowlegged, soon she was lifted up the ground, jerking back and forth on their thrusting cocks as she broke free of Becker's grip and clung desperately to Fit's shoulders, reaching around to claw at Becker's hair.

"AHhgh… AHHHH-GOD!!" her body shivered as she was lifted from the ground, legs open and hanging over their powerful arms as they pumped relentlessly into her body. "Shit-shit-shit-SHIT-FECKING SHIT…" she hissed, teeth clenched and gazing ahead, gasping as her holes squeezed around them like a vice.

Becker came first. Pushing into her ass as she clenched in orgasm, her ass cheeks shaking as he pulled out and pushed in rapidly a couple more times before planting in her ass. Then came Fit, her head rocked back onto Becker's shoulder as she gasped for air, feeling her womb fill with his hot load as her holes oozed their cum and fluid to water the grass between her.

"Look whose back!" Becker whispered as she gasped, whimpering nervously at the big titty blonde jogger wife standing parallel with the gate on the sidewalk. She was jogging in place, checking her watch, and curiously looking around holding an earbud in one hand as if she heard something…

"…I think she heard you…" Fit giggled childishly as Batwoman whimpered, shaking her head as she felt them grind in her body.

"Noo. NOOO…nngh!" she hissed, teeth clenched and desperate to hold inside every desperate scream. Her legs wobbling on the ground now as they caressed her body, legs, waist, hips, tits… grinding their spent cocks inside her as she dripped and drooled, teeth hurting now, desperate to hold it in. Brown eyes gazing behind the mask at the beautiful blonde milf…

One. Two. Three. FOUR orgasms then the woman finally shrugged and jogged on. Batwoman dropped to her knees in exhaustion. Shivering wildly as she gasped for breath, slapping painfully on Becker and Fit's legs. Pushing the cocks away as she trembled in the constant orgasm storm of her body. Pointing an angry finger up at them. "FEEEECK you…" she hissed in her Irish accent as she bit her lip. Clawing the grass, curling up with her ass in the air as she tried to ride the body-shaking orgasms to completion. "Fuck fuck fecking fuck…" she cursed, shivering wildly. "Haaahhhhh…"

"Fuck that's HOT." Praised Becker, stroking himself and reaching down for her ass only for her to smack his hand and clench her fist warningly at his nose.

"You're fecking done." She breathed, "Touch me again and I'll crush your nuts."

"Yes ma'am…" whimpered Becker. Covering himself shyly as if suddenly realizing he was naked.

She painfully grabbed Fit's ankle and climbed up his leg before he easily pulled her to her feet steadily. She took a shuddering gasp as Carl mumbled out a soft. "MMmn… Amy."

"Who the feck is amy?" she mumbled.

"Ex-girlfriend." Fit supplied as she bent over, they gazed at her majestic pawg booty as she collected her clothes and shot back upright, her ass cheeks wobbling briefly before clenching. She wasn't quite over her climax. "You alright?"

…She glared at him. "…Bathroom. And get my payment ready."

"Right…" he nodded. "oh. uh… it's uh. On your right." He added as she stumbled into the house.

She sighed as she found the bathroom and shut the door, locked it, then stripped completely to step into the shower. Gasping as the hot water cooed her down, soaking her bright red hair and smooth face. Her big brown eyes gazing at the ceiling as she sighed. "Feck…"

When she finally got out of the shower, she was met by Fit and Becker. Carl was still outside, naked, and snoring loudly on the table with… yep. A cock drawn on his forehead with a magic marker. She held out her gloved hand and was immediately met with a collection of crumpled bills, she shifted through it. "There's more then there should be."

"It's a tip." Grinned Fit Lecherously, watching her body wrapped back in tight clothes turn and strut towards the door with a dangerous smile on her slightly less, red lips. Her big pawg ass waved them goodbye.

"Later boys." She said as playfully as her exhausted body allowed as they grinned at her.

She stepped outside and stepped towards the car only for the blonde big titty jogger to bounce by. A look on her face that suggested she smelled something bad, she eyed Batwoman with a 'what are you doing around here?' look. Could also have been confused with a 'what the hell are you wearing' look, before moving on. Batwoman scoffed as she watched the jogger's tits bounce and her ass jiggle as she jogged away. Then rolled her eyes with a rather soft and dismissively thought 'Bitch.'

Time: 9:56 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ciara yanked off the mask, finding Orders still reading the classifieds as she put the money on the counter. "Here Orders." She leaned casually on the counter for balance, her legs still a little wobbly as she glanced at the paper. "…What are you doing?"

Orders slowly peaked over the paper, glancing at the red-headed Ciara with a knowing smile. "…Looking for a place for you to live." She noted as Ciara's eyes widened… she completely forgot about that.

"Oh… uh…" she quickly looked around and saw her little brother Sean snoozing quietly on a positively delighted Veronica's thigh. She gently stroked his head as he slept on the couch. "…Maybe… we can just stay with Ronnie-Bell for awhile… there's no harm right?"

Ronnie-Bell who was on the floor, imposingly watching over the drunks. Had been listening in and gave Ciara a friendly wink and a subtle, 'stay as long as you want.'

Orders eyed Ciara and pushed a large majority of the money back towards her. Ciara didn't even notice the one-sided difference. "I suppose so. Don't know why you want to leave her place anyway."

"She watches SO much wrestling," Ciara said with a thousand-yard stare. "And she's been watching it with Sean, and he's starting to really like it."


"Oooooh, I LOVE 'wrestling' I do it all the time!" Veronica cooed from the couch as Ciara pointed at her, as if to say 'obviously'.

"…I see the potential for confusion. Yes." Orders frowned thoughtfully as Alice glared at her friend.

"…You misunderstood that on purpose." She said sternly, as Veronica just smiled prettily, absently stroking Sean's sleeping head in an oddly motherly fashion.


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