
Delivery Girl: Giganta Order #2

I don't own DC

"Time: 8:50 PM. Place Gotham (Superbabes)

*Ring Ring, Click

"Hello? Superbabes, we now deliver."

"I'd like to order-."


The girls in the employee lounge jumped at the suddenness of Orders' quick turnaround. Laura tossed up her Uno cards in surprise as they all glanced at a sneering Orders as she hung the phone up almost immediately. She then took it back up to her ear and promptly dialed three numbers.


"Uh… Orders?" Blinked Katie, her cat tail flicking curiously behind her at the poker table, currently being used to play Uno.

Orders held up a finger as it was immediately picked up. "Hello Gotham PD?" she noted in a pretty spot on Harley Quinn accent, but not quite Harley Quinn herself. "You know that guy wanted for hijacking that armored truck last week? Yeah that's the one, I think I spotted him at Motel 5 out in the outskirts... Room 202. Don't worry bout it." she noted, hanging up the phone. "Yes Katie?" she noted dismissively.

"…A bad one?"

"I didn't feel like paying any hospital bills." Orders noted practically. But the girls knew deep down that there was a softie somewhere in that prickly personality… deep done. Somewhere… "Or plastic surgery."

...Maybe near her ankles.

Time: 8:52 PM Place Gotham (Superbabes)

*Ring Ring, Click

"Hello? Superbabes, we now deliver."

"Hey, I'd like to order… Dude shut up!... The Giganta meal please."

"….A 60-ounce sirloin with your choice of extra-large soft drink and complementary antacid and vomit bag..."

"Yes… that."

"Anything else?."

"I'd like it-" *incessant chattering "DUDE!" *Chattering stops. "-delivered by Giganta... please."

"…Due to the rarity of your order it will take a little longer than expected, regardless we expect our delivery girl back within 60 minutes or the police will be informed. We are also not responsible for your life choices and you CANNOT sue us if you put yourself in the hospital for eating a 60-ounce sirloin..."


"It's just a disclaimer. You will be charged on completion of delivery, name and address and choice of soft drink please.

Meanwhile, one cooked steak later.

"Giganta. You got a group…" Orders noted as a few of the girls chuckled. Giganta put down her magazine and got to her sturdy feet, approaching Orders' desk and taking the massive steak and drink.

"Oh? I might enjoy myself." She smiled, tugging down her pink skirt over her big rear before strutting out. Orders just shrugged. Giganta straddled her motorbike and drove off to the outskirts of Gotham.

Right where Gotham ended and the rest of the country began was possibly the quietest part of Gotham, the least industrialized, and marginally out of focus. Where all land driving tourists entered and promptly left… home to motels, tourist traps, and maybe one or two crooks trying to decide if they should risk-taking on Big Blue or the Star-Spangled Amazon over Batman… Most are dumb enough to try once and then come back…

Batman may scare the shit out of them, but at least they have a CHANCE of succeeding in Gotham.

Her bike roared to a stop outside one of the many grungy motels. Glanced at her receipt before pulling into one that just said 'MOTEL' in big pink neon. It was the sort of place that SCREAM secret liaison. She parked in the nearly empty lot, grabbed the food just as heavy rain clouds loomed overhead, slowly pitter-pattering down. She sighed and covered her sidecar with a water-resistant tarp she kept for JUST such an occasion. It was Gotham. If it wasn't overcast, it was rain. Of course, the ride back was going to feel weird in her one-piece skirt.

The water really came down once she strutted up the steps, checking the receipt and walking down to the second to last room. She checked the receipt, checked the number, tossed her ponytailed red hair, and put on her prettiest smile as she knocked hard on the door, it rattled under her fist. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:22 PM Place Gotham Outskirts (Motel Room 205)

"Special Delivery Service." She noted as there was a brief noise behind the door before it popped open.

"Ho-lee crap…" the young man, gangly, glasses, black hair, and brown eyes went from her big tits resting comfortably at his eye level, to her face. As he looked up a stupidly happy grin stretched across his lips. "Wow." She smiled prettily down at him before carefully stepping inside her back up and aside to let her in as she saw the two other boys in the room. One sat on the edge of the bed, light brown skin and black hair but fit like he played a spot, the other was… rounder but not really fat but tubby, also with black hair. They were all young men, probably recently graduated…

There were two beds and a couch with pillow and blanket, their suitcases stuffed in a corner, and a table and a kitchen with a few appliances. She put the drink and the food back on the table. Bending over just right so her skirt revealed her black underwear. "So… I hope you boys don't mind sharing…" she said, turning around and sitting on the table. I creaked slightly under her weight. The gangly one, who she will refer to as 'Nerdy' approached her, gazing at her in awe. Focusing mainly on her gigantic breasts, his hands clenched as if he was aching to touch her… she smiled at him, leaning over and whispering. "…You can touch-Oh!" she cooed as his hands were on her breasts, they dwarfed his average-sized hands but he clearly didn't care, squeezing and caressing them as the rounder one, she will refer to as 'Tubby'. Approached her, caressing her legs as she relaxed on the table, letting them feel her body.

The final one, she has dubbed 'Sporty' soon joined in as well, not to be left out. Their hands exploring and caressing her body. Clearly not used to a woman at all… well… they wouldn't be her first virgins. A group of them yeah, but not her first…

"Okay boys…" she purred, standing up, their hands still on her as she carefully pushed them aside. Approaching the beds as she slipped her shoulder strap down over her arm, "I would love to just let you boys grope and touch me all night. But unfortunately…" her one-piece dress hit the floor. Her powerful body clearly on display now, as they chattered excitedly. She wore no bra, but her black underwear molded around her big ass and wide hips. "You're on a time limit…" she noted playfully, winking over her wide shoulder at them, before stepping alongside the bed, closet to the door. "…MMn…" she put her foot on the frame. "We're going to need a BIT more… space." She pushed, the bed slid across to the other, pushing the mattresses together into one big bed.

"Whoa…" Sporty grinned at her display of strength as she turned to face them, her big breasts wobbling as she ran her hands up her abs, cupping them squeezing her big natural breasts (or as natural as 'non-existent' steroids gave her) together.

"mMMn!… that's much better…" she gazed at all of them with half-lidded eyes as she slowly gyrated her lower body, grinding her thighs together as she wiggled her lower body. "Now… shall we get to the good part? Or should I warm you boys up first?"

"…Warm us up?" Tubby asked, grinning as she pinched her nipples between her fingers, still squeezing her breasts. "How are you…" they gazed stupidly at her as she bent forward, hands on her knees and breasts swaying, before dropping down onto the floor, hands on her lap as she winked at them… opening her mouth.

Her intent was pretty obvious. Even to a trio of virgins…

Nerdy was surprisingly quick, practically teleporting towards her and fiddling with his pants, Sporty and Tubby close behind. They surrounded her, unbuttoning, and tugging their pants down as three nearly similar 6-7-inch lengths of cock jutted towards her face. She smiled at them, her tongue wagging as she wrapped her massive hands around Tubby, and Sporty, standing to her right and left, respectively. Nerdy's eager length throbbing inches from her lips and tongue as it curled forward and gently scraped beneath it.

"Ooooh!" he trembled excitedly, his hands clenching at his waist, resisting the urge to grab her head and pull her down his member as her tongue-flicked…. Flicked…flicked… his cock, it wobbled with every light tap of her tongue as she stroked Tubby and Sporty gently with her hands, she grinned up at all of them… even though on her knees they weren't much taller than her. She tapped her tongue against Nerdy's cock, lifting it up as she tasted it… then her lips wrapped tightly around it. "Yes!!" he praised, the ceiling as his head rolled back, "OOoh…"

"MMMn… mmmn… mmmm…" she was slow and methodical. Engulfing his cock entirely in her big mouth as she slid slowly and easily up and down, gazing up at him. She gave him good, firm strokes of her lips before she pulled away… he panted as if he just ran a marathon… she winked up at him, pulled Tubby closer, and took her hand off, wrapping her lips around his as he moaned, her hand stroking Nerdy now.

One… after the other, she sucked on all of them, stroked all of them, made sure they each got equal attention as she licked, slurped, and stroked… gazing up at each. Only Sporty managed to maintain some semblance of control as she brought each of them to the proverbial edge, switching and slowly down so they didn't pop just yet.

Their nervousness however was soon worn away, their inexperience clearly wilted as they began to buck in her mouth. "MMmn!" she moaned as they got more daring, stroking her red hair, squeezing her breasts. "Ah-ha-ha…" she chuckled seductively, pulling them closely together, holding their erect cocks closely as she slathered her tongue along each, not quite close enough to touch (she realized MOST guys draw the line at 'crossing swords'…) but close enough so that her tongue was ALWAYS touching a tip with every swing of her pretty head.

"…We're going to play a game, boys…" she purred, as they throbbed and twitched, gazing eagerly at her. "Last one to cum… gets to stick it in first… WHEREVER he wants." She growled just as eagerly.

And Tubby promptly lost. Her voice, skills, beauty, and his inexperience doomed his contest participation. His head rolled back, his hips thrust forward and he gasped, "Ah!" she quickly wrapped her mouth around him, stroking the other two as he twitched, shooting his load into her mouth as she twisted her head, stroking him rapidly and sucking out the last few drops of his first load. She smiled up at him and gulped down his load without hesitation, turning her attention back to Nerdy and Sporty.

The prospect of having first dibs and watching her greedily swallow Tubby's load sent Nerdy and Sporty racing towards release. Grunting, groaning, thrusting their cocks into her hands as she opened her mouth wide to receive their loads. And surprisingly Sporty popped first.

"Uugh!!" she pulled his cock between her lips but didn't close her mouth, letting him shoot inside as she moaned, feeling his load pool in her cheeks and on her tongue. Seconds after his release had died down she switched to a triumphant Nerdy, wrapping her lips around him as he thrust in her stuffed mouth twitch and let his load join his friend's.

"Ahhhh!" he sighed joyously, falling backward her hand wrapped around his ass and back, holding him up as he instinctively bucked his hips into her mouth. She suckled and slurped out his load, gazing up at his ragdoll body with pride as she twisted her head up and down. Moaning… Until Nerdy was GOOD and DONE…

She yanked her lips off his cock with a flick of her hair, grinning around at them as Nerdy got his footing, she smiled and opened her mouth. Sloshing their thick mixture of cum with her tongue before closing her lips, "GULP." She smiled at them, "Ah…" and achieved her goal.

Hard as rocks and ready for more… they throbbed around her as she stood up, pushing her underwear down over her thighs and turning slowly in place, swaying slowly as they viewed every inch of her muscled, naked body… "Okay baby…" she cooed, rubbing her body with her hands as she turned in place, sliding over her curvy ass cheeks, up her waist, her stomach, her chest… before going back down. "You get me first…"

The combination of the BIG girl, BIG tits, BIG ass, beautiful body in general, and the idea that she was going to do WHATEVER he wanted was just a bit much for the young virgin, he was quickly becoming a lust BOMB… but he managed to collect himself, his cock eagerly pulsating as he rubbed her ass and hips, reaching up to her breasts to squeeze… he grinned then crawled onto the bed, lying on his back as she smiled, his cock wagging like a flagpole as she crawled over him. "Here… we… GO…" she purred as she slipped him right inside, "Ahh…" she sighed erotically, he trembled.

"Holy crap…" he groaned, staring past her at the ceiling as she began to glide up and down his cock, her big firm ass wobbling slowly up and down as she rode his lap. "Ugh… Ughh!!!"

"Hee-hee…" she chuckled girlishly before dropping onto him. He trembled beneath her as she tossed her long red hair, and glanced over her shoulder at the other two, falling onto Nerdy, her breasts pinning him to the beds, she grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled them apart. "Okay, boys… I got more holes to fill… who wants this one?" she cooed, wiggling her rear as Nerdy moaned beneath her, his cock scraping the sides of her inner walls as she bounced slowly, temptingly.

Tubby got bold, clambering quickly onto the bed and gripping her hips firmly, she slowed just enough for him to slip right up into her ass, crying out delightedly as he immediately began smacking her hips on her ass cheeks. "OOoh! Ooh. Ooh…" she panted erotically as she curled a finger at Sporty, "Come here baby…" she purred encouragingly as he smiled, climbing onto the bed, standing in front of her as his cock trembled. "I'm a big girl…" she purred as Tubby and Nerdy panted on her body. "…You guys can go ROUGH… I can take it…" she encouraged, her tongue flicking Sporty's cock as Tubby and Nerdy gripped her voluptuous, gigantic body tightly.

She said the magic word.

Sporty's hands clung to her red hair, Tubby and Nerdy pawed and clawed her ass and hips respectively… then they rammed away. She wormed on Nerdy as he pumped wildly up into her, "Ah yeah. Ah YEAH!!" he grinned, his hips smacking up between her sturdy thighs as Tubby's hand clapped again and again on her ass as he pumped deep into her rear.

"Ugh… Ugh!!" his hands squeezed her plump flesh as he smacked his hips against her. She felt his round stomach on her back as he leaned over, bucking wildly as she smacked back against him. Careful not to knock him clear off her body. Sporty was the most in control, sliding between her lips.

"MMmn… MMmn!" she moaned as she was rocked back and forth on it, he pulled her head down his length, pushing his hips against her as Nerdy and Tubby pumped her forward. "MMm-mmNg!!" she wrapped a hand around Sporty and pulled him deep into her mouth, her lips caressing the base of his shaft as he groaned.

"Holy shit… Holy SHIT…" he hissed as her tongue engulfed his cock, he leaned over her hips shaking as Nerdy groaned.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!! Give me those boobs! Purrf!!" she lowered her tits onto his face as he engulfed himself into her body, squeezing them around his head as she felt the rush of cum in her mouth and pussy.

"MMmmn!!" she moaned Tubby's bucking hips echoing over Nerdy and Sporty's groans. Granted, Nerdy was groaning between her cleavage so it was muffled. But Sporty's orgasm was pretty prominent.

"OOOOooooh…" she licked his twitching cock, quickly swallowing his load as she slipped from her lips.

"Ah…" she sighed, giving it a farewell lick and she pushed back against Tubby. "Your turn sugar." She cooed in her accented voice. "Come on now…" she cooed, smiling as he smacked her rear, pumped his hips. "Come on…" she encouraged as his fingers sunk into her ass, and he shuddered.

"UUuuuh…" he fell onto her back, caressing her rear as his cock twitched out his load inside her… "…Wow…"

"Hee-hee…" she giggled as he rubbed his face on her back. "Oh…" she blinked down as Nerdy caressed her massive tits, "…Forgot about you sugar." She cooed, pulling away as he gasped happily.

"I would've died happy…" he grinned, squeezing her tits as he licked her nipple.

"Hmm-hmmm…" she smiled as he suckled on her. She rubbed his head when Sporty got her attention, tapping her shoulder.

"Hey… my turn." He said grinning, she chuckled again and Tubby extracted himself as she rolled over onto her side and lifted up her leg. He knelt on her leg, wrapping his arms around her raised leg as he pushed his cock into her pussy.

"MMmmn…" she moaned as he began to buck, hugging her leg as he bucked his hips. She gazed at him encouragingly as he slammed his hips against her, rubbing on hand slowly over her body to her breasts, squeezing and rubbing them as they wobbled from his thrusts. "I like that sugar…" she purred, "Ooh…" Nerdy latched himself back to her nipple, lying beside her, sucking, licking and pinching. She giggled as she felt Tubby next to her, trying to catch a feel himself. "You boys are so impatient…" she cooed as Tubby lied behind her, rubbing his cock on her ass as Sporty focused on his own hips.

"Ugh… OOH!!" he pushed, her leg folding slowly over as he leaned forward, bucking his hips wildly as he released inside her.

"Oooh yeah Sugar…" she cooed, "MMmmn…" she felt him twinge inside her as she caressed Tubby and Nerdy's hair. "You get your fill sugar…"

"I want to go again!" Nerdy declared happily as Tubby's cock twitched against her ass, Sporty slipping out of her.

"It's my turn!" he noted indignantly.

"Boys…" Giganta cooed as Sporty stepped away. she pushed Tubby aside then rolled onto her back, lifting her sturdy legs up and apart, rubbing herself. "…Give me ONE minute…" she cooed, "OOoh…" the three watched in awe as she began to finger herself, "MMMn…Mmmngh!!" her hands hooked behind her knees, her other hand curling onto her breast, squeezing it firmly as she rested her head on the bed, eyes-rolling. "Nnngh….NNNGH!! OOOOH!!" her climax was like a siren song, their cocks hard and drawn to her as she trembled. Her body shaking and quaking erotically as her toes curled. "OOoooh…" she smiled, pulling her hand away, covered in arousal and cum as she licked it slowly…

"…Oh my god…" whined Tubby as Nerdy latched his mouth around her tit. She chuckled sensually and curled a finger at Tubby.

"Come on Sugar your turn…" she declared, "And you…" she rubbed Nerdy's hair with a wet hand, "Sit right here…" she patted her sternum, right below her breasts. Nerdy clambered over her, sitting on her firm body as Tubby slipped inside her, "MMmmn-oooh…" she cooed, wiggling her hips as he began to thrust, she cupped her breasts, winking up at Nerdy. "All right sugar, just put it-Ooh!" she laughed as he squeezed her tits, sliding his cock between her heavy breasts as she cooed, "That's it… you have your fun now."

Sporty clawed over the other side of the bed, lying sideways over her face as she grinned, opening her mouth and wagging out her tongue as he did pushups on her face. "MMmn! mMMn…MMPGH!!" she moaned as they railed away, pumping, thrusting, squeezing, sliding. Her legs wrapped around Tubby, rubbing him encouragingly as his hips slapped against her, he breathed heavily apparently not used to so much effort but determined to give her his all.

Nerdy was wild and lustfully, practically drooling in manic lust as he smacked his hips wildly against her tits, squeezing and pinching her nipples fondly as she cooed around Sporty, grunting and groaning… counting to himself as he went down, and up, down, and up… she chuckled. She resting a hand on his ass, pushing him faster and faster as he groaned…

"MMmnph…MMmn….MMMNN!!" she slurped and slobbered on his cock as he panted and groaned, his cock twitching excitedly in her mouth.

"Haa… AAHHH DAMN!!" he pulled out and she closed her eyes as his cock shivered. She grabbed it, stroking it and letting his white fluid rain down on her face as he shuddered, "UUgh… AHHHHhh…" he bucked his hips, spraying out more ropes of seed onto her skin as he rolled of her, breathing heavily on his back as Nerdy roared primally, his smacking his echoing as he pushed his cock between her tits and

"MMMMMn…" she moaned as more sticky youthful protein shot across her clavicle, chin, and some on her face, but the rest pooled on her tits as he bucked his hips, his cock getting limper and limper as he grinned drunkenly.

"…Best… ever…" he declared, still slowly sliding his cock between her breasts as if wiping it clean before he stepped aside.

"Ahhh!!" Tubby railed away, hands on her hips as he grunted and groaned, "Ugh! UUhh!! NNNGH!!" his face was red and his cock was eager, slapping his hips away as she rubbed him with her smooth muscled legs.

"That's it Sugar." She praised, panting and moaning, covered in cum as his eyes rolled, "Ah. AHhh sugar, come on…" she squeezed him, and he went stiff.


"Ooooh…" she cooed, wiggling her hips as he fell forward, his heads slapped onto her tits, she smiled, holding them together like firm pillows as his hips bucked twice more… his cock spent. She carefully rolled him off, his chest heaving… she rubbed her leaking womanhood, glancing at the satisfied boys. "…Got any more for me boys?" she smiled as they groaned.

"I'm… done… thank you…" groaned Tubby, utterly exhausted as she smiled. Rolling off the beds. Standing tall and stretching she checked a digital clock by the bed.

"…You boys still got ten minutes…" she encouraged as Nerdy and Sporty's lengths twitched promisingly. She stood sideways, rubbing herself as her hips rocked slowly back and forth. "…You want me? Come get me…" she said, strutting towards the bathroom.

There was a tiny tub, but it would suit her purposes, Nerdy and Sporty charged in behind her as she turned on the hot water. "Ah ah!" she shouted as they began to paw her. "…You got to do what you wanted…" she cooed getting into the tub as the shower wand hosed her muscled body. "…Now we do it my way…" they glanced at each other. She stood with her ass facing the raining water. "…Who wants what?"

They glanced at each other, "…Ass?" Sporty asked as Nerdy walked into the tub in front of her.

"No way…" he praised, gazing at her smooth crotch as she rubbed herself for him, his cock throbbing as Sporty eagerly stood behind her.

"Now…" she purred leaning against the wall as she rested a foot on the edge of the tub, exposing both holes to eager boys as she bent her knee, getting low enough for them to participate. "Put your nice… big… cocks…" she cooed seductively, right on my holes… but don't push in yet…" she cooed as she felt them prod her, eager to disobey but reluctant to do so. "When I say go… PUSH them in me." She growled. "But… when I say 1. You both pull out. When I say 2. You push them back in…" she licked her lips, glancing at both of them. "Match my pace boys…"

"Go…NNGH…" she moaned as two youthful boys planted themselves deep into her body, their balls quivering as they caressed her frame. "That's it… 1-mmmn. 2… ooh…" she moaned, keeping the pace. "1…2…1…2…NNNgh" she shuddered, "Ooh… okay boys…" she bit her bottom lip, shaking as she felt her pleasure build. "1-2-1-2-1-2!!! OOOH!!!" constant, steady, firm, they were soon doing it all on her own. "Ooh! Ooh! OOH!! BOYS! YES!! OOH!! MMMN!!!" she rolled her hips now, back and forth on their simultaneous thrusts, "NNgh! MMn-hmm!! MMMN!!!" she smiled, her head rolling back and letting the water wash her cum dried face, "Blllugh! MMMN!!" she clawed the ties, gripping the shower rod above to steady herself.

"Ah-ah-ahhh!! HARder!!" she declared, "Pound me boys! OOOOH!!!" their wet smacking hips slapping hard and rough against her powerful body, wild and free they focused on themselves rather than her but she was so close to the edge, she was promptly pushed off of it anyway. Her Orgasm rippling through her. "OOOOOOOGGH!!!" the shower bar snapped in her hand as she pulled it down, Nerdy and Sporty came, hard… but not simultaneously.

"NNNGH!!!" Sporty planted his cock into her ass, leaving it buried their as she clamped down tightly around him and Nerdy rammed away.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-ahahhhhh yeah!!!" he bucked his hips wildly as his cock released into her, "Gonna! Knock! You! Up!!" he declared happily, "OOooh…" she rolled her hips on them as they stayed inside her for a few more moments, the water getting everywhere now that the curtain broke.

"…Well Fuck…" she sighed, tossing it away as they slipped out of her, "Well boys… times up…" she smiled letting the water caress her as she steadied herself. "Oooh…" she put her hands on her hips and swiveled them slowly, "…Now that's how you please a woman." She cooed as they grinned.

Sure she had to work herself a little to get to the goal, but as long as they enjoyed themselves it was fine… Nerdy spent the remainder of the shower squeezing her ass as she oozed out of her holes, she let him as long as he didn't try anything.

"Alright sugar, that's enough…" she giggled, brushing his hand away as she returned to the main room, Sporty and Tubby had redressed, Tubby was dividing up the massive steak into three parts. She bent over, picking up her underwear as she danced into them, pulling them up her legs, then retrieving the pink one-piece, pulling it on and snapping the strap over her shoulder. "Okay boys." She held out her hand, "Come on." She smiled prettily at them as collectively they went to their suitcases. As she did, she moved the bed back into position one-handed.

Tubby, Nerdy and Sporty all handed her a collective stack of bills, she counted smiled. And winked at them, "Later Sugars." She purred, ruffling their heads one after the other and stepping out…

The ground was wet, but the rain had stopped she strutted down the steps and made her way to her bike when. "STOP GOTHAM PD!!"

An attractive Dominican woman charged down the sidewalk after a slimy-looking crook, lagging far behind the attractive detective was a large man in a coat and fedora. She glanced at the running man and stepped somewhat towards the sidewalk as he was about to pass her. Giganta planted her feet by stomping one foot, and swung her arm hard towards him with a powerful lariat. A professional wrestling staple.

The man flew in the air, doing a full flip backward while flying forward, eventually slamming face down onto the wet sidewalk.

"HOLY SHIT!" Roared out Nerdy, who had come outside for ice and stared at her in awe as the attractive female detective caught her breath.

"Nice hit." She praised, before turning pink at seeing the HUGE Giganta close up. "Uh… whoa." Giganta smiled down at her.

"I get that a lot."

"Montoya!" Panted Harvey Bullock, doubling over and breathing heavily. "The CROOK." he reminded her condescendingly.

"I got him, Harvey." Detective Montoya mumbled, a little pink in the face as she cuffed the criminal. "You have a right to remain silent-" she began as the criminal was dragged to his feet as she read him his rights.

"Police brutality!" he shouted, Giganta knocked him on the head as he was pushed by.

"I'm not a cop." She declared, hand confidently on her curvy hip as Bullock looked her up and down curiously...thoughtfully.

"…You a… going to a costume party or sometin?" he mumbled, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"Something like that." she replied, blowing him a kiss and turning towards her bike. Bullock grinned sheepishly before following after Detective Montoya, chest still heaving a little. Once the cops left, she got onto her bike. Nerdy however waved.

"Tarzana! You're-holy crap! I got to tell the guys!" she rolled her eyes, apparently she banged a fan. She blew his retreating back a kiss. And sped out of the parking lot back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:43 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

"Any trouble while I was gone?" Ronnie-Bell asked as she handed Orders the money, Orders separated her cut quickly and shook her head. The employee lounge was surprisingly empty, girls were either out on 'Deliveries' or on the floor.

"Nope. Relatively quiet." Ronnie-Bell stretched her powerful arms, strutting towards the couch. Orders rubbed her purple eyes and sighed.

"That reminds me… you wouldn't happen to know any other 'BIG' girls do you? I'm thinking of finding another bouncer when you're not here."

"Sugar, there are no others like me." Ronnie-Bell grinned proudly as Orders sighed.

"…Okay. Sort of like you then? Maybe a foot shorter but just as tough?"

"…I might be able to find a few sturdy girls in the indies circuit who have… 'similar hobbies?' I guess it wouldn't hurt to look at your options."

Orders smiled at her (dyed) red-headed enforcer. "…Introduce me."


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