
An Audience with the Delacours

7 Advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


Harry ran a hand through his hair as he watched the sluggish Lily procuring a bottle of Pepper-up potion from Madam Pomfrey. On the one hand, he was proud that he could drain the energy out of the feisty redheaded witch, but on the other hand, he felt bad for her. It was Monday, so she needed to help Flitwick teach.

"I can tell Professor Flitwick that you are not feeling well," Harry offered.

"You should listen to Harry, dear," Madam Pomfrey agreed.

"No, it's fine. I am just slightly exhausted. I can teach just fine. Besides, Professor Flitwick won't be able to handle two years at once," Lily shook her head with a smile.

"I can cover for your shift."

Lily was about to refute Harry's statement when she realized Harry was not overestimating himself. Although they had spent most of their time snogging in the last month, they also talked about charms. Harry's insight on charms far surpassed the majority of wizards. He could teach something to the students.

"I guess you can," Lily acquiesced.

"Okay, let's go back to your quarter, then," Harry nodded before picking her up, eliciting a yelp from Lily.

After returning Lily to her quarter, Harry moved to the joint class Flitwick was handling. Lily had informed the professor via Patronus charm, so he was expecting Harry. When Harry entered the class, all eyes went to him. While the males were disappointed that Harry was not the redhead bombshell, the females were whispering in excitement among them.

"Ah, you are here, Harry. Come, come! I am just about to begin the lecture," Flitwick greeted Harry as Harry walked to his side. The professor cleared his throat and excitedly introduced Harry, "Everyone, this is Harry Potter. He would be replacing Charms Master Lily for today."

"Hello, everyone," Harry greeted the class silkily, earning coos and giggles from the girls.

As Flitwick told him what he should teach, Harry found out the room was filled with the Fourth and Fifth Years. Each year contained students from Slytherin and Ravenclaw. He could see Daphne among the fourth-years and Cho among the fifth-years. He already decided whom to bother.

Harry walked to the frontmost table of the Fifth Year, eliciting a hushed squeal from the girls sitting at the table. He held out his hand and his wand fell into his palm.

"May I borrow your book, Miss…"

"Wheatmaker," the girl supplied shyly.

"Thank you, Miss Wheatmaker," Harry smiled before tapping his wand on the book. The book immediately disappeared, eliciting an interested gasp from the students. "What you are going to learn today is Disillusionment Charm. It conceals the target of the spell by making it blend with the surroundings. It makes the object imitate the colour and texture of its environment."

Harry picked up the invisible book and cancelled the charm. "However, as you can see, it doesn't make the object shapeless. With keen eyes, you can still spot the concealed object." Harry put down the book and then twirled his wand around him. "Not so awesome at its basic form but a fearsome one when mastered."

Before everyone's eyes, Harry disappeared. The whole class gasped. Even Flitwick almost dropped his wand in shock. He had only seen Dumbledore who was skilled enough to do that. Enough to say, he was most impressed.

"With bad intentions, it can easily ruin someone's life." Harry reappeared behind Cho, startling her as he put a hand on her shoulder. The class laughed and Harry smiled a little. "Are you interested in learning the spell, class?"

Most Slytherins and a few Ravenclaws were sporting a mischievous grin on their faces. The rest was simply interested in learning. Flitwick smiled at Harry's teaching style. It greatly resembled Lily's. Lily never teased her students, though. Nevertheless, it was an amazing lecture. Too bad his fourth-year students were too interested in Harry's lecture to pay attention to him.

At the end of the class, Harry was swarmed by the female students. He entertained them at first as they were asking him about the charm he had taught but immediately excused himself when they started asking personal questions.

"A Ravenclaw just touched my junk!" Harry grumbled. "I thought those bookworms were not interested in sex. Wait, how could I be that stupid?"

As Harry shook his head in disappointment, someone pulled him into an empty classroom. Before he could say anything, the culprit mashed her lips against him. He was a do-first-questions-later man, so he responded accordingly. A few seconds later, the witch moaned in his mouth as his arse-fondling was too much.


"Hello, Fleur."

Harry smirked as he looked at Fleur's intoxicated look. She was the Veela, but here she was bewitched by his allure.

"Where were you last night? I couldn't find you."

"My mother wanted to spend a Christmas night together."

"No wonder I couldn't find you."

Harry had technically spent Christmas night with his mother; it was just not in a mother-and-son way. However, Fleur didn't have to know that.

"You left me pent-up after that kiss we shared. You have to take responsibility."

"Yes, Madame."

Harry smirked as he snogged Fleur. His hands kneaded her arse, occasionally brushing against her damp lower lips. Fleur moaned into Harry's mouth and wrapped her legs around his torso. She ground her hips against his, brushing her covered wet folds against his bulge. A moment later, her body tensed and he found his pants wet.

"Heavenly. Heavenly, it was."

"Glad that my little French witch liked it."

Fleur looked at Harry in embarrassment as she could still feel his bulge. Harry put her down and just waved his hand dismissively.

"Why did you pull me aside?" Harry asked.

"Oh, that. My parents are coming with my sister," Fleur revealed. "The Second and Third Task can be watched by the public. Their arrival should have been tomorrow, along with the duelling tournament participants, but my parents can't wait to meet you. Tonight, we shall have dinner with my parents."

"You are not telling me to marry you because I have snogged you, are you?" Harry asked humorously.

"What if I am?" Fleur asked defiantly.

"Well, you snogged with Davis, so you might also want to marry him," Harry pointed out.

"I didn't!" Fleur hissed. "That putain is spinning yarns about me. I have only snogged with you all my life."

Harry looked at Fleur in amusement, causing her to go red from the neck above. He chuckled when she weakly pounded his chest. Later, Harry affirmed his attendance at the dinner. Fleur told him about their meeting time and place before leaving him with a hickey. Harry smiled wryly as he wondered why the women in his life liked marking him.

Gabrielle Delacour had a massive crush on her saviour. Even though what she had said at the Quidditch World Cup at that time was quite traumatizing, her saviour's timely interference was forever etched in her mind. So bravely he had taken the Death Eaters threatening her life and her sister's. It was bloody, but her saviour was shining at that time.

And so, standing in front of Hogwarts, Gabrielle couldn't help her giddiness. Even her excitement to meet her sister was temporarily forgotten in favour of her saviour. Monsieur Delacour chuckled at his daughter's behaviour. Having Fleur as her role model, Gabrielle rarely showed her excitement. What a young man Harry Potter was to make her this excited.

"Mama, Papa!"


When Fleur met her family at the gate, they exchanged a pleasant greeting. Gabrielle hardly paid any attention to her sister, too focused on the handsome young man standing beside her sister.

"Monsieur Delacour. Harry Potter. Nice to meet you."

"Most pleasant to meet you, Monsieur Potter. I have a lot to thank you for."

"Call me Harry, please. And let's talk about it later."

Fleur looked at her silent sister and chuckled slightly. While Harry was talking to her parents, Gabrielle was looking up at him with wide eyes filled with adoration. It was endearing, but the hint of lust in Gabrielle's eyes worried Fleur slightly. She didn't know an eight-year-old could sport that look. Her Veela blood must have done that.

"H- Harry Potter. Gabrielle Delacour."

Gabrielle shyly extended her hand once she got out of her stupor and introduced herself. Harry looked at the flushed girl, took her hand and kissed her knuckle.

"Harry Potter at your service, Mademoiselle."

Harry and Monsieur Delacour chuckled at Gabrielle's reaction. The lass looked like a boiled crab with how red she had gotten. Monsieur Delacour saved his daughter from fainting by telling everyone they were to leave for Hogsmeade. As he took out his wand in preparation for the Apparition, Fleur and Gabrielle wrapped their arm around Harry's. He and the young man chuckled before they Apparated to Hogsmeade.

Once in Hogsmeade, they looked for a family restaurant. It was not as fancy as the one in France, but the family didn't mind. The atmosphere was homey and the service was excellent. They talked over their food. Gabrielle listened to Harry's story raptly. Monsieur and Madame Delacour found themselves amazed by the young man's feats and his nonchalance regarding them. A good man he was for their daughter.

Oh, our petite Gabrielle…

They were hoping their youngest daughter would get over her crush one day. Their eldest didn't seem eager to share if the way she possessively held the young man was any indication.

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