

Whoosh!. Wally burst into his workshop with a focused gaze, every action purposeful. He stayed in super speed, frantically piecing together ways to reach the location of the Dominators' mothership.

His hands scribbled in his journal, outlining his first plan based on the concept he had pieced together about time travel. When traveling through time, one also travels through space.

He managed to piece this together due to the events during the first defeat of the Reverse-Flash, when they had opened a wormhole into time. However, due to instability, it created a singularity, which later resulted in breaches—basically holes between two spaces.

This plan of his could be feasible, but it was currently a hypothesis that hadn't been tested. Moreover, he wasn't willing to involve himself in such experiments, especially without help.

Reaching this conclusion, the pen in his hand fell to the ground in frustration. Glancing at the roof, his thoughts shifted slightly; he seemed to have to resort to the other idea he had, though it was the riskiest one.

But now that he had no other choice, he could only resort to it. After all, he couldn't allow Barry to be taken, no matter what it cost. Even though he might not have much emotional attachment to Barry, it was still there, particularly as an otherworlder who previously adored the Flash, in addition to the original Wally, who was starting to view Barry as a mentor, a brother, and a soon-to-be brother-in-law.

Shrugging off his thoughts, he phased into the Time Vault. His movement was hesitant, but since he had no choice, he walked closer.

In the Cortex, Barry stayed frozen in place, his thoughts racing through possible alternatives to avoid abandoning his teammates. The ultimatum of the Dominators played in his mind. He wanted to be angry; however, he recognized it was the result of his mistake.

Team Flash, ignoring Wally, who had sped out of the Cortex, pressed onward to Barry, with Caitlin being the first to speak. "Barry, you're not really going to give yourself up, right?" Caitlin questioned, looking at the downcast gazes of the team. "There has to be something else we can do," she said.

Even Cisco, who still seemed mad at Barry, wouldn't willingly allow Barry to be taken. However, his current loss made this choice waver. "I'll contact the Legends to see whether there's something we can do," Cisco said before heading to his workshop.

Joe and Iris finally moved in to console Barry, but they did little to convince him it wasn't his fault. At this moment, it felt like this was the only way to pay for his mistake. However, Joe quickly stepped in. "Even if you think this is your fault, are you really planning to leave Central City? Your family? Barry, there are many ways to atone for mistakes, but giving in to the enemy isn't one of them. There's always another way."

Wally, watching this interaction in the Time Vault, couldn't help but sigh. It seemed he finally had good people to call family.

He could clearly deduce everyone's worry for Barry, especially Caitlin, who showed the most emotion.

He could clearly feel a little more than just companionship in her voice, but at this time it was too late for Barry; he had already fumbled the bag.

As Wally stood in the Time Vault, his voice hesitant but firm, he asked, "Gideon, I need to modify the time sphere to be capable of spatial travel."

Gideon's calm, artificial voice immediately replied, "Modifications to the time sphere for spatial travel will require reconfiguring its temporal displacement circuitry to also manipulate spatial coordinates."

She projected a hologram of the time sphere's internal schematics. "To begin, the quantum stabilizers must be enhanced to prevent distortion when shifting between dimensional planes. Current stabilizers are tuned for temporal shifts but lack the precision for interstellar positioning."

"Don't worry about interstellar positioning. All I need is for it to withstand the vacuum of space," Wally replied, cutting Gideon off mid-explanation.

Gideon paused for a moment, recalibrating her analysis. "Understood. To make the sphere capable of surviving in a vacuum, we will need to modify the external shielding. It must withstand extreme temperature fluctuations and the lack of atmospheric pressure."

Wally nodded, pacing as he listened. "And the power source?"

Gideon paused, her usual smooth response delayed. "Power sources capable of powering the recalibrated time sphere are currently unavailable."

Wally's brow furrowed, his mind racing. "What about the one used by the Reverse-Flash?"

"It seems this is why Cisco was never able to find the power source," Gideon didn't answer. Thawne probably rewrote some of its commands and priorities. However, it wasn't completely thorough since it never managed to change its absolute obedience to Barry.

Since the AI wasn't willing to speak, Wally relied on his future knowledge, specifically when Abra Kadabra stole the power source from this very Time Vault.

Moving at superspeed, it didn't take long to locate it. After finding it, he phased his hand into the secret section and took out the spherical object—the power source of the time sphere.

Gideon, seeing this, was taken aback. It made her wary about his possession of the knowledge and location of the power source, but without built-in emotion, she quickly ignored this and proceeded.

"Will this do?" Wally asked, presenting the power source.


Offshore at Coast City, the part of the time sphere could be seen. Inwardly thanking Cisco for repairing the machine despite the danger it posed, Wally couldn't help but be appreciative.

Getting into action, visible sparks of blue lightning generated from his body, prompting the creation of five speed clones. However, afterwards, he nearly collapsed on the floor due to exhaustion.

He breathed heavily, disliking the discomfort that washed over him. *I am never trying that again,* he thought, glancing at the five clones he had made to last for at least an hour. Additionally, he had made one that was stationed in the Time Vault to collect accurate information and direction on how to recalibrate the time sphere.

The reason he was in Coast City was due to the Star Labs satellite that would immediately pick up the spacial breach he was about to open. Thus, it would immediately issue an alert to everyone at Star Labs.

The clones got to work while he stood there, glancing at the coordinates Cisco had sent to the Legends with a smirk.

As the clones pressed on, Wally couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for not possessing enough knowledge and experience to modify the time sphere without the AI's assistance. He was even risking Barry finding out in the future.

"How would Barry and the others react if they found out about this?" he thought worriedly, but quickly shrugged it off. "I'll deal with it when the time comes. I just have to stay away from Cisco. I definitely don't want to be vibed."

Moving forward, he glanced at the four clones working diligently on the machine, which was already 80% complete. Just then, the fifth clone arrived with a cubic tech piece—Mercury Labs' first working prototype. This device harnessed tachyon particles to open spatial wormholes for shortened distance in space travel. With expertise in the study of Tachyons Dr Christina McGee was a great help to his cause.

To save the world and its metahumans, Wally had no choice but to steal it. Metahumans were destined to exist regardless of whether the particle accelerator exploded.

The explosion merely acted as an early catalyst, forcefully awakening dormant meta genes. Caitlin is a prime example—though she initially blamed Barry for her transformation into Killer Frost, she later learned it was her father who activated her meta gene.

Additional since Gideon knew about this tech, it meant that it held some sort of importance in the future.

"Without further ado, let's begin."

With his consciousness connected to the clone in the Time Vault, Wally swiftly began disassembling the tachyon prism with Cisco's tools, before rebuilding it. This time, however, he added a slot for the tachyon power source he had taken from the Time Vault.

Inserting the tachyon power source into the prism, the device slowly came to life, a soft and ascending hum echoing through the grassy plains of Coast City's wildlife. A bluish glow followed, and the space around the cube began to warp.

Sighting this phenomenon, Wally didn't hesitate. He sped to insert the prism into the now-modified sphere, capable of both spatial and time travel. After completing the sphere, he planned to return and remove the power source before anyone could notice.

Now seated inside the sphere, Wally entered the coordinates he had easily obtained from Cisco's computer, as it hadn't been encrypted.

Once the coordinates were set, the sphere hummed to life. It began to levitate into the air before a beam of light shot from it, creating a gateway into the vacuum of space.

(A/N: Any ideas...)

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