
Pda? From yours truly? Absolutely.

A knock sounded on the door, and Mrs. Beckett went to answer it. It was one of the staff members, and they spoke quietly enough to each other that no one else could hear what was being said. When she closed the door after speaking with them, she had a slight smile on her face. 

"The photographers are just arriving, and the other people we've hired have also begun to trickle in. Everything is beginning. Amir, are you ready to go get your first set of photos done?" Mrs. Beckett asked, and Andrew watched as Amir laughed nervously. 

"O-Oh. Am I going alone?" He asked, and she chuckled. 

"Well, I didn't think you wanted any of us older folks with you. Why don't you take Max? He'll probably be able to give you some pointers." Andrew had no idea what they meant, but heard both Ben and Will laugh and watched as Maxwell's ears turned pink. 

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