
Its just you who isn't lady like

"Who the heck is he", thought Chloe visibly annoyed, "Umm could you like excuse me, you're blocking the sunlight", said Chloe rather nicely (Well it sounded nice in her head), the guy just ignored her request,"Please move from the bench", said the guy, the audacity of this human, Chloe's eye twitched trying to remain calm, "But i came first, go find another one", "But the park is full", said the guy matter-of-factly "Huh??", Chloe scanned the area and it was true, the park was full; tired parents sitting on benches made for three people but they squeezed themselves in to make it five, children who, compared to their parents,were having the time of their lives, some crying due to reasons that Chloe didn't care about and at that point she realized she was the only one taking a whole three-people bench to herself, but that didn't mean she was willing to share,"Oh yeah..", slurred Chloe, "So could you-", "Shh I'm thinking", said Chloe cutting the guy off, her face making a thinking expression, her hand opening a can of soda and the guy visibly annoyed by her actions. Chloe's face suddenly lit up, "I know what to do now, you could just sit on the floor", she said like she made the biggest discovery ever, the guy's face turned from that of annoyance to surprise to confusion and then back to annoyance, "I can't do that it's unethical" "Unethical you say, you know the grass is nature and if you sit on it, it makes you closer to nature" "It doesn't, plus the grass is wet it'll stain my clothes", Chloe eyed the guy up and down now remembering he was wearing a suit, "Oh i get it now, you can't sit on the grass 'cause you've got this fancy suit on" she said but she was pretty sure he wouldn't sit on the grass even if he was wearing rags,"Yeah, you finally get it" "Welp, sorry but you ain't sitting in this bench, I'll have you know that these sweatpants cost millions of dollars", the guy eyed her up and down "Yeah they do, so please Miss millon dollar sweatpants could you sit like a normal human being and move your... stuff away so i can sit down", the guy said eyeing the different layers of snack wrappers and soda cans Chloe kept on the bench at the side where her body wasn't reaching" "Hmm let me think about it, no" "What you didn't even think about anything", he said starting to get more annoyed than he already was, "Look if you wanted a place to relax, you could've just gone to one of your fancy uhh..... spas or something, plus you look kinda odd in this suit, c'mon who wears a suit to a park" "Yeah, yeah i know but i don't like it at home,its kinda, umm hard" "I don't wanna hear about your personal life" "Wow, way to be supportive" "What, it ain't my fault you life's hard, I've got my own problems don't add yours" "Wait, that's not the point just move your stuff so i can sit down", Chloe stayed silenf for a second or two, sighed heavily and sat upright, "Yeah you can sit" "Thank you" he said with huff, Chloe continued eating eating her junks and stared at her phone which was brought ouf no to long ago, the guy was still standing there, "What is it, aren't you gonna sit down?", said Chloe with a perplexed look on her face, "Umm, you haven't really moved your uh stuff yet" :Huh?, why can't you do that" "Cause they're yours and I can't be touching those", Chloe sighed heavily, "Why do you like making life hard for yourself" "I don't, it's just you who isn't lady like".

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Yarriancreators' thoughts