
Chapter 80- Hidden Chest

With that, the group spent the rest of the night idling around. It was very quiet and peaceful so the atmosphere was perfect to simply have a moment of self-refleciton. They could've logged out, but since it was also night outside, there wasn't a huge difference.

In fact, they felt like this campfire was a far more pleasant place to spend time. It gave them a moment of needed peace before the true storm. Each one sat there, either talking to one another about random things, or simply resting.

Eventually, the night passed and the lightless world started receiving some sun rays. That was when the group finally started gathering their stuff and preparing to leave. In a matter of minutes, the camp was emptied and the flame was extinguished.

"Are the horses ready?" Isla asked as she looked around her. It was still not morning yet and the light penetrating through the trees was minimal so the vision wasn't perfect yet.

"Yes, they're ready."


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