
Chapter 43- An Island In The Ocean (Part 8)

When the monster's head fell off to the ground, all crushed like a lump of meat, its body also fell to the ground while Arthur watched the nightmarish scene with a horrified look on his face. No words could truly describe how he felt at that moment.

He didn't even know that he could reach this level of disgust and fear at the same time. Yet, here he was staring, at a creature that just crushed its own head to pieces and died. Or so was the logical result of such an action, and yet, the notification he received said otherwise.

'Phase 2?! What phase 2?! Why did it crush its own head?! Oh no, I don't feel good about this!' He thought to himself as he gripped his sword. Even though the headless creature was motionless, Arthur knew that this battle was far from over.


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