
To Dragonstone

Daeranyx POV

After hearing my question, Daemon looked at me with a smile. I must admit, I had not expected such a reaction from him to the question I had posed. "What? Do you expect me to be sad or angry at the birth of my nephew, as all the people of the Red Keep expect? Then I would have to disappoint you, Lord Drakonar. I am not angry at the birth of my nephew," Daemon said, his smile paired with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I might have thought he was lying to me, or concealing his true feelings on the matter, but Daemon is not one to hide his true expressions with such proficiency that even I would fail to perceive them.

"Disappointment may be the wrong word you used there, Prince Daemon. I'm actually quite pleased that you haven't done anything to divide your house, as I sense changes are coming soon, and they may not be for the better. In such times, I would expect a united and strong House Targaryen by my side, not one that is divided and weak," I responded to Daemon. My words wiped the smile from Daemon's face, replacing it with a grim expression. He nodded in my direction, and we proceeded with our journey to the Red Keep.

Upon reaching the keep's courtyard, I dismounted my horse and began walking towards the Red Keep, expecting Daemon to part ways. "Lord Drakonar, I trust you recall my brother telling you that you may visit Dragonstone after the Queen has given birth. I am departing for Dragonstone with Rhaenys tomorrow, as Caraxes and I are eager to embark on the hunt we planned two moons ago. If you wish to join us, I shall personally give you a tour of Dragonstone," Daemon called out, not far behind me. I pondered his offer, questioning why he would go to such lengths for me. After a few moments, the answer dawned on me, and I couldn't help but smile at Daemon's naivety.

"I would have liked that, but Princess Rhaenys has already informed me that she will be accompanying me and giving the tour of Dragonstone herself," I replied to Daemon with a neutral expression. However, a slight twitch of my lips was enough for Daemon to understand that I was aware of his intentions in offering me a tour of Dragonstone. It wasn't a complex thing to decipher; Daemon's eagerness to guide me was because he wanted to be the first to lay hands on anything I might uncover during my exploration of the last stronghold of Old Valyria. But he is a fool to think a Valyrian sorcerer would leave anything of importance on an island so far from their homeland. My only desire to visit the island was due to its volcanic nature and to see the current state of the volcano on Dragonstone.

"That's unfortunate. However, I'm confident that Rhaenys and I could give you a tour together. Given your station, that would be most appropriate," As Daemon said that his expression was one of pride, as if he had thought of something clever. I had to stifle my laughter at his expression; the fool was merely wasting his time and would realize that soon enough.

"I entrusted that decision to you and Princess Rhaenys." With that, I bid him farewell and proceeded to my chambers to freshen up before supper, as hunger was setting in. Moreover, I must prepare myself for the inevitable flattery from the Targaryen's and others that will ensue after recent display of Anarion's size. I am also curious about the reaction of the Volantene Dragon lords might show upon seeing Anarion's increased size in such short amount of time. Unfortunately, that is not possible as I have my own tasks to attend to here.


I emerged from my chambers and began my journey toward the Dragon pit, as Daemon, Rhaenys, and I were departing for Dragonstone. Last night, I dined with the Targaryens, and as expected, the other house members were as shocked as Daemon. However, unlike Daemon, they attempted to subtly inquire whether they could obtain the ritual Anarion underwent, of course, for a price. My only response was to laugh uproariously at their proposal, which they did not appreciate. But their opinions mattered little to me, especially now when they need my alliance more than ever. Following that, we all dined in silence, and I informed Viserys of my impending visit to Dragonstone with Daemon and Rhaenys. He nodded in acknowledgment, and I left the dining hall. Shortly after, I sent word to Rhaenys, instructing her to manage Daemon and ensure he would not interrupt us during my brief stay on Dragonstone.

Upon my arrival at the Dragonpit, I noticed that Meleys and Caraxes were both saddled, glaring at each other with bared teeth, as if a fight could break out at any moment. My attention then shifted to the riders of both dragons, who were present and deeply engrossed in a heated debate, explaining the dragons' behavior. After handing my horse over to the handler, I approached the two dragon riders, disregarding the dragons and their keepers who were diligently working to prevent a fight. Daemon and Rhaenys, however, were so immersed in their conversation that they didn't notice me until that moment.

"....do not question my allegiance to House Targaryen, Daemon. If it were as tenuous as you believe, your brother's rise would not have been as peaceful. We both know who prevented Corlys from starting a war he was prepared for." As Daemon was about to retort, his face contorted with rage, they both became aware of my presence. Daemon clamped his mouth shut, casting a final glare at Rhaenys that screamed 'this is not over.' After greeting me and hastily excusing himself to attend to Caraxes before the dragon could harm the keepers, I turned to Rhaenys. She was taking deep breaths to quell her fury. Meleys, sensing her rider's anger had subsided, shifted her gaze from the Blood Wyrm to Rhaenys, checking on her well-being.

"I presume the quarrel between you two is because you're preventing him from joining us on our expedition?" I inquired of Rhaenys, who was now serene, gently stroking Meleys' scales with care and delight. She glanced at me, sighed, and after a moment, nodded, continuing to caress the Red Queen. I, too, released a sigh, knowing Daemon was simply being himself—Daemon—fuming over trivial matters. After all, I wouldn't find any treasure trove of knowledge on Dragonstone, and even if I did, it would be meaningless to me. I would gladly relinquish it to his house, as I am not at all miserly.

"Daemon is stubborn, that with his rebellious nature makes it difficult for anyone to sway him once he's made up his mind. However, he has always shown me the respect due to a fellow Dragon-rider whom riding skill as good as his, so he will not be disturbing or joining our tour on Dragonstone. Now, if you're ready, let's not delay any further and depart for Dragonstone," said Rhaenys. After receiving a nod from me, she began to ascend the saddle on Meleys. Daemon, observing Rhaenys mount Meleys, followed suit and climbed atop his own dragon. The guttural roar of Anarion resonated above, prompting them to soar into the sky, clearing the way for Anarion to descend and for me to mount my dragon and join them.

Once I mounted the saddle on Anarion, we soared into the sky. It took only a few minutes for Anarion to catch up with the other two dragons. Together, the three dragons roared in unison over Blackwater Bay as we made our way towards Dragonstone.

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