
Inner World Awakening!

On the way to Great Sun Highschool Zane pondered over the similarities of this world to the earth he was originally from. The exact same nations just that the various continents made one giant country in response to the abyss realm invasion 30 years ago.

Zane was fairly confident on him awakening a inner world alongside Qi. I mean he even got transmigrated to a cultivation world! Also can't forget the Dao System.

"System." He murmured walking on the sidewalk.

[Dao System]


Name: Yang Zane

Age: 18

Stage: Dormant

Gift: ....


Checking the basic overview Zane was not too excited however the next holographic tab revealed something else.

[Heaven & Earth]

Goal: Construct the Heaven and Earth. When Heaven initiates the earth nurtures and life is born. Yin and Yang is the universe, Yin and Yang is the truth.


Heaven: Initiate Stage Lower

Max Stage: Qi Condensation 5th Stage (200 entities)

State: Dormant Stage

(Requires time and Qi to recover faster)

Description: Originator of Qi


Earth: Initiate Stage Middle

Max Diameter: 140 km

State: Dormant Stage

(Awakens upon heavens recovery)

Description: Heavens helper in a dormant stage recovering. Capable of nourishing the earth giving birth to life and humans.


"Everything makes sense now.." Yang Zane thought to himself reading the status of heaven and earth.

"So my inner world should be 140km in diameter... isn't that too big.." Zane thought in worry of being even more recognized.

But it wasn't confirmed yet so he remained calm. The world state record for the biggest planet diameter wise is around 127km...

Continuing the walk he finally checked the last tab lurking in the holographic light blue system.


Health: 300/300

Strength: 18 ( 180 KG punch force)

Endurance: 14 (Strengthened bones, skin, muscle, blood and organs)

Agility: 19 ( Max speed -> 42 kmh)

Energy: None

Note: Average person has 7 stats in everything.


Zane was satisfied with his current stats and hoped he could awaken some new features when awakening. In the school rankings Zane was ranked top 5 out of the 700 other students.

Speeding up a bit he arrived at the private Great Sun Highschool, it looked like your average Japanese highschool to be honest with various different training facilities and large open school grounds.

Walking into the school he greeted the Hunter Staged security guard.

Another info dump.. mb yall....

Energy Realms:

Dormant Stage (Training the body)

Awakened Stage (able to utilize the energy however not the best)

Hunter Stage (greater proficiency in using energy unlocks other innate abilities)

Warrior Stage (unlocks the domain for inner world users capable of unleashing their inner world and even better proficiency in energies)

General Stage..

Lord Stage...

Master Stage...

Emperor Stage...


Finally on school grounds he inspected the sight, on his right there was a large track used for running spanning across the whole school. On the leftside of the school stood several enclosed facilities, composed of training rooms, swimming pools, locker rooms, combat training there is everything.

Zane was currently in his last term of highschool. After this spring it's college exams and after that, well he hasn't gone that far yet.

Continuing his morning stroll Zane entered the main building with classrooms. Greeting teachers and some students on the way he eventually stopped at class 4-C. Opening the door he entered and according to his memories everyone was already here.

Zane walked to his seat on the left row nodding to the teacher in understanding.

The teacher nodded back before starting the day.

"Goodmorning." The teacher sounded.

"Goodmorning!" All the students responded in a good but overly excited manner.

"Alright so everyone knows what will happen today. Even if you don't awaken something decent do not simply give up. Even our forefront Army General rised to fame with Aura!" The teacher gave a short speech encouraging them.

The excited students nodded and waited. Eventually the teacher motioned for them to follow him.

"Tsk tsk, so many dreams broken on this day." The teacher said to himself in a sigh walking to the awakening facility.

Zane standing up to follow greeted his two friends. Lu Long a fellow Chinese and a girl named Veronica. In Zanes memories Lu Long and him had been friends for years now however only recently did Veronica join them, she's usually a cold aloof girl not willing to talk to others. Also she's ranked 7th in the school, pretty impressive unlike the pudgy Lu Long.

"Let's go guys!" I greet them enthusiastically.

"Always happy aren't you Zane." Lu Long responded, he was very nervous.

Veronica nodded coldly before walking with them.

The teacher walked all the way down to the basement the class in pursuit.

Eventually reaching the metal chilly doors he knocked on them.

"Enter." A voice heard by everyone echoed through the basement.

The teacher nodded stepping into the room. In the middle stood the Principal alongside Vice-Principal assumingly ready to recruit any genius.

"Welcome students to your awakening, this is an important day for us humans as the war against the Abyss realm is ongoing. I wish you all luck. Whether you are revealed to be a failure or a genius it is all up to fate." The old principal sounded like a scholar giving the speech.

"Every student shall receive this awakening device and a private room to awaken in. Vice-Principal if you may." The principal continued before giving the vice principal an order.

The middle aged man nodded before handing out the devices using his energy.

"Goodluck." The man said looking at the students holding the devices.

"In these devices it will only record the energy awakened alongside your inner world stats." The principal said aware of the privacy and secrecy of gifts.

Eventually each student was split up into different rooms. Zane ended up in the 8th awakening room.

Opening the automatic door he entered checking the surroundings. A simple mat stood in the middle alongside a mirror in front and some cameras to overwatch the process.

Zane sat down in a common lotus position seen when meditating and took a deep breath.

Pressing the device some otherworldly process happend. In his sea of consciousness he felt a surge of energy awakening most likely being his inner world.

The world continued sucking the energy rapidly building a world. 12 Km...30....43....60....98.....100...

As he awakend the various dozen teachers stood in the administrative room checking the awakening.

"S-Sir we have a genius! Student Yang Zane has awakend a inner world!" The teacher said in excitement looking at camera 8.

"Good, that is expected of him." The principal brushed it off already aware of Zane.

The other teachers nodded in agreement remembering the hardworking young man.

Checking the other students another one managed to awaken.

"Sir it seems Veronica Myers has also succeeded." The young teacher not so excited anymore said.

"Keep note of their final stats." The principal said gazing upon the 30 other students.

Time passed and Zanes awakening continued finally feeling the familiar Qi of his past life. He truly hated it for giving him the lowest grade spirit roots but it was still a blessing.

His inner world continued growing faster and faster very quick.

112..118...125...130....and finally 140km in diameter.

"Phew" Zane sounded satisfied not being in the dormant stage any longer. Standing up he checked the system and the newly unlocked inner world.

[Dao System]


Name: Yang Zane

Age: 18

Stage: Awakened!

Gift: Space Element

Description: Gain the ability of space able to open portals, control space time, teleport you name it.

Hidden: Heavens Gift.. (The heavens have acknowledged you!)

Heavens Gift:

+400% Qi gathering speed..

Heaven Blessed Meridians (three times the size of normal meridians)

2x Dantian size (twice the size of the average dantian)

Unmatched Qi Proficiency (Able to wield Qi much easier and gain insights or enlightenments in martial arts twice as fast!)


"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKK....!..!.!.!.!" Zanes jaw dropped so far and wide he even stumbled at the same time seeing the boosts.

"Thank you Heavens..finally I'm a son of heaven!!" Zane went down on his knees thanking the heavens gratefully.

"Hmph, you better help me even faster now." The heaven will said in response seeing Zanes actions.

Back in the administrative room.....

The principal was too in shock seeing Zanes inner world.. 140km...

The principal gasped in surprise and everyone watched camera 8..

"Unbelievable..."The headteacher of 4-C said in disbelief alongside the other teachers.

"A true genius!"

"Finally our Great Sun Highschool has a worldwide genius!" Another teacher said.

Eventually it got to the scene where Zane went down on his knees begging and they understood.

Who wouldn't be so happy awakening a inner world at 140km in diameter!

"Shhh, although the boy has broken the record his energy is Qi. However it's at peak density so it isn't all wasted but alas." The Principal said in disappointment seeing Zane awaken the Qi energy.

The other teachers calming down from their initial reactions suddenly switched behaviors.

"Truly a wasted seed." A teacher who stood still all this time said in frustration.

This continued in the administrative room feeling pity or dissatisfaction for Zane.

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