
Chapter 27 - Into the spiders den

The group is firing like crazy to nail their shots. But after seeing how Shiva had to shred the first spider mutant to pieces to make sure it was dead. So they weren't sure if it was a double head shot or a key point in their body to kill it.

Either way... it still wasn't fun to see spider creatures exploding from heavy gun fire cascading down the stairs in blood and viscera.

As they fired and reloaded a thought hit Garrett as he noticed an oddity.

They just seem to be rushing in! Spider type creatures are usually known to either rush to distract or set up ambushes... So either this is a distraction... or someone has caused a rush and we are heading into a boss monster lair.

He blasts another spider creature in half and looks behind them. He gasps as some larger vents for maintenance personnel to enter are opened up and out of the ceiling hatch comes 5 more spider creatures.

He dashes backwards and turns while drawing his sword and wielding his shotgun out towards the incoming spiders. He yells out, "Mboto! Fill my spot! I've got our 6!"

Mboto glances back and gulps with determination as he enters Garrett position in their defensive line and fires away while the Colonel covers their rears.

Garrett roars out a challenge and charges right in while unleashing a buckshot round into the lead Spider. The spiders left head explodes while the right head coughs up a net of bloody tendons and blood vessels. Garrett cuts right through it with enough speed that the tendons had no time to bend and conform to the blades edge. The blood does help it last a second longer, but Garrett had gotten used to the blade enough that it was a nonissue. He finishes closing the distance and wiht a quick pump using his forearm holding the sword he shoots the right head points blank with another buckshot round. The Spider is now headless and flailing around. Garrett ensures it won't get back up by bisecting it vertically then horizontally. It finally gurgles and fails to move further.

The remaining 4 spiders all launch their webbing from their torso maws though and manage to wrap Garrett up in the webbing. However he had dropped both his shotgun and a surprise for them as they shot their threads. A flare grenade explodes coating the spiders with fire and their webbing to burn and dry up. Allowing Garrett a chance to snap out of the bindings with a flex of his impressive strength stat. He then leaps right at a Spider with his sword out and his leg flexed like a Kamen Rider kick and smashes into the torso of the undead target. Snapping it in half and then cutting it into smaller pieces for good measure.

The three remaining slightly burnt enemies all gather together to fight back once again and spit out gastric juices that seemed to have multiplied in strength as it sizzles mid air. Garrett leaps to the side just getting out of range as the acid splats against and melts the recently chopped up ally of theirs. Melting it into a puddle of goo that even the bones are dissolving into.

Garrett gulps and looks towards the trio. He brings out his desert Eagle and levels it at each head. Exploding 6 heads in tandem to ensure they can no longer aim for him. They all gurgle from the torso maws and spray their remaining acid wildly all over.

Garrett leaps back as they spray each other turning themselves into digusting puddles of acid as he runs back to reinforce the front line. Reloading his pistol and picking up his shotgun, that was thankfully out of range of the acid, and flashing his sword through a spider that had gotten around their defenses.

He returns to his shotgun, putting away his sword and pistol in one smooth movement and reloading his shells and brings it to bear with slugs now as he has an idea where to hit these bastards.

He shoots a few and asks, "So! What did I miss?"

Shiva gives him a cheeky grin as she shreds another spider into pieces with her gun and goes, "Nothing much! Just a bunch of pest control calls! You should really open up your work email more often!"

Garrett smirks back as he helps finish off the last of the spiders that come crawling out of the woodwork from the next floor.

They all pause a minute while reloading to ensure they are not caught off guard again. Then looks around with their flashlights. No other movement is seen or heard as Betty checks her shield and lets out a small whimper/groan of annoyance. The spiders had launched some webs and acid at the group and they had used her siege shield for cover. However... in exchange for protecting them it was now splattered with ruined bloody tendons, half melted from enhanced stomach acid, and was still steaming from the warmth and heat of the acid trying to eat the shield.

Betty grabs a cleaning solution and pours it over he shields face only to find some spots of it have been ruined and will be needing repairs as some rust from the acid has settled on it. Betty whimpers again as this is her only shield in this world and we will need to upgrade the armory to ensure we can repair it.

Garrett files away that task for when they are back at base to ensure they can repair and restock the ammo and armor they might lose/use in future dungeon raids. They would do their best to avoid too much loss, but in survival nothing is for certain.

Garrett looks up to the next floor and begins to ascend it with Hicks using a scope to check around him. Making it to the next floor he sees it is mostly clear, what looks to be a large event room reserved for large parties or even corporate events between companies. He checks around and aside from the tendon webs that now lie abandoned with their owners now deceased down stairs, nothing else stands out. Garrett says back, "Next floor is clear, looks like the defenders of this floor came down to meet us. Which means... the next floor only has the boss and any mobs he kept in reserve to fight us with. Make sure we are locked and loaded people!"

With that warning they check their own gear and each others gears using their time wisely and making sure they have others perspectives helping them spot things they themselves might have missed due to habit or just not thinking of that particular area needing much maintenance.

After a reload, a tension settling over the group as Garrett has to use up a few hundred points to replenish their ammo supplies as they used up three whole duffel bags they had carried with them for ammo refills to ensure their ammo was as full as possible.

They prepared themselves and locked in their most powerful weapons on the stairs leading up and they marched their way to the next floor.

On this floor they find the Manager suite, a CEO personal office with only 3 other offices for General Manager, Operations Manager, and IT Manager. With a focused stare they look at the three manager offices, finding them empty of any humanoids or new Mutants. They look towards the CEO office.

They check to see if it is locked and right as they turn the knob they hear a sickeningly sweet female voice call out, "Come on in~ My lovelies!~ I could use some company right now~ All my current guests are quite... Unresponsive~ But you all can enjoy the snacks I laid out~ I made sure they are very Freeeeesh~!"

With such a bone chilling voice calling out they slowly enter the room to see the desks are built up like some sort of sick barrier dividing the room from the main window on the back wall and the person that they can barely see on the other side who seems to be working on something as they hear wet squishy sounds emanating from back there.

They hear the voice again as they look at the one table by the door and gag and retch at its contents. They see freshly harvested human remains in glasses, on plates, in bowls, and even in a soup ladle. They look to the source of the sounds as they hear the voice again going, "Oh my~ Is that any way to greet my hard work?~ Naughty children should be appreciative of mommas cooking!~ Now just wait right there! Momma's making her master piece at the moment!~ And I don;t need any... Interruptions like your father tried just a few moments ago!~"

They all ready their weapons with Garrett cocking his and saying, 'You are sick lady! And we won't be eating this crap!"

The squishiing and squelching sounds stop as the person on the other side says, "I see~ More intruders then!~"

They all see her begin to walk past her wall of desks with a huge shadow rising up from the desk she was working by. Her fingers slowly creep around the wall of desks as a large axe knife is seen in her hand. She has bright blonde hair done back in a ponytail and her dress is an old 60s mother in the kitchen style dress that is dripping with blood off her flowery apron. She tilts her head slowly and creepily around the corner and a pair of bright red eyes and glowing red veins glare out at the group as she goes, "Then~ it's time for mother! To teach the naughty children!~ To Appreciate!~ HER! COOKING! EEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE~~~!"

With that final mad cackle the large shadow breaks down the wall of desks and roars out as they see a stitched together bulker that is now 13 feet tall and seems to have 4 arms and the bone plating of the bone zombies. It roars out as she screams, "Now dear! help me put them in their rooms! Forever!!!!"

The group split as the large zombie lumbers towards them.

Current stats of Garret Grimsborne (Super Human):

Str- 536 +25 (Shared Mutant points)

Agi- 523 +25 (Shared Mutant points)

Sta- 508 +25 (Shared Mutant points)

Int- 284 +25 (Shared Mutant points)

Sense- 286 +25 (Shared Mutant points)

Store points - 228,460 + 22,500 shared points = 250,960


Shiva Orc Captain

Betty Minotaur Sergeant

Upgrades to base:

Training room lvl 2: For every two hours spent training inside you gain +2 str and Sta to a maximum of 4 points in each stat daily. Maximum stat affected is up to 100. Once user has exceeded 100 then the stat will no longer grow in that room. For next Max stat please purchase to level 3. Cost for upgrade: 200k

Shooting range = Agility

Medical room = intelligence and Sense

(Please see authors note for voting details)

The Voting is still going and everyone is still able to vote. Now little update, Voting is only until chapter 30. as in the end of the first arc of the book. So if you have any characters you want to see. or have a chance to appear in this book.

Cast your votes now!

After chapter 30... it will be based on who I feel will help best and mesh with the cast best of the list is lacking a total of 6 females. We have 3 here. so 3 slots remain.

Cast your votes or it will be left up to chance.

Bulma - 23 Votes Cost: 2 million

Mei Overwatch - 18 votes Costs 7 million

Tracer Overwatch - 9 votes Cost: 20 million

Tsunade Senju - 12 votes Costs:80 million

These are the other harem members to possibly be summoned next! Cast your votes and let me know who you would like to be in the running! Once the next person breaks 8 votes they will be on the list to summon!

Tenten - 7 votes

Jill valentine - 6 votes

Claire Redfield - 4 Votes

Brigitte - 6 Votes

Pardofelis Honkai Impact - 3 votes

Akagi Azur Lane - 4 votes

OC female elf from modern day - 7 votes

OC Female Amazoness from fantasy - 6 Votes

OC Female Dragon Born from fantasy - 5 votes

OC Cat demi (Think half anthro) from Fantasy -6 votes

OC Lamia healer from Fantasy - 5 votes

Submit more votes of characters you would like to see him grab and add to his upcoming harem. I am taking requests or additional votes to his exist

Silverfangcreators' thoughts
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