
Chapter 3 - My squad?!

Garret managed to make good time and made it to down town Renton away from the town center. He managed to find and kill off 15 other straggler zombies. But his stamina from those quick fights was showing. He might be younger, and at his original peak fitness. But he was still human at the moment. He panted hard and drank from a water bottle he had from the general store as he waited inside a post office on the way to town hall. The gun fire had died down to a shot from a rifle every 2 minutes. Either there are less people left or they were handling the threat they were facing.

Garret hoped for the second one. If it was the first one, he was hoping to reach them before they all died.

He checked the shop with his 155 points and grabbed a stat gem. Buying a Stamina gem and applying it to himself.

Garret Grimsborne

Str- 25

Agi- 20

Sta- 25 +1 = 26

Int- 18

Sense- 20

Store points - 55

With his stamina boosted just a bit he was about to continue running when he noticed a new update from the shop.

He widened his eyes as he saw three new sections.

Game world Items

Anime World items

Movie world Items

He couldn't believe it and did a quick check, yep there were armors, weapons, potions, monster summoning, mech summoning, even character summoning options in each menu. The cheapest thing was a whooping 2000 points for a video game iron sword from Dragon Quest. But given how it was pretty much unbreakable, that made sense compared to the real world limitations for most gear he had.

He was so ready to check on more options but he had people to check on and save.

Shelving the need to browse the new shop options for later he rushed over to the place. And found a group of 4 soldiers with rifles, shot guns, and even pistols around the front of a shop that was a survival store. They all had the basic gear he started with, given how they had little to now armor except for their vests. But he was shocked to see he recognized all of them.

He couldn't let that slow him down as he noticed they were all reloading as a small horde of at least 60 zombies were coming down the street at them.

He couldn't let that fly so he ran toward them and yelled out, "Attention!"

All 4 troops snapped to the ready position with their weapons freshly loaded and ready for orders. He grinned at noticing it was his squad mates from before this all happened.

Corporal Hicks, an American born and raised soldier with brown hair, a can do attitude, and level head on his shoulders. He is a good marksman and is his squads sniper. A solid lean build with a good 6ft 1in for his height.

Sergeant Mboto, An African American who is a great melee fighter and a master of the pistol and shotgun. Always a friendly man who has your back. Well formed muscle shows his physique and his height helps as he is a solid 6ft 4 inches.

Private First Class Marina, An American female soldier who is stern but kind hearted, she will tell you her mind and how to improve your skills with a lecture. But will also show you that she hoenstly cares about you through her ability to watch over you and watch your back in times of crisis. Not the tallest marine but a solid trooper to have at 5 foot 7 inches. Especially when you consider her ability with an auto assault rifle.

Staff Sergeant Tomoe, A Japanese solider named by her family after the old female samurai of legend. She is stern, cold, but well meaning. If you are an outsider you must earn her trust, but she will be there for you in the toughest of times once you have her trust and friendship. It took Garret a solid two years for her to open up to him before. But now Garret can't imagine another person who he would prefer to be in his squad more. A master of knife, pistol, and bombs specialist, she is a good corner stone to the squad.

They all blink as they realize they just came to attention for a young man who is in a similar dress uniform to themselves, but blink once again as they read the name on his vest. Colonel Grimsborne.

They all look from the name to his face, back to the name, then back to the face. Hicks goes, "Ooooooh okay! I get it! You're the Colonels nephew and came to borrow your uncles uniform during an exercise right kid?"

Garret frowns at that as Hicks is a solid solider but also a big idiot when it comes to slow uptakes. But he can't fault the man here. After all last time he saw him Garret was over 35 years of age. Now he looks like he could be a college graduate. He sighs and decides to rip the bandage off quickly as he eyes the horde approaching, "Nice try Corporal Hicks, but next time you mistake me for my nephew you are cleaning both bathrooms with your own tooth brush while in your skin tight swim trunks to give the female officers a show just like last year when you ruined my favorite uniform with your special Starbucks order."

His squads eyes go wide at that. They know the kid shouldn't have known what , who, when, and how. They look to him as he gives them all his signature smile and goes, "I know lots of questions for everyone especially for myself. But we need to survive this first. Are you ready marines!?"

He hears a satisfying, "OORAH!" And the squad moves into position to prepare for the incoming threat. They were glad they had a solid leader again as they prepare for the oncoming horde that has grown from 60 to 80 in the time they had to prove who he was. Garret readies his pistol and knife as he shouts out orders.

"Hicks! Use that Rifle and take em out from the roof! Go!"

Hicks rushes inside the store and quickly makes it to the roof for a better vantage point.

Garret looks to his side and sees a truck, "Marina! Take that Auto assault rifle you are so proud of and use the truck for a vantage point! Go and take them down!"

He hears a quick, "Yes Colonel!" And she rushes off and readies her self into position using the heavy loading truck with a metal frame to be in a standing position with her assault rifle at the ready with its belt fed ammo of 200 rounds prepared.

He looks to Tomoe and Mboto and says, "You two on me! Pistols and knives! We are the final line if or when these freaks make it past the bullets from Hicks and Marina! Am I understood!"

Both soldiers yell back, "Understood sir!"

Readying themselves the three melee units rush forward a bit while Hicks begins to pick off the first few undead. Yelling up at Hicks as Garret notices the ones in front go down and the ones in back simply walk over them, "Hicks! They are of the mentality of acceptable losses! Aim for their rear guard! Take out the reinforcements! Marina! Pick off the front ones while he pincers the back units!"

A quick, "Aye aye sir!" and the bullets rain down on the zombies.

Many of them are shredded missing their heads. Other are suddenly missing legs, arms, and even entire chest areas. As Marina eats up her whole 200 rounds on the first 30 zombies, she reloads while Hicks picks off 15 from the back. Leaving them with 35 undead left.

Garret orders, "Tomoe! Mboto! Help me slow their advance while Marina and Hicks reload! Go!"

Garret rushes in and knife stabs the first through the head hard enough to make their face concave inward while he unleashes 8 shots into 4 more zombies as he orders, "Head shots and head stabs only! Fatal force!"

Both marines yell out confirmations and they get in there and kick, stab, and shoot as they make quick work of another 18 zombies. They fall back with them emptying out their clips as they take out 3 more total. Leaving 14 zombies left that are quickly shredded from a combination of sniper fire and heavy assault rifle rounds.

The squad pants slightly from the effort as they all cheer and gather up.

AS they gather up to take stock of their remaining ammo for their key weapons and reload using the survival stores gear. Garret gets a notification.

For Wiping out a small horde of zombies! You have been awarded +1 to every stat! And 100 extra shop points! Congratulations! Keep up the good work Shopper! 

Garret blinks as he brings up his stats while he absentmindedly reloads his glock.

Garret Grimsborne

Str- 25 +1 = 26

Agi- 20 +1 = 21

Sta- 26 +1 = 27

Int- 18 +1 = 19

Sense- 20 +1 = 21

Store points - 225

He shrugs at that in acceptance as he does feel a slight twinge to his muscles as he feels them grow as if he just endured a solid week of exercising. And his brain feels sharper as he suddenly remembers some fun facts and useful survival knowledge he did in boy scouts that he had forgotten about. It seems the stats do indeed help him in this reality. So he was going to do his damnedest to max them all out! And with the extra points he was on his way to a stat gem binge!

But he noticed after he checked all of this that his squad was around him with questioning eyes, at once they all ask, "Sir... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AROUND HERE?!"

Garret chuckles a bit as he realizes that he will need to do his best to explain it all and figure out how to break it down to his squad or else he will be seen as insane. But given where they are, what they fought, and how things are going... maybe they will collectively agree that they are all insane!


Current stats of Garret Grimsborne:

Str- 26

Agi- 21

Sta- 27

Int- 19

Sense- 21

Store points - 225

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