
Run Away

Sifeng isn't worried about what would happen to him, he knew the worst that would happen is for him to get killed which he thought Master Chef won't allow, no father in their right senses will leave their child to be killed, but he was more confused and angry about the whole thing.

Although, the current Sifeng didn't know much but he's sure that the past Sifeng has been a victim of bully for as long as he could talk and walk, the boy has been a victim of bully from the first day he arrived at this school, and the school directors did nothing about it, they did nothing to stop it or help him. He understand that they might not want to interfere because it involves two scions from different clans, he understand that a bit.

But what the fuck is that man saying that nobody in the school will testify if Sifeng claim to be a victim of bully and Yeong is the culprit, Sifeng only decided to fight back today which led Yeong in his current situation, why would nobody testify to that.

And more importantly, why is the school taking the matter so serious, it's not as if a fight doesn't break out between students and people surely get hurt, even if they're taking it serious because Yeong is a scion of the Xianxu clan, what of him, he himself is a scion of the Nara clan for fuck sake and he had even being hurt and got broken than what he did to them today, but still, his father didn't do anything, his father didn't come to school or do anything to Yeong but why is the school saying the Xianxu clan will come for Sifeng.

Or is it something related to the two clans position.

'Politicians children got hurt everyday in my school and I've even did a few things for some of them but I never got shot or got arrested because of that, so what's special here.'

What Sifeng didn't understand is that scion was not supposed to get hurt in the school, if a scion was mistakenly hurt, everyone involved will be punished by the clan leader with no restrictions from the school or any clan, not even from the sect. But in Sifeng's case, his father had decided not to interfere because he wants the boy to fight back himself, he wants him to fight for himself and stop being the useless kid everyone called him, that's why Master Chef didn't interfere but the same couldn't be said to other clans, they can't see their child get hurt everyday.

This is because all the schools that were being sponsored by the clans are only meant to produce normal town folks, they're to produce the people who runs the everyday life of the town, the likes of scholar, farmer, trader, merchant and so on. These are the set of people who runs the everyday life of the town, they're not meant to produce fighters or soldiers and that's why most of these people don't go past the Hunter rank.

There are other schools meant to produce soldiers and fighters for the town, these schools are organized and run by the sect, they're academy situated in some areas in the town but they're different from the Sect Academy.

Only those who wish to become warriors are sent to these schools and it's a must that the first son of a clan leader go to one of these schools, so they can have the chance of taking over their fathers position as they'll be well trained in these schools, some clan even sent all their children to these schools so there'll be a competition among them on who will take over the clan while some decides to send their first and second child and some even sent their first child only while others will be sent to normal school.

Sifeng's two brothers have graduated from one of these schools but haven't got to the rank to manage the clan's affair.

Kim and Sifeng have been sent to normal school so they will become normal citizen and not be in competition for the clan leader position.


Sifeng and his sister could be seen in his room with Kim weeping while Sifeng just stare at him in confusion as he don't know what to do, Kim has contacted their father when they both left school and it seems their father have already heard about it and the reply that came from his side was 'not to act rashly, the sect will come for Sifeng in a week.'

That's what she got from her father and Kim knew what that means straight away, she had collapse on the floor weeping woefully, Sifeng just stare at her as he don't know what to do, she haven't told him what she got from their father but he already knew it's something bad because of her reaction.

'For her to be crying like this, she must have gotten a terrible reply from her dad, did he said he can't save me? Did he said I can't escape punishment.'

'Why the hell is this bitch crying like a baby, will you just shut the fuck up and tell me what your father said for fuck sake.'

He wanted to shout at her but he knew he couldn't, she's just caring for him after all and for her to be crying must mean something bad is about to happen, which is frustrating Sifeng, the more he hear her weeping sound, the more he get frustrated that he didn't even know when he yelled at her.

"Hey, will just stop crying and tell me what you got from him."

'Damn, what have I done.'

But it worked, Kim stared at him for a moment, then wiped her tears and got up, sitting on the bed.

"Listen, you might not like this."

She said with a cracked voice, still wiping her tears with her clothe.

"I don't know how father got the information but somehow, he already knew about it before I called him and my guess is that the Xianxu clan have taken action, they've reported to the sect and the sect will be here for you at the end of this week, the Xianxu clan try to avoid an outbreak of war and go with the other option, that's why they reported to the sect.

But that's their own decision, they try to avoid war but we can very well make an outbreak of war so I want you to listen to me now. Pack all your belongings and let's leave this place now. The matter haven't spread and the townsfolk haven't heard about it so this is our chance to run away before the sect get here."

Kim explained in a hoarse tone as she look around the room, thinking of where to start from. Sifeng, not understanding everything just stare at her and asked.

"What will happen to me when the sect take me away and why do you said we can make an outbreak of war by running away, I don't just understand and what's the reason father cannot do anything about it."

Kim turned to him, then held his hand tightly.

"It seems you don't understand, let me explain well, if words haven't gotten to the sect, father can still do something by waging war against the Xianxu clan but it has already gotten to the sect which he can't dare to go against them. The only way out is for us to run away, far far away out of the Venom Sect and never return. If we run away and the sect can't find us, the Xianxu clan will be frustrated and wage war against our clan."

She explained.

"Okay I understand that he can't do anything because the sect is involved but what about all this time before it get to this stage, what of all those time when I was being bully by Yeong and everyone, why can't he do anything then."

Sifeng asked, a little annoyed.

"That, I don't understand too but that's all in the past, it can't do anything in this current situation so listen to me and let's get out of here now, we won't be stopped on the border as the matter hasn't spread, they'll just think we're traveling and I can protect you from any danger."

Sifeng released his from from her grip and held his head down with his arm resting on his lap, his fingers locked onto one another.

"How are you sure we can escape the sect and you still haven't told me what will happen if I was taken away by the sect, will they kill me?"

Decided to drop this as extra chapter, the pace is too slow but I'm working very hard so you should calm and enjoy

JWB_Kantecreators' thoughts
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