
Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Baliu Ocean, west coast, Pacific coastal mountain Region 7, Continent: Barat, the Year 2041, Planet: Grimoire

Fear and then adrenaline kicked in as Chester watched Clarence hurtle through the air without exposing an ounce of fear. On the other hand, Chester felt a mixture of emotions, not in the least was downright envy. He'd been shocked at the sight of Clarence's clothes vanishing the moment he dove into the air, hair swirling around his body. The horns extending along his arms and legs were part of his body. First, he'd seen the full frontal view and was beyond shocked. Minutes later, the back view was exposed. Then he became a wild red-streaked and patched black and white dragon. He almost made Chester think of a big cat. Indeed, he had whiskers and brows mottled black and white, just like his hair and body, now that Chester thought about it. Of course, that inconvenient attraction kicked in, and he was shaking like a leaf.

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