

For a moment, along with the sensation of my body floating, the surrounding scenery changed. We opened our mouths in amazement at the incredible sight.

Honey here too. Honey over there too. There is honey everywhere. There are several ponds, all glimmering with yellow honey. The surrounding trees drip honey from their flowers.


When I look up at the sky to the sound of birds chirping, I see birds flying around like cotton candy.

Lena muttered with a mesmerized look on her face.

"The land flowing with milk and honey really existed…"

"I know honey, but where is the milk?"

"Zion. The wet is just metaphorical. "I know that much."


I got scolded by Lena. I guess I'll have to act like an adult from now on.

Jazlyn shouted, waking us from our daze.

"Everyone, come to your senses! This is the territory of things you don't know whether they are enemies or allies. Now let's start exploring."

We immediately stood in exploration formation. Kasha and Siri in the front, Aris, me, Jazlyn, and Lena in the center. Jenny and Calele stand at the rear.


This is the king's room deep underground in the small world. There is a throne made of gold in the room. On the throne sits a pink pig spirit about 100 cm tall, who walks on two feet like a human, with his eyes closed. The pink pig spirit is wearing an orange T-shirt and shorts, and a 4 m long pink greatsword is placed next to the throne. He is Piglet, the last surviving member of the Winnie tribe.

Piglet was in a deep sleep, recalling his memories from thousands of years ago as a dream.

The Winnie tribe made Christopher Robin a warrior, and Robin united humans, elves, dwarves, and beastmen to defeat the evil spirit. Robin set the place where the Winni tribe lived as his capital and founded the Kingdom of Adrian, a human country. The bright Winnie tribe lived happily while helping humans. At least until the number of humans is small.

As the number of humans increased rapidly, all disasters began. Humans were greedy beyond the understanding of the Winnie tribe, so they destroyed nature, built roads and hard buildings on the land. They did not know how to yield to nature, and everything in nature became their food. The Winnie tribe began to push out, little by little, in search of brighter nature. Suddenly, a huge stone wall surrounded the area where the Winnie tribe originally lived. Only then was the Winnie tribe able to face humanity's dark greed and sin.

But it was too late for the Winnie tribe to turn everything back. First, the power of the Winnie tribe was weakened. The source of the Winnie tribe's strength is clean and lush nature, but nature has been so polluted by humans. As a result, all members of the Winnie tribe suffered from mysterious illnesses such as coughing, difficulty breathing, hives, and rapid fractures. In addition, in order for the Winni tribe to regain the stolen land, they had no choice but to slaughter humans, but the Winni tribe refused to become like humans.

The Winnie tribe set out on a long journey in search of unpolluted nature. Unfortunately, humans were everywhere, like cockroaches, and it was difficult to find clean land. During their journey, they sometimes encountered monsters, and at other times, chronic diseases worsened, and members of the Winnie tribe began to die one by one. Kinga, Roo, Owl, Rabbit, and Eeyore all died. Piglet, who was already alone, traveled with her tired body and was drawn by her honey scent to the Honey Milk Forest, which was still a lush nature at that time.

'Pooh liked honey…'

'Fu, the Blocker', a great warrior who sacrificed himself in the battle against the Great Evil to protect humans. Piglet always remembered her best friend Pooh in her heart.

In the Honey Milk Forest, there was a truly magical area where honey bubbled up, and there lived the Piggy tribe, small, cute pink pigs that walked on two legs, although they were much weaker than Piglets. The Piggy tribe felt Piglet's overwhelming energy and accepted him as their king. Afterward, Piglet sacrificed his soul to make this area his own world and cut himself off from the outside world. As a result, Piglet became unable to leave this unique world. Piglet knew that the cause of the honey rising was caused by a specific object deep underground, so he used Piggy's family to dig a complex burrow like an ant tunnel and turned the place where the object was located into the king's room. Piglet got better and became stronger by being around that object.

Piglet was keenly aware that a certain amount of force and violence was necessary to protect what was his. Afterward, Piglet taught martial arts and strategies to the Piggy tribe, and periodically sent the Piggy warriors out of the native world to hunt adventurers who entered deep into the Honey Milk Forest. Naturally, the hunt took place only in the dark, quietly, without survivors and without a trace. Additionally, Piglet supported and raised the Killer Bee faction, which was an indigenous population, to manage and protect the Honey Milk Forest. This was the reason why the Honey Milk Forest still remained unexplored by humans.

Piglet felt a familiar energy and opened his eyes.

"Uh? What kind of energy is this? This is very nostalgic and familiar…"

Piglet recalled the face of a close friend who was faintly sleeping in his memories.

"Pooh! What do we do? Uh, uh, what should I do? Pooh died? Ugh…"

While Piglet was struggling, pink pigs dressed like Greeks came rushing into the king's room, jumping on their feet. These are Piggy executives appointed by Piglet.

"Great King Piglet! An outsider has come in!"

"Great King Piglet! What should I do?!"

Piglet captured his heart.

'Yeah, yeah, yeah. There are no poohs, no rabbits, no owls here. 'My, my, I have to protect it.'

When Piglet focused his head, he saw the faces of the beings who had entered the unique world.

'That's Pooh's shield! Bad humans! Not only did they kick us out, but they took our friend's relics!'

Piglet saw the Piggy family lined up in front of him. Thousands of years ago, the Piggy people were cute pink pigs with an average height of 60 to 80 cm, but today's Piggy people are fierce, muscular pink pigs with an average height of 2 meters. Piglet impregnated numerous female Piggy tribes and spread genes containing the power of primordial animal spirits. Piglet allowed only strong, muscular, superior individuals to give birth, and evolved the Piggy tribe over thousands of years. The current Piggy are exactly like the battle-mad, pig-headed, pot-bellied orcs from some fantasy novels, except their pink. The 90 cm tall pink pig discovered by humans 700 years ago was nothing more than a Piggy child who got lost after eating hallucinogenic poisonous mushrooms.

A pink pig, 2.5 meters tall, heavily muscled, and carrying a battle-ax on its back, stepped forward.

"Father. "The face looks unusual."

He was Urul, the strongest and smartest of Piglet's recently born children.

"Urul. Humans came into this world. There are eight of us, and they are still loitering at the entrance."

"How could that happen! Ordinary humans can't enter my father's inherent barrier!"

"Ma, ma, that's right. So, they are not ordinary people."

"I will lead the Pigi warriors right away and turn the humans into minced meat."

"No. "These are birds, birds, stronger than you think."

"More than your father?"

"Each one of you is weaker than I. But if you put it all together, you're stronger than I."

The Piggy people looked at Piglet with disbelief. Who can defeat Piglet, a great god who has existed since ancient times? But there is no way Piglet would lie.

Urul clearly understood Piglet's words and asked a question.

"Then what should I do?"

"Ooh, ooh, drag us into our pig den. When we come together we are strong, but when we disperse we become weak. "Well, well, I mean, separate the enemies from each other and eliminate them one by one."

"After all, your father is wise. "I will do that."

"If you don't think it will work, call me, me, me."

"No. We will resolve this level of crisis on our own. "Father, please watch in peace."


Urul stood up and shouted at the sight of the swarming Pigi tribe.

"Guys! Let's show the power of the Pigi tribe! Give us blood to drink and blessings! Blood and death to be shed on the enemies!"

"Give us blood to drink and blessings! Blood and death to be shed on the enemies! Waaaaa!!!!!"

Each of the Pigi people shouted and ignited the heat of battle. Afterward, the Pigi executives left the king's room and returned to their quarters. The underground pig caves are larger than the city of Brissen and are home to millions of Piggy people who have prospered from the abundance of honey for thousands of years. They were fully motivated to tear apart the humans who came into their home.


The Nazion party walked through a land dotted with honey ponds. Coconut trees and corn grow around the pond.

Aris picked corn with a curious face.

"What does this taste like?"

"What if it's poisonous?"

"You can burn poison with mana. "I'll just taste it."

Aris took a bite of corn.


"Oh, oh! It's so sweet! "It's just honey corn!"

"I want to eat too!"

When Aris put the corn kernels in her mouth and chewed them, the kernels burst and sprayed delicious honey. It has a savory and sweet taste mixed with corn and honey.

Kasha took her coconut and cracked open the top with her hands. Even the inside of the coconut is overflowing with golden honey water.


"Kyahahaha~ It's absolute paradise. Would you like to try darling too?"


As I took a sip, the sweetness of dense honey added to coconut milk spread in my mouth. The wives each picked fruits around them and started eating them as snacks.

Hehe. Even the grass is sweet here."

"My lord. When you suck this flower, honey comes out."

While they were passing the time sucking honey, Jazlyn cautioned in a serious tone.

"Everyone. Don't relax. This place is managed by someone. And that someone is wary of us."

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't this place so quiet?"

Only then did we realize that although there was such an abundance of honey, there was no living thing to be seen except birds or cats.

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