

Nadia wanted to say something, but Charles beat her to it. "Sofia is my daughter,Dexter, so that makes you my son–in–law. Since your wife hung her sister from the beams, you have to teach her a lesson on my behalf."

He stopped Nadia from speaking because he couldn't read Dexter. Dexter cocked his head and looked at me. "How could you hang your sister from the beams?"

Charles sighed in relief. He was about to add to Dexter's words when Dexter continued seriously, "You should've killed her before hanging her there."

This time, Charles wasn't the only stunned one. I was too. Dexter looked so serious.

And so, I educated him seriously, "Shut up. We can't break the law."

He nodded obediently. "Okay."

"Y–You two! How dare you!" Nadia's face was red with rage.

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